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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 22

by Amanda Bennett

  “What’s so funny over there?”

  I didn’t think she would hear me, but I laughed harder as I realized she had. “Nothin’, baby.” I slid my finger under her chin, pullin’ her lips to mine as I captured them in a kiss that I could literally feel all the way down to my toes.

  “Jo, I think we need to talk.” Her head dipped down as she took on a serious expression.

  My head snapped up and over in her direction as I turned my body towards her. “Shit! What did I do now?”

  “Oh god, no. Jo, you’ve done nothing. I just meant we need to talk about our current situation. I know now isn’t the best time to discuss the specifics, but I do have to get back to school now that we know Kayla is alright.”

  I let out a sigh of relief, “Thank god. I thought you had smartened up and were gonna leave me. Not that that’s what I want, the complete opposite actually, but I wouldn’t blame you if that’s exactly how you were feelin’.”

  Diem placed her hand on my forearm, givin’ it a reassurin’ squeeze, “Jo, you’re prattling on, calm down.” I nodded. “I guess I just want to make sure that we’re still on the same page with everything.”

  I wanted to say yes, but for the life of me, I couldn’t remember what page it was. “Don’t hate me, but as far as what?” I shielded my face from the lashing I knew I deserved, but she couldn’t be that mad at me. I mean, a lot has been goin’ on.

  “Why do you act like I’m gonna slap you or something? You’re ridiculous.” She laughed.

  I leaned forward, “Because I am ridiculous.” I smiled against her lips before pressing mine firmly to hers. When I pulled back, I was breathless. As much as I let the world around affect me, she is who grounds me. Who reminds me to take advantage of the little things, and her, when she lets me. Again, I laughed at my own joke, but this time Diem just laughed before planting another long drawn out kiss on my salivating mouth. I promise after all this craziness dies down, we’ll sit down and have the inevitable “talk”.”

  “Promise?” She whispered against my lips.


  “I hate to interrupt you two lovebirds, but Jo, Kayla’s askin’ for ya.” My mouth fell open in shock as Madison spoke.

  “Are you sure she asked for me?” It’s not like Kayla and I were in a bad place in our friendship, I guess I just didn’t expect her to want to have that many visitors. I hesitantly stood up.

  “Unfortunately Jo, yes, she asked for you.” Madison laughed as he jokingly punched me in the shoulder. “Just go through the doors, hang a left, and then her room is the fourth one down on the right.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  Madison nodded, and then instantly began a conversation with Diem. All I could think about as I approached Kayla’s room was how bad I felt for Diem. She desperately wants to get to know her sister, but unfortunately that didn’t seem to be in the cards right now.

  My hand began to shake as I reached for the metal door handle, grippin’ it far too tightly. I took in a deep breath, and then pushed the door open quietly. I knew she was on quite the concoction of medications, so I didn’t want to wake her if she had fallen back asleep. The curtain was pulled around the door so I couldn’t see her. I meticulously reached for the curtain and poked my head around to see if she was awake.

  When I got caught up in a sea of blue, I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I had been holdin’, and ran straight to her side. I gently wrapped her up in my arms, breathin’ in her scent, and the memories of all the times I’d done this before, came rushin’ back to me. Her arms felt like home, and just like that, a stray tear slid down my cheek, makin’ all my worries instantly disappear.

  “Well that was quite the hello, if I do say so myself. How are ya, Jo?”

  I pulled back, releasin’ my hold on her as my hands slid down her arms, catchin’ her hands in mine. “Always so selfless, KJ.” I winked at her as a wicked grin played at the corners of my mouth. “I’m hangin’ in there. Better question is, how are you doin’?” I sat back on the corner of the bed still holdin’ her hands tightly in mine.

  “I’m hangin’ in there.” She joked, and it felt amazin’ to see her smilin’ and laughin’ so lightheartedly. “I heard Diem came with you?”

  I tensed under her gaze as I tried to decide how I was goin’ to answer. “Um...”

  Kayla’s hand slid out of mine and up to my cheek, forcin’ me to look at her. “Jo, it’s not a trick question.” She smiled, and my body instantly relaxed.

