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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 33

by Amanda Bennett

  I hung up the phone and immediately placed my hand on Diem’s thigh, givin’ it a small reassuring squeeze.

  “Thank you for doing that for me.”

  I glanced over at Diem out of the corner of my eye, “Of course. Anything for my girl.” I smiled.

  “I can’t believe that dodgy twat.” She huffed, “How did he even manage to get into the ICU?”

  “I don’t know, baby. But, we’re gonna make sure he pays. I can promise you that.”

  I was tuckin’ Diem into bed when my phone began buzzin’ in my front pocket. I quickly fished it out and answered. “You have some good news for me?”

  “I wouldn’t have called if I didn’t. So I spoke with the hospital staff that were working while Diem was there. They were able to narrow it down to an 8 hour time period of when it could have been taken. Obviously you’re not in the photo so that leads me to believe that he waited until you left, snuck in, got his shot, and then left. We were also able to find out that it was between midnight and 8:00 in the morning, today.”

  Wow, he really didn’t waste any time, did he?”

  “No, but that’s good for us, because only four nurses were assigned to the floor at that time, and one of them recognized him from the picture I faxed over to them. It was definitely Thomas Payne. He’s an extremely well known paparazzo who has gotten some of the most sought after shots of famous people.”

  “So now that we have a witness, where do we go from here?”

  “Well, that’s where it gets a little tricky. We can prove that he was at the hospital and on that floor at the time, but the police haven’t had any witnesses come forward as far as the accident goes. My advice to you is to put off going after him for the invasion of privacy, and breaking HIPPA, just for now. If we wait a bit and see if anyone comes forward about the accident, then we can get him for both at the same time. If it all pans out well, he’ll be looking at some serious time.”

  As much as I hated the idea of not stickin’ it to this guy right now, it did make more sense to wait. “Alright, we’ll wait. But we need to be doin’ some diggin’ to find out if anyone saw the accident. This guy can’t get away with this.”

  “I hear ya, Joey, and I’m on it. Talk soon.”

  “Yeah.” I hung up the phone and made my way downstairs to get a drink.

  As I rummaged through the fridge, I found myself needin’ something far stronger than water to drink. I slammed the fridge door shut and made my way over to the small makeshift bar in the corner of the dining room. I poured myself a hefty glass of whiskey, and then headed out back, makin’ myself comfortable on the hammock. As I looked out at the Golden Gate Bridge, I found myself ponderin’ what exactly it is that I’m doin’ with my life. Ever since I left Abernathy and came to Cali, I find myself question’ every decision and mistake I make, whether it be big or small. Of course, I found myself here in Cali, and an identity that I never knew existed, but at what cost. After wallowin’ in my own self pity for a bit, I decided to talk to someone about all of this.

  “Hey, Jo. How’s Diem doin’?” KJ’s voice always brought a smile to my face, and today was no exception.

  “She’s doin’ good. She’s actually restin’ right now. How are you? Did you go talk to your dad yet?” I could hear her sigh on the other end of the phone, and I instantly regretted bringin’ it up.

  “No, not yet. I’m supposed to go meet him tonight. In about an hour, actually. I just don’t know what he could say to make me feel better about the whole situation.”

  “I don’t think it’s about makin’ you feel better, KJ. I think he just wants the opportunity to explain some things to ya, that’s all.”

  “Well someone is suddenly, Team Cliff.” Annoyance coated her every word.

  “I’m not Team Cliff. You know I’m always Team KJ, always. I just know how much it has killed ya not knowin’ the answers to the million and one questions you have for him, that’s all.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, Jo. I’m just nervous. I didn’t think I would be because of all the shit he’s put me through, but I am. I’m like freaking out a bit.”

  Kayla’s voice raised one too many octaves, and I was instantly concerned. “Kayla, listen to me. It’s going to be ok. You’re one of the strongest women I know. You’ve got this. Just be calm, and remember that no matter what, you’ve got your family on your side.”

