This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

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This Family of Ours (Raine #6) Page 17

by Amanda Bennett

  "I agree." I smiled in return.

  As I lay here with my wife and unborn child wrapped in my arms, I can't help but think back on what I've been dealin' with all day. As much as my heart wanted to tell Cami, the better part of my mind knew that was exactly what she didn't need right now. It killed me and chipped away at my heart knowin' I was keepin' a secret from her, but the last thing I needed was for my wife to have any undue stress put onto her.

  My apologetic eyes fell to her burgeoning belly that my lovin' hand rest on top of. This was for the best. If I couldn't protect my family from the evil that had seeped into our life, then what good was I to her? My fingers aimlessly traced small intricate circles across my child as I pictured him or her runnin' around our house, outside playin' with their "cousins", and livin' an untouched and happy life. Because honestly, that's all I wanted out of this life.

  I knew Cami could sense my restless unsettled mind turnin' its gears, because she was tuggin' my face up to hers. "What's goin' on in there?" She gently poked at my forehead as I found myself gettin' lost in her gorgeously lovin' eyes.

  "Nothin' much, love. Just enjoyin' this time with you. I know it's been constant chaos since we found out you're pregnant, and its nice havin' this quiet time with you where it feels like nothin' bad doesn't exist, for the moment." It wasn't all a lie.

  A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, "I love you, Glenn. No matter what this life throws at us, I take comfort in that."

  My eyes blinked slowly in adoration as my wife's gentle words put my racin' mind at ease. "I love you too." I whispered against her lips just before sealin' mine over hers.

  "When do the Raines plan on bein' home?"

  A small hearty laugh broke through the silence as she referred to our two best friends as a happily married couple. "Not sure. I think they're plannin' on stayin' for dinner at Kayla's grandparents' house." I silently wondered why she was askin', but paid it no mind when I heard her stomach growl like one of the biggest Grizzly bears. "Hungry?"

  Her face flushed with embarrassment. "Maybe a little." She laughed.

  "I'm on it." Within seconds I was pushin' myself up off of the couch and scavengin' through the pantry and fridge to find somethin' to fix my baby, and my unborn baby. When I stumbled upon all the fixings for breakfast, I knew she would be excited. As of late, breakfast food was all that Cami would consume, and I was more than happy to oblige...every time.

  I was stirrin' the eggs when her small delicate hands snaked around my waist from behind. Her head craned around my neck and I placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

  "I can't wait to be back in our house." I could hear the disappointment in her tone, and I instantly felt horrible for what she was havin' to go through.

  I let out an audible sigh before I turned in her arms so she was now lookin' up at me with those gorgeous sparklin' blue eyes. "I know, baby. And I promise, as soon as it's safe to go back, we will." My lips grazed the tip of her nose before pressin' against her luscious plump lips, causin' my pants to become uncomfortably tight. When I moved a bit to adjust my erection, Cami let out a delicious laugh that registered all the way down to my hard as a rock erection.

  I turned for a brief second to stir the eggs to make sure they weren't burnin', and when I turned back around, my hands instantly fell underneath her ass, pullin' her up and onto the edge of the countertop. The look on my wife's face was priceless as she heard the distinct sound of my zipper. Without hesitation I was pushin' into her. She was so wet and ready for me which only made it that much harder not to come right on the spot. I slowed my pace just enough to get her where she needed to be by rubbin' her deliciously wet clit.

  While my thumb worked her over, I began thrustin' deep inside her harder than I anticipated, but if her moans were any indication, she didn't mind how rough I was bein'. Her walls clenched around my length and I could no longer hold back. My hands clenched onto her hips hard, pullin' her into me with every thrust. Moments later we were both shoutin' each others names as we lost ourselves in the pure animalistic pleasure we were feelin'. I pushed into her one last time as her insides milked every last drop of me.

  I wanted to stay inside of her for a lifetime, but unfortunately that wasn't really a possibility, especially when the scent of burnin' bacon hit my nostrils. "Shit." I quickly pulled out of my wife and turned to dispose of the burnt bacon and tend to the eggs that were sure to burn if I didn't act quickly. I was lost in the monotony of cookin' when my Cami's laugh caught me off guard. I turned back around to look at her, hands on my hips, dick out. "What's so funny?"

