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Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2)

Page 4

by Amelia Parker

  After Logan settled the check, the couple rose from their table. On their way out, Jessica could feel eyes on them. Other customers watched them. But unlike when they arrived, these stares seemed warm and not shocked.

  Standing on the sidewalk outside the diner, the couple just stared at one another.

  “I had a great time tonight Jessica.”

  “So did I.”

  “Maybe we can do it again?” Logan hopefully asked.

  Jessica’s heart raced. It wasn’t a nervous or terrified race. It was more like an excited race. She wasn’t afraid of Logan or of what he made her feel. They had a wonderful date, so unlike all the others she’d been on. She felt excited at the prospect of seeing Logan again.

  “I would love that,” she answered.

  “Great! I have a lot going on at work right now, so I’ll get back to you about when in a few days?”

  “Sure! I look forward to it.”

  “Good night then Jessica.”

  “Good night Logan.”

  Jessica turned and started down the sidewalk. A smile shone from her face. She just had an amazing first date with the man she really liked and there would be another soon! She couldn’t wait!

  “Wait! Jessica!” called out Logan. He hurried toward her.

  She stopped and turned around. “Yes?”

  “I’ve been thinking, and you can tell me no, I was just wondering–would you like help finding your dad? I can do some research and see if I can find him for you.”

  “Thank you, Logan, but I don’t think so. He left. Sure I’m curious about who he is, but I’ve never felt the need to look for him. He’s not important. I just want to live my life to the fullest.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. But thank you for offering.”

  “No problem. If you change your mind, just let me know. The offer will always stand. Well, good night. Again,” he smiled at her.

  “Thank you. And good night to you too. Again,” she grinned back.

  Turning around, she watched Logan head toward his car. Jessica steered herself towards home. It was kind of Logan to offer that, but she was serious about not wanting to find her father. She never felt like she was missing out by not having him around. He wasn’t an important part of her life or thoughts.

  But that date! What had she been worried about? Everything was fantastic!

  Told you! And that’s because he’s our mate!

  Ugh! Mate. What does that even mean?

  The voice inside her head was getting weirder and weirder. However, it did have a point about Logan. She gave him a shot and it turned out even better than imagined. Yet there was something she still felt like she couldn’t put her finger on. Something about her feelings for Logan and this voice in her head. Hopefully with time everything would work out. She didn’t want to spend too much time wondering about it. Instead, she wanted to focus on the magnificent date she just came from. And the promise of a future one! She could not wait!


  A smile took up the entirety of Logan’s face. He could honestly say he had never had a date go that well before. Then again, he’d never really dated before. There was really no need. He could take care of any physical urges easily enough with a trip to the local bar. But an actual date because he liked a woman and wanted to get to know her? That was a new experience for him. And one he greatly enjoyed! Especially with his Jessica.

  His wolf sat up and wagged its tail in his mind’s eye. Even the animal seemed to have enjoyed himself. With the stress of the hunters around, his wolf had been on high alert. It seemed antsy. But one evening with their mate, and it was as calm as could be.

  Logan arrived back at the Alpha House in a flurry of excited content. One thing kept popping up in his mind about his date. Jessica’s father. Something about her story pulled at him. He wanted to know everything about a situation, which is what made him a good investigator for the pack. Jessica asked him not to look into her father. He wanted to honor that request, but something nagged at him. A conversation with Gabe was in order.

  Walking through the door, he could hear the television on in the living room. Peaking inside, he found Gabe and Nina curled up on the couch. Nina’s head rested on Gabe’s shoulder and his hand curled protectively around Nina’s still flat stomach. As much as Logan hated to interrupt, he knew he needed to ask for advice, or he wouldn’t get any sleep.

  “Hey Gabe? Sorry to interrupt, but can I have a word real quick?”

  Gabe’s head turned around to look at him. “Sure. I’ll meet you in my office,” the Alpha replied.

  Logan watched the other man shift a sleeping Nina to a more comfortable position before heading to the Alpha’s office. Gabe followed in after Logan, shutting the door behind him.

  “What’s up, man? You had your date tonight right? How did it go?” Gabe questioned.

  “That’s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.”

  Logan sat down on a sofa in the room. Gabe walk toward him and took a seat in a giant winged-back chair.

  “Did it not go well?” Gabe confusingly asked.

  “No! It was amazing! We talked about all sorts of things and got along even better than I could have imagined.”


  “But she told me about how she grew up. Her mom died when she was little, and she went into foster care. She was in a foster home here in town, but then her foster mom died right before she went into high school. The next home was out of state. She spent a few years on her own before deciding to return to Everett Hollow. It pulled at my heart strings. She never knew her dad and I offered to find him for her, but she refused. I can’t help but feel there is more to the story and have the urge to find him anyway. What should I do? If I do look for him, it’s against her wishes and could make her pissed at me. And for what? To satisfy my curiosity?” Logan spilled to his best friend.

  “Your gut has always been on the money Logan. If you feel there is more, then there probably is. The question is, can you handle her being mad at you?”

  “Normally, yes. But our relationship is so new, I think she would bolt instead. She’s human after all.”

  “This is true. What was her name again? Maybe I can help you with some answers.”