  “Thanks, Jo. It means the world to me that you can always talk me off the ledge right when I need it.”

  “Anytime, love.” I paused, not really wanting to ask the next question, but knowin’ I was curious enough to do so. “Is Madi goin’ with ya?”

  She let out a small laugh before takin’ on a serious tone, “Stop callin’ him that. And yes, he is comin’ with, but he’s just gonna hang back at the bar.”

  “Where are y’all meetin’ up?”

  “Ray’s on Ninth.”

  “Oh, that place is awesome. The food is amazing.” I was tryin’ to talk about the most mundane things I could think of, tryin’ to divert her attention from bein’ nervous. So far, it was workin’.

  “He asked me where I would like to go, so I picked a place with the best soundin’ menu, and the best drinks.” She let out a nervous laugh, but I laughed right along with her, hopin’ it would help.

  “Love the way you pick places to eat, KJ. It’s my favorite thing about you. So whatcha wearin’ to dinner?”

  “Jeans, a black long sleeve shirt, and this super cute gray blazer I found at a small vintage shop last time we were here.”

  “Nice. So I have to ask,”

  “Of course you do.” She joked.

  “Are you gonna introduce him to Madison?”

  There was a long pregnant pause before she started to speak again, “Honestly, it depends on how everything goes. A lot depends on how things go tonight. I really just need him to admit to what he did, and apologize.”

  “I get it, and I hope you get everything you’ve ever wanted from him, KJ. Call me after?”

  “Of course. Love ya, Jo.”

  “Love ya too.” I was just about to hang up, but then I remembered why I called her in the first place. “Hey, KJ?”

  “Yeah, Jo.”

  “Do you have a minute to talk to me about somethin’?”

  “Always. What’s up?”

  I took in a deep breath, preparin’ myself for what she might say to me after she heard what I had to say, “Do you think I’m a bad person?”

  “Are you serious right now?“

  I lay my head back in confusion as I took a long drink of my whiskey, “Of course I’m serious right now. Why would you even ask me that?”

  “I didn’t mean it in a shitty way, I was just makin’ sure you were really askin’ me that. I absolutely don’t think you’re a bad person. You’re one of the best people I know, Jo. You’re selfless and caring. You always put everyone else before yourself, and you never take anyone or anything for granted. Why are you asking?”

  “After all the shit I’ve been through, and now what Diem is goin’ through, I’m starting to think it’s because of me. Maybe I deserve everything that’s happenin’ to me. I mean, look at what I’ve done in my past. I went after you when you very clearly told me that it was Madison that you wanted. I married Tanya for reasons I’d rather not say, and I met the girl of my dreams, but question every day if I’m deserving of such an all consuming love. I don’t know. I think I’m just feelin’ like I chose the wrong path in life. Or maybe led Diem down the wrong path.”

  “Jo, let me start out by sayin’ that you, more than anyone I know, deserve a love like that. You deserve Diem. And we all make mistakes, Jo. Look at me and Madison. We’re the perfect example of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, but we don’t let any of the negative define who we are as people, or even as a couple. If we did, we wouldn't be together, and we wouldn’t have the life that we do. I know right now it seems as though nothing is going to work out for you, but you’re wrong. It’s how you
and Diem get through this together that will define you. You’ve made an amazing life out there for you, Jo. You get to live your dream every single day, and I envy you for that. Never in a million years did I think I would be a stay at home mom while pregnant with another, and being nothing more than someone’s fiancé.”

  “KJ, you can't be serious?”

  “Dead serious.” She mumbled.

  “KJ, you know he wants you to be his wife. He absolutely adores you and that gorgeous little girl of yours, and that baby you’re carryin’. Neither one of you came from a loving home where your parents showed you nothin’ but love. Y’all came from broken homes, which in turn, makes y’all feel as though you feel unworthy of love and happiness. And you’re not just a stay at home mom. You own your own business, and you take care of everyone around you. You are needed by everyone.”

  “I appreciate it, Jo. I do, but this isn’t about me. Maybe you should be taking your own advice.”

