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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 20

by Amanda Bennett

  Joey kept his arm around my shoulders as I let my head fall onto his shoulder as I continued to let the overwhelming amount of tears fall down my face. “Thanks, Jo.” I sighed as his muscles tensed beneath me. I wasn’t exactly sure why he was reacting this way, but then I saw the doctor emerge from behind the automatic metal doors that led back to the operating room where they had Kayla. Joey and I shared a concerned look, and then stood to walk over to where Madison and Kayla’s grandparents were speaking with the doctor.

  “As of right now she’s stable, but she’s not out of the woods quite yet. We managed to stop the bleeding on her brain, but now we just have to play the waiting game, unfortunately.”

  “What about the baby?” Madison’s voice was raspy and laced with grief as he asked about his unborn child.

  The doctor hung his head as he slid his surgical cap off. I knew that look all too well. I’d watched enough medical shows to know that the look he currently had on his face was more apologetic than one of relief.

  “As of right now, the baby is fine.” He sighed, “but unfortunately his heart rate has dropped significantly.” Madison sucked in a strangled breath as we all waited for the other shoe to drop. “Now that’s not to say that he won’t survive, but we just need to hope and pray that Kayla pulls through this so he has a fighting chance.”

  I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding, and sunk into Joey’s side, relief washing over my entire body.

  “Did you say he?” Madison’s voice cut through my euphoric sighs.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. Did you not know?”

  “” He smiled as he turned towards the rest of us. “I’m gonna have a son.” He croaked out as a stray tear rolled down his flushed cheek.

  Without hesitation, I ran to Madison’s side, pulling him into a tight hug. “Oh Madison, I’m so happy for you guys.”

  “Thanks, Cam.” He smiled down at me before placing a kiss to the top of my head. “Can I see her?” Trepidation seeped through his words as he patiently waited for the doctor’s response.

  “I can allow one person back.”

  Madison glanced over at Kayla’s grandparents with hope in his eyes as Kayla’s granddad placed his weathered hand on Madison’s forearm. “Tell her we love her, son.” Madison simply nodded, and then proceeded to follow the doctor through the open doors.

  I stood there, oblivious to everything around me as I stared at the double doors. I felt a small bit of relief knowing that she would most likely be ok, but in our family, you never know what’s waiting for us around the corner, even forty-five minutes down the road. All I could do was hope and pray that she really would be fine.

  I have no idea how long I’d been standin’ there, when I felt a small delicate hand grasp onto my shoulder. When I turned around, Diem’s tear ridden face stood there searching my face for something. Permission was my only guess given that she instantly wrapped me in her tiny frame as we both began cryin’ on one another’s shoulders. It never even occurred to me that this would affect her so much. Realizing how selfish I’d been in wanting everyone to make sure I was okay since I went through the entire ordeal with Kayla, I pulled back from Diem, grabbing her hands in mine.

  “Are you ok, Diem?”

  “I’m ok,” she nodded. It’s just a lot to process. I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. How are you doing?” She was literally the most selfless person I’d ever met.

  “I’m fine. I’m so glad ya’ll were able to make it out here. I’m sure Kayla will be glad you made it.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” Her beautifully blonde covered head fell, as guilt took over. “I feel like such a tit for not trying to get in touch with her more than I have. I was just trying to give her space to decide what kind of relationship she wanted with me. I just want to get to know her.” She sighed.

  “I know, Diem. Trust me when I say, she wants a relationship with you just as badly. It’s just really hard for her given the complicated history, but I know the anger doesn’t lie with you.”

  “I know, and I know our father is the one she blames, but I can’t help but feel as though I could’ve done more over the years. Maybe if I’d known about her. I honestly don’t know.”

  I lifted Diem’s chin up with my finger, “Ya’ll will make it work.” She nodded into my hand before pulling me into another hug.

  “Thank you, Cami. You’re an amazing best friend.”

