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The Devil's Bargain

Page 12

by Kira Sinclair

  So, giving in to what was between them was inevitable. But she needed to find a way to keep pieces of herself safe and protected, even as he became a bigger part of her life.

  “No, I need to get more done.”

  While that was true, part of her just needed some distance...because after the last couple weeks, all of her defenses were sorely close to crumbling.

  Nick left. Alone, Genevieve rolled back to her equipment and began working the delicate filigree. It was intricate work that required her full attention. She had no idea how long she stayed that way, although her shoulders were aching again, when an unexpected sound broke through her concentration.

  Pulling back, she listened for it again. It didn’t take long to hear a rattle at the back door. Her heart lurched into her throat and she jumped out of her chair, simultaneously grabbing for her phone. Without thinking, she pulled up Finn’s number and punched the call button.

  What she didn’t expect was to hear the echoing sound of his ringtone faintly coming from the other side of her back door just before it opened. If she hadn’t heard his phone, she might have screamed. Although most burglars didn’t come burdened down with enough bags and boxes that they could barely see over the stack.

  “What the hell?” she asked, not sure what she wanted to know more: why he was there, what he was carrying or what his plan was.

  Because there was no question Finn DeLuca was up to something.

  Ducking sideways, he flashed her that mischievous, charming smile that always made her knees weak. “I come bearing gifts.”

  “Obviously. Why?”

  “A surprise.”

  Because suddenly showing up at her studio wasn’t surprise enough? “I’m not particularly fond of surprises.”

  Which wasn’t entirely true. But she wasn’t exactly a fan of Finn’s surprises. So far, not many of them had been happy.

  “You’ll like this one. I hope.”

  “Hmm,” she hummed, unconvinced.

  Kicking the door shut behind him with the heel of a shiny dress shoe, Finn strode across the room and dumped his armful of packages onto an empty worktable.

  That’s when she realized he was dressed in a tux.

  “Hot damn.” It was unfair how good the man looked all dressed up. He reminded her of some dashing Victorian duke.

  Finn flashed her a knowing grin, smoothed his hands over the sides of his jacket and said, “Glad you approve.”

  Egotistical ass. The man knew exactly how amazing he looked, which was both charming and frustrating at the same time. “A little overdressed for a night watching TV, don’t you think?”

  “Probably, so it’s a good thing that’s not what we’re doing.”

  “Oh, no? I don’t know about your plans, but that’s exactly how I intended to spend my night. Besides, someone has to get back to our son. The babysitter would probably appreciate going home.”

  He cut her a wounded look. “What little faith. I’ve arranged for Maddie to get Noah. He’s spending the night with her and excited about the idea, I might add.”

  Genevieve wasn’t sure how that should make her feel, a little excited and sad at the same time apparently. Conflicted, which is how Finn often made her feel.

  “All right,” she responded, pulling the words into multiple syllables, waiting for the rest of the information. When Finn wasn’t forthcoming, she finally asked, “And just why did you go to all the trouble?”

  “Because I need to attend a benefit gala tonight and I’d love for you to accompany me.”

  “A benefit gala?” Dread and irritation mixed in her belly. She’d attended her fair share of fancy events. Been hostess for her grandfather at several. None had ever been a fun experience. She’d rather enjoyed skipping them the last few years. “These kind of things don’t just spring up overnight. Why are you telling me about this now?”

  “The invitation came in weeks ago, but I wasn’t planning to attend.”

  “What changed?”

  He shrugged. “A friend asked me to go.”

  Grabbing a garment bag from the pile, he spread it across the table. “Before you protest that you don’t have anything to wear, I’ve obviously taken care of that.”

  Pulling open the zipper, he revealed a breathtaking emerald green lace gown. Genevieve couldn’t help but step closer so she could run her hands over the material. The lace was so intricate and delicate, soft beneath her fingertips.

  She had to admit the only benefit to the events had always been getting dressed up. Putting on beautiful clothes had always made her feel elegant and pretty, something that didn’t happen often.

  Until Finn. He always had the ability to make her feel gorgeous with nothing more than a hot, burning glance.

  Reaching inside the bag, Finn lifted the gown out so she could get the full effect. It was strapless with a corset bodice that three years ago would have made her feel naked and inappropriate. But the way Finn was watching her right now made her think he was already imagining her in the dress.

  And out of it.

  Gesturing to the bags still strewn across her table, Genevieve said, “I hope you had the forethought to bring undergarments.”

  A wicked grin crinkled the corners of his eyes. Finn tossed the dress onto the table and grasped her instead. Pulling her close, he brushed his lips against the sensitive shell of her outer ear and whispered, “Sweetheart, what makes you think I want you wearing anything beneath this dress?”

  Genevieve pulled in a sharp breath, a little because she was scandalized, but mostly because her body warmed to Finn’s outrageous words.

  Pulling back, he grabbed the dress, draped it over her arms, spun her around and gave her a gentle shove. “Go put it on.”

  Genevieve found herself walking across the studio toward the tiny attached bathroom. It wasn’t until she’d closed the door and began taking her clothes off that she realized he hadn’t actually given her anything to put on underneath.


