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Loving Vincent: A Mafia Romance Novella

Page 8

by Nikita Slater

  “I have Lola, she’s fine,” Vince assured her. “She was picked up seconds after he grabbed you. She wants her mama, but otherwise she’s unharmed.”

  “Oh, thank god!” Jenna exclaimed and threw herself at Vince, bursting into tears.

  Vince caught her against his chest and held her tightly, pressing his lips to the top of her head as she howled against him. She felt someone touch her back and looked up to find Jared hovering next to them. She gave him a watery smile and reached out to squeeze his hand.

  “Take her,” Vince said, pushing Jenna into Jared’s arms and reaching under his leather jacket.

  Jenna gasped when he pulled a gun out and set his knee on the edge of the van. He trained the weapon on Zach’s head.

  “Stop!” Jenna gasped. “You can’t do that!”

  Vince twisted around to look at her. “I have to, baby. He’s unhinged, he’ll just keep coming after you. I refuse to live with his shadow infecting our lives.”

  “He kidnapped me,” Jenna insisted. “He’ll go to prison.”

  “He’ll be out in a few years.” Vince’s voice was flat.

  She shook head and reached out for him. Vince ignored her for a second then nodded at Jared who let her go. She took hold of Vince, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging his face down to hers. “Don’t do this,” she whispered. “I won’t be able to live with myself if you kill him.”

  “But you’ll live, Jenna, and that’s all I care about right now. He could’ve killed you. Worst moment of my life when you I saw you go off the road.”

  “I’m okay now, I’m not hurt,” she assured him, pressing her lips against his. “He’s not worth the stain on your conscience.”

  Finally, Vince dropped his arm, pulling the gun away from Zach’s head. He hugged her tight against his body. “Baby, it’s adorable that you think anything could stain my conscience.”

  “You’re not a bad man, Vince.”

  He snorted, picked her up and carried her away from the scene of the accident. She could hear sirens heading their way.

  “Let’s go home,” she whispered.

  “Home,” he echoed in agreement and climbed into Jared’s truck.


  It took some time to calm Lola down, and it broke Vince’s heart to see the little girl sobbing in her mother’s arms babbling about what’d happened. He wondered how long the trauma would stay with her and vowed to get hold of a child psychologist who could make Lola better. It took hours that night before she was willing to let her mama out of her sight and finally Jenna had to go lay down with Lola in her bed until she fell asleep.

  That’s where Vince found her, curled onto her side, sound asleep wrapped around her daughter. Lola had her hand tangled in Jenna’s hair again and her thumb in her mouth. Jenna had told him that she’d stopped doing that a year ago. It was probably a comforting habit that she needed after such a traumatic day.

  Vince bent over and gently untangled the little hand from Jenna’s bright red locks, then gathered Jenna into his arms, picking her up. She woke up as he was carrying her down the hall.

  “Where’re we going?” she mumbled against his shoulder.

  “Bed,” he grunted.

  “Need a shower.”

  “You can shower tomorrow,” he told her.

  She yawned widely as he placed her on her feet and shook her head. “I want to wash the smell of this awful day off me. Please, Vince.”

  It was the please that got him. He couldn’t resist when Jenna really wanted something. She’d intrigued him with only a picture, fired his lust at one meeting and stole his heart with those big beautiful eyes, that melodic voice and her precocious daughter. As long as he lived he would never get enough of Jenna. She was it for him, his one and only. When she said please and meant it, he was compelled to listen.

  “Okay,” he relented. “We shower together then. Don’t want you out of my sight.”

  She smiled sleepily. “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  Vince stripped her, running his hands over her body as he pulled the clothing away. Each scrape and bruise was another nail in Zach’s coffin. The man had hurt Vince’s woman and he was going to pay with his suffering before Vince allowed him to go to hell. He had a man keeping an eye on Zach in the hospital, where Zach was recovering from broken ribs, a broken leg and a serious concussion. According to his doctor he would be out of the hospital in a couple of weeks.

