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Leashes & Lace Books 1-3: MM Romance Boxed Set

Page 17

by Shaw Montgomery

  Preston finally seemed to thaw because he cracked a smile. “And we have a variety of temperaments. But our customers love them. We’re actually getting ready to expand our IT department because the site has been so busy lately.”

  “Capturing who the models really are should be an interesting challenge.” God save me, I was going to be working with more crazy drama queens.

  Preston actually laughed. “Some are more vibrant than others, but they all bring something unique to the company. Most of them have been with us since the very beginning in one role or another. A few started behind the scenes before moving in front of the camera, and others are more comfortable in the privacy of their own home and hardly ever do the more professional-style shoots.”

  So he had everything from attention whores to shut-ins who were afraid of what they wanted?


  “It won’t be as bad as you're imagining.” His smile widened. “Most of our photographers come back later and say they were expecting to deal with absolute insanity but have found the guys to be great.”

  Some people just had higher tolerances for crazy.

  Lately, I had none.

  “I’m sure they’re going to be great to work with.” And for the money they were paying, combined with the flexible hours, I wasn’t going to argue.

  His smile turned into more of a smirk. He knew he was downplaying the drama. “Some more than others, but they all have rabid followings on the site and have helped take the company to the next level, so I appreciate even my more interesting models.”

  I just had to keep reminding myself that it wasn’t forever. A year, tops, and I would have everything planned out. I could go back to photographing things I actually enjoyed. But before I could even start thinking about rebuilding my career, I needed to land the job.

  From everything that Preston was saying, I thought he was going to offer it, but I wasn’t sure. Our previous conversations had led me to think he would be giving me the job right away, but when I’d walked into his office, he’d just started talking. He’d said he wanted to get to know me more before he made his decision.

  I hadn’t really known what to expect when I’d walked up to the building. I’d looked up the site online and had done some basic research on the company, but I was starting to think I should have gone through the blogs and videos on the site in more detail. When I’d first started exploring the site, after I’d seen the ad for a new photographer online, I’d mistakenly thought they were looking for real photographers to give the site a more traditional look.

  I couldn’t have been more wrong.

  One year…that was all I had to put up with. One year to build up new clients and to figure out how everything would look. One year to make sure I had a savings account no one could touch. One year of crazy, and I would be set.

  “How about I show you around?” Preston still hadn’t said that I had the job outright. However, he wouldn’t waste his time showing me around if I was off the list completely. So I held on to that bit of hope.

  “I’d like that.” Standing, I followed Preston to the door. His office looked professional and comfortable, less banker and more relaxing therapist’s office, but still like it was a real company and not a new internet startup. “You have a great building.”

  It looked almost like a warehouse from the outside and was fairly unimpressive. But as I’d walked in, that was where it’d started to shine. The lobby looked like it could have belonged in any bank, but when he’d walked me through the back offices, that was where the cold comparison stopped.

  Oversized pictures of models and lingerie were mixed in with photos of the building and the local scenery. There were also very candid shots mixed in that looked like company parties or social events because the people in them were all standing around talking.

  As I’d browsed the site, I’d been surprised at the different body types and men who were shown. Most were clearly fit, but there was everything from tall, broad, butch guys in lingerie to twinks in panties. And that was just the clothing side of the site.

  Preston had been very upfront with the fact that it would only be the lingerie models that were photographed in the studio. He’d said very early in the conversation that the models for the fetish wear were generally in relationships where their partners took the photos. He’d said that it made for more intimate shots and a more accurate representation of the lifestyle.

  I hadn’t cared either way, but it had let me narrow down my research on the site, so I’d appreciated the information. I couldn’t help but think that he’d probably run into some weird issues with new photographers if he had to spell it out that clearly.

  Which was hypocritical, from my way of looking at it. Taking pictures of guys in panties was fine, but they crossed the line when it was some guy with a plug shaped like a tail up his ass? It was all photography.

  Judgmental morons.

  As he led me through the cubicles and offices, I was surprised at how busy it was. “Looks like you have a lot going on.”

  Preston looked around. “This is actually quiet for us. Most of the marketing, buyers, and the back-office staff work on this floor.” He pointed over to a bank of cubicles that were toward the far wall but empty. “Those are full a lot of the time with the models. Most of them have individual blogs on the site that they update from here, or even second jobs. We have one guy who writes several different blogs on a variety of topics and most of it he does here.”

  That had to be a circus.

  Luckily, all I would have to do would be take the pictures on site, and then I could edit them from anywhere before I sent them back. Working with all the chaos and drama would be a nightmare.

