This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 7

by Amanda Bennett

  As I stood above Madison, letting him take in the sight before him, he made quick work of pushing his pants down enough to expose his glorious length. My fingers slid effortlessly between my folds with how wet I was, and as I circled my hardened nub, my head fell back as an insane amount of pressure started building up inside of me. My eyes fluttered open just as I took in the sight below me. Madison had his hefty length clutched between his hand as he slowly moved his hand up and down. I could tell he was mirroring my actions, so I started moving my fingers faster over my clit, dipping them down and inside of me every now and then.

  A throaty moan escaped Madison as he kept his eyes locked on mine, both of us taking in the pleasure of seein’ each of us work ourselves over. My slick tongue slipped out between my lips, wetting the bottom one as I pinched and rolled one of my aroused nipples. Madison’s hand began to move in a much quicker motion now, and there was no way I wasn’t going to cum without him seein’ me do so, right above him. I circled my clit harder and faster, crying out his name as I rode out my first orgasm, but certainly not my last. When I looked back down, Madison’s dark thunderous eyes glossed over as he reached up for my hips, pulling me down onto his more than ready length.

  I moved back and forth faster than anticipated, and before I knew it, we were both finding our release together. My body fell onto his as I tried to even out my ragged breathing. His hands slid up my body and onto my back as he began tracing small circles across it, lulling me into a sleeplike state.

  “That was so hot.” He mumbled into the crook of my neck before placing a chaste kiss to the side of my neck. “Sooo hooottt!”

  I sat up with a complete look of accomplishment on my face. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Now, will you do me a favor?”

  “After that? Anything you want, sweetheart.”

  “Will you cuddle with me on the couch and watch a movie with me?”

  “Of course.” He slapped my ass, as I stood up off of him and pulled my clothes back into place.

  As the night wore on, I tried as hard as I could to stay awake and relish in the amazingness that was our life, but I was finding it rather hard to even keep my eyes open. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep and dreamin’ about our impending wedding.

  Chapter 14


  Soon after my pretty girl fell asleep in my arms, I carried her over to the comforting confines of our bed. I was still at a loss for words because of what she had done for me earlier, and as much as I wanted to wake her gorgeous sleepin’ form to consume her one more time, I thought better of it. I knew that this whole phone call issue with Cami’s brother wasn’t as big of a deal as I was makin’ it out to be, but part of me felt as though somethin’ else was goin’ on. I was havin’ a clear sense of déjà vu, and that was never a good thing.

  I checked on Mia before makin’ myself a cup of coffee and headin’ back out to the livin’ room to start my next letter to Kayla. I knew she would think that it was just a one-time thing, but I was determined to prove to my girl that I was who she deserved. She deserves to be wooed and worshiped, so she never ever doubts my love for her again. I was halfway through my letter when the house phone began ringin’. I glanced over at the clock on the stove noticin’ it was almost midnight as I made my way over to the phone before it had a chance to wake up my girls.

  “Hello?” Anger was clearly evident in my tone, and it only increased when the person on the other end didn’t answer me. “Hello?” I was about to start reamin’ someone’s ass when the line went dead. I slammed the phone onto the receiver louder than anticipated, and I ran upstairs, and then down to our room to make sure I didn’t wake anyone. Relief washed over me as I saw that they were still sound asleep, so I went back to finishin’ up my letter.

  Kayla woke up the next mornin’ well before I did, and as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, I heard faint voices comin’ from the other room. I checked the time on my phone as I pulled on my shirt and realized just whose voice I was hearin’. I let out an aggravated sigh as I made my way out to the happy chatter. As I cracked open our bedroom door, I caught sight of my gorgeous soon to be bride, and quickly closed the distance between us. As I pulled her tightly into my embrace and sealed my lips over hers, he instantly made his presence known.

  “Ew, me and my princess don’t want to see that.” Joey’s hands were shieldin’ my daughter’s eyes when I eventually looked over.

  “Y’all will get over it.” I laughed before turnin’ my attention back on Kayla. “Mornin’, pretty girl. How’d ya sleep?”

  “Not too bad. You?”