  “Yeah, she did. Look, KJ I know that now isn’t the best time, but...”

  “Jo,” her hand moved from my cheek, back into my hand, “I love you, and if you love her, well then I’m more than willing to accept that.”

  “And as much as I appreciate that, Kayla, she’s not just the girl I love, she’s also your sister. Does that really not affect you at all?” I was tryin’ to keep my tone level so she didn’t get all worked up, but now I was gettin’ worked up.

  “Of course it affects me, Jo. You have no idea how much. It’s just so hard to put aside the fact that she got the life with my dad that I could only wish I had.” I opened my mouth to respond, but Kayla was already holdin’ up her hand to stop me, “And yes, I know it’s not her fault, but I can’t help the resentment I feel towards her.”

  “KJ, you’re not even goin’ to give her a chance?” Now I was just irritated. This amazin’ girl that I have loved since the day I saw her, is the one who preached to me to be acceptin’ of Madison and all his flaws, but she isn’t even willin’ to give her sister a chance? Hypocrite is the only word that came to mind.

  “I never said I wouldn’t give her a chance, but Jesus, Jo.” My hands went cold as soon as she ripped hers from mine. “With everything that’s goin’ on, and everything I’ve just been through, Diem is the last thing on my mind.”

  And that’s exactly where our conversation ended. “I’m sorry, KJ. I never meant for it to come to this, you know that, right?” Kayla simply nodded as she looked away from me. “I’m glad you’re doin’ good. Honestly, there was a moment when I thought we had lost you, but I’m glad you pulled through. You’re the strongest woman I know, and I love ya to pieces.”

  Her head slowly turned in my direction as a small smile pulled at her lips. “I love you too, Jo. Thank you for being here. I know you have a lot on your plate right now, and that you really can't afford to be here, but I’m glad you are. So, thank you.”

  “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. Now get some rest. I’m gonna go check into the hotel and get some rest. I’ll be back in the mornin’ before they discharge you.”

  Kayla nodded as I bent down to place a chaste kiss against her quivering lips. “Don’t cry, sweetheart. You’re gonna be fine.”

  “I know, that’s not why I’m cryin’. I miss you so much. It literally breaks my heart that we’ve all gone our separate ways. You have your dream job that took you across the country, and I miss you. I miss us. I miss how close we used to be.”

  I gently ran my fingers through the ends of her hair before cupping her face in my palms, “There’s no used to, we are still close, and I will always be here for you, any time of day.” She nodded into my hands before kissing me on the cheek. “I’ll see ya in the mornin’, love.”

  “Ok.” I was halfway out the door when I heard her strained voice call my name. I quickly turned around, waitin’ for her to say what she needed to say. “Please tell Diem I said thank you for coming.”

  A wide smile broke out across my face, “I will.”

  As I made my way back out to the waitin’ room I couldn’t help but feel a little lighter. It was a baby step, her wanting me to tell Diem thanks, but a step nonetheless. It gave me hope. Hope that one day both of my girls would have a relationship that rivaled ours, and I was okay with that.

  Chapter 39


  It felt like an eternity that Joey was back in the room with Kayla, and as much as I wanted to run back there and force my sis
ter to have a proper conversation with me, I knew it would only make the matter worse. It was literally killing me though, not being able to communicate with her. I just wanted her to give me a chance. A chance to see that I’m nothing like our father, and that I never, in a million years wouldn’t reach out to her had I known she existed.

  I was just about to spiral into a right episode of self loathing when Joey suddenly appeared at my side, placing a proper kiss to my lips. “Hey there, beautiful. How’s it goin’ out here?”

  “Nothing too exciting.” I smiled. “How’d it go in there?” I pointed in the general direction of Kayla’s room.

  “It went well. She actually told me to tell you that she says thank you for coming out.”

  “No she didn’t?”

  “She did. Honestly babe, just give it time. I have a feelin’ she’ll come around sooner than you think.” Joey glanced around the room before turning his attention back on me, “You ready to head to the hotel?”

