This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 16

by Amanda Bennett

  "Jo, you keep sayin' you're sorry, but you also keep tellin' me that y'all have a plan, but your plan fuckin' sucks if this shit is still happenin'. For fuck's sake man, we can't even live in our house right now. So I want good news, and I want it fast. Got me?"

  "Yeah bro. I got ya. I'll call ya right back."

  I ended the call on my phone, and then chucked it across the room and over onto the couch. I'm pretty sure at this point, Madison knew better than to ask me anythin'. If Joey didn't fix this shit, and quick, I'm gonna be on the next flight to San Francisco to beat his quarterback ass.

  Chapter 31


  “Did you really agree to that?” I could hear the disapproval in Kayla’s voice as she spoke, and I couldn’t help but share her sentiments.

  “I mean...kind of, but he forgot to make me promise. When either of us say “I promise” that’s really the only time we have to stay true to our word, and he didn’t ask me to promise him, so I figure it’s fair game. No?” I was really trying to convince myself more than anything.

  Kayla let out an amused giggle. “If that’s what helps you sleep at night, then hey, who am I to judge.” She held up her hands.

  “Honestly, at this point I’m not getting much sleep any way, so...” I was trying to find a way to not listen to my husband and not have a guilty conscience about it, all at the same time.

  I ran my fingers through my hair in aggravation. “I just don’t understand. I get that Tanya is crazy and I need to be careful, but Glenn is acting like I’m some sort of invalid. I can take care of myself, ya know?”

  “Oh Cam, we all know you can take care of yourself, but this bitch is nuts, and it doesn’t look like she’s letting up anytime soon. You know that he’s just looking out for you and this precious baby of yours,” her hands fell to my now somewhat round belly, “that he thinks is a miracle to begin with, and in all actuality, it is a miracle that you’re pregnant already. I’m not sidin’ with him by any means, but he makes a good point.” Her eyes were on mine, and I couldn’t help but concede. “Fine, I’ll stay away from the house and do as he asks.” I knew I was acting like a petulant child, but I also felt like I was being treated like one. “I just can’t wait for the day that all of this is over.” My head fell into my hands as I plopped my pregnant ass down onto the couch.

  Kayla was instantly at my side, wrapping me up in a tight embrace. “Honey, I know this is all so hard on you. You just need to stay positive. Trust in the fact that Jo says he has this all under control.” We both let out a small laugh, “did I just say that? Ok, maybe just trust your husband.” She smiled, and I smiled right along with her.

  “It’s not that I don’t trust Glenn, it’s just that I’ve seen what happens in this group when bad things start happening and we are just forced to “trust” our husbands and sit on the sidelines. I refuse to let this insane bitch control our lives. I’m just sick of it.”

  Kayla nodded in agreement. “I know honey, and I agree with you, but unfortunately I’ve seen first hand what can happen when you fight against the evil in this world.”

  It didn’t escape me that Kayla had dealt with more than her fair share of crazies in her short life, but I couldn’t let what happened to her, happen to me, and I was willing to do just about anything at this point to make sure Tanya got what she deserved before making this whole situation much worse. Unfortunately, I had no idea what I was up against, and that in fact, scared the shit outta me.

  “If it makes you feel any better, I’ll go with you to the house later if there is something you need that Glenn doesn’t grab.”

  I let out a small sigh of relief. “Thanks, Kay.” I could tell by the tone in her voice that she wasn’t too keen on doing it, but I appreciated it regardless.

  Kayla and I spent the rest of the day having lunch with Miss Mia, playing games, and coloring. Oh how I longed for the days when we would sit back and have a nice glass of wine while tending to Mia. I laughed at my silent thoughts knowing that if I ever said that out loud, we would never hear the end of how bad of parents we are. I was completely exhausted, and judging by the look on Kayla’s face, I was willing to bet she felt the exact same way. Somehow or another I had completely forgotten just how much work kids are. Just when I thought Mia was never going to go down for her nap, my silent prayer was answered in the form of a tiny toddler yawning while trying to keep her heavy eyes open. I glanced over at Kayla just as she stood, picking up Mia in her arms. Mia was already asleep by the time Kayla’s foot hit the bottom step. While Kayla laid Mia down, I decided to quickly text my husband to see where exactly he was. I knew that he was heading over to the farm to help Madison with some stuff after they went by our house this morning, but I half expected him to at least shoot me a quick text to let me know all was well.

