Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2)

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Lobo Coffee House Love (The Wolves 0f Everett Hollow Book 2) Page 9

by Amelia Parker

  Jessica kissed Logan’s forehead before moving to sit in a chair that had been pulled next to the bed. She grabbed Logan’s hand once more. Holding tight, she started to whisper over and over again. Pleading for Logan to wake up. Outside, the sun started to set. The fatigue of the day began to catch up with her. Laying her head down on the bed, Jessica closed her eyes for a few minutes. But the draw of sleep pulled her in, and after the informative and life altering day, she fell into a deep sleep. Still holding Logan’s hand. Still pleading for him to awake.

  Chapter 10

  Voices sounded off at a distance.

  He could hear Gabe.

  And there was Jessica.

  Are those his parents?

  Everything hurt.

  Why does everything hurt?

  His wolf.

  His body.

  His heart.

  Why does his heart hurt?

  The darkness slowly started to creep back in. Logan gratefully succumbed, if only to stop the pain.

  Chapter 11

  Beeping noises sounded to his left. Cracking his eyes open an inch, Logan took stock of where he was. The bright lights, machines, and the scratchy sheets told him he was in the hospital. The well-known hospital smell burned his nose. Why was he here?

  Everything came flooding back to him. His fight with Jessica. Running off into the forest by the coffee shop. The hunters. God! The hunters got him! Is this really the hospital? It’s probably heaven. There is no way he survived the hunters.

  A heaviness enveloped his left hand. Turning his head, he found a blonde, wildly curly head passed out on the mattress. What was Jessica doing here? And why did she have a death grip on his hand? He must have made a noise because Jessica jolted awake. She stared at him for a few seconds before the brightest smile took over her face and tears started streaming down her face. And she could not have looked more beautiful.


  He was awake! Joy and love filled Jessica.

  “Oh Logan! I’m so glad you’re awake. Everyone has been so worried,” she tearfully stated.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked inquisitively.

  “I came as soon as I found out what happened. Logan I am so sorry. I feel like this is my fault. If I hadn’t of pushed you away, then the hunters wouldn’t have gotten you and you’d be safe.”

  She could feel Logan’s body tense up at the mention of the hunters.

  “You know what happened?”

  “Yes. Gabe told me everything. And I mean everything Logan. About you guys being shifters. And me being half shifter.”

  “A latent,” Logan whispered.

  “Yes! He even tried to explain to me why things have always felt so intense with us. He said you and I are soul mates.”

  “Fated mates, yes. I planned to tell you. I did but I couldn’t find a good time. When I came to see you, I was going to track down the hunters. I didn’t know how long I would be gone, and I knew this wasn’t something I could say, then leave. I was going to tell you when I came back.”

  “Logan I was so afraid. Everything you made me feel, scared me to death. I think if you did leave, I would have completely withdrawn.”

  “And now? Now that you know everything, what are you feeling?”

  “Still terrified,” she smiled softly before continuing. “But everything makes so much more sense now. I don’t know how to have a good, solid relationship. Nothing I’ve had in the past lasted. No one stayed. They thought I was this broken girl from the system. And along the way, I started to believe it. But you, you make me want everything I only dreamed of having. I am in this. I want this. To try. Build a life together. Because I love you Logan. As scary as that sounds and as terrified as it makes me, it’s true. I do,” Jessica admitted.

  “I love you too baby,” Logan replied with a soft smile.

  Jessica could see the happiness shining in his eyes. A cloud started to creep into his gaze, sending alarming bolts through her.

  “But are you sure Jessica? If Gabe told you everything then you’ve been hit with a lot of new information. It can take a while to process. I don’t want you to agree to a mating and bonding ceremony because you feel pressured to.”

  Warmth filled her at his concern. Even at a deep cost to him, he was willing to let her go because he knew she struggled with it.

