Book Read Free

Rock Me

Page 9

by Raven K. Asher

  “You’re being an ass, Marshal,” Russell growls out.

  “I agree with Russ; you’re being a dick right now.” Micah chimes in.

  Mickie raises his hands in surrender. “Just see if you can get some more music down, Chloe.”

  With that, he moves into the front of the bus while the guys stand frozen in place. After a few moments, they jump into action.

  Russell grabs his guitar from the wall before Micah quickly retrieves his drum. They sit down and then wait for Marshal to do something.

  When he remains in place, I glance towards them before stroking my fingers over my strings again. Either Marshal would join us, or he would walk away. It honestly didn’t matter to me; I didn’t need him to make music.

  Without a word, Marshal sits down with us before pulling a pen and pad from the cubby beside his seat.

  He starts writing while I play with Micah and Russell.


  “I hate to do this, but you’re going to have to put this session on pause.” Mickie states as he stands up from his spot sitting next to Todd. “We have a show to get ready for and limited time to get things in order.”

  Micah and Russell groan in response.

  Mickie chuckles lightly. “But first, you guys get to go home.”

  That gains cheers from them.

  I glance back at Marshal while he stares down at his pad of paper. He doesn’t seem to notice the others as they stand and then move through the bus to gather all of their things.

  “I’ve arranged for each of you to have your own cars to get around town.” Mickie then states.

  “Please tell me you got something actually cool instead of that minivan that you got us last time.” Micah pleads as he briefly returns to the front of the bus.

  “You’ll like the cars this time,” Mickie promises.

  “I’ve booked two rooms at the local hotel just in case any of you decide to spend time away from your families’ houses,” Mickie states next.

  “The cars will be waiting for us there.” He adds.

  “How much time do we have?” Russell asks.

  “We’ll be arriving in ten minutes.” Mickie answers.

  Russell and Micah begin moving around the bus faster while I sigh and then stand up to gather my things.

  “You’re still staying with me, right, Chloe?” Russell presses.

  “I will for a day or so, but I think I might spend some time at the hotel,” I reply gently.

  He nods and then grins knowingly. “You can admit that you want to spend some time alone with your lover boy.”

  “That’s not at all what I meant,” I reply before looking towards him for a moment. “I just need some time to myself. I have a lot of things that I need to sort through.”

  Russell nods again. “I get it. You’ve been through hell and back.”

  Moving closer, Russell cups my cheek in his hand. “Will you ever tell anyone what those girls said to you in that elevator?”

  I shake my head while closing my eyes. “No.”

  “Well, whatever they said to you isn’t true. You are a beautiful and strong woman. Anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend or girlfriend.” He replies softly while gazing deep into my eyes. “And no matter what happens or where life takes you, I will always be here.”

  “We’ll grow old together if we have to.” He adds with a light laugh.

  I laugh. “Are you sure you’d still want to be around me when I’m old and wrinkled?”

  His brow rises before he scans me from head to toe. After a moment, he tilts his head before narrowing his eyes.

  I slap his shoulder. “You’re an ass…”

  “You still love me.” He replies playfully.

  “Only sometimes…” I tease.

  He gasps dramatically. “You take that back.”

  Our laughter instantly disappears as Marshal stands up and then glares in our direction before moving into the back of the bus.

  “God, what is his problem lately?” Russell breathes out. “It’s like anyone actually having fun pisses him off.”

  “I think it’s just me, Russ,” I whisper while bowing my head.

  “He had his chance,” Russell replies. “He has no one to be mad at other than himself. You tried your damnedest to get his attention; it’s not your fault that he was too blind to see it.”

  “It is what it is, Russ.” I sigh.

  “We’re here.” Mickie suddenly announces as the bus comes to a stop.

  “Hell yeah, are those mustangs for us?” Micah asks excitedly.

  Mickie chuckles lightly. “I told you that I’d rent something you’d like.”

  “You are the best, Mickie,” Micah replies before hugging Russell and me abruptly. “I’ll see you guys later. Don’t have too much fun without me.”

  Without another word, he rushes to get out of the bus.

  We watch through the window as he jumps into one of the four mustangs sitting in the parking lot. Seconds later, he revs the engine before peeling out of the parking lot.

  “I hope you got good insurance on that car,” Russell stresses.

  “Oh, I did,” Mickie replies seriously.

  Marshal is next to walk off the bus with his bags. As he drives off a few moments later, Mickie scrubs his hand over his face before looking at Russell and me.

  “We’re going to have to figure out what the hell is wrong with him before he ends up doing or saying something that destroys this band.” Mickie stresses.

  “We know what’s wrong,” Russell admits before continuing. “And we’ll take care of it.”

  “Are you sure that you can?” Mickie presses.

  Russell glances at me before nodding. “We are.”

  “I’m trusting that you will be able to get things back on track before we end up on the road again. I don’t want this band falling apart before it ever really gets the chance to shine.” Mickie replies.

  “Do whatever it takes.” He then adds while looking at me.