  I simply nodded as we stood to say goodbye to everybody. As we made our way over to Cami and Glenn, I couldn’t help the nerves that shot through me. As much as I tried to convince myself otherwise, I wanted to get to know Joey’s family and friends. I wasn’t sure if we would wed one day, but the hope for it to happen lingered in me, and I know that it would only solidify our relationship the closer I became with all of them.

  “We’re gonna take off y’all. Call me if anything comes up, yeah?” Joey gave his brother a tight hug as I leaned towards Cami to do the same. To my surprise, she was quick to reciprocate the gesture, without question.

  “I’m so glad you made it out.” Cami sounded completely genuine, and my heart began to beat faster with excitement.

  “Me too. I’m just glad I get the chance to get to know all of you properly.”

  “Us too. Speaking of,” Cami quickly turned her attention to Glenn, “Babe, what are we doing for dinner?”

  “I don’t know, why?”

  “Why don’t we all get a bite to eat together? That way we have a chance to talk to Diem.”

  “Works for me.”

  “Does that work for you and Jo?”

  I turned to Joey, waiting for his response. “That works for me. You wanna go?”

  “I would love that.” I replied.

  “Well, let’s all head over to Crowley’s.” Joey wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me lovingly to his side.

  “We’ll meet y’all there. Let me go see if Madison wants to go.”

  Joey and I both nodded in agreement as we made our way out to the parking lot. “How ya doin’, baby?”

  “Honestly, this day couldn’t have gone any better. I mean, given the circumstances and all.”

  “I agree.”

  I wasn’t sure why, but I was suddenly extremely nervous. Although I had spent some time with all of them when they came out to San Francisco to celebrate with Joey after he was drafted, it didn’t necessarily end on a great note, and I was looking forward to actually getting to know them and having them get to know me.

  Joey slipped his hand through mine as we walked towards the entrance of the restaurant, and my nerves instantly settled. He always knew the right thing to do, at just the right moment, to put my mind at ease, and I loved him for that. We were just a few feet from the door when a bright light flashed in my eyes, practically blinding me. My hand flew up to my face, guarding my eyes as I gripped onto Joey’s arm tightly as to not trip on the curb.

  “Joey, Joey, over here. Who is this with you?”

  Joey had told me before his press conference just how rabid the paparazzi could be, but I had yet to witness it first hand.

  “Guys, just get your picture and go.” I could hear the anger in Joey’s tone, but I was impressed with how well he was keeping it together. Suddenly another flash went off, and that’s when Joey lost it.

  “Come on guys. I’ve told you a million times to back off.” Joey roughly grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him as I continued to block my eyes from the relentless camera flashes. I thought that once we were in the restaurant that Joey’s anger would subside, but I was wrong.

  “Joey, it’s not that big of a deal. Calm down.” I gently rubbed his arm in a soothing motion, hoping it would help.

  “I can’t believe those assholes. How did they even find me?”

  “Well you were just on the news. I’m sure they track you down wherever you go, no?”


  “Just calm down, babe. Let’s eat dinner, have a laugh, and forget all about them, yeah?” I firmly pressed my lips against his, and I could instantly feel his body relax as his arms snaked around my waist, pulling me flush against his chest. “I love you.” I whispered just before his mouth captured mine again.

  “I love you too.”

  We were lost in each other’s embrace when we heard someone clearing their throat behind us.

  “Don’t mean to interrupt.” Glenn laughed. “I’m gonna go ahead and guess those guys out there are with you?” I knew Glenn was only joking but Jo was quick to lose his temper.

  “It’s not like I asked them to be here, Glenn. Give me a fuckin’ break.”

  Glenn held his hands up, “Bro, calm down. I was just givin’ ya shit. What’s got your panties in a bunch?”

  “The fuckin’ paparazzi. I’m so sick of them bein’ everywhere I go.”

  “Comes with the territory, Jo. I mean, when your brother is in an internationally famous band and shit. It’s bound to bleed into your life too.” Glenn, Cami, and I were all having a laugh when Joey finally decided to loosen up and join in.

