This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 6

by Amanda Bennett

  “I think I need to go home now.”

  I smiled knowin’ that she was making the right decision.

  Chapter 12


  “Man, you better figure your shit out, and quick. That poor girl is sufferin’, and I won’t stand for it. That, and you know Kayla will have your balls if you don’t fix this thing with her girl.” At this point I was ready to deck him myself.

  “I know. I know. I called the adoption agency and put our names back on the list. I even made sure they could reach out to the previous mom and see if she’s still interested.”

  “That all sounds good, man, but are you doin’ it because it’s what you want too, or is it because that’s what she wants?” I sighed in aggravation.

  “I thought about it a lot last night when I couldn’t sleep, and this mornin’. I want what she wants, bro. Honestly, I think it’s just hard knowin’ that we won’t have a child like you and Kayla have. You know, one that looks exactly like her, or me.”

  My heart ached for him. I couldn't imagine how hard that must be. I know it would kill me. “You never know, man. Maybe one day you guys can have that, but for now maybe this is the way to go. Or, maybe you guys should talk about waitin’ the five years and see what happens.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Will you send her home please?”

  “Of course. I’ll go tell her now. We have a family day planned anyway. I’ll talk to you later.” There was one more thing I needed to ask him before he hung up. “Hey, Glenn?”

  “Yes, Madi?” He laughed.

  “Whatever Glenda, shut your mouth and listen. Did you know that Mike and Kayla have been talkin’?”

  “Cami’s brother, Mike? Nah man. This is the first I’m hearin’ of it.”

  “Yeah, me too.”

  “Sorry man.”

  “It’s cool. I’ll tell Cami you wanna talk to her. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Sounds good. Hang in there man, at least it’s not Jo this time.”

  I could hear his evil laugh as he hit the end button before I could really lay into him. Asshole. At this point Joey Green would be a welcome annoyance. And as if that shithead knew I was talkin’ about him, my phone lit up with his smug face.

  “Were your ears burnin’ or what?” I joked. Well, kind of.

  “What’s up, Madi. How’s my girl doin’?” I swear if I could reach through the phone and strangle him, I would. “Just kiddin’ man, but seriously, how’s it goin’ out there? I spoke to KJ yesterday and it seemed as though everyone is havin’ a rough go at it.”

  “That would be the understatement of the year. How’s the pros treatin’ ya these days?” Small talk with Joey was still a struggle for me, but knowin’ he had a new girl to keep him occupied, made it a little bit easier these days.

  “Ah, ya know, rough. How’s my dipshit brother doin’? Sounds like he’s got his head so far up his ass he doesn’t know which way is up and which is down.”

  “Sounds about right. I actually just got off the phone with him. He’ll be fine.” I can’t say I actually agree 100% with the words comin’ out of my mouth, but I didn’t need Joey buttin’ in either.

  “Well I’ll be there tomorrow to kick his ass into shape.”

  Too late!

  “Serious, Joey? It’s not necessary. I’ve got this.”

  “Well that’s not what it sounded like when I spoke to KJ.”

  I swear to Christ. “Joey Green, if I say I’ve got this, then I got this. You got me?”

  “See ya tomorrow, Madi. Take care of my girls until I get there.”

  Before I could say another word, he had already hung up. I swear those Green fellas have a real ass backwards way of thinkin’. His girls. I’d show him when he got here. I don’t care if he plays for the NFL or not, I’ll still beat little Joey Green’s ass if need be.

  As I walked through the front door I couldn’t help but notice the shitty look on Kayla’s face. “Next time leave the money before you leave.” She smiled that devilish grin, and I instantly relaxed.

  “Sorry, love. Didn’t mean to leave ya hangin’.” I winked. “Where’s Mia?”

  “Cami put her down for us while we were otherwise previously engaged.”

  “You mean havin’ sex?” My head fell back as laughter took over me.

  “Yes Madison, while we were having sex.”

  “Speakin’ of Cami, where is she?”

  “She went home.” Kayla made her way over to me, wrappin’ her dainty little arms around my waist, pullin’ me close to her.