  She wasn’t wrong. As much as I hated to admit it, she was right. “Sorry to drop all of this on you, today of all days. I just needed someone to talk to about it. It’s hard not to blame yourself when your girl gets hurt because of your celebrity status.”

  “Believe me, Jo. If anyone understands what you’re feelin’, it’s me. Well, actually it would be Madison, but I still understand in a way that most people don’t. I blame myself for the whole Wren debacle. He blames himself for it as well, and everything else that’s happened as of late. It’s a vicious cycle, but you do the best you can, and move on with your life.”

  “Yeah, I suppose. Anyway, thanks for the chat. I’ll let ya go so you can get ready. Call me later.”

  “I will.”

  After I hung up with Kayla, I ran upstairs to check on Diem. Sure enough, she was still fast asleep. I silently crept out of the room and back down the stairs, tryin’ not to wake her in the process. My conversation with Kayla was quite enlightening, and I was finally starting to feel as though I had a better sense of myself.

  About an hour later, I was watchin’ Sports Center when Diem came wanderin’ down the stairs. She looked ten times better now that she had gotten some good sleep outside of the hospital, not that she didn’t look good every other day, but she looked happier. I clicked off the TV and waved her over to me, pullin’ her gently onto my lap.

  “You didn’t have to turn that off.” She laughed.

  “I know, but I wanted to be able to do this,” I pressed my lips tenderly against hers, “without any distractions.”

  She moaned against my mouth, and I took that as a sign to deepen our kiss even further. I swear if she wasn’t all banged up and in a sling that presented quite an issue at the moment, I would’ve taken her there right on her couch. While one hand gripped her ass, the other pushed back through the back of her hair, tuggin’ on her neck as I pulled her as close to me as possible. I let my mouth stray from her mouth as I placed featherlike kisses across her jaw and down onto her neck. I was being mindful of where my lips roamed, but she must’ve been in a severe amount of pain because as my lips grazed her collarbone on the opposite side that was hurt, she yelped out in pain. I immediately pulled back, profusely apologizing.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. Are you ok?”

  “It’s ok. I honestly didn’t think that side would be tender.”

  I placed a chaste kiss to her cheek before scoopin’ her up and placin’ her back down on the couch, removin’ her from my lap.

  “Wait, wait, why did you do that? Where are you going? I was quite enjoying what was beneath me.” She winked as her gaze zeroed in on the crotch of my pants where I was still sittin’ at attention.

  I quickly adjusted myself, and leaned over to give her a kiss, “As was I, but I really do have to run real quick. Your prescription is ready, and there isn’t shit for food in y’all’s house. So what does my baby want to eat?”

  “Hmmm.” She pondered as she tapped her chin with her pointer finger. It was the most endearing thing I’d ever seen. “Chinese maybe?”

  “Oooh that sounds amazing. Noodle Palace?”


  “Ok, I’ll be back in just a bit. If you need anything at all, call me.”

  “I will, Dad. You don’t have to worry so much.”

  “Fine. Love you.” I kissed her forehead one last time, gathered up my keys and wallet, and then headed out.

  Chapter 54


  It was an oddly pleasant feeling to have a few minutes alone to myself. As of late, it seemed as though at least one person was always around, and as much as I loved Joey, I was beginning to feel a bit smothered. The same could be said for Troy as well. Somehow or another one or the other was always close by, and I was beginning to feel like a toddler being followed around by my mother and father. I took my last painkiller, and was on my way upstairs when the doorbell rang. I glanced around the house in confusion, knowing that Troy wasn’t expected back until tomorrow, and Joey had quite literally just left no more than 15 minutes ago.

  My hand trembled as I hesitated to answer the door, not knowing who could possibly be on the other side. I clutched the cold brass handle in my good hand and slowly pulled back the door. When I caught sight of him, I almost lost it.

  “Please don’t slam the door in my face. I just need five minutes of your time.” He held his hands up in surrender.