  A mischievous grin plastered on her beautifully just fucked face. "This," she pointed down at my naked bottom half, "is surprisingly sexy."

  "Oh is it now?" A playful grin hit my lips as I shuffled in my pants around my ankles to where she still sat on the countertop. My lips met hers, and we both smiled. "You, darlin', are insatiable." I smiled against her lips before kissin' the shit outta her, and then bendin' over to pull my pants back into place.

  After we ate a delicious dinner consistin' of eggs, potatoes, bacon, and gravy, all I wanted to do was lay down with my lovin' wife in my arms. Of course she happily conceded and we spent the remainder of the night layin' on the couch watchin' ridiculous Hallmark movies that were basically the exact same movie, just with different actors, but it was what she wanted to do, and who was I to argue with the gorgeous being next to me.

  I wasn't exactly sure what time it was when Madison and the fam came walkin' through the door, but Cami had drifted off into a peaceful slumber at least a half hour before now. Madison glanced between the movie on TV and me, and a loud throaty laugh reverberated off every wall in the house.

  "Aw, how cute. Glenda is watchin' his favorite channel." I chucked a pillow from the couch at him, hittin' him in the chest. "You're such a pussy." He joked.

  "Shut the fuck up, Madi. You know if Kayla asked you to watch this shit, you would in a heartbeat."

  "Duh! But that's because I cherish my balls more than anyone else's opinion."

  We both laughed uncontrollably, but quickly stopped when Kayla entered the room.

  She held her hands up, "Don't stop on my account. You girls just keep your giggle fest goin' while I go grab a snack." She placed a chaste kiss against Madison's cheek, and I watched as my tough best friend melted into a puddle right in front of my face.

  "Pussy." I coughed under my breath.

  "Shut the fuck up." He glared at me. "You wanna beer?"

  I nodded in acknowledgement as I stood and scooped up my peacefully sleepin' wife. "I'm gonna go lay her down." Madison nodded as I headed upstairs and he headed into the kitchen.

  A few minutes later, Madison and I were out on the porch, drinkin' our beers while we sat in the rockin' chairs lookin' out on the beautiful state that raised us. "So how was dinner?" I took a long pull on my beer as I waited for him to answer. I needed this.

  "It was nice to spend some time with the grandparents. It's been too long. I don't know how we ended up barely seein' them when we literally live a few hundred feet away from them."

  "You've been busy, man. I'm sure they understand."

  "Yeah, but they're gettin' older and we need to make a better effort. That, and they absolutely love spendin' time with Mia."

  "Well who doesn't?" I laughed. "She's an awesome little girl. Definitely takes after her mom." I joked.

  "I'm inclined to agree with ya on this one."

  I was sure he would've made some sort of assholish comment, but when he didn't, I was shocked.

  "So how'd everythin' go over here? Did you tell Cam?"

  My head snapped over in his direction mid drink. "Hell no. There's just some things she doesn't need to be privy to right now, ya know? Don't want to stress her out more than she already is." My face fell as guilt washed over me.

  "Look, I know it's hard keepin' secrets from her, but just like you said, she doesn't need any more stress than necessary at this point."
r />   I nodded in agreement, but I still felt like an asshole. "I'm just bettin' on Jo at this point. He better fuckin' come through."

  We both sat in silence for the next little bit, starin' out at the vast line of trees and open land. When we were growin' up, Madison always talked about livin' on this land, startin' a family with the girl of his dreams, and I always made fun of him. Not any more. This was exactly where I wanted to be for the rest of my life, with the girl of my dreams, and my soon to be family. Who would've thought that two roughneck hoodlums would be where we're at in life? It was a satisfying' feelin', and I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

  Chapter 33


  When I woke the next morning, I felt refreshed and ready to take on whatever the day would bring. I stretched wide, taking up the entire width of the bed, but quickly recoiled when I realized that I was alone in the bed. I rolled over to the small nightstand next to the bed and checked the time on my phone. No wonder I felt refreshed, it was almost eleven in the morning, and I felt as though I had literally slept the day away.