  “Jessica. From the coffee shop. Her last name is Portland.”

  At the mention of Jessica’s full name, Logan watched his best friend freeze. To most people, it would have been unnoticeable. But for Logan, it was glaringly obvious.

  “Do you know her?” Logan asked.

  “No but I do know more about her history than you do. I hadn’t realized she was your mate.”

  “What is it Gabe? You’re kinda freaking me out here.”

  “She’s a latent.”


  “She’s a latent.”

  “I know what that means Gabe! I mean ‘what’ as in how!”

  “Her dad was a wolf from the pack. Some random wolf that slept around like crazy. But he kept going back to this one woman in town. A human.”

  “Jessica’s mom.”

  “I believe so. He died in a car accident before Jessica was born. No one knew there even was a baby at that point. Months later, we realized that the human was pregnant. It only made sense he was the father. We watched her and figured out he never told her about being a shifter. So, we kept tabs on the child. She never shifted. But she has shown keen senses and quicker healing abilities like shifters.”

  “Why was I never told about this?”

  “This was all before I was Alpha. Before you were Beta. We were just kids ourselves. I only know about it because I read the file. There didn’t seem to be any reason to keep further tabs on the situation. Just something to keep aware of. I’m sorry Logan. If I knew she was your mate, I would have told you.”

  Logan let out a sigh and sat back on the sofa.

  “It’s OK. You have a lot on your mind. It’s understandable that you would have missed something so small in the grand scheme
of things.”

  “But it’s not small as she’s your fated mate. I really am sorry.”

  “And it’s really OK. It makes sense though. And I don’t feel like I’m missing something. Is there a plan to tell her?”

  “Not that I could find. Only if she mated with a shifter would she be told. So, I guess now we need to come up with something.”

  “I need to come up with something. I’ll tell her when I explain about shifters. We have to have that talk anyway.”

  “Is that talk coming soon?”

  “I don’t know. I feel connected to her all the time, but I don’t have this urge to mate and bond with her as quickly as possible. It probably has something to do with the fact that I see her every day.”

  “I saw Nina every day and I couldn’t wait to tell her.”

  “You had to move at break-neck speed with Nina because of pressure from your position. I can take my time with Jessica.”

  “Not too much time. Shifters can’t go too long without claiming their fated.”

  “I know. I feel it coming soon. Like it’s in the near future, but I don’t feel rushed about it. Does that make sense?”

  “It does. I’m glad you don’t feel the same pressure I did.”

  “And that is why I didn’t become Alpha,” Logan smirked at his best friend.

  Logan tilted his head back and laughed.

  “I guess I need to go get Nina and put her to bed. This pregnancy is really kicking her butt.”

  “Go take care of my sister-friend and I’ll talk to you in the morning man.”

  “You do understand she’s my mate, right?”


  “Cause sometimes I wonder.”

  “I told you both in the beginning, we would be the best of friends! And that is what a sister-friend is,” Logan tilted his nose up as he explained himself to Gabe.

  Gabe shook his head.

  “Whatever man. You’re crazy. Night.”

  “Night, man.”

  Logan watched Gabe leave the office. He sat there for another few minutes, processing what Gabe just told him.

  His mate was a latent. He knew that sometimes when a shifter and a human had a child, that there was a chance the child wouldn’t have any shifter abilities. More often than not, the shifter genes prevailed. But occasionally, there would be a latent or a human child.

  Things seemed to make more sense to Logan. Jessica seemed hesitant to agree to go out with him in the first place. It’s possible that some of her latent abilities told her it was OK.

  It was us. She sensed us and knew who we were.

  Over the years, his wolf would speak to him. As they’ve gotten older, it wasn’t as frequent. So, when his wolf sprinkled some advice out of thin air, Logan listened. Could it be possible she had a wolf in her that woke up after they met, and he recognized her as his fated? Logan assumed anything was possible. There really was no way to tell, until he told her about shifters entirely.

  Logan rose from his seat and locked up Gabe’s office on his way out. Checking the lock on his own office, he wandered to all the doors of the house, checking locks before setting the alarm. You couldn’t be too careful these days. Heading up the curved double staircase in the foyer, Logan turned toward his wing. The house was set up to provide the Alpha and the Beta wings of their own. Spaces that were just for them and their future families. He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of sharing this space with Jessica. And their children.

  A sigh escaped him as he sat down on the side of his bed. Things were getting very serious with Jessica and he knew they would only speed up. Which meant he needed to have a conversation. Not one with Gabe. Or another one with Jessica. But one he both dreaded and looked forward to. It was time to tell his parents. They would be happy for him but want things to move faster than they currently were. Tomorrow was the day he normally would pop in and see his parents. And when he did, he was going to give them some shocking and exciting news. He had found his fated mate.

  Logan leaned back on the bed and closed his eyes. Not bothering to change clothes, he drifted off to sleep. Today had been a whirlwind and tomorrow promised to be just as packed.

  Chapter 5

  Logan pulled up to his parents’ house and cut the engine on his car. This was it. Time to tell his parents about Jessica.

