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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 15

by Amanda Bennett

  “I think I know who did it?”

  The entire bunkhouse erupted in shoutin’ and screamin’ from the other men, callin’ Jared everything from a liar, to a snitch, a thief, and even tryin’ to lay the blame on him. Madison knew better though. Jared was too shy and timid to be able to do anything like what had been done to that poor unsuspectin’ cow. It most definitely was not Jared, I knew that much.

  “Shut the fuck up, all of y’all!” Madison shouted. “Jared, come with me.” Madison motioned for Jared to follow us outside.

  “What do you know?” I was shocked at how calm Madison was, given the current situation.

  Jared nervously toed at the dirt below his feet with his boot while he pondered his response. “It was Kole.”

  Kole was the newest member of the ranch hands. He’s a 24-year-old pure breed Texas boy who grew up on his grandparents’ farm just a few miles up the road. He’s pretty well known around town, and he seemed like a nice enough guy, but apparently we had completely misjudged him. Now I was just as livid as Madison.

  “And why would Kole do this?” Madison implored while pacin’ back and forth in front of Jared.

  “He said he owed some girl a favor.”

  That’s when Madison and I looked right at each other with pure hatred in our eyes, and not for one another. “Thanks, Jared. Is Kole in there?”

  “No, he took off a bit ago and said he would be back. Said he had to run to the feed store, I believe.”

  “Thanks Jared. You’re a good kid.” Madison lightly slapped Jared on his shoulder as we turned to walk away, but Jared’s voice stopped us mid-stride.

  “Um, sir, do I still have my job?”

  Madison’s shoulders visibly relaxed as a small grin spread across his face. “Of course you do, Jared. As for those other yahoos, tell them I’ll be back later to talk to them.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Jared shouted as he ran back towards the bunkhouse, relieved I’m sure.

  “Time to take a mother fucker down.” Madison looked at me with a sinister grin, and I immediately knew we were definitely not goin’ to be home in time for dinner.

  Chapter 29


  As we walked back into the house, the guys were nowhere to be found. I glanced at the clock noticing that it was already 7:00. I knew from Kayla telling me that Madison was almost always home by 6:00 at the latest. Granted we were getting in later than expected, but I guess I half expected the guys to be home well before us, drinkin' a beer on the couch or something along those lines. I looked over at Kayla who had the same confused look on her face that I was carrying on mine.

  "Have you heard from Madison at all?" I made my way into the kitchen where Kayla stood contemplating what to do for dinner.

  She shook her head in disbelief. "No, and he always calls me if he's going to be late. This isn't like him at all." She reached for the phone on the wall. "Let me try his cell." After a few seconds she hung the phone back up.

  "No answer?"

  "No, straight to voicemail. What the hell is goin' on?" She prattled about in the kitchen for a few more minutes before settling in next to me on one of the stools at the island.

  "I don't have a good feeling, Kay." My head fell in worry.

  "I don't either." She muttered as she wrapped her arm snuggly around my fallen shoulders.

  We both sat there in silence when the phone rang, causing both of us to jump right out of our skin. Kayla quickly ran around the counter, almost dropping the phone when she reached for it.

  "Madison?" Her shoulders visibly relaxed as relief washed over her. "Okay. Okay, yeah. No, we were just worried is all. Okay, see you in just a bit." She hung up and turned to me with a worried look on her face.

  "What's going on?"

  "I'm pretty sure Madison just lied to me." I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. "He said they got caught up in work and didn't realize the time, but his voice sounded off." Her unshed tears were now freely falling down her flushed cheeks. "He's never lied to me like this before."

  I walked around the counter, pulling my best friend into a tight embrace. "I'm sure everything is fine. Maybe he didn't lie. Just give him a chance to explain himself. Did he say when they'd be home?"

  She nodded against my shoulder. "About twenty minutes."

  "Ok." I pulled her face up to look at me. "You go clean yourself up and I'll start something for dinner, and I'll go check on Mia." All Kayla could do was nod into my hands, and then she turned and stalked off to her bedroom.