  “Yes Logan, I’m sure. While you slept, I thought about it. The panic I felt hearing you were hurt and seeing you, unconscious in this bed, doubled me over. It was as if a part of me was in this bed. I couldn’t imagine life without you. And when I was faced with that real possibility, I couldn’t handle it. In such a short amount of time you have come to mean so much to me. I’m not saying all of my problems are gone. But I want to work through them so I can be with you. I want to work through them with you.”

  “So, we’re doing this?”

  “We’re doing this.”

  “The mating for life? The mating ceremony? Bonding ceremony? All of it?”

  “Yes. Although I’m not sure what mating and bonding ceremonies are. Gabe didn’t explain that to me,” Jessica puzzled.

  “You’ve been to one actually. Well, actually a mating ceremony. The bonding ceremony is done behind closed doors.”


  “Gabe and Nina’s wedding? It was a mating ceremony. We do a ceremony pledging our lives to one another. Similar to a wedding ceremony for humans. Then afterwards, the two shifters, or in this case shifter and latent, consummate the bond in a bonding ceremony. Right at the precipice of climax, we bite each other’s necks. We exchange some of the magic that make us who we are, and then we can hear our mates in our heads. Their thoughts and feelings. None of it is painful. I’ve been told you don’t even really feel it.”

  “Marriage? Biting?!” a horrified look came across her face to match the pale complexion Logan’s explanation brought on.

  “Yes. I know it sounds scary, but it really isn’t. If you’d like, we can hold off on the ceremonies for as long as you’d like.”

  “Can you wait for the ceremonies? I think Nina mentioned once about how waiting too long for her wedding would be too painful for Gabe.”

  “I can wait for a bit. Not forever. But I can take some time. As long as we are together, I should be OK. But the urge to mate will get stronger and stronger with each passing day. Eventually, it’ll become too much to handle.”

  “So, this needs to happen soon?”

  “Jessica. I will wait for as long as you need. Don’t worry about me. If you aren’t comfortable with this, then we can wait.”

  “But what if I don’t want to wait?” Jessica whispered. “It’s not the ceremony that freaks me out per se. It’s the biting part. It seems so . . . barbaric.”

  “That’s because you are human, baby. It’s supposed to be this overwhelming urge and you don’t feel any pain. Only pleasure. You can talk to Nina about it if you’d like.”

  “I think I will. She went through all of this right? She can talk me through this. Because I do want this Logan. It seems so scary and I don’t really know how to deal with it, but I want all of this with you. I want to express our love to one another in front of our friends and your family. I want to be tied to you in every way possible. And if that means a crazy, weird, almost barbaric biting aspect, then count me in.”

  “I love you Jessica,” Logan told her reverently. Warmth and love shown in his eyes.

  Jessica knew he would wait for her to be fully OK with the ceremonies before moving forward with them. And that made her love him even more. But it wasn’t what she wanted. It would be extremely difficult for Logan to hold off. From what she remembered about the beginning of Nina’s relationship with Gabe, it was a miracle Logan had been able to stand the pace they were moving.

  And she meant what she said. She wanted to be with Logan in every way possible. She wanted to be tied to him in every human and shifter way. Because she loved him with every fiber of her being. Seeing Logan in his hospital bed and her subseq
uent realization of her feelings, seemed to have brought down one of her walls. It was as if she finally gave herself permission to be all in with a man. And now that she felt free to love, there was nothing stopping her from making sure the entire world knew of their mating.

  The doorknob turning drew Jessica and Logan’s attention. Light from the hall spilled into the room as a shadow of a man came into view. With a step forward, Jessica felt herself relax at the sight of Gabe. She hadn’t even noticed every muscle in her body grew taut with the opening of the door.

  “Logan,” relief reverberated through Gabe’s voice.

  A grin spread across Logan’s face at the sounds of his best friend. Jessica moved from sitting on the side of the bed, back to the chair, still grasping Logan’s hand.

  “You scared us there, man,” Gabe told his Beta.

  “Sorry, man. I’ll try not to get attacked again,” came Logan’s horrible attempt at humor.