  Finn waited impatiently for Genevieve to emerge. She was going to look amazing in the dress. If there was one thing he recognized, it was beauty.

  Genevieve Reilly was gorgeous inside and out.

  Needing something to keep him busy, Finn started pulling the rest of the things he’d brought from the bags and boxes. Yes, he’d included panties—and made sure they were tiny and lacy—although a huge part of him hoped Genevieve let her inner vixen out and decided not to wear them.

  Knowing she was walking around, hobnobbing with the Charleston elite completely naked under the dress he’d bought her...not only would he find that amusing, but he’d most definitely need to find some quiet alcove to pull her into so he could take advantage of her naked state.

  He’d brought a couple pairs of shoes, makeup and an assortment of hair products. The last thing he pulled out was the case for the emerald pieces he’d bought. He tucked the box out of sight, wanting to save that surprise for last.

  He couldn’t wait to see their gorgeous color against her creamy skin. He’d purposely picked out the dress to complement the pieces so that he could show off Genevieve and her skills as an artist.

  The door slowly creaked open. Genevieve stood, framed by the doorway, a complete vision. Finn’s dick went half-hard and his heart thumped erratically against his chest.

  “You’re stunning,” he whispered.

  The answering smile that dawned across her face made his heart kick even harder. Crap. He wanted to be the reason for that expression every day for the rest of her life.

  And he had no idea what to do with that revelation.


  Swiping an arm over the table, he said, “You should have everything you need.”

  Walking across the room toward him, Finn couldn’t help but appreciate the way the dress clung to her luscious curves. He knew the
re was a fine layer of beige mesh beneath the lace covering her body, but the illusion that she was naked between the intricate work made his brain threaten to explode.

  Walking close, Genevieve let her body brush against his. She watched his reaction from beneath her lashes, the little vixen.

  His straitlaced rule follower was feeling a little wild. And he was happy to encourage that kind of behavior.

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, Finn pulled her tight against his body. He strategically placed her so the edge of her hip rubbed right against the erect ridge pushing against the constricting teeth of his zipper.

  Finding her ear, he murmured, “Yes, there are panties somewhere in this pile. My question is, are you brave enough to leave them here?”

  Shaking her head, Genevieve stretched out, rummaging through everything until she found the panties he’d bought. Just like the dress, they were a deep emerald green, silk and lace.

  Fingers tucked inside the waistband, she pulled until they went taught and then flipped them around so she could see the tiny string that constituted the back. Pursing her lips, she turned her head and looked him straight-on.

  He expected to get a lecture on how inappropriate they were. So he was surprised when, instead, Genevieve neatly folded them into a little fan, yanked out the square of material tucked into the pocket of his jacket and replaced it with the panties she obviously wouldn’t be wearing.

  God, this woman was amazing. A constant surprise.

  “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

  “Nope, that would be stupid. I really want you to make love to me later. Hard to do if you’re dead.”

  What he wanted to do was shove the skirt of her dress up and sink into her body right now. But if he did that, they’d never make it to the gala. And he really needed to be there tonight.

  The gala was being held at Dennis Hunt’s home. Hunt happened to be Stone’s client. This was the perfect opportunity to survey the estate, review the security measures and find some vulnerabilities.

  Seeing Genevieve all dressed up was simply the cherry on top of the sundae.

  “As much as I’d like to show you that playing with fire gets you burned, we don’t have time. The car will be here in twenty minutes.” Sweeping a hand over the table, he continued. “You’re perfect just the way you are, but if you want makeup and hair now’s the time.”

  Genevieve quickly picked through the products, gathering a few in her hands. Tossing a saucy smile over her shoulder, she headed back to the bathroom.

  This time she didn’t bother shutting the door. So Finn followed, leaning a shoulder against the jamb so he could watch. With a few sure strokes, she applied just enough makeup to highlight her face. Then with nothing more than a band, some pins and a curling wand, she managed to put her hair up in some elegant twist that made her look both sexy and sophisticated.

  Less than fifteen minutes later, she was shooing him out of the doorway so she could pick out a pair of heels. He’d brought several options, not just so she could have color choices, but because he wasn’t certain what heel height she’d be most comfortable wearing.

  He was slightly surprised when she picked out a pair of strappy sandals about four inches high. But he was grateful when she walked across the room in them, her hips swaying seductively.

  Reaching behind him, Finn pulled out the case he’d stashed. Genevieve faltered, her steps stuttering in a way that had him extending his arm to her because he was afraid she was falling.

  But she wasn’t. She was solid on her feet, her eyes trained on the box in his hand.

  Nerves suddenly fluttered deep in his belly. Finn couldn’t remember the last time he’d been nervous about anything.

  Opening the lid, he held the jewels out to her.

  “I wanted you to wear these.”

  Her eyes drifted across the pieces nestled against the black velvet inside. Pride, peace and happiness flitted across her face.

  But she didn’t move to touch them.

  Dropping the box onto the table, Finn lifted out the necklace. It was light and cool against his hands, just as it would be until the heat of her body warmed it.