  Vince stripped himself too and then, taking Jenna’s arm so she wouldn’t fall, helped her into the shower. She was practically sleeping on her feet. She closed her eyes, leaned against the wall and allowed him to wash every inch of her body, sighing in relief as the heated water passed over her body.

  “Lift your foot,” he instructed, kneeling to wash her legs and feet.

  She complied and he watched her, thoroughly and with as little lust as he could manage. When he finished washing Jenna he stood and ran the soap over his own body in quick economical movements, wanting to get out of the shower and put Jenna to bed. But before he could turn the water off, Jenna stepped in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck, tugging his head down to hers.

  “Please, Vince, will you… can we….” she stuttered, then blew out a frustrated breath and tried to look him in the eye. “I just want to feel loved. The good kind of love, not the kind that almost got me killed today.”

  “Oh baby, you are loved, with all my heart and soul. I should’ve said it so many times by now.”

  She smiled big and went up on her tiptoes to kiss him, he lowered his head obligingly and gave her as chaste a kiss as he could. The sight and feel of her naked body, her full tits pressing against him was driving him nuts. He needed to get her out of the shower and into some pajamas before he forgot his good intentions and fucked Jenna with a savage need. All of his instincts told him to take her, to touch her, lick her and fuck her everywhere, to affirm to himself that she was unharmed. The tiny ray of chivalry that she’d sparked inside him over the past weeks told him to treat her like she was made out of glass.

  As Jenna tried to deepen the kiss, Vince lifted his head and reached for the tap. “No, baby, I don’t want to hurt you. Let’s go to bed.”

  She grabbed his wrist before he could shut the water off. She looked him in the eye and said, “I need this, Vince. I need to be reminded that I’m alive and safe, here with you.”

  Her words echoed his thoughts, still… “We should get out.”

  “Vince.” Her voice took on a stern tone.

  “Jenna.” His was pleading. “I’m trying to do the decent thing here.”

  “Vince, fuck me right now.” She reached down and wrapped her fingers around his raging hard-on, the one he’d been valiantly attempting to ignore, but that she apparently noticed.

  With her words and action that tiny ray of chivalry died. He picked her up and, turning around, shoved her back against the shower wall. She squealed in surprise and then wrapped her arms around his shoulders enthusiastically. He lifted her legs and helped her place them over his hips, bringing her hot little pussy in direct contact with the tip of his cock.

  He held eye contact as he slid inside her, pushing until he bottomed out. She moaned loudly and tipped her head back, closing her eyes.

  “Look at me,” he commanded. “Don’t stop.”

  Her eyes opened, they were glazed with passion and it took her a moment to focus on his face. The second she did, he began moving inside her in slow leisurely strokes. She gasped and moaned as he raked her pussy walls with his cock, over and over. He pressed his hand against her lower back, forcing even more contact between them. With each thrust he grazed her clit and sent her soaring toward the orgasm she was begging for.

  Her beautiful blue eyes, locked on him, sent him into a frenzy. He could read every emotion, every bit of pleasure she was experiencing at his hands. It was a powerful feeling, knowing he was the one giving her a release. He began fucking her in long, hard strokes, trying not to pr
ess her too hard against the shower wall, but wanting to feel every inch of her, wanting the squeeze of her pussy on his dick as she exploded all around him.

  Her nails dug into his shoulder, the sharp bite of pain increasing his frenzy. It was a heady feeling knowing she wanted him as much as he wanted her. That he could take her to paradise and join her there, before they both floated back to reality.

  They both orgasmed together, the feeling of her vaginal muscles contracting around him, milking him, drove him over the edge. As she shouted her pleasure, he grunted his release in her ear, while shooting his load of semen deep into her pussy. They stayed connected that way for a few minutes, just holding each other, resting against the wall and breathing deeply.