  “Not funny Logan,” chided Jessica.

  A sheepish smile came across Logan’s face in a way of apology.

  “Are you up for some questions Logan? We need whatever you can give us,” questioned Gabe.

  “The Council riding your ass? I don’t really know what I can tell you. After leaving the coffee shop, I was so upset and hurt. My wolf went a little nuts. I could feel myself losing control of it and knew I needed to get into the woods. I shifted as soon as I could, and we ran. I don’t know how long or where I went. My mind tunneled. I didn’t really see anything around me.”

  The smirk on Logan’s face at the start of his explanation blended into a look of sorrow at the mention of the coffee shop. Jessica shifted in her seat then. Although they had just talked about what happened and came to a peace about it, she still felt guilty. Hopefully that was something that would ease with time.

  “What about the actual attack?” Gabe inquired.

  Jessica watched Logan close his eyes on a sigh. He took a deep breath before continuing his story.

  “They shot me in the hip with an arrow. I got it out and tried to run. Didn’t get very far before I got hit on the back of the head with something. It took me down. I could feel them kicking me and hitting me with something. I think it was a bat maybe. Then they started stabbing me. They would alternate between beating and stabbing.”

  Logan paused for a minute and swallowed. Jessica watched him compose himself before he continued.

  “I could hear them talking. Laughing. It was sport for them. They did this for the rush they got out of it. When they were done, they just left me there to die. One asked if they should shoot me, but the other said no. That I was so close to death anyway, there was no use. I laid there and thought I was dying. With what little strength I had, I shifted. Once I was back in human form, I lost consciousness.”

  “How many hunters were there? Did you catch their scents?”

  “I think there were two. I don’t remember any scents. There was so much else going on, that I don’t remember.”

  Logan opened his eyes and stared straight into Gabe’s gaze.

  “I was just an opportunity for them. If it hadn’t of been me, it would have been another pack member. Where did you find me?”

  “You were about ten miles into the forest. I knew you had gone to see Jessica but were supposed to come back to the house before you went into the woods. When you didn’t return that evening, we went out and searched for you. Took a while to find you actually. Once we did, we brought you back here and sent people out to get Jessica and your parents.”

  “What does the Council say?”

  “Well, they’re upset. Enraged more accurately. They want answers. These attacks need to stop.”

  “Yeah and I can’t give them the answers they want.”

  “Nobody blames you Logan. The only ones taking blame are the two of you. For different reasons of course, but still. We will find these men and they will serve justice.”

  A silence fell over the room. Jessica heard the conviction in Gabe’s voice. She could tell he meant every word he said. And she wanted them to become true. But a voice crept from the back of her mind. It made her doubt that Gabe would be able to fulfill his promise. So far, they were no closer to finding these men now than they had been at the first attack. There were no leads. No clues. Nothing. What was to say they ever found these men? To Jessica, it seemed like a hopeful dream. One that could possibly never see the light of reality.

  “Gabe? Could you do me a favor?” Logan asked.

  “Sure. Anything.”

  “I need you to perform the mating ceremony.”

  Jessica whipped her head around to stare at Logan with wide, slightly panicked eyes.

  “Right here? Now?”

  “Right here. Right now.”

  “Are you sure? Jessica seems a little freaked out by the idea,” Gabe hedged.

  “What do you say babe?”

  “I mean it seems a little quick doesn’t it? We just agreed to do this. I thought more planning went into it?” Jessica hinted.

  “It can, but the fan-fare Nina and I had, isn’t necessary for the ceremony. The important part is the exchange of promises,” Gabe explained.

  Jessica swallowed the lump in her throat. This is what she wanted. She wanted to be mated to Logan. She wanted to grow old with him. To spend their lives together. What difference does it make to wait or do the ceremony now? She said she wanted to take the big leap with Logan. Now that leap requires action. And it completely terrified her.

  “Jessica? I told you I could wait. The same is true about this. If you aren’t comfortable doing this–” Logan attempted to smooth over.

