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This Family of Ours (Raine #6)

Page 38

by Amanda Bennett

  “I think you should, KJ. Well hey, I hate to rush off, but I’ve got practice, but I’ll see ya soon. Love ya.”

  “Love ya too, Jo.”

  I was meandering around, when I ran into my gran who was just leavin’ our house. I thought she was going to walk right past me given that we hadn’t spoken to each other since our dinner two weeks ago, but she surprised me by gently grabbin’ my hand and pullin’ me to a stop.

  “Darlin’, I don’t like what’s goin’ on with us. We’ve never fought, and I don’t ever want to again.”

  “Me either, Gran. I just want you to let me make my own mistakes.”

  “And I agree. You’re a very responsible young woman, and I trust your judgment.. I want you to be happy, first and foremost, and if havin’ your father in your life makes you happy, then I’m on board.”

  My mouth fell open in shock, “Are you serious, Gran?”

  “Of course, dear. I never want to leave this earth knowin’ that we were at odds with one another, or with you thinkin’ I didn’t agree with the choices you’ve made in your life.”

  “Oh Gran, that means the world to me. Thank you.” I pulled my gran into a tight hug, but pulled back when something she said hit me hard. “Wait, Gran?”

  “Yes, dear.”

  “Is there something you want to tell me?” I held onto her shoulder, forcing her to look me in the eyes so she couldn’t lie.

  “Whatever do you mean, hun?”

  “You were sayin’ you don’t ever want to leave this earth knowin’ you had somethin’ to do with my unhappiness. Are you tryin’ to tell me somethin’?” I stood there, my heart beatin’ a million miles a minute as I waited for her to answer.

  At first she stood there completely stoic, but then she slapped my hand and started laughin’, “Of course not, dear. I’m as fit as a fiddle. I mean I’m definitely not a young duck anymore, but I’ll be here for many more years to come.”

  I let out a gigantic sigh of relief, “Oh good.” I smiled as I pulled her into another hug. “Ok, well I’m gonna head inside and cook dinner for Mia. See y’all tomorrow mornin’?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  We parted ways, and as much as I thought I would feel relieved about my gran’s comment, I started to feel the complete opposite. I walked into the house in a daze, not even noticing Madison standing right in front of me until I ran into him, literally.

  “Well hey there.” He smiled. “Watch where you’re goin’ much.” I knew he was joking, but I was too preoccupied to laugh. “Hey,” he sipped his finger below my chin, pulling it up so I was forced to look at him, “what’s goin’ on in that beautiful brain of yours?”

  I shook my head to clear my thoughts before answering, “I’m not sure. It was something that Gran said. It was weird, and I didn’t think anything of it until she walked away. I think my gran is sick, Madison.”

  “What do you mean, sick?” I could see worry take over his playful nature, and now I was even more worried than I was before.

  “Like, dying, sick.”

  “No way. I don’t believe that. What did she say?”

  I retold the entire conversation to Madison, and the more I listened to her words come out of my mouth, the more I was convinced of the worst. “Madison, I don't even know what I would do if I lost my gran.”

  “I know how you feel. Your gran is to you what my grandfather was to me. It’s one of the hardest things in the world to deal with. I know you lost your mom, and I’m so sorry for that, but losin’ your gran would be like losin’ a real parent. She helped raise you.”

  I shook my head in denial, “No, there’s no way that’s what she meant. Now we’re just jumping to conclusions. I don’t want to think the worst if that’s not what’s going on. My gran has never lied to me before, and I don’t think she’d start now.” I started making my way into the kitchen to make dinner. As I opened the fridge, a stray tear ran down my cheek. I quickly brushed it away before Madison could see it, and then went about preparing the meat.

  “I’m gonna go check on Mia. I’ll be back.”

  I nodded as I turned to wash my hands.


  The sun blared through the window as I turned in the opposite direction to face the cool air from the air conditioning, when my face collided with the face of my beautiful little girl, fast asleep next to me. I lifted my tired head, meeting Madison’s gaze.

  “When did she come in here?” I whispered over the top of her. Madison nodded his head towards our bedroom door, and I silently slid out of the bed and followed him into the living room.

