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Emerald Queen

Page 3

by L C Taylor

  Emersyn sighed, “I was holding it… it slipped out of my fingers.”

  Drake eyed the flower, “Well, let me salvage the flower. I can take it to the kitchen and put it in a bowl for now. Cassie can see it is repotted in the morning.”


  “Now… where do you keep your Band-Aids?”

  “I can do it myself, Drake.”

  “Emersyn… please stay in your bed. There is still glass on the floor.”


  She sighed and laid back in her bed. She heard the door open and smiled when she saw officer Sterling enter carrying a broom.

  “Let me sweep this up for you,” Sterling quickly swept the mess up, nodding at Drake as he carried the shards out of the room.

  Drake sat down on the bed beside Emersyn, “Here, let me see your foot.”

  Emersyn shifted her body, stretching her foot across his lap. Drake wiped at the dried blood and dusted the dirt off, “Humm, it appears you’ve stopped bleeding.”

  Not only had she stopped bleeding, the skin had knitted back together already. Drake palmed her foot, running his finger over the smooth skin.

  “The cut is gone.” He glanced at Emersyn.

  “What?” She jerked her foot back, “How is that possible?”

  “Emersyn,” Drake stood, “What do you know of your heritage?”

  “My heritage?” she pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose, “what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Everything.” He walked to the window, peering out into the night sky. “Emersyn, your family has been the kingdom’s ruler for generations. Do you know why that is?”

  “I mean… no. My family has been in rule for generations.”

  “Have you ever wondered why your mother seemed so in tune with the earth?” Drake turned to face her, “Emersyn, your mother was an elemental.”

  “An elemental?” Emersyn thought back to the conversation with her mother. “That’s what she was trying to tell me.”

  “What do you mean?” Drake crossed his arms across his chest.

  “The night before she died… she told me something that I blew off. She said that when I turn twenty-one, I would become tuned into the earth. I didn’t understand what she was saying. She was trying to tell me, wasn’t she?”

  “Yes, I think so.”

  “What does this mean?”

  “It means you are becoming the true queen.”

  “What am I supposed to do with all this, Drake? My mother isn’t here to help me understand this shit.”

  “I will call one of the other kingdom’s… one of the queens can help you through this.”

  “Wait… are you telling me that the other queens are all elementals?”

  “Yes… but that is for them to tell you.”

  He moved to stand in front of her, “You should rest. I will make some calls in the morning.”

  Emersyn scooted beneath the covers and laid back. Drake pulled the covers over her body, “Now sleep. Sterling will be posted right outside your door if you need something.”

  He brushed the hair from her face, palming her cheek. Drake brushed the pad of his thumb down the smooth skin, “We will figure this out.”

  Drake stood, putting distance between them. He couldn’t hide the smile as he watched Emersyn appraise his bare chest. She was feeling the attraction between them as well.

  Emersyn watched as he walked towards the door, “Thank you, Drake.”

  He nodded, turning the light off as he pulled the door closed and stepped out. Emersyn sighed into the darkness.

  Nothing made sense anymore.

  Chapter 6

  “Baxter,” Drake stormed into the Constable’s office and plopped down across from him, “we have a problem.”

  “Good morning to you, Commander.” Baxter stopped what he was doing and looked up at Drake, “What’s the problem?”

  “She’s coming into her powers.”

  “Well, shit.” Baxter leaned his elbows onto his desk and let out a sigh.

  “I explained things best I could. I promised to call one of the kingdoms so she could speak with another Queen. I think they’d be best suited to explain everything to her.”

  “Yes. That’s a perfect idea. Maybe the Sapphire Queen… her magic is closest to the magic awakening inside Emersyn.”

  “Do you want me to call her?”

  “No. I’ll call her and ask her to come for a visit. I think it’d be best for Emersyn to stay within the castle walls until we figure out who targeted her parents and why.”

  “Fine. I need to meet with Captain Hill. Queen Nite is sending her second in command today to discuss their findings.”

