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Emerald Queen

Page 8

by L C Taylor

  No matter what, he’d be there for her. Drake feared this was just the beginning of the fallout. He only wished he had some insight into what other secrets were lurking in the dark. His instinct was to protect her at all costs, yet, this unknown foe made it nearly impossible.

  And that scared him more than any secret could.

  Chapter 20

  The morning light stretched across Emersyn’s bare skin. Drake laid on his side, watching her sleep. He was worried about her. Glancing at the nightstand, he reached for the leather journal. A simple thing, yet… it had upended everything she’d believed.

  Drake flicked the leather open, fingering the pages, he began to read over the words. It was part of the puzzle… but how, he had no idea.

  “What are you doing?” Emersyn’s voice startled him, causing him to drop the journal.

  “Sorry… I was curious to see it for myself.” He closed the pages and laid the bound lies on the bed.

  “I guess we should get up,” Emersyn stretched, causing the sheet to drift down exposing her tanned skin.

  “Yes…” Drake pressed his lips to her ribcage, “maybe a shower first?” His cheeky grin made her laugh.

  “A shower sounds good,” Emersyn rolled, wrapping her leg around his. “But first maybe…” she ground her center against his thigh.

  Drake rolled her, pinning Emersyn’s upper body beneath his. His arousal pressed eagerly against her opening. Emersyn spread her legs, beckoning him to enter her. Emersyn moaned, arching her back into him. Drake fused his lips to her silken mouth. He plundered between her lips trying to get closer.

  With one thrust of his hips, Drake pushed inside her. His cock pulsated as it slipped passed her wet lips demanding to be rooted in her depths.

  Emersyn grunted as his balls came to rest against her butt. Drake began to move, slowly at first. But as Emersyn’s moans filled the room, his moves became more aggressive. Emersyn’s hips began to undulate, meeting his with every thrust.

  Drake was relentless as he pounded her, harder, and harder, faster, and faster. He was like a possessed man.

  Something began to unfurl inside Emersyn. It was like tiny fingers dancing up her spine. Drake paused, grinding his hips into her. His finger sought out her tiny nub, swollen and sensitive.

  When he pressed down on the pink flesh, Emersyn cried out. Her inner walls tightened around Drakes engorged rock-hard cock.

  “FUCK, Emersyn.” He cried out as his own heated release spurted from his body. Emersyn’s cunt milked him for every last drop, leaving them both gasping for air.

  Emersyn held tight, as Drake collapsed on top of her. She turned her head, “Well…” she giggled, “I guess you bring out the magic in me.”

  Drake followed her line of sight and laughed when he saw what she was talking about. The lily on the window seat had grown, exponentially. The flower was two times its original size and had broken through the clay pot.

  “That’s interesting.”

  Drake rolled from the bed and held out his hand, “How about that shower?”

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  Emersyn tapped her fingers against the table. She was waiting on Sarifena in the library, the journal taunting her from the corner. Emersyn had no idea how she was going to tell Sarifena the news.

  How would she take it? Would she hate Emersyn?

  “Emersyn,” Sarifena smiled from the doorway, “You’re absolutely glowing. Is it safe to say you’ve gotten the man?”

  Emersyn blushed, “Yeah… you could say that. How are you, Sarifena?”

  “Call me Sari… I think we can lose the formality, we’re friends now, right?” She pulled Emersyn into a hug.

  Emersyn burst into tears. The raw emotion of knowing that Sarifena was her half sister caused a dam to break.

  “Jesus… What happened?”

  “Oh Sari,” Emersyn snorted, handing her the journal, “I found my dad’s journal.”

  Sarifena turned the worn leather book over in her hands, “I take it… this holds some secrets?”

  “You have no idea.” Emersyn shook her head. She wished she hadn’t sent Drake away. She’d told him she needed to do this alone, but now – now, she wished he was here to give her some guidance.

  “Well,” Sarifena tossed it to the table, “out with it. It must be bad if you’re already crying.”

  “My dad… he had a sordid past before my mother.”