  “She woke up in the middle of the night cryin’. Said she had a bad dream, so I let her climb into bed with us.”

  My hands went up to the sides of his face, pullin’ his lips down onto mine. “Have I told you what an amazing dad you are, lately?”

  “No, but if you’re goin’ to tell me like this, then I’m all for it.” He pressed his lips against mine again before leading me into the kitchen where he proceeded to make me a mouth watering cup of coffee.

  I took a small sip, letting the glorious aroma tickle my senses. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?”

  “I think you just did.” Madison laughed.

  “Oh, I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to this tall dark and handsome cup of coffee.” I smiled over the brim of my mug before taking another sip.

  “I see how it is.” He joked.

  “Sorry, but coffee has always been my first love.” I winked.

  Madison made his way around the counter, easing his way between my legs, cradling my face in his palms as he planted along tender kiss to my lips, “Yeah, but can coffee do that?”

  “Mmmm, nope.” I moaned against his mouth as he kissed me once more.

  “Momma, daddy.”

  We both turned as Mia came barreling out of our room, wrapping her tiny arms around our intertwined legs. “Well good mornin’ beautiful girl.” Madison bent down to pick her up in his gorgeously sculpted arms. “How’d ya sleep?”

  “Great,” she cooed, “once I went into momma and daddy’s room.”

  “I bet, sweet girl.” I tickled her side, and her laugh echoed throughout the house.

  Madison kissed me one last time, and then took Mia in the kitchen to start making breakfast. I sat at the island just watchin’ my gorgeous soon to be husband and our little girl interact, and I couldn’t wait to add another to our happy little family. The happiness that I was feeling in this very moment was a feeling that I hoped would never go away. This was all I ever wanted out of life, and I was beyond lucky to have found it so young.

  The afternoon went by in the blink of an eye, and I was suddenly overwhelmed with emotion as I watched my granddad putting the finishing touches on the barn where the reception would be held. I wrapped my arms around his waist from the side as he draped his arm over my shoulder. “Thank you so much for doin’ all of this, granddad.”

  “Of course, darlin’. Anything for my sweet girl.” He kissed the top of my head and a wide smile formed on my face. “I can’t wait to walk you down the aisle.”

  “Me either.” I put my hand on my granddad’s chest as I tightly hugged his side. “Hey Granddad, can I ask you something?”

  “Always.” He turned to face me.

  “Is Gran sick?” I expected to see the look of shock on his face, or at least one of concern, but there didn’t seem to be a look of anything.

  “Why would you ask that?”

  “Why don’t you seem surprised by my asking?”

  “I..I don’t think this is the time.”

  I pulled away from my granddad, rage now flowing through me, “Not the time for what?”

  “This is a happy time, Kayla. We’re plannin’ your weddin’.”

  “Granddad, what’s wrong with Gran?”

  “Kayla, please don’t. Not now.”

  I shook my head in anger, “Tell me now.” I half shouted.

  My grandda
d’s head fell in defeat, “Yes, your gran is sick. She’s actually known for quite some time, but you had so much goin’ on in your life. We didn’t want to bother ya with it.”

  “You didn’t want to bother me with it? Since when is it considered bothering me by telling me that my gran is dying?”

  “Now that’s not what I meant, and you know that. We just figured we would wait until after the weddin’ to talk to ya about it.”

  “I don’t think that’s your decision to make.” I growled.

  “You’re right, it’s your gran’s decision, and she chose to wait to tell you until after your weddin’.”

  I stomped my feet like a bratty child, when a roaring laugh came rumbling outta my chest. And once the laughter started, I just couldn’t stop it. I tried to catch my breath, but the laughter just kept comin’. My granddad placed his hand on my shoulder, tryin’ to calm me down, but there was no stoppin’ it. I was bent over in hysterics, when I heard Madison come into the barn and ask my granddad what was wrong with me. Before I knew it, Madison was at my side, pullin’ me up and against his chest.