  “No, it’s . . . it’s OK. I just thought we’d have more time. I want this, I do. I’m just scared,” she whispered the last part.

  “I’m scared too. But you have nothing to worry about. We can figure this out together,” Logan reassured her.

  Logan grasped her hand and sent a small smile her way. Jessica could see his love for her shining back. It filled her with warmth. She was scared, but Logan was right. They could figure everything else out together.

  Jessica turned her head toward Gabe. With a slight nod, she told him, “Let’s do it. Right here. Right now.”

  “If you two are sure,” Gabe looked from one to the other as they both nodded their heads in agreement. “Then let me go get Nina, Stanley, Gerald, and Lucia. They’ll all want to be here for this.”

  Gabe left the room in search of the others while Logan and Jessica just stared at each other. They cared deeply for the other and while the thought of taking this giant plunge scared them both, they were ready to do it. Together.

  Chapter 12

  The hospital room was filled with their family and friends. There were Logan’s parents, Nina’s dad, and Tim. Nina stood off to Gabe’s side with a giant smile on her face. Tears were already pooling in her eyes. Jessica couldn’t tell if that was due to the pregnancy hormones or if Nina was just feeling the emotions in the room. Probably both.

  A nurse had propped Logan up in his bed so that he may participate easier. Jessica sat at his side holding tightly to his hand. The nerves were running rampant through her. She wanted this more than anything, but those old doubts still niggled at the back of her mind.

  This is what we’re meant to do! He is our fated mate! We’ll spend our lives together and live happily ever after!

  That wolf in her head sure was a positive one. But it was right. And Jessica couldn’t wait to see what the future held.

  “OK everyone, let’s get started. Logan, Jessica, please join hands. Do you promise to cherish one another? To lean on one another in times of triumph and tribulations?” Gabe began.

  “Yes,” Logan and Jessica replied simultaneously.

  “Do you promise to honor the bond between mates?”


  “Jessica, do you promise to keep the secret of our pack from outsiders for as long as you shall live?”


Logan, do you promise to protect Jessica, to keep her safe, and to aide her in keeping our secret?”


  “Jessica, do you promise to stay by Logan’s side and be his voice of reason when his world bears down on his shoulders?”


  “Do you both promise to respect one another in all forms and to embrace the differences?”


  “Now please exchange rings.”

  Jessica looked at Logan with a surprised expression. She hadn’t even thought of rings!

  Gerald stepped forward and placed two rings into Logan’s outstretched hand. That sneaky man! Logan had this planned all along! Jessica sent a smirk to Logan who just sent as much of an innocent look he could muster, in return.

  Logan slid a beautiful rose gold engraved ring onto her hand. It had two intertwining bands with scattered diamonds around. The center stone was the most beautiful opal she had ever seen. It brought tears to her eyes.

  Logan handed her the simple gold band she slid onto his finger. She could just make out a slight engraving around the band. It appeared to be the same design she had on her ring.

  Once rings were exchanged, Logan and Jessica clasped hands once again. Turning to look back at Gabe, Jessica saw Logan give his best friend a nod to continue.

  “Normally, this is when we tie a ribbon around your joined hands until the bonding ceremony can be completed. Due to Logan being in the hospital, and probably not able to leave today, we can skip this part. When you are released, you both have a duty to complete the bonding ceremony. Understand?” Gabe explained.

  “Of course. Thank you, Gabe,” Logan responded.

  “Then as Alpha of the Everett Hollow Pack, I pronounce you mated!”

  Logan slipped a hand around the back of Jessica’s neck and drew her in for a kiss. His lips were soft and fit against hers in all the right places. The kiss wasn’t too wet or sloppy. It wasn’t hurried or uncomfortable. Rather it was warm and passionate. It was everything she had hoped it to be. All too soon, the kiss ended and the two touched foreheads. Secretive smiles passed between them and the surrounding noise came into focus.


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