  Madison emerged from behind the doors a little while later, and we all stood as he made his way across the claustrophobic room. Without any of us having to ask, he immediately began telling all of us what the doctor said once he was back there, and that Kayla looked great but she was still asleep. It did little to ease my worries and fears, but I guess I’d take what I could.

  “Cam, are you doin’ ok?”

  My head whipped to the side as I looked up at Madison from the chair I’d taken up residence in. “Yeah, why do you ask?”

  “Well, it’s not like Kayla was the only one who went through this terrifyin’ situation. I just wanted to make sure you were doin’ ok, that’s all.”

  “I appreciate it, Madison.” I slipped my arm through his as I rest my head on his shoulder, “I just want our girl to be ok and come home, sooner rather than later.”

  “I know,” he responded as he ran his hand over my head, pushing my hair back out of my face. “Thank you, by the way.”

  My head snapped up in shock, “For what?” I was flabbergasted.

  “For saving my girl’s life. If you wouldn’t have done what you did, who knows what would’ve happened.”

  “You never have to thank me for that, Madison. I’d do it again if I needed, and I know if the situation was reversed, she’d done the same for me.” I glanced over at him from the corner of my eye, taking in his forlorn look. “She’s gonna be ok. I just know it!” I gave him a halfhearted smile. We sat in silence for a bit longer, when I decided to broach a subject that Kayla would kill me if she knew I was bringing up. “Hey Madison, can I ask you something?”

  “Of course, anything.”

  “Why haven’t you married Kayla before now?” Madison’s mouth dropped open in shock, and I silently prayed he wasn’t about to rip my head off for prying into their business.


  “Of course,” I shrugged.

  He let out an exasperated sigh, “Because I’m a dumbass.” He laughed. “No, in all seriousness, I wanted to marry the girl the day I met her. I know that sounds unbelievable, but I honestly knew the day I met her that she was “the one” and I would never find anybody else to complete my life the way that she does, but I was scared. Still am.” He pushed his hands back through his hair as he contemplated his reasonings in his mind. “It’s like I told Glenn and Kayla, the only other woman I’ve ever cared for as much as Kayla, is my mom. And well...we know how that turned out.”

  I clutched my chest as my heart ached for Madison. I could only imagine what it feels like to lose a parent, and to be so young at that. I reached out for his arm, sliding my hand down, and then grasping his hand in mine. “Oh Madison. First off, I’m so sorry for what you’ve been through. But I know with absolute certainty that your mom wouldn’t want you to live your life in fear. I know what it feels like to think that your life is over, and I can’t speak for your mom, but,” my other hand fell to my burgeoning belly that held the most precious thing in the world to me, “I would never want this little one to ever not love because of the fear of the unknown. We don’t know what the future has in store for us, but I’d want him or her, and I believe your mom would want the same for you, to love and live like there’s no tomorrow. If there was a stronger word than love, that’s what Kayla feels for you. She doesn’t care if there isn’t a tomorrow, she cares about living every minute of her life with you, being your wife.” I took in a slow deliberate breath. “I know it’s just a piece of paper to most people, but to Kayla and myself, that paper signifies a deeper love than anything
else in this world. It signifies her eternal bond to you and only you. Does any of this make sense?”

  “Of course it does, and like I said, I’m a dumbass. I was thinking about it all wrong, and if she would let me, I’d marry her tomorrow, but you know Kayla, she wants everyone she loves to bear witness to it, and I would never in a million years deny her that.”

  “You’re a good man, Madison.” I smiled. “And if you ever break her heart, you know I’ll murder you, right?”

  “Duh!” He laughed.

  Madison and I sat in silence for the next little while, until someone walked up, clearing their throat. I didn’t even have to look up to know who it was.

  “Hey Madison, can I speak with you for a minute?” Joey’s voice was shaky, and I wondered what it was that had him so on edge. Madison excused himself, and then Glenn quickly slid into the seat next to me that Madison had just been sitting in.

  “How are you doin’, baby?” His hand nestled onto my belly as he spoke, and I wasn’t quite sure if he was asking me or the baby.