  “Is everything ok?” I could hear the genuine concern in his tone, but I still couldn’t stop laughin’. “Babe, you’re really startin’ to freak me out.” As soon as Madison clutched my head to his chest, my laughter was replaced with tears. Tears that I was no longer in control of, and as sobs shook my body uncontrollably, my heart began to hurt in a way I never thought imaginable.

  Without another word, Madison scooped me up into his arms and carried me to the house. I vaguely remember him placing me on the bed and tucking me in, because the next thing I knew, I was waking up to the sun peeking through the dark gray clouds outside. I took a drink of the glass of water that I’m assuming Madison placed on the bedside table, and then pulled the covers up under my chin as I stared out at the gloomy sky. It was a mirror image of how I was feeling, and oddly enough, that brought me comfort.

  I must’ve fallen back asleep, because I opened my eyes to my beautiful fiancé crouched down in front of me. “How ya doin’ sleepy head?”

  “Hmmm.” I groaned.

  “I figured as much. You gonna stay in bed all day?”

  I simply nodded, as words failed me. And with a kiss to my forehead, Madison disappeared.

  Chapter 60


  “I don’t know what to do, Cam. She’s been in bed for days, and we’ve got a wedding to finish gettin’ ready for. I’m not tryin’ to diminish her pain, but I hate seein’ her like this. I feel so helpless.”

  “I get it, but we have to let her go through the motions. She’ll be ok soon, I promise.”

  “I can’t believe her granddad would do this right before the wedding.”

  “He tried not to, but Kayla pushed him for information, and he couldn’t lie to her. I still can’t believe that her gran is sick. I thought that feisty old woman would outlive us all.”

  “Right! I just don’t know what to do for her.” I was beyond irritated at this point, but I didn’t want to take my personal frustration out on anyone else.

  “I’ll be by in just a bit to check on her.”

  “Sounds good.” I hung up with Cami and went in search of Mia.

  With all the wedding plannin’, Mia had been hangin’ out with Kayla’s gran, and my grams, an awful lot. Knowin’ now what we do about Kayla’s gran, we knew it was probably the best thing for her. So every mornin’ I would get Mia dressed, feed her some breakfast, and then walk her over to Kayla’s grandparents’ house. And every time I walked back home, I would check on Kayla, notice that she hadn’t moved a muscle, and then go about my day.

  All of the wedding stuff was done for the most part. The only thing left to do now was to get our suits fitted, and to pick up Kayla’s gift. Oh and the fact that Kayla still hadn’t gone to get her dress, but I’ll leave that up to Cami.

  “Granddad, Gran, I’m heeeeeere!” Mia went runnin’ inside in search of her grandparents as I trailed behind.

  “Well I’m right here, darlin’. You wanna watch some cartoons?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well climb on up here.” Kayla’s granddad was pattin’ the couch cushion so Mia knew where to sit. “How’s she doin’, son.”

  I shrugged my shoulders, “Ah, she’s hangin’ in there.”

  “Still in bed?”

  “Yup.” I sat in the chair opposite the couch to chat with Jasper for a bit. How’s Gran doin’?”

  “She’s doin’ ok. She really wants to talk to Kayla though.”

  “I think that would be good, for the both of them. Is she up? I can walk her over to the house.”

  “She’s up gettin’ dressed. I think that’ll be great.”

  A few minutes later Kayla’s gran was makin’ her way downstairs. “Mornin’, Gran.”

  “Well good mornin’, Madison. It’s so nice to see ya. Did you bring Mia by this mornin’?”

  I knew she was fishin’ for information regarding Kayla, but today she didn’t need to. “I did, and now you and I are gonna go for a walk, if that’s ok?”

  “Of course. Let me just grab my sweater, and we can be on our way.”

  “Alright Mia, you be good for granddad. I’ll be back in just a little bit to get you.” I placed a chaste kiss to her head, and she wrapped her tiny little arms around my neck, givin’ it a big squeeze.

  “Love you, Daddy.”

  “Love you too, baby girl.” I turned towards Gran, “All ready to go?”

  “Absolutely.” She smiled.