  Finally, Vince gently separated his body from hers, turned the shower off and helped her step out. Her legs wobbled so he made her sit on the edge of the bathtub, which was next to the shower stall, while he dried her off. She sighed happily and closed her eyes, clearly savouring the feeling of him running the towel over her tired body. He realized he probably had minutes if not seconds before she was soundly asleep.

  He dried himself quickly and helped her to her feet, guiding her to their bed. He lifted the blankets and she crawled in naked, her head hitting the pillow and a sigh of satisfaction escaping her lips. She was asleep before he even climbed in behind her, wrapping himself protectively around her body. He brushed the hair back from her face, kissed the shell of her ear and whispered, “I love you, Jenna.”

  He settled down and was about to fall asleep when her sleepy voice drifted through the darkness of the bedroom. “I love you too, Vince.”


  “Heard you have a date with Sharon,” Vince said, lighting up a cigar.

  He wasn’t a smoker. Not really, but today was a good day for a smoke. It’d been a month since the accident. Jenna and Lola were fully recovered and happily running Vince and his home. He wouldn’t want it any other way. His two girls were the world to him, they belonged to him and he planned on taking very good care of them.

  “What are you, some kind of gossip now?” Jared grunted his annoyance.

  “Hardly,” Vince said drily. “Jenna told me this morning before Sharon came over for the day. Apparently they’ve been planning a spa trip or some shit before the big date.”

  “Jesus,” Jared mumbled. “Was just going to take her out for a drink, maybe dinner at Applebee’s or something.”

  “You need to up your game man. Spa day means you might get some, but not if Applebee’s is your date plan.”

  “I need a smoke,” Jared complained, reaching for Vince’s cigar.

  Vince allowed it, glancing down from where they were standing. They were on the second level of scaffolding at one of the job sites. Below them was a sea of concrete, slowly filling the pit that would become the parking garage to a brand-new luxury apartment building. It would also become Zach Morris’ grave.

  Vince watched dispassionately as the broken bleeding man slowly sank into the wet concrete. More concrete was pouring from a truck into the pit. The truck was manned by a guy who knew to look the other way. Vince was satisfied that Zach would no longer present any problems. His disappearance would coincide with a suicide note, outlining his regret over his treatment of his ex-wife. He would also be kind enough to leave his entire estate to his daughter, as was outlined in his new and improved will, signed shortly before his disappearance. Of course, there wouldn’t be a body to prove a suicide actually happened, so his estate would likely be tied up for years, but it would be waiting for Lola when she turned eighteen and was old enough to claim her inheritance.

  Vince stepped back, slapped Jared on the back and said, “Keep an eye on him, made sure the fuck doesn’t manage to crawl out.”

  Jared snorted. “Would be a little hard with all those broken bones.”

  Before tossing Zack off the scaffolding into the concrete, they rebroke his freshly healing leg and then went after his other three limbs. Just to make sure he understood he shouldn’t try to run away while they administered his punishment. A sound beating followed by suffocating in a bed of freshly poured concrete. Or maybe it was drowning? Vince wasn’t sure. He could Google it though, if he really wanted to know.

  “Going home?” Jared asked as Vince reached for the ladder.

  “Yep, got a date with a hot redheaded.”

  “Taking her to Applebee’s?” Jared teased.

  Vince snorted. “Not if I want to get laid tonight. A guy only needs to learn that lesson once.”

  Jared roared with laughter as Vince climbed down to the ground and strode away. He’d be back in the morning, business as normal. His enemy dead and his family tucked away safely at home. Life didn’t get much better than this.


  “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Lola, happy birthday to you!”

  Jenna laughed at the godawful singing of a house was filled with guests attending Lola’s birthday. She laughed even harder, Vince chuckling at her side, as Lola blew on her candles so hard her little face turned red with the effort. It was her fourth birthday and she was beyond excited for the cake, presents and friends. She bounced around like only a little girl on a massive sugar high could.

  “Excuse me,” Jenna said, slipping out of Vince’s embrace and heading to the kitchen for the plates and forks.