  Hey, haven’t heard from you since y’all went

  to the house this morning. Everything ok

  with the house and you?

  I sat on the comfy armchair waiting for a reply when my eyes began to get just as heavy as Mia’s had been just a few minutes prior. I was just about to succumb to the overwhelming exhaustion I was feeling when my phone alerted me that I had a new text. I forced open my eyes enough to see what he had written back.

  Sorry baby, got tied up with stuff around

  the farm. Everything is good with the

  house and me. How’s everything there?

  I let out an exasperated sigh before replying.

  Oh you know, just throwing a raging party.

  Lol Well I’ll let ya get back to it. Just

  wanted to check in with ya since I hadn’t

  heard from you. Love you!

  The little bubble popped up on the screen alerting me to the fact that he was responding, but I couldn’t keep my eyes open a second longer. Sleep took over, and before I knew it, everything went black, allowing the world to fall silent.


  I woke with a startle, grasping at my pounding heart through my shirt as I glanced around at my surroundings. When I realized that I was still at Kayla’s house I physically relaxed, but my mind was still reeling at the nightmare I had. I tried to wake myself multiple times, but it wasn’t working, and now that I was awake, I was silently praying that I could fall back asleep. I glanced out the living room window trying to decipher whether it was day or night. My mouth fell open in shock as I sat there staring out at midnight black night sky.

  I turned on the couch, craning my neck to look back into the kitchen to see if anyone was around, but it was just as pitch black as the sky. Where the hell is everyone? I thought to myself as I wrapped the small blanket from the back of the couch around my shoulders. I stood from the couch and started making my rounds, checking every single room in the house, but finding no one. Not only were there absolutely zero people to be found, but the house was eerily quiet. My mind instantly shot to worst-case scenario, assuming that someone broke in and murdered my friends and family. I rushed down the stairs, sliding across the hardwood floors with my sock covered feet. When I reached out for the phone that usually hung on the wall closest to the front door I came up empty handed. All that hung on the wall were wires indicating that someone had ripped the phone right off the wall. I sucked in a strangled breath as I ran into the living room to grab my cell phone off of the end table. When I reached for it my hand slid across the smooth wood surface. My cell phone was also missing.

  I slowly backed up against the wall that separated the living room from the dining room, fear and adrenaline coursing through my veins as it started to sink in that I was completely and utterly alone. I opened my mouth to scream for someone, anyone, but before any noise could come out I felt something wet sliding down from between my legs, soaking my pants clean through. I took in a deep breath trying to calm myself a bit before finally glancing down. My once blue jeans were now stained bright red, as blood continued to soak through every inch of the rough material. I sucked in a deep breath as a loud horrified gasp escaped
my throat. I frantically began gathering up my things, clutching onto my keys to my car as though were my only lifeline. When I walked out into the dead of night, my car was the only one parked outside of Madison and Kayla’s house. Even though this made my fear hit an all time high, I didn’t have time to dwell on it. I slid behind the wheel, forcing my keys into the ignition, and I took off like a bat outta hell towards the hospital.

  The sign pointing in the direction of the hospital alerted me to the fact that I was almost there. I turned in the direction of my saving grace just as my car started to jump. Smoke began billowing out from underneath the hood, and all of the gauges started going haywire. I pushed the gas pedal all the way down to the floor of the car, willing it to just get me to the hospital, then I can take care of whatever is wrong. My car began to slow, nothing was working to keep it going and before I knew it, I was pulled over on the shoulder, stranded.