  Stepping up to her, he waited until she spun so he could place the necklace around her neck. The teardrop settled into the valley at the center of her throat. It moved as she swallowed.

  The backs of Finn’s fingertips brushed across her soft skin. Genevieve shivered. Following the line, he worked the clasp and then reluctantly dropped his hands away.

  And waited for her to spin around.

  He wasn’t disappointed with the vision she made when she did. But he didn’t speak. Not yet. Reaching back into the box, he pulled out the set of earrings, handing them to her one at a time as she leaned sideways to put them in. The matching bracelet followed.

  Only then did he take a step back so that he could appreciate the full impact of her.

  “You are beautiful every minute of every day, but right glow. The jewels around your neck pale in comparison to your fire and light.”

  Genevieve’s eyes sparkled and shimmered. For a moment he was worried she might start crying, but instead a radiant smile curled her lips. Closing the gap between them, she placed both of her palms against his chest and leaned close.

  “You make me feel beautiful, Finn. And you always have. You’ve always been happy to share your own intense fire and excitement for life.” Touching her mouth to his, she whispered, “Thank you.”

  Finn wasn’t certain if she was thanking him for tonight or for something else, but it really didn’t matter.

  He was just about to say to hell with the gala, he’d find another way to survey Hunt’s estate, when his cell buzzed letting him know the car had arrived.

  “Perfect timing,” he mumbled irritably, before sweeping a hand toward the back door. “After you.”

  * * *

  Genevieve was familiar with the world she’d just entered. It had simply been a long time since she’d been back.

  The imposing brick mansion, lights blazing out over a forecourt lined with towering oaks, didn’t impress her. It did remind her of movies like Gone with the Wind and Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, though.

  Uniformed employees opened the doors as they approached, revealing a sweeping double staircase framing the entrance to a ballroom filled with elegantly clad people. Everything sparkled and shimmered, especially the women milling about.

  This was definitely something she hadn’t missed for the past few years. These kinds of events had been regular affairs in her life with her grandfather. She was expected to be the perfect companion, quiet and unimposing. Demure and obedient. An example he could point to when he wanted to praise his own parenting skills and a disappointment and burden he could reference when he wanted to play the martyr.

  She’d hated every minute, usually finding the events boring and tedious.

  Something told her tonight would be much different.

  Proving her point, the material of her dress brushed against the naked mound of her sex, sending a thrill racing through her blood. Finn didn’t help matters any when he let his hand drop from the dip of her hip to the rounded flesh of her rear...and gave her a hard squeeze.

  Elbowing him in the side, Genevieve cut him a disapproving glance. His response was an impish grin that suggested he planned to ignore her hint.

  Letting his hand slide into hers, Finn led her to the heart of the ballroom, sweeping past people, uncaring when they attempted to stop him and speak.

  Genevieve had no doubt one of the things that drew people to Finn was his complete lack of caring about what others thought...or wanted. At least generally speaking. If someone wasn’t important to him, their opinion or needs mattered not at all.

  That attitude came with an air of confidence that was attractive and seductive. She’d seen the pheno
menon before. People were drawn to Finn. And it was no less true tonight.

  Of course, it didn’t hurt that he had a reputation for being outrageous and an air of danger because of his history. People delighted in gossiping behind his back, but wanted to be able to say they knew him for the shock value it could provide.

  Finn didn’t give a rip about any of it.

  Over the next thirty minutes or so Finn kept a tight arm around her shoulders or waist, ensuring she stayed close. He spoke to a handful of people, carrying on banal conversations that he was very careful to be sure included her.

  He made it clear—to her if not to anyone else—with his actions and words that as far as he was concerned, she was the most important person in the room.

  Which eventually had a flock of women surrounding her as they attempted to figure out how she fit into things. Several of them she’d been acquainted with through her grandfather and her work at Reilly, although none were what she’d consider friends.

  Needing a break, she was about to excuse herself and find a ladies’ room where she could hide for a few minutes when she registered a change in Finn’s tone of voice. Before, his words had held a clipped, bored undertone. Now, whoever he spoke with actually mattered.

  Genevieve turned her attention back to Finn, closing the small gap that had developed as they engaged with different conversations. Coming up beside him, she realized a gorgeous couple stood across from him.

  What struck her immediately as she slipped her hand into his was how relaxed his body was. Until that moment, she hadn’t realized the thin layer of tension snapping through him. His expression now was free and easy. Comfortable.

  She’d seen Finn interact with many people—tonight and several years ago. He was always in complete control, of himself, of the situation and of the people around him. But in order to be that way, he had to constantly be on.

  With the couple in front of him, she realized he didn’t feel that need. Which intrigued her.

  Turning her attention to them, Genevieve immediately began cataloging them both. The man was a couple inches over six feet. Just like Finn, he was obviously fit beneath the layers of polish and expensive clothing. His facial features were sharp, and not simply because he had an aristocratic heritage. His personality and demeanor added even more of an edge. Without the smile on his lips and the crinkled edges at his eyes he could have been austere and intimidating.


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