  I slowly stood and pulled on one of the only pairs of shorts that still fit me, and tugged on a lightweight shirt before heading down to the kitchen. Kayla and Mia were sitting at the island counter coloring when I entered the room, and it tugged at my heartstrings watching my best friend's daughter looking at her mother so lovingly. My hands instinctively fell to my belly and I suddenly couldn't wait for this little one to get here.

  "Well look what the cat drug in." Kayla laughed. "How'd ya sleep?"

  "Amazingly well. How was your night?"

  "We saw the gwandparents." Mia chimed in.

  "Well that's exciting. Did you have fun?" I bent over the counter as I became enthralled in what Mia had to say.

  "So much fun, Cam-Cam." She smiled up at me, and then went back to focusing on her coloring book.

  "How was your night?" Kayla's voice caught me off guard as I tore my eyes away from Mia and looked over at my best friend's concerned face.

  "It was amazing, actually." I went about making myself a bowl of cereal when I turned to Kayla. "Kay, do you think you could do me a favor today?"

  "You don't even have to ask. We'll go by in just a little bit after I drop Mia off at Grams' house and take Madison some lunch."

  "I feel bad, I didn't get to say goodbye to Glenn this morning."

  "It's not like you won't see him for dinner."

  I nodded as I took a seat next to Kayla, devouring my bowl of Lucky Charms faster than humanly possible. Kayla left a little while later to take Mia over to Madison's grams' house, and I decided to go through all the boxes that were now taking up home in the small guest bedroom that Glenn and I were staying in at Kayla and Madison's house. As I dug through the fifteenth box, I suddenly came to the realization that Glenn packed absolutely nothing I asked him to pack. That, and we seriously needed to go back to our big ass house that was sitting empty down the street.

  "Ugghh!" I flung my aggravated self back onto the bed.

  "What's up cupcake?" Kayla's voice made me jump up off the bed in fright.

  "Jesus, Kay. A little warning next time. You do know that there is some psycho bitch sending people after me, right?" I pushed myself up off of the bed, smacking her on her shoulder as I pushed past her. "Let's get this over with." I rolled my eyes in annoyance that Glenn didn't listen to a single word I said before packing.

  We pulled into my driveway literally two minutes later, and as I was searching for my keys in my Mary Poppins bag, Kayla's hand caught my shoulder, pulling me back.

  "What is that?" I followed Kayla's finger to the small cardboard box sitting on my porch.

  "Only one way to find out." I pushed her hand from my shoulder and skipped over to the box that was beckoning me.

  "WAIT!" Kayla's voice was loud and shrill, sending a chill down my spine, causing me to instantly jump back in fear.


  "Sorry, but you have no idea what's in there. I'm not letting my pregnant best friend open that thing. I'll do it."

  I turned around, mouth agape. "Um, you do know you're pregnant too, right?"

  "Besides the point." We both laughed, even though the situation called for anything but laughter. "Fine! We'll take it back to my house and open it."

  "Um, where my angelic little niece lives? I think not."

  "Fine!" She shook her head. "Then we'll take it inside and open it together. The guys can't kill both of us." Her eyes went wide. "Or can they?"

  "Whatever. I'll take my chances." I retorted as I stalked off towards the house.

  I hesitantly reached for the door, pausing for a brief second before turning the handle and making my way inside. Kayla was close on my heels and it was comforting knowing that my best friend had my back, even though I was worried about the repercussions from Madison if he ever found out that she came with me.

  Everything seemed fine and in its place as we moved through the house in the direction of the kitchen. I came to an abrupt stop as I entered the kitchen, causing Kayla to run into the back of me.

  "What the..."

  Without uttering a word, I pointed at the remnants of what looked like streaks of blood on the walls. "What the hell?" I glanced around the large open space in confusion. "Did Madison tell you if anything happened when the guys came by yesterday?" I turned towards Kayla in an accusatory fashion.

  She made a circle around her face. "Does this look like the face of someone who is in the know?"