  “We’re doing ok.” I smiled as I placed my hand over his on our little miracle.

  “I need to apologize, Cam. I haven’t been the most supportive or lovin’ husband since we found y’all, and for that I am terribly sorry. I wish I could explain why I’ve been so standoffish, but it’s hard to put into words. You are my entire world. You and our baby, and I think more than anythin’ I’m disappointed in myself, and feel like I let you down.”


  “I should’ve been there to protect you, to protect both of you,” his eyes fell to my belly. “My job as your husband is to protect you from the evil out there, and I failed you. I failed both of you.” I glanced up just as a stray tear began rolling down Glenn’s cheek. “If anything would’ve happened to y’all or Kayla, I don’t think I could ever forgive myself.” His voice caught in his throat on the last word, and I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him as close to me as possible.

  “Glenn, don’t you dare put this on yourself. It was no-ones fault but that piece of shit, and mine.” I sighed. “If I would’ve just listened to you and stayed away from the house, Kayla wouldn’t be here, and we would both be at home obliviously happy. I’m sorry. I never would’ve guessed this is how you’ve been feeling.”

  His lips sought out mine and when our mouths found one another’s, I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. I kissed him as though he was my last breath on this earth. I put everything in me into that kiss, and if we weren’t surrounded by every single person we know and love, I would’ve let him have his way with me.

  “'s a bathroom right over there.” He pointed towards the hallway leading away from where we sat, with a devilishly handsome grin.

  “Right now?”

  Glenn glanced around the waiting room, “It’s not like anyone will notice we’re gone.” He moved his eyebrows suggestively and I couldn’t say no.

  I slowly stood, making sure no one was paying attention to either of us, when no one looked up, Glenn and I slowly made our way to the restroom. Just as the door clicked into place, I was pushing my pants, along with my panties, to the floor. Glenn’s eyes went wide as he took in the sight of my bare pussy. His tongue slipped out between his lips, licking them as he took in the sight of what he was about to devour.

  As he closed the distance between us, I could feel my desire for him between my trembling legs. My eyes never lost contact with his as he kneeled down in front of me. His warm large hands slowly slid up against my skin from my feet all the way up to my thigh, pushing them open as he carefully placed one of my feet on the toilet.

  My head fell back as a low moan escaped my throat just as his tongue moved between my lips and up and over my clit. He moved his tongue in slow deliberate motions, sucking my clit between his teeth and gently biting down. I let out another moan, much louder than the first, as he worked me over. He fucked me with his tongue before replacing it with two long fingers. I could feel my walls clenching onto them as he moved them in and out at a rigorous pace all the while licking and sucking my clit.

  My first orgasm hit hard and fast, and as I was trying to catch my breath, he pushed deep inside of me with his throbbing cock. My hands grasped tightly onto the sink behind me as my head bounced against the mirror with every thrust. I was on the brink of my second orgasm when Glenn’s lips crashed down onto mine, capturing my mouth, claiming me as his.

  “Turn around and place your hands against the wall.” He growled under his breath, and without hesitation, I did exactly as he commanded.

  As soon as I was facing the wall he pushed into me, deep and hard, causing my cries of pleasure to echo off every wall in the small space. I pushed my ass into him, matching every thrust as he delve deeper inside of me every time. His hand slid around my side and down to my clit, his fingers rubbing circles against my aching soft spot. A few more thrusts and I was coming undone. My orgasm radiating through every muscle in my body.

  A few minutes later and Glenn was riding out his own orgasm right along with me. My head fell against my arm on the wall as I tried to slow my erratic breathing. Glenn’s head fell to my back as his hands rubbed soothing circles across my belly. In this moment, I couldn’t fathom loving this man more than I do right now. With all the chaos and unimaginative things that have happened to us over the years, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that this man was my saving grace, in all aspects, and I couldn’t wait to see him as a father to our precious baby.

  “You ok?” He asked as he placed a chaste kiss to my bare back before pulling my shirt back into place and pulling out of me.