  “A lot of men did, Emersyn. That’s not a surprise.”

  “He fathered another child.” Emersyn stared at Sarifena, gauging her response.


  “And this child does not know it. Her mother and my parents decided it was best kept secret. She was married to her compliment – the affair happened when they’d first gotten together.”

  “Are you telling me that one of the other queens is your half-sister?”

  “That’s exactly what I am saying, Sarifena.”

  “And she has no idea?”

  “No. None.”

  “You have to tell her, Emersyn. You can’t keep a secret like this to yourself.”

  “I know…” Emersyn took a deep breath, “Sarifena,” she gulped, “It’s you. My dad was your father.”

  Chapter 21

  “What?” Sarifena blinked her eyes, “That can’t be right.”

  “Sari,” Emersyn grabbed her hand, “it’s all in the journal. We can get tested to confirm if you want, but there was no reason for him to write it down. There’s more.”

  “More… you just told me that my mother lied to me my entire life… what more can there be?”

  “I don’t know exactly. The timeline is straight forward until the last entry I read. It made it seem there was something else he had been hiding.”

  “May I read it for myself?” Sarifena asked.

  Emersyn handed her the journal, “I’ve only gotten to December 14th in the journal.”

  “I just need to read his words. See him confess to being my dad. All these years I was fatherless – but it was a lie.”

  Sarifena sat down and flipped through the pages. Her eyes were heavy with tears when she finally set the book down.

  “It’s true. I need to call my mother.” Sarifena stood.

  “I can leave – give you some privacy.”

  “No… stay.” Sarifena grabbed her wrist, “You’re my sister after all.”

  Emersyn nodded and took a seat. She watched as Sarifena paced the floor.

  “Mother,” Sarifena put the call on speaker, “I am here with Emersyn and we’ve found something. Something that changes everything.”

  “What could possibly change everything,” her mother’s voice was tight.

  “I think you know, Mom. The only question I have is why?”

  “Sarifena… what are you talking about?”

  “The king, Mother. Dax Virid was my father.”

  “How…” Emersyn could hear the soft whimper in her mother’s voice.

  “Is. It. True?”



  “I didn’t mean for you to find out this way.”

  “You didn’t want me to find out at all.”

  “Sarifena, there is so much at stake here. Do you understand the turmoil this secret would cause in the kingdom?”

  “Would it really matter? King Virid is dead. My fath…” she paused, “the man you said was my father died a long time ago.”

  “I’m sorry, Sarifena. I never meant to hurt you. Dax and I were lovers, until he met Emmalyn and I met Phillip.”

  “So, you had one more fling before tying the knot? Is that what happened?”

  “No… yes… God this is such a mess. When I met Phillip, I wasn’t sure of myself. I continued to see Dax, even after Phillip and I were married. It was stupid but it ended as soon as he met Emmalyn. Sarifena, I never met my compliment.”

  “That shouldn’t matter, Mother. Being faithful and loving, that matters. I need to go. Emersyn and I have so
me things to discuss.” Sarifena disconnected the call and tossed her phone onto the couch.

  “Sarifena?” Emersyn gave her a half-hearted smile, “I am sure your mother was doing what she thought was best. I mean,” she ran her fingers through her hair, “Something like that might have destroyed the kingdom. They weren’t as forward thinking as we are now.”

  “Fine… but why not tell me once I took the crown. I had a right to know. I had no father growing up – he could have been,” She screamed, “What the fuck am I thinking. He had a family.”

  “Oh… stop that. I am just as angry. I grew up lonely and all this time I had a sister.”

  Sarifena pulled her into a hug, “What now?”

  “I think we only tell our commanders, until we figure out what other secrets my parents were hiding. Like I said,” she pushed open the doors to the garden, “that last entry made no sense. I want to keep reading his journal and see what I can learn.”

  “Fine. In the meantime, lets go practice some magic. I need to blow off some steam.”

  Chapter 22

  Sarifena and Emersyn spent the day toying with their magic. Emersyn had gotten pretty good at controlling the plant life, so much so, when Drake appeared in the garden, she had him wrapped up like a mummy with vines.