  “Like a rock.” I snatched some fruit out of the large bowl on the counter, said good mornin’ to my little girl, and then turned my attention to Joey. “Hey man, did you call late last night?”

  Joey held his hands up. “Nah. I know better than to call late at night.”

  “Why do you ask? When did the phone ring?” Kayla inquired.

  “It was like midnight. The person on the other end didn’t say anything, and then hung up.” I was reachin’ for the orange juice in the fridge when I turned to see the look of recognition settle into Kayla’s expression. “Who was it, Kayla?”

  “Uh oh, looks like momma might be in trouble.” Joey said in a singsong voice as he spoke to Mia. “Let’s go play, princess. Joey helped Mia down from the stool, and before I knew it, they were out of the room.

  I turned towards Kayla and took a long drawn out gulp of my orange juice as I watched her contemplate her next move. I lifted my eyebrows, hopin’ she would put me out of my misery sooner rather than later.

  “I think I know who called.”

  “Care to inform me?”

  Kayla hung her head in shame. “I think it was Mike. He’s the only one who ever calls on the house number.”

  I set my glass down on the counter louder than expected, causin’ Kayla to jump. I was instantly at her side, pullin’ her into my embrace. “I’m not mad at you.” I placed a chaste kiss to her head before pullin’ her chin up so she was now lookin’ into my eyes. “But, you need to talk to him and let him know it’s not ok. I tried, but obviously me sayin’ somethin’ to him didn’t make a damn bit of difference.”

  “I know. I’m sorry.” Our lips met and I could instantly feel her body relax into mine.

  “No need to be sorry, love.” I knew this situation was about to get completely out of control with Cami’s brother, but I honestly wanted Kayla to take care of it. I didn’t want to turn into the jealous husband already, even though I already was.

  “I’ll talk to him. I promise.” And I knew she meant it.

  “So when did the all American hero get into town? I thought you were pickin’ him up?”

  “He took an Uber. Got here about an hour ago. I didn’t want to wake you because I wasn’t all that sure at what time you came to bed.”

  “No worries, love. You heard from Cami at all?” She shook her head and I knew it was killin’ her not hearin’ from her best friend. I turned as the front screen door squeaked open. I guess she didn’t have to worry for much longer. “Well look what the cat dragged in.” I laughed as Glenn and Cami made their way over to us, wide smiles on both of their faces.

  “Hey man, so I hear my little brother is here?”

  I rolled my eyes as I gave Glenn a quick hug. “You heard correctly.”

  “HEY FOOTBALL STAR, COME SAY HI TO YOUR BROTHER.” Glenn shouted as I heard Joey come boundin’ down the stairs with Mia ridin’ on his shoulders.

  “Oh please, football star is nothin’ compared to rock star.” Joey chuckled as he placed Mia in my arms.

  Cami was already runnin’ over to Kayla, pullin’ her into a huge bear hug, and for the first time in a long time, Cami looked happy and content. “So I’m gonna guess things went well last night?” I tried to whisper it, but Joey was already in on the action.

  He wrapped his arms tightly around Glenn and I, and though I was taller than Joey, I couldn’t get his death grip off of me.
“You boys better be fixin’ y’all’s shit around here. I’m gettin’ real sick of havin’ to make sure y’all’s women are ok.”

  As soon as I thought it, Glenn was beatin’ me to the punch of sluggin’ Joey in the stomach with his free hand. “I take care of my shit, bro. Is that why you’re here?”

  Joey’s arms dropped, shieldin’ his nether region. “KJ was worried. I just came as a back up.”

  “Sure sure, Jo. When Kayla calls, you just come a runnin’.” I knew Glenn was jokin’, but it still hurt. “Sorry man, that’s not how I meant it.”

  “I know.” I nodded as I went to check on my daughter who was now colorin’ in the dinin’ room. “I hope ya got a place to stay, Jo, because ya sure as hell ain’t welcome here.” I laughed.

  “Well, I was actually hopin’ my big brother and amazin’ sister would let me stay at their place.” Joey glanced between Glenn and Cami, but I couldn’t tell if they were contemplatin’ sayin’ no or not. “If this is because of-“

  “JO!” Kayla’s voice was suddenly echoing throughout the house, scarin’ the piss outta everybody, causin’ a deafening silence fell over the room.

