Book Read Free

Our Voice 8

Page 13

by Scot McAtee

Dr.Drawn vs. Devon and Markus

  Jason Wisinski

  Dr. Markus Bottomsworth is a scientist who wants to create a new way of electricity. But something goes terrible wrong when he was fixing a power line on a bridge. It started raining and he slipped and fell in the water and the cable he was working on and fell in with him and electrified the water. Which electrocuted him and shocked him so much that the electricity gave him the power to light himself up in other words made him glow a light green. One man saved Markus that day that man was Devon O’Donnell took Markus to his house and would help Markus control his power and told Markus there will be a man trying to kill because he wants your powers.

  Steve Beckman will come after you Mark he will try and drawn your power because he wants to take all super human like us. So that he is the most powerful human being ever.” Why does he want all of the powers to himself Devon “. “He wants the powers because he is a scientist that has a really dark and dreaded past and will stop at nothing to get are powers”. “Are powers Devon you never told me you had a power how did you get your power”. Well Mark I got my powers when I was a scientist working with Steve Beckman we wanted to see how twins could read each other’s minds. So we did testing after testing should good sings I told him to try the experiment on me and he did. He hooked me up to all of the wires and I closed my eyes and when it was done I could read people’s minds.

  But Steve got too carried away by knowing some people had powers and he wanted to take them away so he started with me. One day I came home and he was standing there in my house telling me to give up my power I told him there was no possible way for me to give up my powers. He reached for something that looked like a gun but he shot a laser out of the gun the laser hit me and he started a fire in my house. He got out and was perfectly fine I tried to save my wife but she was trapped in by the fire. She told me to leave before the fire took my life I left my house and as I was running form the flams I heard a high pitched scream. That scream was my wife screaming for her life know I want to stop Steve that’s way I am saving people with powers and showing them how to use them for good.

  So what you are telling me Devon is that I am a super hero and there is a crazy man on the loose trying to take my powers. In a way yes you could be considered a super hero. So you are telling me that we are supposed to protect the world but it’s just you and me all I do is glow and all you do is read minds that’s not really a super hero team. What if I call for some back up and they help us take down Doctor Drawn. Nice super villain name did you just make that up Devon. No he gave himself that name right when he put on that mask but it is catchy right. Yes it is very catchy it has a nice ring to it. So who are you going to call for some back up Mind control that is going to be your super hero name and my will be the Glow. Devon where will we find Doctor Drawn he knows where we are. How does he know that? Because he has a tracker on me so he should show up any time. Knock Knock who is at the door Devon I don’t know open it. Markus went to the door he opened it and standing in the door way was Doctor Drawn. Doctor Drawn had out his laser gun and shot it at Markus and Markus flew through the room stopping by hitting the wall. Devon could not believe what he just saw he tried to fight Doctor Drawn but Drawn shook him off and punched Devon and then shot him in the shoulder with his laser gun.

  Doctor Drawn looked at the two on the ground and then he yelled come and get them so I can drawn there powers. After Doctor Drawn said that four large men came in and took Devon and Markus. They took them to an old abounded lab that has not been used for years. Well I am glad you are awake for this. Awake for what? Awake so that I can see the pain on your face when I drawn both of your powers then I will be the most powerful human being a live Ha ha ha. I am supposed to be laughing because that was funny at all drawn head? Your right Markus it needed a punch line didn’t have one since I am a nice guy I will give you a punch line. Devon gets free and punches one of the big men that help Doctor Drawn. How how did you escape that Devon? Because you forgot that Markus can project the light and bent your metal bands so know we can fight. Then way is Markus still hanging by the arm bands. So I can do this Markus drops down from the arm bands and hits another one of Doctor Drawn’s sidekicks. Know it is fair Doctor Drawn. You two really think you can stop me I am going to have ever super power in the world. Not for long because where ever you go there is always someone for good that will try and stop you. You can’t stop me because I have my laser gun. You mean this laser gun in my hand then he shoots Doctor Drawn but Doctor Drawn vanishes out of thin air.