  “Shit,” she fell into a fit of laughter. “I didn’t see you, Drake. Sorry.”

  “Fine,” he huffed out, trying to breathe beneath the plants arms. “Can you get me out – it’s rather tight.”

  Sarifena couldn’t contain her giggles, she was bent over, tears streaming down her face as she watched Emersyn try and reverse the magic.

  “Fuck,” she waved her hands, “Sari, it’s not working.”

  “I,” she gasped for air, “know.” She fanned her face, trying to gain composure of herself. “You have to place your hands on the vines and will them away.”

  Emersyn shrugged her shoulders and placed her palm on the vines. Closing her eyes, a soft glow began to fill the space between them. Drake dropped to his knees, inhaling a large breath of air.

  “Jesus Christ. Remind me not to piss you off.”

  “I’m sorry, baby.” She meshed their lips together and pressed her body flush to his. “Do you forgive me?”

  “Yes…” he kissed her again. “You two have been out here for hours. Are you hungry?”

  “I’m starved.” Sarifena smiled.

  “Good. Dinner is ready, I was sent to fetch you. Shall we head back to the castle?”

  “Lead the way, Commander.”

  Sarifena and Emmersyn looped their arms and skipped behind Drake. “Damn,” Sarifena whispered, “You got one hell of a man.”

  Emersyn smirked, “Stop looking at my man’s ass, Sari.”

  “Come on… I know he’s yours, but I can still look.”

  “I can hear you.” Drake continued walking forward.

  Emersyn burst out laughing as Sarifena’s cheeks pinked, “Oops, sorry, Commander.”

  Once they arrived back at the library, Emersyn went to grab the journal.


  “What is it, Emersyn?”

  “The journal is gone.”

  “Are you sure?” Drake rushed to her side, Sarifena right behind him.

  “Yes. I left it on this table when Sari and I went out to practice. Someone took it.”

  “Shit…” Sarifena shook her head, “This is bad. Emersyn, what if someone spills our secret?”

  “I’m calling Alex. We will find out who came in here while you were gone.”

  Drake pulled his phone out. “Captain, I need you in the library. We have a situation.”

  “This is bad… real bad.” Sarifena ran her fingers through her short black hair. “It’s not like I am ashamed to be related to you… but, I’m not ready to tell anyone my mother was a whore.”

  “Your Majesty?” Captain Hill had entered the room and was looking at Sarifena oddly.

  “Crap, Captain.”

  “Captain,” Drake dipped his head, “We are about to tell you something that does not leave this room. Emersyn found her father’s journal.”

  “Yes, Cassie told me last night.”

  “Well,” Drake continued, “in that journal, her father confesses a secret. A secret that could rattle the kingdom.”

  “Ok… and how does this have to do with the Sapphire Queen being a whore,” Alex looked to Sarifena, “my apologies Your Majesty, but I heard you.”

  “Please, call me Sarifena. And do not apologize, Captain.”

  “Alex, call me Alex.”

  “Fine, Alex. As Drake was saying, Emersyn learned that I am her half-sister. Apparently, my mother was not married to her compliment and Dax and she… well,” she closed her eyes, “They had been together.”

  “Wait… half-sister?”

  “Yes. As it turns out, Dax was really my father.”

  “And the journal? What else did it say?”

  “That’s the problem.” Emersyn cut in, “It’s gone. Someone took it.”

  “Took it?” Alex ran his hand down his face, “How?”

  “We don’t know. Emersyn and Sarifena had left it in the library when they left. When she came back, it was gone. We need to find out who has been in the castle.”

  “I’ll get some men on it right away. This is so fucked up,” Alex sighed, “Pardon my language.”

  “Nope… you’re right. It’s fucked up. We need to call the other queens and let them know about the journal. We can tell them it had information in it, leading us to believe King Virid was hiding something.”

  “Are you sure that’s wise, Emersyn?”

  “Yes. We will have to tell them eventually about Sarifena and I, but for now that’s enough.”