  “Keep me informed.” Baxter pressed his cell phone to his ear and nodded, dismissing Drake from their conversation.

  Drake pulled the door shut and closed his eyes.

  “Commander,” Cassie called out to him.

  “Cassie,” he smiled, “How can I help you this morning?”

  “I know Emersyn doesn’t want a party, but I need to start planning the celebration of her coronation – and well, her twenty-first birthday. I figured we could combine the two parties.”

  “Actually,” Drake smiled, “That’s not a bad idea. Walk with me. We can discuss this with the Captain.”

  Drake watched as Cassie’s cheeks pinked. “Oh… Ok.” She followed behind him as the headed down the hallway.

  “Captain Hill,” Drake stepped into his office, Cassie close behind him. “I have a few things we need to discuss, but first,” he motioned to Cassie, “Cassie would like to discuss the ball and her idea to combine Emersyn’s twenty-first birthday party.”

  “Cassie.” Alex smiled, “It’s nice to see you again. Have you given any thought to our last conversation?”

  “Oh… Um,” she fidgeted on her feet, “I’d rather stick to discussing the party.”

  “Fine…” Alex leaned back in his chair, “let’s hear it.”

  The men listened as she detailed her plans to combine the two celebrations into one. The surrounding kingdoms would be welcome to show a united front in the troubled times. She would incorporate Emersyn’s birthday into the mix, ensuring it would be happy festivities.

  “I don’t see any problems with your plans,” Alex stood from his chair, making his way around the desk to sit on the edge in front of Cassie. “I’ll make sure the security is doubled. And I bet the other kingdoms would offer to help with extra security.”

  “The only other thing…” Cassie swallowed, “Emersyn will need an escort. Typically, her father would do it.” She glanced at the two men, “Do you think the constable would do it?”

  “No.” Drake growled, “I’ll be escorting the queen. As her personal guard, it is my job to ensure she is protected at all times.”

  “Right… That’s exactly the reason you’re volunteering to escort her.” Alex laughed.

  “I think that’s a perfect idea,” Cassie blushed.

  “Good, then you won’t object to him escorting you.” Drake pointed towards Alex.

  “What? NO. I won’t be at the party as a guest.”

  “Yes, you will.” Drake stood, “Emersyn will need all the support she can get. And you’re her best friend, royal or not. Being there as her friend and guest is not optional.”

  “Fine, but I do not need an escort.” Cassie huffed.

  “That is also not negotiable. You will have an escort to the party. And Captain Hill is the perfect option.”

  “It’s time you realize status doesn’t mean as much as you think.” Alex stood, “We will speak later about the details, Cassie. Now, if you don’t mind, I need to talk to Drake alone.”

  “Sure,” she stood, “I’ll see you later.”

  Both men watched as Cassie left the room.

  “You’re in over your head.”

  “Aren’t you preaching to the choir?”

  “True. Alright. Time to look at the pressing matter. Any new updates on the Kin
g and Queen’s murder?”

  “Actually, I have something interesting to show you.” He walked back around his desk and slid open the drawer.

  Alex pulled a large manila envelope and handed it to Drake.

  “What is this?” Drake slid his thumb beneath the seal and opened it. Dumping the contents onto the desk, he looked back at Alex confused.

  “What am I looking at?”

  There was a photo of Emersyn, along with the other kingdom’s queens. Attached to the images was a letter addressed to her.

  “It came this morning. No return address and no one saw who delivered it.”

  “Fuck. Have you spoken to the other kingdoms?”

  “Yes. So far nothing has been delivered to the other queens – seems only Emersyn received a letter. Do we give this to her?”

  “No. Not yet. Let’s talk to the other commanders and decide after that. Emersyn does not need this stress with the celebration and her birthday happening. Put it in the safe for now.”

  “Fine. It took everything I had not to open the envelope. What if it is a threat?”

  “I don’t think it’s a threat… no, I worry it’s something much worse.”