  My face fell in embarrassment, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you knew anything about anything. It's just...what the hell?" I repeated.

  Kayla wrapped her arm securely around my shoulders, leading me further into the kitchen with the box we found on the front porch tucked underneath her other arm. As she placed the box on the counter, I turned into her, wrapping my trembling arms tightly around her waist. Her arms wrapped me into a protective hug, and the tears I had been holding back for quite some time now, came spilling over and down my cheeks.

  "It'll be ok, Cam. Let's just gather up the stuff we came for, and get outta here."

  I nodded into her chest, and then turned to head towards the bedroom. I started on the closet, grabbing all the clothes that Glenn hadn't grabbed, and then made my way over to the dresser. As much as I appreciated that Glenn thought I would be wearing thong underwear every day for the next who knows how long, my pregnant body just wasn't in agreement with him. I needed comfort, not sexual awakening.

  I was half way through filling up my second piece of luggage when Kayla came darting into the room. "Let's make this quick, Cam. I don't know why, but I have a very unsettling feeling at the moment. Call it pregnancy intuition or whatever, but we need to hurry."

  I nodded and continued on with the task at hand. Luckily Glenn had actually gotten all of my makeup and face stuff, but he didn't grab my blow dryer or my straightener, so I quickly gathered those up and threw them in the bag on top of everything else. I was rolling the two suitcases into the foyer when I heard Kayla grumbling something as she rounded the corner, almost running smack dab into me.

  "What's up?" My brows knitted together in confusion as she was still staring at her cell phone as though it just jumped out and bit her.

  "Nothing. Let's go." She shoved her phone into her back pocket before grabbing one of the handles for my suitcase and hauling it out to the truck.

  We both threw the luggage into the back of the truck, and then I headed back to lock the front door. "Oh shit!" I half shouted. "We forgot the box."

  Kayla let out a loud sigh as she ran to meet me in the kitchen. We both stood there, staring at the small package adorning my kitchen counter. We glanced back and forth at each other and at the box, before Kayla finally reached over for some scissors in the drawer on the island. She poised the edge of the scissors at the top of the box where it was taped, but my hand quickly jutted out, stopping her from moving.

  "I don't know if we should do this. Maybe we shou
ld just bring it with and have the guys open it?"

  "We can. It's totally up to you."

  I stood there going over the pros and cons in my head. If we took the package with us, Glenn would know that we came to the house even though he specifically asked me not to. Then not only would I have to deal with Glenn's wrath, but I'd have to deal with Madison's too. And that didn't sound like a fun time at all. But if we open it here and something happens, god forbid, then we'd have to deal with far worse.

  "I know it's quite the conundrum, but we have to do this now. Make a decision, Cam."

  I took in a deep breath, and then answered Kayla with a nod. I braced myself for what may or may not be in that box, and what the consequences might be from opening said box.

  Kayla slid the scissors across the top, and then across one side before pulling the cardboard up. Just as she opened the box entirely we heard a very distinct ticking sound. What happened next, happened in slow motion. Our eyes met one another's just as Kayla scooped up that tiny box and went running full speed towards the front door. My mouth fell open in shock as Kayla cocked her arm back and threw that tiny box as far as her pitching arm would allow her to do.

  We both watched in shock as it went soaring through the air towards the bunch of trees in the opposite direction of where the truck was. Our hands flew up over our ears as the deafening boom rang throughout.

  Chapter 34


  As soon as we heard the blast, Madison and I went runnin’ to the work truck as fast as our boot covered feet would allow. Dirt billowed up behind us as we peeled out of the field and onto the small dirt road that led to my house. Smoke was startin’ to fill the sky and it was only a matter of time until the fire trucks and cops showed up. Because of everythin’ that’s been goin’ on with Tanya, Madison and I shared a worried glance, hopin’ we could get there before they did. We didn’t need to answer any questions about things that didn’t concern the authorities just yet.

  I dug in my pocket, pullin’ out my phone and dialin’ Cami as quick as my fingers would allow. Straight to voicemail. I let out an exasperated groan and redialed her number.


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