  Glenn and Cami spoke in hushed tones for a few minutes while Kayla silently reamed Joey a new one, and I couldn’t help but laugh. It was nice to see someone else on the other end of her wrath.

  “It’s cool, Jo. You can stay with us.” Glenn was clappin’ Joey on the shoulder, hard, and within seconds those two were chasin’ each other through the house and out into the yard.

  Children! I laughed.

  Chapter 15


  I inched my way over to Cami’s side before Glenn and Joey could make their way back in. “How’s he dealing with everything?” I whispered as to not catch Madison’s attention.

  Cami nervously pulled at a strand of her hair before she spoke. “Is it bad that I didn’t tell him?”

  “Cami Renee Green, are you shittin’ me right now?” Anger laced every syllable I spoke.

  “Shh.” She glanced around to see if Madison finally clued into what we were talkin’ about. “I’m going to, I swear I am. But, he started talking about how he called the adoption place and all these sweet things, and I just couldn’t find it in my heart to tell him and ruin his proud moment.”

  “Well news flash best friend, Madison knows.”

  Her hand came up, slapping my shoulder, hard. “You bitch.”

  “Knock it off.” I swatted her hand away. “He told me what Glenn said he did, and then went on to explain how Glenn did it in the first place because he was all messed up thinkin’ that y’all may not be able to have a kid of your own one day that looked like you.” Cami’s face fell. “Betcha feel bad now, huh?”

  “Oh my god. Why didn’t he tell me? He gave me some bullshit excuse. Damn that man. This is getting settled…now.”

  “Cam?” I reached out to pull her back, but it was too late. She was already holdin’ open the screen door, whistling for Joey and Glenn to get their asses inside.

  They both came crashin’ through the door, Glenn holdin’ Joey in a headlock while he incessantly kept tapping Glenn on the head. Ridiculous these two. I swear I don’t even know what I would do with two boys in the house. I’d all but kill em. When I realized that the two of them weren’t going to stop except with extreme measure, I quickly filled up the glass pitcher on the counter with cold water and made my way over to them.

  “Oh shit, y’all are in trouble now.” Madison joked as I stood in front of the two of them and poured the entire contents over their heads.

  “Your wife has something to say.”

  “Geez, KJ. You could’ve just asked us to stop.” Joey grumbled as he shook water remnants from his hair.

  “Oh we tried, Jo. If you’re gonna act like such a baby, then I’ll treat ya as such.” We both stuck our tongues out at each other before him and Glenn went to take a seat on the couch.

  “Mature, babe. Real mature.” Madison’s voice caught me off guard.

  “Watch it cowboy, or you’re next.” I smiled. “Now will everybody be quiet please so Cami can speak.” I glanced over at Madison once more, givin’ him my best death stare. “And, language, Madison. Our daughter is in the room.” I pointed in the direction of a clueless Mia.

  “Sorry.” He muttered, but I could tell he would let me punish him for it later.

  “Look, I wasn’t going to say anything just yet, because I do still have to go to the doctor and all, but-“

  Glenn was immediately on his feet and over to Cami’s side, pullin’ her into his side. “What’s wrong, babe? It’s nothin’ serious is it?”

  “Well in about six months it won’t be serious.” She joked, but Glenn just stood there with a perplexed look on his dumb face. “Glenn, you can’t be that stupid.”

  “Oh yes he could be.” Jo and Madison answered in unison, causing both of them to laugh along with each other until they realized they were actually getting along, so it abruptly stopped.


  “Glenn, I’m pregnant. I’m almost three months by my calculations.”

  Glenn stood there with a dumbfounded look on his face while the rest of us edged him out and gave Cami all the hugs in the world. Even Mia had pulled herself away from her coloring book long enough to notice the commotion and come say congrats.

  “Auntie Cam Cam gonna have a baby, yay!” Mia squeezed Cami’s leg tightly before Cami swept her up into a tight embrace.

  “Yes Miss Mia, Auntie Cam Cam and Uncle Glenn are going to have a baby.” Mia gave Cami a tight squeeze around her neck, and then she was done. “Down, please.”