  I held my elbow out and she slipped her arm through mine, holdin’ tightly onto me. I could tell she was gettin’ weaker just in the way she held so tightly onto everything and everyone when she walked. We weren’t sure exactly how much time she had left, but every minute that her and Kayla weren’t talkin’ seemed like a waste of time. And I for one was hopin’ that my little plan today would work to bring them back together.

  As we neared the house, Gran knew exactly what I was doin’, but she didn’t fight me. If I knew her as well as I thought I did, she wanted this plan of mine to work out. I held tightly onto her arm as we climbed the stairs to the door, and then I opened the door for her and motioned for her to go on in. Once we were inside, I half expected to see Kayla up and about, or at least layin’ on the couch watchin’ her goofy Hallmark movies, but she was nowhere in sight.

  I led Gran over to the couch and made sure she was comfortable before I went into the bedroom to find Kayla. Of course she was still in bed, wrapped up as tight as can be. “Hey pretty girl. How ya doin’?”

  “A little bit better today.”

  “Glad to hear it. Someone is here to see you. You think you can get out of bed for just a bit?”

  “I suppose so. Give me a few minutes to brush my teeth and comb my hair?”

  “Of course. We’ll just be out in the living room when you’re ready.” My lips fell lightly to her forehead, givin’ her a small kiss before disappearin’ in the living room.

  A few minutes later, Kayla emerged from the bedroom. When she caught sight of her gran on our couch, I thought for sure she would go runnin’ back into the bedroom, but she surprised the hell outta me by runnin’ over and wrappin’ her gran up tightly in her arms.

  “Oh Gran. I’m so sorry I’ve been such a brat. I’m so sorry, for everything.”

  “Oh darlin’, there’s no reason to apologize to me. I know you just needed your own time to wrap your head around everything. I’m just glad that we can make up before dress shoppin’, and the weddin’. I would never forgive myself if I missed out on any of this.”

  Kayla pulled back and sat on the couch next to her gran, but looked over at me with tears in her eyes. “Thank you, cowboy.” She winked.

  “Anything for my girl.” I winked back.

  “Look, I want to have a conversation with the both of you.” Gran reached out for my hand, and I took it, letting her lead me to the couch next to her. “I want you both to know just how much
I love the two of you and Mia. Y’all have brought so much joy to my life, and you’ve made me appreciate my life that much more. Now I know y’all know I’m sick, but I don’t think you know the extent of it, so I want to tell y’all. Unfortunately, I found out I have cancer of the liver. Well, at least that’s where it started. It has now moved to my kidneys, and my stomach. Now I know how sad this may seem, but I want you to know that I have made my peace with this, and I just want to live my life to the fullest for my remainin’ days. No feelin’ sorry for this old bird. I want us to enjoy your weddin’, and go about our lives normally. Do you think y’all can do that for me?”

  Kayla and I both sat there shakin’ our heads in a state of shock. We knew it was bad, but we didn’t think it was this bad. But it wasn’t our life, and I wasn’t about to go against Gran’s wishes. “Gran, we’re here for you no matter what.” I leaned in and kissed gran’s cheek before pullin’ her into a big hug.

  “Thank you, Madison.” She quickly turned towards Kayla, “Now what about you, missy? You gonna listen to your gran’s advice?”

  “I have questions though, Gran.”

  “I know you do, sweetie, and I’m more than happy to answer whatever questions you want to ask, but just know that I’ve made up my mind and no amount of diggin’ or googlin’ is gonna change it, ok?”

  Kayla nodded her head, “Ok, I promise. I’m just excited we’ve moved up the wedding date, but there is one thing you’re going to miss.” Kayla’s hand fell to her stomach where our little boy was happily growin’.

  “I know, darlin’, but we don’t know how long I have. I may or may not be around for the birth of my great grandson, but I know you’ll tell him all about his gran. Now let’s get goin’ to the weddin’ dress shop. That dress ain’t gonna buy itself. We’ve only got two weeks.”

  “Ok Gran. Let me get dressed real quick, and I’ll call Cami to meet us here so we can head into town.”

  “I’ll be right here, dear.”

  As soon as Kayla disappeared into our room, I turned towards Gran, wanting to talk to her about a few things before they left. “Hey Gran, I need to ask a favor of you.”


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