  Her mother reached out to squeeze her arm as she passed and Jenna grinned and touched her mom back. It had been a heartbreakingly wonderful reunion when she finally went to see her parents again. They had tearfully accepted her explanation of why she couldn’t see them until now, listening to her describe her years with Zach and his constant threats. They were grateful for Vince’s presence in her life, he brought Jenna and Lola back to them.

  “Hey nurse.”

  Jenna jumped at the deep voice that interrupted her thoughts as she was reaching into the cupboard for plates.

  “How are you Enrico?” she asked carefully.

  She was still getting used to his presence. He was released from prison a few weeks ago and Vince had added the big scary tattooed guy to the house security team. At first Jenna had balked, upset that Vince would allow a killer that close to the family. That was the first time Vince told her anything about his past. Though he wasn’t explicit in detail, she was left with the impression that Enrico was a fluffy bunny in comparison to Vince. She had finally agreed to have Enrico in her home, though she was still wary. It was one thing knowing that Vince had killed people, but she had experienced Enrico’s brutality firsthand when she’d tried to revive a man he stabbed and ultimately killed.

  She still didn’t understand how he got out of jail so quickly after what happened. Someone, probably Vince, had pulled some strings.

  “Let me take those.” Enrico lifted the pile of plates and forks from her hands and walked ahead of her back into the living room where the party was being held.

  “Oh, thanks,” she said, and followed him.

  Before she could cross the threshold between the kitchen and the living room, Vince grabbed her around the waist and lifted her right off her feet, carrying her backwards. She laughed and gripped his shoulders, then let out a yelp as he pushed her into the pantry, walked in after her and slammed the door shut.

  “Vince - ” she gasped, but he cut her off with a kiss that stole her breath and sent her pulse soaring.

  In seconds her arms were wrapped around his neck and he was lifting her up, setting her butt on one of the shelves. His hands were everywhere at once, touching her, caressing, squeezing. Her skin tingled and her belly swirled in anticipation. If she didn’t stop him he’d fuck her right there in the pantry where anyone, including her mother, could walk in. She tore her lips from his.

  “Vince, not here!” she gasped.

  “Yes, here,” he growled and dragged her head toward his for another kiss, while he slid a hand under the back of her shirt and up her body until he reached her bra where he quickl
y and skillfully unsnapped it.

  “But… people!” she cried.

  “I will fuck my wife, when and where I please. Now stop talking so I can make you come.”

  Jenna and Vince had gotten married as soon as Vince could legally get the paperwork and drag her in front of a Justice. They had now been happily married for seven months.

  He shoved his hand down the front of her leggings and wiggled them into her panties where he immediately sank a finger into her wet heat. She moaned her approval and spread her legs, deciding she would worry about the guests after her orgasm. Vince was an expert with his fingers, applying just the right amount of pressure to her clit with the roughened pads of his fingers. He stopped right before she could peak and pushed his fingers deep into her pussy, wiggling them against her g-spot and drawing a gasp from her. She bit her lip to keep from screaming her pleasure out loud as he pumped his fingers in and out of her while pressing the heel of his hand against her clit.

  A beautiful, sweet and intense orgasm tore through her. He swallowed her cries in a kiss and continued to draw her orgasm out until she had nothing left and lay against the shelf in a heap.

  “My turn,” he growled, lifting her off the shelf and shoving her leggings down. He spun her around until she was facing the shelf.

  She could hear him messing around with his belt and zipper. Then he was pressing himself inside her. It was a tight squeeze because he was taking her from behind and there were shelves and stuff in the way. He shifted and something fell off the shelf and hit the floor with a ‘poof’ sound. Jenna suspected the bag of flour had just been sacrificed in their pursuit of passion.

  “Fuck,” Vince growled.

  Jenna giggled and whispered, “Swear jar.”

  He took her hair in his fist and forced her to arch back against his chest while he pumped his cock inside her. “Pay attention, baby.”


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