  I understood what he wasn’t saying loud and clear. He wanted me to end things with Shiloh if that’s what it took to get Marshal back to normal.

  While I hated the thought of breaking up with Shiloh, I would if it meant saving our career.

  We had worked too hard to get this far just to have it torn apart by a single relationship.

  I nod. “I will do what I have to.”

  “Good.” Mickie breathes out in relief.

  “How long do we have to stay in town?” I ask curiously.

  “I’ve made arrangements for us to stay here for a week to give you time for your bruising to heal, and so you can rest.” He replies.

  “Awesome,” Russell exclaims happily.

  We hadn’t spent a solid week anywhere for a very long time.

  “Thank you, Mickie,” I reply gratefully.

  “You’re welcome.” He replies before clapping his hands together. “Now, go, enjoy your time with family and loved ones. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

  With that, Mickie turns and then leaves the bus along with Todd while Russell and I grab our bags and then exit the bus last.

  Russell grins brightly as he approaches the only two mustangs left in the parking lot. One was black, and the other was a deep midnight blue. Russell doesn’t hesitate to claim the blue one.

  “Do you want to ride with me, or are you going to drive?” Russell asks.

  “I’ll drive,” I reply easily.

  He nods and then tosses his stuff into the back of his car while I do the same. Once we’re in the driver’s seats and ready to go, we start the engines.

  Before I can do anything, Mitch hops into the passenger’s seat. As much as I would have loved to be alone, I knew that it was best to have Mitch close by.

  I sigh softly and then glance towards Russell. He grins brightly and then playfully revs his engine.

  Moments later, we leave the parking lot and the bus behind.

  Chapter 14

  The second that Rus
sell, Mitch, and I step out of our cars, Russell’s parents and siblings run from the front door to greet us with hugs.

  I close my eyes and push back my emotions as Judy, his mother, holds me tightly.

  After a few moments, she leans back with her hands on my shoulders. “I’ve been so worried about you, Sweetie. Russell kept telling us that you were okay, but I needed to see you in person.”

  “We were so happy when Mickie decided to bring you guys home.” She adds.

  Stepping back into Russell’s father, Robert’s, arms her entire demeanor changes as she pins Russell and me with a look.

  “By the way, we are going to have a little talk about this relationship that you two had.” She states sternly.

  That causes Russell’s siblings, Megan, Alex, and Lee, to stop running around to giggle and point in our direction.

  “You two are in big trouble.” Megan teases.

  “Mommy is going to put you in time out,” Alex adds.

  Lee grins mischievously before speaking. “You’re totally screwed.”

  “Lee Michael Scott, watch your mouth.” Judy scolds.

  Leave it to Lee to always say what everyone else wouldn’t. He had no filter when it came to saying what was on his mind, and at just seven years old, he had a lot to say.

  Typically Megan was quiet and an average book loving thirteen-year-old. Alex was the youngest and the most adorable kid I had ever had the pleasure of meeting. He had been born just before we had gone out on tour just three years ago.

  I loved Russell’s siblings as if they were my own.

  Russell sighs while looking at me. “You didn’t think about this when you confessed our little relationship on that show, did you?”

  I shake my head while smiling shyly. “No, I didn’t.”

  “Well, we’re going to set some boundaries since you two have been together.” Judy then states.

  “My god, Mom…” Russell replies with a groan. “We’re not together anymore. Haven’t you noticed that Chloe is dating the lead singer from Lucky August?”

  “Oh, I’ve noticed. Their pictures are plastered all over the internet, but that doesn’t mean that things don’t happen when the opportunity is given.” She replies.

  “Mom…” Russell groans again.

  “Don’t Mom me, Russell.” She scolds.

  After a moment, she waves for us to go inside. “Why don’t we get inside? I’ve made dinner, and it’s going to get cold if we don’t eat soon.”

  “Mitch, you’re more than welcome to join us.” She adds.

  “I will if it’s alright with Chloe,” Mitch replies while looking towards me for my response.

  “You might as well get a good meal since you have to watch over me,” I reply.

  He smiles and then follows Judy and Robert to the door along with Russell and the kids.

  I stand in place as Alex, Megan, and Lee run inside first.

  Oddly I no longer felt as close to this family as I once did. It was as if I no longer fit into this scene. My heart aches as I glance down the street absently.

  My parents only lived a block away.

  They were so close, yet so far away.

  “Chloe…” Russell calls out from the doorway. “Are you coming?”

  I nod absently before turning to walk towards Russell. I stop in front of him as he searches my eyes quietly.

  After a moment, he reaches up to stroke his knuckles across my cheek. “Are you alright?”

  “Honestly…?” I whisper.

  He nods. “You can always be honest with me, Chloe.”

  “I am far from alright,” I admit. “I am barely keeping myself together.”

  “Maybe we should talk to Mickie about taking some more time off.” Russell sighs. “You’re probably going to need more than a week.”

  “That’s probably true, but I can’t ask everyone to sacrifice their time for me,” I reply. “I’d rather not tick Marshal off any more than I already have.”