  “This’ll never get old.” My lips fell to the top of her head, placin’ a light kiss to her hair. “Well I’m glad she’s goin’ to talk to Glenn. He did somethin’ I’m actually quite proud of him for.”

  “You don’t say.” Her lips were mere inches away from mine now and she was lookin’ sexy as all hell in her little yellow sundress with her hair pulled up high, exposin’ my most favorite part of her. Well, one of my favorite parts. My pants tightened as I thought about her most needy parts. “Looks like someone is ready for round three.” A small smirk played at her lips.

  “Yes ma’am.” My hand dipped below her dress to find that she wasn’t wearin’ any panties. “Why what do we have here, Ms. James.”

  “Nothing, Mr. Raine. Not a damn thing.” Her voice was so low and sexy that my dick twitched in anticipation.

  I made quick work of undoin’ my belt, pullin’ my pants just low enough that I could sink myself deep inside her. I picked her small little ass up and set her on the counter, gently pushin’ her back so I could run my eager hands across her full breasts before fillin’ her up with my entire length. She tried to cry out, but I sealed my lips over hers before any noise could wake up our sleepin’ daughter. My soon to be wife was insatiable, and I was more than happy to satiate her hunger for me. A few more thrusts and we both came undone. When I heard rustlin’ comin’ from Mia’s room, I pulled back, tucked myself into my jeans, and helped Kayla down to the ground, pullin’ her cute little dress back into place.

  “Calm down, cowboy. She’s just movin’ around.” She patted my chest as she walked around the counter and into the kitchen will that sexy ass smile splayed across her gorgeous face.

  “Well you never know. I don’t need my daughter seein’ my business, ya know.” I could feel the blush risin’ in my cheeks. Kayla just let out a simple laugh before goin’ about her business.

  “Almost forgot to tell ya. I spoke to your favorite person just a bit ago.” She looked at me with a perplexed look on her face. “Joey Green.” The look of oh shit that crossed her face didn’t get past me.

  “I totally forgot. I have to pick him up tomorrow at noon.”

  “Would’ve been nice to know that I was goin’ to have to share ya with my least favorite person while I’m in town.” Kayla made her way around the corner of the counter, hoppin’ back up on the island as she pulled me into her with her legs as she wrapped her arms tight around my neck.

  “Baby, you don’t have to share me with anyone.” Her lips barely grazed mine, but I needed more. When she pulled back I feigned a pouty face, but that only made her laugh. “Don’t be such a baby. He’s only here for two days. You’ll be fine.”

  “So you think.” I joked as I placed another kiss to her lips before she jumped down from the marble.

  “So, you gonna tell me about what Glenn did? Or do I have to ask again?”

  I pulled myself onto one of the stools as I leaned forward on my elbows towards Kayla, who was gettin’ everything ready for lunch. “He called the adoption agency and told them they want back on the list. He even asked them to reach out to the previous mom and see if she’s still interested.” Kayla’s mouth went slack and I was suddenly extremely concerned. “What’s that look for? Bad idea?”

  “Um…no. That was a fantastic idea…”


  “If I tell you somethin’, I swear Madison Raine, you cannot repeat it to anyone.”

  I held my hands up, “I promise.”

  “Cami is pregnant.” She stood back to gauge my reaction.

  “That’s amazin’. Glenn is gonna be over the moon.”

  “Seriously? I thought he wasn’t so sure about havin’ kids?” I could visibly see the concern pourin’ off of her.

  “He was, but he was only waverin’ because he wants one of his own with Cami. This is great!”

  “At least you and I think so. Cami isn’t quite so excited. She’s so worried that Glenn doesn’t want to have kids at all, and because it’s only been barely two years since her cancer ordeal and she’s supposed to wait five, she’s freakin’ out for lack of a better word?”

  “That was quite a mouthful.” I laughed. “Shit. I totally forgot they’re supposed to wait five years. Damn.”

  “Honestly though, I don’t think it’ll be that bad. I mean sure she’ll have to have more check ups than necessary, but I think she’ll be ok.”