  “How is Emersyn this morning?” Alex asked Drake as he locked the letter and photos into his safe.

  “I haven’t seen her yet. I’m headed there after we’re done.”

  “Are you going to tell her anything about this?”

  “No… and neither are you. Like I said,” he pulled the door open, “She doesn’t need the stress right now. As soon as the party is over, we will give it to her. Until then, it stays between us.”

  Alex nodded, “I need to make a call to the other kingdoms. Let the commanders know what we’ve decided and to be on the lookout for something similar.”

  Drake nodded and pulled the door shut as he stepped out into the hallway. His gut told him that letter held something nefarious.

  Something that would change the entire kingdom.

  Chapter 7

  Emersyn sat on the edge of her bed. She’d barely slept last night after her conversation with Drake. Everything she’d held dear seemed to be unraveling in front of her eyes. Her whole life she’d known her mother was special, but an elemental… no, that was more than she could comprehend.

  “Emersyn?” Cassie spoke her name as she entered her room.

  “Hey, Cassie,” Emersyn forced a smile at her friend. “What’s up?”

  “I came to check on you and see how you were doing. Your guard told me you had an incident last night.”

  “Yeah – I dropped a plant and cut my foot.”

  “What?” Cassie hurried to her side, “Let me see.”

  “It’s fine. Drake cleaned it up for me.”

  “Drake cleaned it up for you?”

  “Yeah – he heard the commotion and came running into my room. It was embarrassing.”

  “So, let me get this straight. Drake rushed into your room in the middle of the night to check on you. That isn’t his duty. That’s what the night guard is for.”

  “Yeah… shirtless no less.”

  “Hold the fuck up!” Cassie giggled, “Drake was in your room shirtless? God, I bet he looks good enough to eat.”


  “What? We've had this discussion. Drake is hot and he is into you. It’s obvious. You still gonna sit there and tell me you don’t want that hunk of meat?”

  “Fine. You’re right. He’s hot. And damn if it didn’t take all my will power to refrain from climbing him like a jungle gym.”

  “Your Majesty.”

  Emersyn’s eyes widened with the realization that Drake was standing in her doorway and had likely heard her confession.

  “Oh shit.” Cassie whispered.

  “Commander.” Emersyn tried to hide the embarrassment she was feeling. Cassie shook her head and smiled.

  “I’ll come back. We need to decide what you’re wearing to the party this weekend.”


  “Yeah – your birthday and coronation celebration.”

  “Ugh… I’d forgotten about that. I’ll come find you when we’re done here.”

  “See you later.” Cassie left them to speak.

  “Emersyn,” Drake shut the door. “Are you alright?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you for last night.”

  “Cassie told you about the party this weekend?”

  “Not really,” She stood and walked toward him, “You interrupted our conversation.”

  “That’s right, you were discussing climbing me like a jungle gym.”

  Emersyn’s cheeks pinked, “Um… sorry about that. Now,” She sighed, “Why are you here?”

  “What… you’ve changed your mind?” He crowded Emersyn backward.

  “Changed my mind about what?”

  “Climbing me like a jungle gym?” His body pressed against hers as her back flattened against the cool wall.

  “I…” she gulped, her breaths coming out in shallow bursts. “I didn’t say that.”

  Drake brushed his knuckles down the side of her face and pressed his forehead to hers.

  “The things you do to me, Emersyn.” He stood, putting some distance between them and turning his back to her.

  “What do I do to you?” She followed him across the room.

  “You make me feel things I should not feel for my queen.”

  “And that’s a bad thing?” She placed her hand on his shoulder.

  “Yes. Right now you have other things to worry about – this…” he glanced over his shoulder at her, “attraction will only complicate things.”

  “I don’t see how it would complicate anything – unless we let it.”

  “Jesus Christ,” Drake gripped her hand in his, pulling her around to his front, “You are my queen. That’s a complication all on its own. Let’s also not forget we are trying to find your parents killers.” He laced his fingers through hers.