  “You do realize why he’s so angry, right?” Russell asks.

  “I do.” I breathe out.

  “Are you two coming?” Judy suddenly yells out.

  Russell sighs while glancing into the house. “We’ll talk more about this later. Right now, let’s just unwind and enjoy time with people who adore us for just being us.”

  I nod and then plaster on my best smile before walking inside with Russell by my side.

  He was right. For now, I needed to push everything bothering me to the back of my mind so I could enjoy the moments that we were living in now.

  There would be plenty of time later to sort through my internal trash pit of emotions.


  “Are you sure that you have to leave, Chloe?” Judy questions with a dramatic pout. “We were really hoping that you’d spend a few nights with us.”

  “I will, but tonight I need to spend some time alone,” I reply gently.

  She nods before embracing me. “I understand but remember you’re always welcome here no matter what time it is. You still have a key, right?”

  “I do. Thanks, Judy.” I reply gratefully.

  She grins and then walks away, leaving me alone with Russell.

  He sighs while rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m really hoping that talk with my parents isn’t going to scare you off forever.”

  I snort and shake my head. “While it was the most awkward conversation that I’ve ever had, it isn’t going to scare me away, Russ. I will never look at you the same way, though. Your mom kind of killed any appeal you had.”

  “Seriously…?” He blurts.

  A smile spreads across my lips as I place my hand against his chest while leaning close to him. I gaze deep into his eyes as our lips move closer to each other.

  Before they touch, I step back and grin even more.

  “God, you’re terrible.” Russell snorts.

  “You love me.” I laugh.

  “Always…” Russell replies.

  After a moment, Russell becomes serious. “Call me tomorrow?”

  I nod. “I will.”

  “You better or else I will hunt you down.” He threatens.

  “I wouldn’t expect anything else.” I breathe out before taking a step back.

  “Goodnight, Sweetheart,” Russell states softly.

  “Goodnight, Russ,” I reply.

  With that, I turn and then slowly walk towards my car parked along the street where Mitch was already sitting in the passenger’s seat, waiting patiently for me. Once I reach the car, I look towards the house where Russell was still standing, watching me.

  I sigh softly and then climb into the driver’s seat before starting the engine.

  Mitch doesn’t say a word as I absently stare through the windshield.

  After a few long moments, I drive away.

  Less than five minutes later, I arrive back at the hotel. I park the car and then grab my bags before moving towards the bus. As always, Mitch follows along quietly.

  Once I reach the bus, I go inside. I find one key sitting on the table with a note stating that they were the keys to the hotel rooms.

  Marshal must have decided to use the other room.

  Taking a deep breath, I exit the bus and then begin making my way to the hotel. Before I get far, I hear my name being called out.

  I stop and then turn just as Shiloh appears from around his bus.

  “There you are.” He huffs out while running towards me. “I tried texting you. I was beginning to wonder if you were coming back.”

  “I was spending time with my family.” I lie slightly.

  He nods. “Oh, okay…”

  His brow then rises in question. “What are you doing now?”

  “I was going to go to my room,” I reply simply while motioning towards the building. “I was hoping to get a long shower and then sleep.”

  “Can I join you for the night?” Shiloh presses.

  I had two choices; I could let him join me and spend the night forgetting my
problems while getting tangled in the sheets, or I could say no and face the night alone and surrounded by my inner thoughts.

  As much as I would have loved to spend the night with Shiloh, I couldn’t.

  I needed to make time for me; to sort through all of the emotions tearing me apart inside.

  “Please, say yes.” Shiloh pleads softly while raising his hand to touch my cheek.

  I lean into his touch while closing my eyes. “I want to, but I need some time alone.”

  Shiloh sighs roughly. “I’m going to have to leave soon. Once we play this show tomorrow, I have to go to the next one. I was hoping to spend at least one night with you before we had to part.”

  “I didn’t realize that we were going separate ways so soon.” I breathe out.

  “Andy didn’t want to waste a week.” He sighs. “He could really care less about giving me time to heal. Trust me when I say that you’re lucky to have Mickie as a manager.”

  “Oh, I know how great Mickie is,” I reply before glancing away from Shiloh briefly.

  “So, tonight…?” Shiloh pushes.

  “Can you wait until we see each other again?” I try.

  “Seriously…?” He suddenly snaps. “I don’t want to wait. Every time we have a chance to be together, something always gets in the way, and now that we have a moment, you don’t want to spend it with me.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to, Shiloh, it’s just…I’m a mess right now,” I argue. “You might be over what happened to us, but I’m not. I can’t get those words that those girls said to me out of my head. Every time I look at my reflection, I’m reminded of what happened.”

  “I need time to think and to recover,” I add.

  “The last thing you need is to be left alone,” Shiloh replies. “I know how you’re feeling, Chloe. I haven’t been able to get past what happened, either.”

  He cups my cheek again. “Everything that happened was my fault.”

  Instead of arguing with him, I remain quiet. I couldn’t say that it wasn’t his fault because if he wouldn’t have acted out, then those girls may not have reacted the way that they had.


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