  I made my way into the playroom where I found Mia completely zonked out on the floor. I couldn't help the small giggle that escaped my throat. She looked absolutely adorable all curled up on the floor with her arm tightly wrapped around her baby doll that Glenn and I had given her for her birthday. I gently scooped her tiny body up into my arms and carried her upstairs to her bed, tucking her in tightly before placing a small kiss on her forehead.

  As I made my way back down the stairs I could hear voices floating up, and I instantly stopped mid stride to listen.

  "Are you gonna tell Kayla?"

  "Bro, I have to. She's gonna know I lied to her, and I can't have that goin' on. She'll have my balls." Madison half joked.

  "Yeah she would. Ok, but we have to agree not to tell Cami. Not until we know more. I know Kayla won't agree to that, but could you try to get her to?"

  I could hear the groan Madison let out at the mere thought of asking his fiancé to lie to her best friend. I tried to stand completely still but the overwhelming urge to pee crept up on me and when I moved my foot, the floorboards beneath creaked...loudly.


  Glenn's face appeared around the corner, looking up at me from where he stood, and I knew I was caught.

  "Hey baby. Let me help you." His hand reached out for mine and I took it without question. I gave him a half-hearted smile as I descended the stairs holding tightly onto his hand for balance.

  When we finally made it down to the kitchen Madison refused to look at me, but still spoke. "Do you know where Kayla is?"

  I pointed towards the bedroom and he quickly scurried away. I turned my full attention onto Glenn, waiting to see if he was actually going to lie to me or not. When a few minutes had passed and he still hadn't spoke, I stood up to leave, but he caught my hand, pulling me between his legs as his arms wrapped tenderly around my waist. His eyes met mine, and I immediately knew that there would be no lies told today.

  "I'm really sorry about today, but we kind of ran into a situation."

  "And what would that situation be?" I tried to keep all sarcasm out of my tone.

  "Someone killed one of the heifers today. I found her in the back of the barn. I'll spare you all the gory details, but it was intentionally done to send a message."

  "A message to whom?" I pushed.

  Glenn still wouldn't make eye contact with me, and I was really starting to get pissed.

  "Us. As in you and I."

  A small gasp escaped me before I was able to cover my mouth. "But who?" Glenn finally looked up at me and I didn't even need him to answer me. I knew who it was, and so did he. "So where do we go from here?"

  "I honestly don't know. Madison and I went after the guy who did it. He told us everything we needed to know for now, but he emphasized that this was far from over. He insinuated that there are far more people involved than just him."

  A million different things raced through my mind as I tried to wrap my mind around what exactly he was saying.

  "So for now, the safest thing to do is to stay here with Madison and Kayla." I began to protest, but Glenn cut me off. "Madison and I will go to the house in the mornin' and get whatever we'll need for the next little bit. But no matter what...Cami?"

  I hadn't realized that I was looking at the floor completely zoned out. Glenn's finger dipped below my chin, pulling my gaze up to meet his. "Yeah?" I whispered.

  "Under no circumstances are you to go to our house alone, or without myself or Madison.
Do you hear me?" His voice had taken on a stern tone that I'd never heard aimed at me before.


  "Because, baby." His hands fell to my belly. "My biggest concern right now is you, and our unborn child. I don't want you in any situation that could possibly bring any harm to either of you. Got it?"

  I felt like a child being chastised, but I agreed. "Fine." He placed a gentle yet passionate kiss to my swollen lips as I was stomping my foot like a child, in my mind, of course. "I love you, Cami."

  "I love you too."

  And I wasn't lying. I do love Glenn, but what I don't love is being told what to do. As much as I wanted to stay true to what I just told him, I knew that I would eventually break said promise. So many things have been taken from me so far in this life, and I was done trying not to let another thing run our lives.