  The front door swung open and a figure filled the frame. As soon as they recognized Logan’s car, they rushed down the steps. Coming out of the shadows of the house, Logan recognized his mother. As soon as she was able, she wrapped her arms around him and squeezed. Her head barely came up to his chin and his arms could probably wrap around her thin frame twice. Lucia St. Amoux wasn’t the biggest woman, but she was home. Logan inhaled her scent. For someone who hated baking, she always smelled like fresh cookies.

  “I am so glad you are home!” she exclaimed.

  “You saw me last week Ma,” Logan chided.

  “And that is a week too long! Come on in. I made Jambalaya.”

  Logan stomach rumbled at the thought of his mother’s cooking. She may not be able to bake, but she sure could cook. She threw her arm around his waist and ushered him inside. They passed the living room and a library before stepping into the sunny kitchen. His dad sat at the kitchen table, digging into his own bowl of Jambalaya.

  “Look whose here Gerald!” his mother announced.

  “He’s here every week Lucia. I don’t know why this is such a shock,” his dad mumbled.

  “Good to see you too Pop,” Logan greeted his father.

  A grunt was all Logan received in return. The strong, silent type, Gerald St. Amoux was a man of few words.

  Logan sat at the table as his mother placed a steaming bowl in front of him. She pulled out her own chair before taking her place.

  “So, what is on your mind dear?” his mother asked.

  “What’s on his mind? Lucia our boy is the pack Beta. His mind is on all those attacks! On Ben! As it should be,” his dad piped up.

  “Actually, there is something I want to talk to you two about. It’s not about the attacks or Ben, although those do take up much of my mind. I met someone.”

  Silence filled the room. His dad’s silverware clattered against his bowl.

  “What do you mean you met someone?” questioned his dad.

  You could hear a pin drop in the room. It seemed both of his parents held their breaths, awaiting his response.

  “I met my fated mate.”

  His mother cried out and wrapped her arms around his neck. He could feel her tears against his throat.

  “Ma. There is no need to cry.”

  Lucia pulled back and dabbed at her eyes. A smile beamed across her face.

  “I’m just so happy for you darling! You finally found her! Gerald, we’ve got a daughter now!”

  “Well, tell us about her son,” his dad urged him as he pushed his bowl off to the side. He crossed his thick arms on top of the table and leaned toward Logan.

  “Well, she works at the coffee shop in town. She loves swimming and dreams of being a chef. She actually grew up here in town but was sent out of state when her foster mother died. Only recently has she returned.”

  “Foster mother?” his mother questioned. Logan could see the tears in his mother’s eyes once again. However, he knew these were not ones of joy, but of sorrow.

  “Her mom died when she was little, so she went into the system.”

  “She’s not a shifter?” Gerald asked.

  Leave it to his dad to pick up on what Logan hadn’t said. No pack would let an orphan member go into the human foster care system.

  “She’s human.”

  “A human daughter? How fantastic!” his mother exclaimed.

  “But?” there was his dad again. Pointing out what had not been said.

  “She’s actually a latent. I talked to Gabe about her. For advice. He told me her dad was a shifter from the pack who got around a lot. Her mom never knew about him. He died before Jessica was b
orn. When the pack learned of her existence, they kept an eye on her to see if she would develop abilities. She can’t shift but seems to possess some healing abilities.”

  “Jessica? That’s her name? How lovely!” his mom gabbed.


  “What Pop?”

  “That was his name. Alaric. He was a real ladies’ man. Went through them like crazy. But there was one human he kept going back to. The only woman he saw repeatedly. I suppose that’s her mother.”

  “I believe so. At least that is the same thing I gathered from Gabe.”

  “He wasn’t a bad shifter. Could have held a position if he kept himself in check. Died in a car accident, if I remember correctly.”

  “You remember correctly, Pop.”

  “Have you told her? About her father and you? When do we get to meet her?” his mother peppered him with questions.

  “I haven’t told her anything. I get the feeling that she’s gun-shy.”

  “She’s probably scared of the mating feelings. I’ve heard that it’s even more intense for humans than it is for us shifters,” Logan’s mom reasoned.

  “That’s the same thing Gabe told me. We went out for dinner last night and it went really well. I think she’s starting to open up to me a little more. I just don’t know how much longer I can be patient. It kills me that I have to take my time. She’s constantly back-and-forth about me. Half the time I think she wants to try and the other half I think she wants to bolt.”

  “She’s scared. The human foster care system can be rough. No one has probably ever stuck around and had her back for long. She probably has no idea how to trust you. That will be the scariest leap she’ll ever make,” his dad advised.

  “How do I get her to take that leap?”

  “Be patient with her, Logan. Let her get to know the amazing boy you are,” stated his mom.

  “Ma, I’m not a child.”

  “You will always be my boy. Now finish eating.”

  Logan watched his mother rise from the table. She grabbed his father’s bowl and washed it in the sink.

  “I know this waiting is hard for you, son. But the end will be worth it.”

  “Thanks, Pop.”

  “I have a wonderful idea! Why don’t you invite your new mate over here for dinner tomorrow night? We can get to know her and the two of you can spend some quality time together,” his mother offered with clutched hands and a bright, hopeful smile on her face.


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