  “Any word on the Diamond Queen?” Sarifena asked.

  “None. It’s like who ever took her just vanished.”

  “Fuck.” Sarifena screamed into the room, “What if they killed her already?”

  “We can’t think like that.” Emersyn huffed.

  “Fine. Let’s go call the other queens. Maybe they have information we don’t. Captain,” Sarifena smiled at Alex, “Please let us know once you’ve found out who was in the castle. We need that journal back.”

  Chapter 23

  Sarifena stayed for two weeks, helping Emersyn with her magic, while getting to know her. They’d shared stories of growing up, what King Virid was like, and learned that they’d both been lonely. Sarifena finally left, saying she needed to stop avoiding her mother. It was time to hear her side of the story and maybe learn something that would help. The other queens were on high alert, knowing the journal was out there.

  Emersyn sat with her legs tucked beneath her. She was in the garden, soaking up the sunlight, when Drake found her.

  “Emersyn,” he sat down, tugging her body to his, “I’ve been looking for you.”

  “I needed some space,” she leaned into him, “is everything ok?”

  “Yes… and no.” He slid from the bench to his knees, “I love you, Emersyn. And I know everything is tense right now…” he cupped her hands in his, “But I needed to remind you that I am here, and I love you.”

  “I love you too, Drake. I’m sorry I’ve been distant. All this mess with my dad’s journal has me on edge. Speaking of the journal, any luck finding it?”

  “No. It’s as though whomever entered the Castle did so with out being seen. I’m sorry. I know you still have questions.”

  Emersyn reached out and brushed her hand through his hair. Her palm slid down, cupping his cheek. “Yes, but with you, I will figure this out. Hell,” she smiled, “I have a sister now.”

  “And you have me,” Drake shifted his weight, tugging something from his pocket, “I know it hasn’t been long – but I will love you for eternity, Emersyn. I can’t think of life without you. Please put me out of my misery and marry me. Say you’ll be mine forever.” He pulled a ring from the tiny box and held it up.

  Emersyn’s breath caught. It was the mo
st stunning ring she’d seen. It was a emerald cut diamond, surrounded by round emeralds. She reached out and fingered the tiny gems.

  “Drake?” she looked into his eyes. Eyes that held promise of forever, “Yes… oh my God. YES!” she clasped the ring in her hand and leapt into his lap.

  Drake wrapped his arms around her, pressing his hand into her hair. “Thank God. I thought you were going to say no with everything going on. But I couldn’t wait any longer. I had to ask.”

  “Thank you for not waiting.”

  Drake lifted her from the ground and settled them both on the bench. He took the ring from her grasp and slipped it onto her finger. He glanced around the garden, shaking his head, “You did it again.”

  Emersyn looked around. Every flower had bloomed, leaving them surrounded by fragrant smells and sights.


  She leaned in, pressing her delicate mouth to his. Drake met her eager lips with his own, kissing her as though it was the first and last time.

  When they broke apart, “I need to call Sarifena.”

  “Absolutely,” Drake stood, holding his hand out, “Let’s go.”

  Hand in hand they walked back to the castle. Emersyn couldn’t help but smile. Even in this horrific time, she felt happy. Captain Hill was waiting for them in the Library.

  “I have some news.”

  Emersyn glanced at Drake, “We do, too. You first.”

  “The journal has turned up.”

  “Wait… what?” Emersyn let go of Drakes hand, “Where?”

  “The Onyx Kingdom.”

  “Shit…” Emersyn grabbed her phone from the side table, “I’m calling Sarifena. She needs to hear this.”

  “Queen Nite said the journal showed up at the Castle door. A maid found it and brought it to the Queen.”

  “Has she opened it?”

  “I do not know.”

  “Call her, Captain. Find out if she has opened the journal and read it.”

  “Yes ma’am. You had news as well?”

  “It’s not important,” Emersyn waived her hand, dismissing him.

  “That looks important.” Alex spied the gigantic rock on her finger. “Congratulations, Drake. I see she said yes.”


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