  “How did you find out where I live?” I brushed the stray hair that had fallen out of my messy bun, back behind my ear. “Never mind, I think I already know the answer. How may I help you, Mr. Payne?”

  “I came to apologize.”

  Before he could speak another word, I nonchalantly pulled my phone out from my sweater pocket, making sure to keep it hidden on the other side of the door, and started recording. “Apologize for what, Mr. Payne?”

  “Please, call me Thomas. I know what I did was a horrible thing. It was never my intention to run you off the road like that. I was just trying to get the picture I needed.”

  I stood back slack jawed, “You daft wanker. How dare you come to my home asking for forgiveness all because you were trying to get a picture. Do you even hear the words that are coming out of your mouth? I could’ve died that night, and you wouldn’t have thought twice about it. Not only did you run me into a cement barrier, but then you literally left me there to die. You didn’t stick around to see if I was alive, or if anyone had called an ambulance. I’m quite literally amazed that you didn’t try and publish a picture of the accident itself.” He went silent for a bit, and I knew exactly what his silence meant. Now I was livid. “Bloody hell, you did didn’t you?”

  He began frantically waving his hands in front of me, “I wasn’t thinking. The pictures from the accident went live about an hour ago. BUT I called and I told them to take them down immediately after. I truly am sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I never meant for any of this to happen. I had been following you for so long, waiting for the right time to get the right picture, and I pushed it too far. I guess I kind of knew that the flash would blind you a bit, but I never expected you to go that fast.”


  “I know, I know, but if I didn’t get that picture, my boss would’ve killed me.”

  “AND YOU COULD’VE KILLED ME.” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I was miffed with how nonchalant he was being.

  “Look, I know my apology doesn’t mean squat, but I am sorry. I’m sorry for running you off the road. I’m sorry that I took pictures after and didn’t call anybody to help. I’m sorry that I snuck into the hospital and took more pictures of you, and I’m sorry I sold them and they ended up on the internet. I’m just…”

  “Sorry. Yeah, I understood that much. But I honestly think the only thing you’re sorry for is getting caught. I don’t accept your apology, and now I would like you to leave.”

  He made a move towards me, and I immediately backed away, holding up my hand so he wouldn’t come any closer to me.

/>   “I also wanted to offer to pay your medical bills. It’s the least I can do.”

  I practically lunged forward, wanting to reach out and strangle the life right out of him. “LEAVE NOW! I don’t want your money, or your pity. All I want is for you to stay as far away from me as possible and rot in hell.”

  I took two steps back inside, slamming the door right in his face. My hand flew up, clutching at my chest as I was quite sure I was having a panic attack. My breathing became ragged and everything was starting to go black as I tried to make my way over to the sofa. Luckily I made it just before passing out completely. It must not have been too long, because I was sitting up, gasping for air, just a bit later. I took a few deep breaths before going in search of a glass of water.

  I pressed the condensation covered glass against my flushed forehead, taking in a deep cleansing breath. I was still absolutely and completely in shock as to what had just happened, and the one person I needed at the moment wasn’t here. Luckily my medication was starting to kick in and it gave me some much needed relief, physically and mentally.

  After I caught my breath and composed myself, I wandered out back and curled up in the hammock. My eyes were getting heavy and I knew sleep was inevitable, but I suddenly remembered that I never hit stop on the recording. I fished my phone out of my sweater pocket and pressed the red stop button. I wasn’t sure what to do next, and as much as I wanted to wait for Joey to get home before making any rash decisions, I just couldn’t wait any longer than necessary. I dialed Detective Ronstead, hoping and praying that he would answer, and that I wouldn’t have to leave a message. After a few more rings, his husky voice came on the line.

  “Detective Ronstead.”

  “He..” I quickly cleared my throat and started again, “Hello Detective, this is Diem Reynolds. I’m not sure if you remember me, but I have some new information regarding my accident.”

  “Of course I remember you, Miss Reynolds. I’m extremely interested in what you’ve found out. Would you like to discuss it over the phone?”


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