  “See Glenn, even a two year old is smarter than you.” Joey punched Glenn in the arm before pullin’ him into a hug. “Congrats bro. That’s awesome.”

  Judging by the look on Glenn’s face though, it was anything but. I wrapped my arm gently around Glenn’s waist and made him look at me. “It’s ok. As soon as she goes to the doctor and finds out it’s ok, you’ll be ok, right?” He nodded into my head. “Glenn, you’re gonna get what you wished for, a little boy or girl that looks exactly like the two of you. Are you happy?” He nodded again. “Then go hug your wife, because I’m pretty sure she’s startin’ to think it was a bad idea to tell you.”

  Glenn slid out of my embrace and into his wife’s open arms. Tears fell down his flushed cheeks, and that’s when I knew that this was exactly what the two of them needed at this exact point in time. They were going to be the most amazing parents, dare I say Glenn might be the more attentive of the two, but they were going to be the best. If they treat their kids anything like they treat my daughter, then that was one lucky ass kid.

  Madison’s arms wrapped tightly around my waist, pulling me into a loving embrace before placin’ a kiss to my eager lips. “They’re gonna be great parents.” I just simply nodded into his chest knowin’ I was right there with him.

  After the shock of it all wore off, Glenn was sitting with Cami on the couch, askin’ a million and one questions. All questions that Cami of course didn’t have the answers to just yet, but it was absolutely adorable. Madison was off playin’ with Mia, so I meandered out onto the front porch, tryin’ to catch my breath a bit after all the excitement of the day so far. I plopped my exhausted ass down on my rockin’ chair just as Joey came wanderin’ out with a bottle of wine and two glasses.

  “It’s like you read my mind.” I laughed.

  “It’s good to hear you laugh, darlin’.” He smiled as he took a seat next to me.

  “Thanks, Jo. It’s so good to see you. So, how’s the whole Tanya bein’ behind bars been for ya?” I threw him a teasing smile.

  He poured us both a glass of wine and took a long swig before answering. “Honestly?”


  “It’s still been hard. Like, I know she can’t get out, but she said some things to Diem and I when we went to see her.” He glanced around, makin’ sure only the two of us could hear. “She told me to tell Cami to wat
ch out, or some shit like that.”

  “Jo! Have you told Glenn, or Cami for that matter?”

  “Hell no.” He answered as he kicked his feet up on the table in front of us. “And now, with all of this, there’s no way I’m sayin’ anythin’.”

  “Joey Green, you have to at least tell Glenn. We all know how crazy that bitch is, and now with Cami being pregnant. We can’t take any chances.” I looked over at Joey with my most serious face.

  “Alright alright. I’ll talk to Glenn about it.” I looked at him pointedly. “Soon. I promise.” He held his hands up in mock surrender as I pulled out my finger pistol and pulled the trigger.

  “You better.” We both doubled over in laughter. “I miss you, Jo.”

  He reached out for my hand and I happily took his. “I miss you too, KJ. So how’s everything with Madi goin’?”

  “You’re lucky he doesn’t beat your ass every time you call him that.”

  “I’d like to see him try.” He laughed, all the while lookin’ around for Madison.

  “Sure. So I have some news actually, and before you get all angry, just hear me out.” He sat forward in his chair, downing the rest of his wine and quickly pourin’ more. “We set a date, well, kind of.”

  “To separate so you can be with me? I knew it.” He instantly gave me an apologetic look. “I’ll be serious.”

  He was still holding my hand and I felt weird telling him what I was about to tell him while doing so, so I placed his hand on his knee. “We set a date for the wedding.” I could see the disappointment fall over his face, but held myself back from comforting him.

  He suddenly looked up at me with the widest smile, “I’m just kiddin’, KJ. I’m so happy for y’all.” He leaned over and pulled me into a loving embrace. “When’s the date?”

  “Well, that might be a problem for ya. I know you’ve got pre-season comin’ up, but it’ll be in the next couple of months. Will you be able to make it? I waited with baited breath.

  “I think I can make that happen.” He winked. “Bout damn time he finally stepped up.” He joked.


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