  Super bowl poem

  Jason Wisinski

  All people stop to watch the super bowl

  Brady starts to warm up his arm

  Cheering the crowd is going wild

  Directing there attain to the tunnel that the players run out of

  Every one noticed the players getting ready to play the game of their life

  Fans of every team watching the super bowl

  Generations of football stars trying to submit their legacy

  However one team will lose this game

  I cannot sit down watching my favorite team trying to get the victory

  Julie eldlemen grabs the ball flying from the air and scores the touchdown

  Knowledge of the game will give one of the teams an advantage

  Lose is what neither team wants to happen

  Marshaw Lench scores a touchdown and gives the Seahawks the lead

  Never giving up until there is nothing else for you to change

  Over time the score is changed by the player’s fate

  Pleasing the crowd and the fans while you are playing in the biggest game is hard to do

  Quitting is not an option for the patriots since they are down by three points

  Rob Gronkowski scores the touchdown giving the Patriots the lead

  Striking back with every once they got the Seahawks try to win

  Time never stopping only the players can slow it down

  Under presser the Seahawks are making a comeback

  Victory knocking on the door

  Wilson throws an interception

  Xos Jay catches the interception never letting go of the ball

  Yelling all fans as one voice as the clock ticked to the end

  Zigzagging through the crowd to go up and hold the Lombardi trophy and getting that super bowl ring put on your finger


  The Beetle key

  Jason Wisinski

  My friends were telling me about this new pawn shop that just opened up a couple of weeks ago. It’s called Donnie’s pawn place since my friends were so egger for me to go check it out. I did and I am glad of it; right when I walked into to that store my whole life would change. I parked my Nissan skyline and walked down the street where the store is. I grabbed the door and gently pushed it opened right when I stepped in there it was like walking into a time machine. See all the old antiques there and taking the entire breath taking items in at once. The man behind the counter asked if he could help me find something and I told him I was just looking around. He said just let get my attain if you need anything. While I am looking around I find a New England patriots super bowl ring from 2004 when they won the super bowl back to back that year.

  Being a patriot’s fan I asked how much it was and the price totally caught me off guard. The super bowl ring was only 500 dollars and it is an actual super bowl ring that the players get when they win. So I walked away from it wondering if I was going to buy the ring while I was looking around I found this really old glob. The globe had a look of character to it and I was intercede by it. So I told the man behind the counter that I would take that globe and he said he would put it up by the checkout area while I look around some more. When I was finale done looking throw the rest of the store I went to the counter ready to pay. But the man stopped me and said there is an old story that goes with that globe it is rumored to be king tuts when he was ruler
of Egypt. When the man was talking about it there was a stone cold look on his face. Like this globe caused that man some kind of horror in a way I paid my 6 bucks for the globe and put it in my car and drove off to my house.

  I live out in the country with no one to bother me at all because I live by myself and the closes house to me was down the road. While I headed down the gravel covered road I saw something shining when I looked in my mirror to see if the glob was still standing up straight. Whatever was shining was it was a bright blue and gold color and I thought for some strange resin the shinning object was on the globe. When I got home I took the globe out and started searching for the blue and gold shinning peace but I could never find it I searched that globe over and over but I couldn’t find anything. So I thought maybe I was just seeing things so I forgot about it and went on with what I was doing I picked up the globe so I could put it in my work room as something to make the room more notice able. When I got done luging the big globe up to my office room I put in the corner where I wanted it to go. When I was half way out of the room the globe suddenly just falls and hits the hard tile floor I rush to go pick the globe up and there are secret doors that fold out. While I was scanning the secret doors I notice there are also little draws that pull out. The main thing that caught my eye was this blue and gold beetle looing thing there was a piece of paper next to it that said Tutankhamun you are know the pharaoh of Egypt treat your people well and take care of the beetle key it will unlock the door to the other side. Wow Tutankhamun that must be king tut the dude from the pawn shop was right this was king tuts but were does this key go to.

  I know what I need to do sadly it means flying all the way to Egypt. I pack up my bags and I make sure I take the betel and the note that was meant for king tut. On the plane all I could think about is what does this lead me to I am I going to find something of king tuts and be filthy rich. But lots look on the realistic side of things someone just put it in there to make a joke or something put it was to late to change my mind because the plane had already landed in Egypt. When I get off the plane I thought I should go to the pyramids and when I arrived there I saw a picture of king tut and in his pocket was the beetle. So that means that the beetle did belong to king tut know I have to find where he is buried at. When I got to the pyramid that king tut was in I was looking for an entry way. I found this door or at least I thought it was a door because it had a place to put a key in but this key didn’t look like an average key. By this point I was rattling my brain wondering what would fit in the key hole then I remembered I had the beetle. So I thought I would try it was my best option so I put the beetle in the key hole and to my surprise it the beetle fit. Then I slowly twisted the beetle and the pyramid door slid opened.

