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Skull Island

Page 17

by T. Styles


  “So…what do you want?” Banks continued.

  “First off, I’m surprised you told her to invite me in this time.” Mason continued, looking back at the door. “I’ve been trying to get you to let me in for, what, five months now?”

  “Six, now what do you want?” He motioned for him to sit down on the sofa in front of his desk.

  Mason eagerly took position. “I heard Bet moved out,” he stuffed his hands into his coat pockets.

  “So this is what you choose to talk to me about?” He walked around his desk and sat on the edge. He was now looking down at Mason. “My wife that you fucked behind my back?”

  “I’m just—”

  “It doesn’t even matter.” Banks raised his hand. “I already filed for a divorce.” Banks paused. “We over. So you, you keeping in touch with her? Ya’ll some type of weird couple who—”

  “Nah, I don’t talk to her,” he said waving the air. “That’s long done. Howard says she lives in the same building he does though. In them high rises in downtown Baltimore.”

  “Oh yeah, was surprised to hear that Howard moved out from the nest. Figured he would live with you forever.”

  “Nah, things, things changed and it was time for him to bounce.” Mason paused, remembering how he walked in on him raping Spacey. They hadn’t been the same since. To be honest it ripped him up that his own son reminded him of his uncle so he had to break ties. “Listen, man, I’m here to tell you I’m moving.” He readjusted in his seat. “To L.A.”

  Banks’ heart dropped and he shifted uneasily although he didn’t know why. Since neither was no longer communicating, he was surprised the news hit him so hard. “So what’s in, what’s in L.A.?” Banks crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Change. Me, Jersey, Patterson and Derrick. All going. Although I think she gonna try and divorce me once we move. She been acting different. But since Jersey hit them cops before we left for the island, it’s a possibility that they’re going to blame us so she needs me. Right now they can’t find the bodies but…I’m sure they’ll try to make something stick soon.”

  Banks nodded in agreement. He had forgotten about the reason the Lou’s had to retreat to the island in the first place. “Good move. I hope it works out for you.”

  “But that’s why I’m here. Before I leave, I wanted to make sure you don’t need me.” He looked up at him. “For…for whatever promise you made to the people who helped back on the island. The ones who got rid of the bodies.”

  “Mason, I—”

  “I’m serious, man. I know you see me as a fuck up. By the way I acted on the island, and even when we were kids, I understand why. But I’m here now. You know? I know we in our forties in this bitch but a nigga still got some growing up to do.” His chest heaved with a heavy breath. “I guess what I’m trying to say is…before I go, I wanna make sure that you don’t need me. Because on God I’d drop everything for you.”

  Banks thought about what was facing him in the future. A bigger foe than he ever thought he’d have to deal with in life. Bigger than Nidia even. And he didn’t want anybody he loved near the chaos.

  Not even his arch nemesis.

  “It’s my problem.”

  Mason nodded. “You sure because I can—,”

  “Mr. Wales, there are a lot of men outside your home.” His maid said looking shook.

  Banks rose from the desk. “Did they knock on the door?”

  “No, they’re just…just looking.” She seemed frazzled and was even trembling. “It’s very weird.”

  It was time.

  Banks nodded, walked over to the doorway and touched her on the shoulder. She calmed instantly. “Remember I was telling you that working for me could be heavy at times? But you still wanted the job because you needed the money.”

  She nodded yes. Under his employ she already bought a house and two cars for her girls.

  “Well this is the heavy part.” He paused. “Go to your room and close the door. Don’t come out unless I knock.”

  When he exited his office his phone buzzed. Removing it from his pocket he saw it was a text from Jersey.

  I miss u already.

  I don’t regret last night.

  Do you?

  Please call me.

  “Who that?” Mason asked.

  Banks quickly stuffed his phone back into his pocket. “Nobody.”

  When he made it to the door, he saw Joey, Spacey, Shay and Minnie were already in the foyer, staring outside. But it was Minnie who shocked him because he wasn’t certain, but he could’ve sworn he saw the handle of a gun on her waistline.

  And then there was the look on her face.

  One that he didn’t see before but she appeared regal, strong and powerful. Something like a young Nidia and it shocked him to the core.

  Remembering the strangers, he walked past them, with Mason at his side. He didn’t bother telling his children to go to their rooms, they’d already been exposed to life.

  Winter was here.

  The snow was heavy and turned everything with color white. Still, stepping outside, Banks saw a sea of men dressed in fine coats, standing in front of BMW trucks.

  In protection mode, the Wales clan moved behind their father.

  A Latino man, flanked by two armed men walked toward the house when they saw Banks. One was holding a red umbrella over his head while the protected man had an eerie smile on his face.

  “Dad, I saw him on the island,” Joey whispered. “When you were gone.”

  Banks nodded as the Latino man approached. A mechanical grin covered the stranger’s face. “My name is Mr. Bolero and I represent the man who helped you and the Nunez family on Skull Island.”

  Banks frowned, snow falling over his head. “Skull Island?”

  He laughed. “Mr. Wales, before you buy property you should know the history. Unfortunately for you, you failed to do the work and now you owe.”

  “But I gave them the land,” Banks said.

  “Exactly, so why you here?” Mason added.

  Bolero stared with intensity at them both. “Does the land mean to get rid of the point that my boss lost two daughters? Emetine and Oswalda Nunez?”

  Now Banks was definitely confused.

  “What do you want?”

  Mr. Bolero clapped his hands once. “To bring understanding. It is the reason I’m here.” He raised his hand, all five fingers pointed to Banks’ door. “Shall we began?”





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