  “I can’t deny the way you make me feel, Drake. My parents death has nothing to do with that.”

  “You should find someone your age, Emersyn.”

  “So that’s it. It’s my age.”

  Drake held her gaze. The green of her eyes sucking him into their depths. “No… your age isn’t the issue.”

  “Then what? Because I don’t see the problem.”

  Drake smirked, trying to fight the raging battle in his chest. He wanted her and she wanted him, yet he knew now wasn’t the time for them to get tangled up in one another.

  “We must focus on your coronation party. And finding the truth. Once that has passed, then…” He tilted her chin with his free hand, “then we can explore this chemistry between us.”

  Emersyn nodded, “You’re right.”

  Drakes eyes dropped to her lips. Emersyn watched the internal war play out across his face. She stood on her tip toes and ended the battle by pressing her lips to his. Drake froze as her lips moved against his. Giving into the desire, he pulled her tighter against him and let go of his control.

  Their mouths moved as one as his tongue snaked between her lips. Emersyn moaned into his mouth as Drake fisted her hair in his hand. The kiss filled her body with heat, pooling between her legs making her body like jelly.

  Drake broke free, “Fuck.” His head rested against hers, “How will I stay away now that I’ve tasted you, Emersyn.”

  “You don’t. Drake, I want you. I won’t pretend otherwise. This doesn’t have to be a complication. You can do your job and still have me.”

  Drake stepped away, placing some space between them. “No. It can’t go beyond this right now. I need a clear head to keep you safe.”

  Emersyn folded her hands across her chest, accentuating her full bust. Drakes eyes flicked down to the swells of her breast.

  “I came to tell you I’ll be your escort to the party this weekend. Cassie will be attending as your friend and Alex, rather the Captain, will be escorting her.”

  Drake hurried to the door, “Come
find me later so we can discuss the security for the event. In the meantime, Baxter needs you to meet him in his office. He has the information for you. It appears the Sapphire Queen will be visiting tomorrow to discuss your newly found magic.”

  “You’re just going to leave?” Emersyn felt anger rising in her gut.

  “If I stay you and I will end up in that bed, Emersyn. That cannot happen right now. There is too much at stake.”

  “Fine. I’ll go talk to the Constable.”

  Emersyn huffed as Drake pulled the door shut. Her body hummed when he’d kissed her. She was done denying she wanted him.

  He could pull this ‘your safety comes first bullshit’, but she was the queen and if there was one thing her mother taught her, it was she could have anything she wanted.

  And Emersyn wanted Drake.

  Chapter 8

  “Emersyn,” Sarifena Azurite, the Sapphire Queen, pulled her into a hug. “God, you look like your father.”

  Emersyn hugged her back, tears welling in her eyes, “Thank you for coming.”

  “Girl, of course I’d come. We girls must stick together. Especially now.”

  Emersyn didn’t need to ask her what she meant, she knew every kingdom was on high alert since her parents murder. Serafina’s mother was still alive, but her own father had died before she was born. The Sapphire Queen ruled alone until Sarifena was old enough to take the crown – which was shortly after her twenty-first birthday.

  “So… the Constable told me you’ve started to demonstrate some of your elemental power.”

  “Um… yeah – I guess.” Emersyn shrugged her shoulders.

  “I take it your mother hadn’t told you about your bloodline before dying?”

  “Not really. I mean,” Emersyn took a breath, “She hinted around to it the night before she died.”

  “Alright, well – shall we go to the garden? I think it would be best to be outside to have this discussion.” Sarifena nodded towards her guard, beckoning him to follow, “Don’t worry, we’ll be safe.”

  Emersyn lead Sarifena to the garden outside the library. The patio was lined with flowers and plants, and off to the side was the entrance to the maze garden.

  “Alright,” Sarifena began, “As you’ve learned so far, your mother was an elemental. She was a witch who drew her powers from certain elements of the universe. Each of the kingdoms represents one of the elements. You’ve probably figured out by now that you’re an earth elemental.”


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