  I turned and bent down to pull up my pants, “I’m fine. Are you ok?”

  Glenn pushed his hands back through his unruly hair, “I thought I’d lost you.” He muttered under his breath as he buttoned his pants.

  I moved forward, clutching his fallen face in my hands, forcing him to look at me as I spoke. “Never gonna happen,” I smiled. “No one could ever take me away from you. You hear me?” He nodded into my hands as I pulled his face to mine. “Now kiss me.” I smiled against his lips as he tenderly kissed me. “Now let’s go rejoin everyone before they get suspicious.” I laughed as Glenn playfully slapped my ass as I emerged from the bathroom first.

  Of course everyone knew exactly what we had been up to, as they all began clapping and whistling as we got closer. Glenn gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as we both looked over at one another, busting out in a fit of laughter. It was something we all needed, and I instantly felt lighter as the others joined in.

  Joey’s hand gently clamped down on my shoulder, “Never took ya as a public restroom fucker, sis.” My hand went up to slap him, but he was too quick and was already running away from me.

  “Fuck you, Joey Green.” I laughed.

  “No sis, I don’t like sloppy seconds.” He held his hands up in mock surrender as I went runnin’ after him. My hand caught the collar of his shirt and I was just about to pull him to the ground when the doctor emerged from behind the taunting metal doors again.

  “Sorry to interrupt the fun, but Kayla is asking for Cami.”

  My hand fell from Joey’s collar, in shock. “Are you sure she asked for me? Not Madison?” I was utterly confused.

  “I’m positive. The minute she woke up, she asked for you.” He looked at me with a confused look. “Do you want to follow me? I’ll take you to her room.”

  I nodded as I glanced over at Madison with an apologetic look, but he didn’t seem at all concerned that she hadn’t asked for him first. When we got to her room, I stopped abruptly just outside the door.

  “Are you ok?” The doctor asked, concern lacing his every word.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m fine. Sorry, I just need a second to breathe before I see her.” He simply nodded, and then disappeared down the hallway, leaving me alone.

  I hesitantly crossed the threshold to her room and gasped when I saw the state Kayla was in. My hand flew up to my m
outh as her bandaged and bruised face turned in my direction.

  “Oh Cami,” tears began to roll down Kayla’s cheeks as I ran to her side. “I was so worried about you.” She cried.

  I couldn’t believe that with everything she was going through, she was worried about me. I gingerly wrapped my arms around her as we both cried together. When I pulled back, I instantly wiped my tears with the sleeve of my shirt. “Are you ok?” I managed to get out between sobs.

  “The doctor says I’m doing well.”

  “I know, but I want to know how you are feeling.”

  Her eyes slowly blinked as she tried to answer, “I’m...well...I think I’m ok. I just can’t even believe what happened. It all seems surreal.”

  “I know. I honestly think I’m still in shock.” I pulled the chair from the corner next to her bed and sat down, holding her hand in mine.

  “What happened to the guy?”

  I swallowed the large lump in my throat thinking back to the gruesome sight I saw in the bed of the truck. “He’s here, in the hospital.” Kayla took in a sharp breath. I gave her hand that I was holding a squeeze. “No, no, not like that. He will be going to jail if he survives the surgery to repair all the damage I inflicted on him.” I could feel her physically relax as I spoke, and it made me breathe a bit easier. “Honestly, I did quite a job on him.” I tried to suppress a smile, but unfortunately it didn’t work so well.

  “There’s no reason to not be proud of what you did, Cam. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t even be here. Thank you for that by the way.” Kayla’s eyes glanced down at our intertwined hands and I couldn’t help but be extremely proud in that very moment. I saved my best friend’s life, and the life of her unborn child. Though I was never one to pat myself on the back, in this moment, she was right, I could be proud of myself.

  “You would’ve done the same for me.” I smiled, but the smile faded as soon as I remembered what I needed to ask her. “KJ, can I ask you a question?”

  “Always, Cam. What’s up?”


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