  When I went into the pyramid it was really dark so I took out myself phone and put the flash light on so I could see. When I was walking throw the pyramid I saw a bunch of hieroglyphics and as I was reading the walls one said king tuts resting chambers. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do once I got in to the pyramid but the beetle kept pulling towards king tuts chambers. So I went in there and that’s where I saw the king tuts casket and the beetle was pulling me closer to the casket. As scared as I was I took the beetle out and there was another key whole that looked very similar to the first one I saw. The beetle was inching its way to the key whole. So I put the beetle in the key hole and I turned around because I didn’t want to see some dead kid. When I heard the casket open up I looked at it and to my surprise there was a living man in the casket sitting up. Who are you I said to the dude in the casket I am king Tutankhamun. I looked at him and said there is no why you are king tut he died thousands of years ago. I am back known because the one who has the beetle can bring me back to life and you did thank you kind sir. I am not a sir my name is Michael but everyone calls me mickey. Thank you Mickey from that day on I took king tut under my wing and he became my brother I showed him how to live in the 21st century and how to survive in the world that we live in.

  Caught by the glare of the fire

  Jason Wisinski

  Fear is just a mindset it is just a feeling that people get when they know they can’t face something. But when something hits you like a train it is kind of hard not to be scared, or afraid. For that amount of time you are stopped in your tracks and you have know where to go. This has happened to me when the two people you don’t think can get hurt and it doesn’t just hurt them it huts everyone around you. They are hurt by something they couldn’t control something they didn’t see coming at all. That day my biggest fear was right in front of my face. I am a third generation firemen and smoke jumper. The two people you don’t ever seeing get hurt is your grandparents, your dad and you close uncle. My uncle and my dad are both firefighters so when it was my time to decide if I wanted to be a firefighter there was no hesitation in my mind.

  When I got put on the same department as my two heroes’ I felt like nothing would stop us at all. Until my uncle went to a regular checkup the doctor noticed a knot on the side of his neck but the doctor thought it was just a strained muscle. But the doctor wanted to take an x-ray of his neck just in case. So my uncle took the x-rays and was sitting in the doctor’s office waiting for the results to come and then go home. When the doctor came in to give my uncle the news the doctor had a blank look on his face and that is when he told my uncle that he had throat cancer. My uncle was truly stunned at what he just heard my uncle didn’t believe the doctor so he looked at the x-rays and the cancer was indeed on his throat. When I came home that day my parents were sitting on the couch looking teary-eyed toward my uncle. They told me to sit down and told my sister to get started on her homework.

  They said “Joey we need to talk to you” so I walk into the living room and sat on the couch. They looked at me with tears in their eyes and for the first time I saw my beloved uncle trying to fight back tears. When he was ready he looked at me in the eye that’s when he told me that the doctor found cancer on the side of his thought. This super hero figure to me just told me he had cancer that absolutely crushed me. I felt like I was in a burning building with no one there to help you and the flame is just inching to you getting closer and closer until you back into a wall. Know you can’t run from the fire you have to face it head on because it has you backed up in a corner. That’s how I felt with my uncle having cancer I thought that was going to be the most difficult thing I had to deal with but man was I wrong. Everything was just now starting to fall apart and I had no control of what was going to happen I was just along for the ride. Like a leaf floating in the air by the wind the leaf has no control where he will land. Just like me I was just another leaf caught by the wind.

  When my uncle told me I just had a blank look on my face the whole time I had no clue what to say to him. I looked at my parents and they asked me what I was thinking. I told them how can someone like him get cancer know when we needed him the most he gets cancer. He is at the peak of his life and he has a lot more to live for. My parents told me that it might not seem far right know. I responded with when is it ever going to be fair it’s not fair and both of you know it and I went to my bedroom. I was in my room when my parents called for my sister to tell her about are uncle having taught cancer I heard my sister and my mom crying. Then I heard a knock at my door I said come in a rude tone. To my surprise it was my uncle who was coming into my room. He told me that no matter what happens stay strong he had tears in his eyes and in his heart.

  Before he left my room he told me he brought me something. To my surprise it was are family crest I always asked him and my parents what are family crest was because my family is originally from Poland so we have a family crest that stands for a symbol of your family. Know that symbol that represents are family is know it is in my hands. I glanced up at him and asked him what it stood for he said courage and pride. Those words and that crest would carry me throw this whole emotional roll coaster. 4 months he fought that cancer and one day the cancer spread throw him like a fire
does to a house. Know every time I go into a fire I feel like I have someone watching my back even if my life is in danger or not I feel like he is there so I thank you for that. Rest easy down there because you did your job up here. On his tombstone is are family crest and his fire number.