  Chapter 30


  I knew deep in the back of my mind that Cami most likely wouldn't be listenin' to a single damn word I just spoke to her, but I honestly just needed her to be as safe as safe could be at the moment. I don't know why that woman had to be so damn infuriating' when it came to serious shit. I could understand if I was tellin' her to stay away from a shoe or purse sale, but her life, and our unborn child's life was at stake here, and I don't know what I would do if anythin' happened to either one of them.

  At this rate, I was goin' to have to hire a bodyguard to protect her stubborn ass. Not to mention that this would inevitably get back to Kayla, and dealin' with a pregnant Cami was one thing, but dealin' with a pregnant Kayla just downright scared the shit outta me. The mere thought of it sent shivers down my spine.

  So here I stood on Madison's back porch, waitin' for him to join me so we could head over to my house and gather anythin' my girl would be needin' for the foreseeable future. Yeah, I very well may have left that little tidbit out when I told her how long, because as of right now, we weren't goin' back home until every last person involved in Tanya's little scheme was found and dealt with in one way or another.

  I pushed my hands back through the short mangled mess of hair on top of my head as I began pacin' the length of the wrap around porch. As much as I hated to admit it, I was in serious fear for what could happen to any of us at this point. I know Tanya all too well, and knowin' that she had somehow managed to convince these people to do her dirty work, which now included murderin' livestock, put an amount of fear into me that I have never known.

  "Hey man, you ready?" Madison made his way over to me, closin' the distance between us before pullin' me into a deep hug. "I'm real sorry y'all are havin' to deal with this."

  When he pulled back, I couldn't help the emotions that suddenly came over me. "I don't know what to do, Madison. I'm literally at a loss here. How am I supposed to protect my family when I don't know what's comin' next?" My head hung in defeat.

  "Glenn, I've known you practically my entire life and I know how you operate. You need to focus on the little bits we do know. We'll figure out what needs to be figured out, and you and Cam will be fine. I'll make sure of it."

  I turned back towards Madison swiftly, "That's the thing though, what kind of protector and husband am I if I have to have my best friend take care of us? Do you even know how that makes me feel?" I threw my hands up in aggravation.

  "Are you seriously askin' me that question?" He pointed at himself as he turned his anger on me. "Do you not remember that I had to rely on your brother to take care of my asshole father and a murderous Wren? Or how about the fact that I literally had to rely on my soon-to-be wife to protect and take care of herself and my daughter while I ran off to play rock star?"

  It's not that I had forgotten these things, it was just that in my selfish rant, I kinda spaced them out. "I'm sorry, bro. I wasn't thinkin'. If anybody knows how this feels it's you. I really am sorry about that."

  Madison rolled his eyes in irritation and I knew it was 100% directed towards me. "It's cool. Let's get this over with."

  I followed Madison out to his truck and hopped into the cab as he turned the ignition over, puttin' the truck in drive, and haulin' ass in the direction of my house. I tried to think of somethin', anythin' I could say to make him not think I was a complete douchebag for even insinuating' that he couldn't possibly know what I was goin' through. Sometimes I really don't use my damn brain, I swear.

  When we pulled up in the horseshoe driveway, I clutched Madison's shoulder before he had a chance to get out of the cab. "Madison, I really need you to understand how sorry I am. I never meant to take away from what y'all have been through."

  Madison let out an audible sigh. "It's not you, man. I still hold so much guilt over, well, everything. Every day it eats at me that I wasn't able to be the one to save her, and that if I would've just gave up my dream to live my new dream with her and Mia, maybe things would be different."

  My brows pulled together in confusion. "I thought y'all were doin' real good now?"

  "No, we are. I just feel like she resents me for bein' gone, and now with the new one on the way, I just need her to know that I'm in this for forever."

  "I think she knows that, bro. I don't think Kayla has it in her to stay with someone if she doesn't feel appreciated and all that shit."

  "I know, man. But I took so long settin' a date for the weddin', and I know there was a legitimate reason behind all of it, but sometimes I wonder if she thinks if I'll actually go through with it. Ya know?"