  Heated tears began to fall down my cheeks as I forced myself out of the car and began walking. I knew that from where I was the hospital wasn’t any further than a mile, maybe a mile and a half. I pulled the strap of my purse high on my shoulder and let my feet take me where they knew I needed to go. I kept glancing back over my shoulder as my car slowly started to disappear into the blackness of night. I could see the hospital lights illuminating the darkness that surrounded me, letting me know that I was almost there. As I took another step further a sharp pain shot through my uterus, causing me to double over in pain. My knees fell to the hard asphalt as I tried to regulate my breathing enough to continue. After a few seconds the pain subsided and I pushed myself up off of the road and continued my trek. A few minutes later the same pain shot through me again, this time causing me to collapse onto the ground, shaking and writhing in pain. I tried to do the stupid breathing that I’d learned in my labor class, but nothing was working. I lay there on the warm asphalt, clutching my knees up to my chest as much as my pregnant stomach would allow. Please, please let me get through this. I promise I will never go against Glenn’s wishes again if you can just let me get to the hospital. I silently pleaded with myself as the pain only intensified.

  I was trying with everything I had in me to get back up and get to the hospital, but everything seemed impossible at the given moment. More tears ran down my heated cheeks as I slowly started to panic. I can’t have this baby on the side of the road. I just want my husband. I want my husband to swoop in and save the day like he always does. Unfortunately for me, it didn’t look like that was going to happen.

  I took a few deep breaths, fighting against the excruciating pain and forced myself to stand back up. I slid my hand below my protruding belly, holding it up as much as I could to hopefully take some of the pressure and pain away enough for me to walk. I gingerly slid one foot in front of the other, every step leading to more pain as my knees threatened to give out on me. I was getting closer now and I could even see the bright red and white letters spelling out emergency. The pain was getting unbearable and I felt as though I was going to pass out any second. A few more steps and I could stop what was happening. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as my knees completely gave out, my body falling to the ground like a ton of bricks. How did I even get here?


  Eventually my eyes fluttered open, but I was now back at my car and the hospital seemed impossibly far away. The pain in my uterus was still prominent and I couldn’t help but wonder how I got back to where I started. I glanced around, noticing that the sun was just breaking through the horizon. Hot heavy tears were still steadily streaming down my cheeks as my cries wracked through my body, causing me to shake uncontrollably. Instead of fighting to get myself back up, I chose to just completely give in. I had nothing left in me. No fight. No will to survive...nothing. My cries became louder and my body shook violently. So much so that it felt as though someone was holding me down, forcing me to stay right where I was. My body sat up and pushed down with every shake, and I was starting to think that this was the end. Is this what happens when you die? “Glenn!” I cried out. I knew he most likely would never hear me, but I had to let him know. I had to put it out into the universe. “Glenn, I love you so much.”

  “CAMI? CAMI COME BACK TO ME!” Glenn’s voice was right in my ear, making saying goodbye that much harder. The tears fell harder and my voice became weak.

  “I love you, baby. I’m so sorry.” It was the only words I could find at the moment even though they didn’t do the love I feel for him justice.

  “CAMI?” Glenn’s voice became increasingly louder. “WAKE UP, CAM!”

  My body shook with every word that he spoke, and I suddenly realized this was all a dream, or nightmare, depending on how you look at it. I silently pleaded with myself to open my eyes. To look at the gorgeous man in front of me, but my body was betraying me. I was stuck in this never-ending nightmare and I was beginning to think I’d never get out of it. Suddenly my cheek felt as though it was on fire. I clutched my cheek with my hands as my eyes shot open. Glenn’s worried face came into view and I instantly locked my arms tightly around his neck.

  Words failed me at the moment, but my lips didn’t. I kissed my way up his neck, over to his rigid jawline, and then finally resting them on his lips. Every single fear, worry, and feelings of hopelessness melted away as I felt nothing but adoration and love radiating through his every touch. When I pulled back his fingers gently swiped away the remaining tears from my flushed cheeks. My eyes were instantly swept up into an ocean of blue as Glenn gently cupped my face in his strong loving hands.