  I could only hope that Glenn felt the same way, because if not, he was bound to be an emotional wreck, which doesn’t bode well for the band and our current schedule.

  Chapter 13


  I was waiting with bated breath for Cami to call me with some good news for once, but it was almost nighttime, and I hadn’t heard a single word. Now I was just getting worried. From what Madison told me earlier, I assumed that she would be over the moon excited and I would be the first person she would want to tell. I was pacing back and forth in the kitchen when I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist, pullin’ me back into his chest as though he would never let go.


  I turned and looked at him with a perplexed look. “So…what?”

  “Have you thought about when we’re goin’ to do this?”

  “Madison Raine, we have done it three times today. Can’t you keep it in your pants for a bit?”

  “Around you, pretty girl? Never! But that’s not what I was referrin’ to. I meant the wedding. Have you thought about a date?”

  My heart melted as he spoke about our wedding. “Actually, I was thinkin’ after Joey gets here, then we can come up with a date?” I knew this wasn’t goin’ to go well.

  “Are you kiddin’ me right now?” I could hear the anger rising in his tone.

  I reached out for his arm that had since dropped from our embrace, pulling him close to me. “I just want to make sure he can make it is all. With his schedule, I just want to plan it so everyone can be here to witness me wranglin’ my very own cowboy.” My lips lightly brushed against his as I spoke the last few words, and it worked. He tightly pressed his against mine, pullin’ back a minute later, leavin’ me breathless.

  “Speakin’ of which. I really need to go visit my grams today so we can talk about the farm, and everything else. Also, I haven’t seen her since I’ve been home. You girls wanna come with me?”

  I glanced over at Mia happily coloring at the dining room table. “Of course, we haven’t seen her in a few days. How about I finish makin’ dinner, and then we can take some over to her?”

  “Sounds like a plan. Speakin’ of grandparents, when is the last time you went and saw yours?”

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. “It’s been a minute. Lately I’ve been taking Mia with me into the boutique so I really haven’t seen them much.”

  “Well then, I say we rectify that, and just invite them all here for dinner. Do we have enough?”

  My eyes teasingly rolled into the back of my head. “I always make enough. You eat enough for six these days.” I laughed.

  A little while later our house was full of love and laughter. I’ve been so busy as of late that I completely neglected the three other important people in my life. I was serving up everyone’s plates when my gran walked up to me in the kitchen.

  “Oh darlin’, it is so good to see you guys. It has been far too long.”

  I turned and pulled my gran into a tight hug. “I know, Gran. I’m so sorry. I’ve just been so busy, but that’s no excuse. How are you and granddad doin’?”

  “Ah, you know us. Just livin’ the dream.” Her small laugh filled me with joy. “Your granddad has been helpin’ out a lot with the farm. I know that Madison hired all those young men to run the place, but I think he just feels like he should be helpin’ out more. You know, in honor of Harold.”

  My heart broke a bit as my gran spoke of Madison’ grandfather. Things just haven’t been the same since he passed, and I know she could feel it too. Honestly, in the back of mind I think I was a little bit ok with Madison and I not getting married right away. It was goin’ to be quite an emotional day for him, whether he would admit it or not.

  Shortly Madison’s grams joined us. “Kayla, dear. You just look absolutely radiant these days. How have you been hangin’ in there while they boys have been gone?”

  “Oh, you know. It’s hard, but they’re home for a bit now and that’s all I can concentrate on. I just want to spend as much time with him as I can before they’re off again.”

  Grams’ frail hand reached for my face, gently pullin’ my chin down to look at her. “You know that boy is doin’ all this for you and that precious little girl out there. His heart is always here with y’all.”

  “I know, Grams. It just gets lonely is all.”

  “I get it, dear. Loneliness is somethin’ I’m all too familiar with these days.”

  I instantly felt horrible for complainin’. At least I still had Madison alive and well. My shaky arms wrapped around her, givin’ her a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry, Grams. My situation is nothin’ in comparison to what you go through on a daily basis. I never meant to imply that I have it worse.”