  Dog wonders

  Jason Wisinski

  Steven can you tell me the answer to my question. There I was in the middle of class not paying a bit of attain and Mrs. Russell calls on me. I looked over to my right and my best friend Zeke was wording the answer to the question to me. I tell Mrs. Russell the answer to the question and she says very well and says next time to pay more attain in class. She goes and returns to her desk then she gives us homework and all of us are waiting for the bell to Ring. Here I am talking to you and you don’t know anything about me my name is Steven Bold I am in the eighth grade. My best friend is Zeke Brady yes the same as Tom Brady that is his dad. Hey Zeke thank you for saving me back there in class. It’s no big deal you do the same for me Steve. After school I have to go home usually I am very happy to be home but my parents don’t think I have enough friends.

  So they took me to a counselor and told me stuff we could try well so far nothing has worked that my parents like. But know we are down to are last option to get a dog. I love the idea of getting a dog I have tried before to get a dog but it hasn’t worked but when this counselor lady says a dog is a good idea they go try it. I am hoping today we get the dog because almost every one at my school has a dog but me I kind of feel left out some times but not to the point to get upset of the matter that I don’t have a dog. When I first walk into the door this is what I hear form my mom how was your day sweaty. Yes I am 14 and my mom still Calles me sweaty is it a problem yes but who doesn’t have problems. My mom also asked how school was and if I have any home work when I am done answering all of those questions I asked if we were getting a dog today. My mom and dad just looked at me then my dad broke the silence yes we are going to the dog shelter to find a dog but if you don’t see one there we will keep looking.

  I was so happy finale I am getting my best friend besides Zeke. We got in the car and went to the main shelter in our town. We walked into the shelter and there were just a bunch of animals locked in cells like prisoners but only for animals. My mom pointed out some dogs and cats but no animals caught my eyes until they told us a dog just had puppies and they asked us if we wanted to check out the puppies. We went into the back area and there were five little puppies just roaming around and one puppy caught my eye. His fur was black on his back and on his belly was white and his nose was black his eyes are ocean blue. I knew that dog was for me when me and him looked in each other’s eyes it’s like we understood one another and knew what each other were going throw. I picked him up and I told my parents this is the dog I want we signed some paper work then we got out of there and went to the vet to get his shots and that’s when I had to name him. So I named him Punisher because that’s who he reminds me of and that is my favorite super hero so it fit with him.

  Then after going to the vet and getting Punisher all of shots he needed we stopped at pet supplies plus to get him a collar and food plus a couple of toys to keep him busy when I am at school. After we got all of that we were finale home and it was a round 5:50 mom said she was going to start on dinner so me and dad watched TV. Punisher tried to jump up on the couch were I was sitting but his legs were too small to jump up on to the couch because his legs were not long enough. So I picked up Punisher and looked him in the eyes and told him I know what it feels like to be short. Because I am not the tallest kid in my grade by a long shot. I was very happy to get a dog finally but the next day I didn’t want to go to school at all. Why don’t you want to go because mom I want to stay home with Punisher and hang out with him because he is knew to the house and we just got him yesterday and I don’t want him to be along? He won’t be along he will have me and your dad to look after him. Ever since I got my dog everything has change I have been making friends. Also Zeke and I went to a patriot’s football game and I got to meet Tom Brady and my favorite player of all time Randy Moss. That dog has changed my life around and I wouldn’t be who I am without him.

  Summer’s Poem

  Haley Ziolkowski

  Ants, ants, everywhere

  Butterflies flying in the air

  Crickets chirping loudly at night

  Dogs howling with all of their might

  Everyone walking when it’s warm

  Flies flying in a swarm

  Grandmas tending the garden

  Hurrying before the ground hardens

  Igloos nowhere in sight

  Just the fresh grass smell all day and night

  Klondike bars melting in hands

  Lakes filled with boats and people on the sands

  Mischievous children running when the sun goes down

  Neighbors crying when grass turns brown

  Ostriches roaming around in zoos

  Pink flamingos flicking poo

  Quilts being made in factories

  Relatives buying them for satisfactory

  Strawberry popsicles staining clothes

  Tom helping mom in the garden, using the hoes

  Under the rain appears a rainbow

  Violet colors putting on a show

  Warm weather all around

  Xeric legs prancing on the ground

  Yearly flowers starting the fall

  Zoris sandals being hung on the wall


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