  Unfortunately I didn't, but I wanted to be here for Madison. I gave his shoulder a reassurin' squeeze. "She knows you love her. She knows you want to marry her. And I'm pretty sure that girl would marry you in an outhouse if necessary. Y'all are gonna make it, and then your little family will be complete. Unless y'all just start poppin' out kids like tic-tacs." I joked, and for the first time in quite awhile a true genuine laugh come rumblin' outta Madison's throat.

  Once we were both were done laughin' like a bunch of girls, we both hopped down outta cab of the truck and made our way up the walkway. I glanced around the porch and so did Madison as we approached the front door. Nothin' seemed suspicious so we continued inside. We both did a once through of the entire space, but came up empty. When we both met up in the middle of the foyer we both shrugged our shoulders.

  "Alright, I'll hit up the bedroom and grab the list of clothes that Cami gave me to fetch. Will you go into the kitchen and grab this list of food she gave me?" Madison laughed as he snatched the piece of paper outta my hand.

  "Ridiculous!" He muttered to himself as he disappeared in the direction of the kitchen.

  I was standin' in our closet, gatherin' up Cami's clothes, when I heard Madison shout my name from the other room. I dropped everything I was holdin' in my hands and went runnin'. Not that he would need my help to fend off someone if that was the case, but better to be safe than sorry. When I rounded the corner of the kitchen, my mouth dropped open wide at the sight before me.

  "Looks like someone got in." Madison grumbled.

  The kitchen was in complete disarray. Every single plate and glass we owned was strewn about the counters and floor in pieces. On top of that, what I could only assume to be ketchup and mustard painted my walls from ceiling to cabinets. I let out a loud huff as I made my way over to the kitchen sink to grab some rags and start cleanin', when I found the most disturbin' thing starin' right back at me.

  "What the hell?” I growled as I pulled the large knife from the counter that was stuck through a small piece of paper with part of the heifer's heart.

  Madison walked up behind me. "What does it say?"

  I slowly read it aloud. "Your heart will always be mine, and if she thinks she has it now, this is what will happen to hers." Rage and adrenaline coursed through my veins as I tossed the note and the piece of organ that was left on my counter into the garbage can. "Let's get this shit cleaned up before anybody else, namely Cami, sees it.

  We were almost done cleanin' up when Madison finally spoke. "You doin' ok, man?"

tly bro, I don't know anymore. I feel like every time we finally have our life in order and everything seems amazing, somethin' comes in and tries to destroy it all."

  "I get it, man, but if Kayla and I are any example of how you can get through anything, then I wouldn't worry so much. We're gonna get to the bottom of this. I can promise you that much. Have you heard from Jo at all?"

  My head shot up in anger. "No! That little asshole was supposed to be tryin' to get all of this shit taken care of, and he can't even call me? What the hell?"

  "I mean, it's not like he's just sittin' around on his ass, but yeah, I get what you're sayin'."

  Before Madison could even finish his sentence, I was pullin' my phone out and callin' my little brother, and if he knew what was good for him, he'd answer his damn phone right quick.

  "Hey big brother, how's it goin'?" Someone sounded chipper.

  "Must be nice to be in a good mood when your life isn't gettin' torn apart."

  "What are you talkin' about? What happened?"

  "Jo, just tell me y'all have put some sort of a plan into motion?"

  "Well..." The line went silent but I knew he was still there.

  "Jo, what aren't you tellin' me?"

  "It's ok. I've got it under control."

  Now I was livid. I stood up from the kitchen floor and began searchin' for a beer in the fridge. "Got what under control?" I growled as I tried to control my temper by takin' a long pull from the dark brown glass bottle in my hand.

  "There's just a lot she set into motion. By the way, y'all need to keep an eye on Madison's farm."

  "Oh you mean because of the heifer that was murdered. Yeah...been there, and then I was lucky enough to come home and see the heart from said heifer on my counter with a note from that psycho."

  "Jesus, Glenn. I didn't know until today. I'm sorry."


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