  “Don’t be silly, darling girl. Either situation is bad. Don’t lessen what y’all have.”

  I nodded my head as I continued to finish up plating. “Dinner is ready y’all.” My voice had suddenly lost its authoritative tone, and I knew exactly why.

  We were all sitting around the dining room table when a stray tear began to fall down my sullen cheek. As happy as I was to have everybody in my house gatherin’ around for a meal, I couldn’t help but feel the strong absence of Madison’s grandfather. I watched as my granddaddy played and helped Mia eat her veggies, and Madison chattin’ away with the grandmothers, and I knew just how much Harold would have loved to be here to witness it all. Life was just so unfair sometimes. Then it suddenly dawned on me. I knew how to liven up this dinner.

  I lightly clanked my glass with my fork. “Can I have everyone’s attention for just a minute?”

  “Of course, baby girl.” I mirrored the sweet smile my granddad was givin’ me at the moment.

  “We just wanted to let y’all know that we will be getting married in a few months.” Madison was immediately jumpin’ out of his seat and coming over to stand by me. “So Grams and Gran, we have a lot of work to do before then. Are y’all willing to help me out?” I glanced between our grandmothers, knowin’ damn good and well they would do anything for us. They both nodded at me in unison, and then my grandfather stood with his glass in his hand.

  “Well, looks like we’re havin’ a weddin’. Congrats to you kids. I couldn’t be more proud of the both of you. And, can I just say, it’s about damn time.”

  The dining room filled with the roar of laughter, and I sank back into Madison’s embrace. “Happy?” My voice came out just above a whisper, but I knew he heard me.

  “Beyond. But I thought you were goin’ to wait to talk to you know who?” He laughed

  My hand slid up his neck and into the back of his hair, pullin’ his face down to mine from the side. “As long as the people in this very room are here, that’s all that matters.” His lips came crashing down on mine, capturin’ my entire soul right along with them.

  “I can’t wait to make you my wife, pretty girl.”

  “Right back at ya, cowboy.”

  “I will make a fantastic wife.” He chided, and I couldn’t help the loud laughter th
at escaped my throat.

  “You already do.” I choked out between laughs.

  After we said our goodbyes to the grandparents and Mia was down for the night, I knew the one thing I absolutely wanted to do with my soon to be husband. I came out of our bedroom, leaning against the doorframe all sexy like for when he turned to look at me. I went all out for him tonight, and I have to say, I looked amazing in my flannel pajamas. When he turned to see what I was doin’, he practically lost it, rollin’ on the floor as his laughter shook his entire body.

  “Lookin’ hot there, Mrs. Raine.”

  The minute the words came out of his mouth I was rushing over to him, tackling him to the ground. I straddled him, pinning his hands above his head. Of course he could have pushed out of my hold at any given moment, but luckily he played along. “Say it again?” I whispered against his lips.

  “Mrs. Raine.”

  I melted into a puddle of emotions right there on top of this amazing man that I would get to call my husband in just a few months. If I was bein’ honest with myself, I didn’t even want to wait that long. “It sounds perfect.” I purred.

  His wrists broke free from my grasp, letting his hands cup both sides of my face as those enticing emerald green eyes looked straight into mine. “You’re perfect.” That’s all it took for me to succumb to his touch. Our lips moved fervidly, desire taking over every single part of my body. My hands flew down to the buckle and buttons on his jeans, as I never broke contact with his delicious mouth. Our tongues grazed one another’s over and over again causing my desire for him to reach epic proportions. I stood for half a second to slowly and meticulously lower my pajama pants, exposin’ my bare pussy for him to see.

  His hands flew up to my most needy part, tryin’ to slide his eager fingers between my wet folds, when I decided to do somethin’ I’ve never done for him. In the same slow torturous fashion, I unbuttoned each button on my shirt, exposing one breast at a time as I pulled the sides open, but didn’t take off the shirt entirely. Madison’s eyes went wide as I licked two fingers and deliberately ran them over my hardened nipples, making my way down to my heat.


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