  “Are you okay?” I could hear the fear evident in his tone and it literally broke my heart.

  I shook my head in his hands, “No.” I could feel the tears continue to fall as I tried to speak again. “It was horrible. I woke up here all by myself. Nobody was around. I tried to get to the phone to call you or anyone for that matter, but the phone was ripped off the wall, and my cell phone was missing. And then I saw the blood.” I closed my eyes as the realness of it all came rushing back to me.

  “What blood?” Concern laced every word Glenn spoke.

  “I was bleeding from below. It was everywhere. So I drove myself to the hospital. Well I tried to at least. But then my car broke down, and then I was in so much pain, and I just couldn’t get to the hospital. I thought I was dying in my dream, and then you woke me up. Glenn, it was the worst feeling in the world not being able to wake up.” More tears fell as I began to cry all over again.

  Glenn’s arms wrapped tightly around me as he pulled my head into his chest. “You’re fine now, baby. I’ve got ya. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, love.”

  Glenn cradled me against his body as I continued to cry into his shoulder, thankful that I had this amazing man to take care of me for the rest of my life. “It all felt so real, Glenn. I remember every little detail so vividly.” The part I wasn’t telling Glenn was that I still had this feeling deep down in my gut that it could still happen exactly as it did in my dream. It’s not like I wanted to keep it from him, but in all actuality there was no reason for both of us to be worried.

  After what felt like hours, I pulled back from Glenn long enough to ask where everyone else was at.

  “They took Mia over to the grandparents’ place to spend some time with them for awhile.”

  Embarrassment immediately rushed over me. “Oh my god, did they see this whole ordeal happen?”

  A small laugh escaped between Glenn’s lips. “No honey, nobody was here but me. But even if they did witness it, they would never judge you for anything. It happens to the best of us.”

  “I know, but...never mind. All that matters is that you’re here with me now. I love you.” I whispered as I pressed my needy lips against his one last time. “Now take me to bed, please.” And he did...happily.

  Chapter 32


  Her body was still tremblin’ as my lips continued to cover every tiny bit of exposed flesh on her gorgeous pregnant body. Her breaths slowly became
short and ragged as my lips followed her collarbone, down her chest between her breasts, and slowly over to her hardened nipples. My hand came up to cup her breast as I took her nipple into my mouth, suckin' and nibblin' as her body bent into me. Her hands went to the back of my hair, tuggin' every time my tongue swept across her perky and full breasts.

  My mouth captured hers, our tongues intertwining with one another as my hands slid up the sides of her dress, pullin' the hem up just enough to rip the thin lace panties coverin' her heat. I needed to be in her more than I needed to breathe at this moment, and that flimsy fabric was just gettin' in the way. Cami sucked in a gasp as I thrust two fingers deep inside her as my thumb worked over her clit. I could feel her walls clenching around me and I knew she was gettin' close. I quickly removed my fingers, replacin' them with my cock. Her walls greedily sucked me into her as she came undone around my length.

  I slid in and out of her at a steady pace until I could feel her at the edge of another orgasm. I increased my pace, and as I watched her breasts bounce with every thrust, I quickly found myself fallin' over the edge, and fillin' her to the brim. It felt as though it has been forever since we were intimate, although in all actuality, it has only been a couple of days. But fuck, I loved bein' inside her so damn much it hurt.

  My head fell to her heavin' chest as we both tried to catch our breath. I wrapped my shaky arms around her waist as I breathed her in. Her signature smell of peaches and sandalwood instantly relaxed me to my core. When my breathing regulated I slid down her tiny torso until my lips were firmly pressed against her burgeonin' belly, placin' featherlike kisses just above her belly button.

  "I can't wait to meet you little one. I just know you're goin' to be just as beautiful as your mom." I whispered.

  "What if it's a boy?"

  "Then he'll be just as handsome as his daddy." I laughed.

  "As long as this little one is healthy, that's all I care about." She smiled as her hand fell to her tiny bump.


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