  “You can have em.” Joey joked.

  “How many in your party?” The hostess caught us all off guard, causing us to jump at the sound of her voice.

  “There’s gonna be five of us. We’re just waitin’ on one more.” Glenn piped up.

  “Well I can seat y’all and when the other person gets here, I’ll just show em to your table.”

  The way the hostess was coming onto Joey I immediately knew that she recognized him. It was down right ridiculous how all these women threw themselves at him just because he was an athlete. I wish I could say it didn’t bother me, but I would be lying. More often than not, I just brushed it off, but sometimes it really did irritate me to no now. But I had nothing to worry about, because Joey was always completely oblivious to it, wrapping his arm around my waist as he ushered me towards out seats.

  Once we were all seated and waiting for Madison, Cami jumped right in with the questioning.

  “So Diem, are you still in school?”

  “Yeah, I’m on summer break at the moment, but I’ll be going into my third year this fall.”

  “Third year already? I thought you were the same year as Jo?”

  “I actually started at Uni in England before I moved here, so I’m a year ahead.”

  “That’s awesome. So what is your major?”

  I let out a heavy sigh, “My father wants me to either be a doctor or a lawyer, but I’m still undecided. I reckon I’ll have to make a choice before the new semester starts, but as of now, I can’t decide what will make me happy. If that makes sense?”

  “I totally get it. I wish I was able to finish my classes that I started, but as soon as this thing,” Cami pointed down at her adorably cute belly, “pops out, I plan on finishing up.”

  I smiled at her in awe. I never realized just how sweet and funny she was until now, and I was very much enjoying chatting with her. “What are you going to school for?” I was genuinely interested.

  “Oh, just to get my business management degree. I don’t know if you know, but Kayla owns a clothing boutique in town, and I’m buying into it, but I really want to have my degree so I can better run the place.”

  I felt a small pang of jealousy hit me as she spoke about her and Kayla, and their business. “I didn’t know that, but that’s fantastic. How long has she owned her shop?”

  “Wow, I think like almost t
hree years. She started working there when we were in school, and then after that, the manager wanted to sell it, and offered it to Kayla. It’s been her lifeline given all that she’s been through, so she figured it was a perfect fit. It’s a super cute store. I’ll have to take you over there and show you, if you have time while you’re in town.”

  “Oh I would absolutely love that.” Cami’s generosity and genuine interest in getting to know me, literally had me on the verge of tears. I took a sip of my water to try and pull myself together without anybody noticing.

  Just then the waitress appeared at our table and so did Madison. We all placed our orders. Well, I tried to at least. The waitress blatantly ignored me as Joey motioned for me to order, and she continued to ignore me as I placed said order. It was situations like these that tended to make me feel as though I would never be enough for Joey Green, not when he had a million girls constantly throwing themselves at him. Sometimes I just felt like it was more work for him to remind them that he’s with me, instead of just flirting back. Joey squeezed my hand on top of the table and just as the waitress asked him for his order, he turned and kissed me more passionately than necessary, but I definitely appreciated what he was proving to me. I was the only one who mattered. After everyone had ordered, Cami and I instantly went back to our chat. While the guys occupied themselves with talk of pure randomness.

  “I swear I feel dumber just listening to their innate conversations sometimes.” She laughed.

  “Agreed.” I laughed along with her, the boys none the wiser to the fact that we were laughing at their expense.

  “So where were we?” Cami looked confused for a brief moment, “Sorry, pregnancy brain is definitely a real thing. I forget everything.” We both shared a laugh before Cami finally remembered what she was going to say. “I know it’s not really my place, but how is your relationship with your dad, since you’ve found out about Kayla?”

  I was taken a bit abashed by Cami’s question, but I knew deep down she was just trying to feel out the entire situation. “Honestly, it’s been rough. My dad and I have always been close, but this has definitely put a strain on our relationship. I didn’t talk to him for a few months after I found out about Kayla, but we’re trying to mend things now. I know how difficult this must be for all of you, but I genuinely want to have a relationship with all of you, Kayla especially.”


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