  Thinking up a positive response was hard. “It’s great that you’re so flexible.”

  Preston shrugged, not willing to accept the praise. “We’re more like a family here, so it just makes sense. And we have a lot of room, so not making use of it to help them out would be petty.”

  As we walked through the offices toward the stairs, he introduced me to people and waved at others who were on the phone or engaged in conversations. There was none of the usual tension that most people had when they were talking to the boss. It was casual and easy. I wanted to poke one and make sure they weren’t pod people or the kinky version of Stepford Wives.

  I behaved myself, though.

  By the time we’d walked up to the second floor, I’d met a variety of people, and most were tolerable. Some would probably get on my nerves if I had to work with them much, but they were in departments I wouldn’t see very often. So I wasn’t worried.

  No, my worries were all at the top of the stairs.

  I could hear the chaos before we even reached the second floor. Models were everywhere. Naked ones bunched in one corner and trying on clothing, lingerie-clad men sitting on couches and talking, and even a handful of women who seemed to be directing traffic or trying to control the chaos.

  I could not work under those circumstances.

  Preston must have seen something on my face because he chuckled. “It’s usually only about half this many people, sometimes less than that. We got a shipment in this morning of a line that we’re thinking about adding to the site, so the guys are picking things they want to try out.”

  “To try out?” I wasn’t sure I understood what he was saying.

  Preston nodded. “Everything that’s on the site has been tested by at least one of the guys. If they come back and love it, then we’ll work with the manufacturer, but if they come back and say that it’s awkward or uncomfortable or impractical, then we’ll take another look before we commit to the line.”

  I wasn’t sure if all companies worked that way, but I had to think it was another one of their turn tradition on its ear ideas. “I guess that makes sense.”

  Not really, but it was his company, not mine, so I wasn’t going to argue.

  Watching the flow of people, some stood out more than others. The nearly naked guy in pink
panties who was storming up to Preston was one of them. He was hot, but he screamed trouble. I had to fight the urge to back up and walk away. I could spot a crazy drama queen a mile away and one was closing in fast.

  “Preston! They’re orange!” He said it like he was holding a bug instead of a pair of oddly colored panties.

  Preston sighed. “We knew that.”

  “No, we were told it was a fall line, and that rep said they were pumpkin spice colored.” He frowned like Preston was an idiot and waved the clearly offensive fabric around. “This is like a kid’s plastic pumpkin kind of orange. I’m not wearing it, and I can’t deal with any one of them wearing it either.” The level of drama radiating off him was staggering and made my skin crawl.

  Preston chuckled and nodded. “I’ll talk to Merrick and see what he says. You're right; even I can see it’s a hideous color.”

  “Thank god.” The thin, almost twink drama queen sighed. “I was afraid it was going to be like the green panties all over again.”

  Fighting back a laugh, Preston shook his head. “I promised not to argue with the Queen of the Panties again…at least not about color.”

  The queen popped a hip out and struck a catwalk-style pose. “Damn straight. And I still have the crown.”

  What the hell had I gotten myself into?

  Preston finally broke down and laughed, and the nearly naked man with the orange panties smirked. They both remembered I was standing there at the same time. Preston tried to recover first, but the other guy beat him to it. Sticking out a hand, he smiled at me.

  “Eli.” His smile turned into an I’m-so-cute grin that set my teeth on edge. “I’d invite you to meet the rest of the family, but they’re a bit distracted at the moment.”

  I had to say, it was a first for me, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I ignored his lack of clothing. “Hello. I’m Roman Landry. It’s nice to meet you.”

  Preston thankfully interrupted before I had to figure out something else to say. “Eli is one of the models you’ll be working with on a regular basis. His previous photographer took another job, and I want to get a new look for him on the site.”

  “I am so much more interesting than lions.” Eli slouched and pouted, making Preston smile.

  How bad was the job if the man went from photographing Eli to tracking lions?

  “Yes, I would have to agree, but we knew when we hired him that it would only be for a short time because he was a wildlife photographer.” Preston gave Eli a look that made it clear they’d already had that discussion.

  “But he was perfect.” Eli’s pout seemed more genuine that time. Had they dated?

  “He said he’d be back next year after his next trip to India.” Preston offered the words to Eli like they were a bribe for a small child.


  “But that’s after Africa and that island with the turtles.” Eli waved his hand like the real name didn’t matter.

  “Eli.” Preston was starting to sound like a pissed-off parent. “Why don’t you get to know Roman? I’m sure the pictures are going to look amazing.”

  Eli turned that pretty—that sulking pout to me. “I’m not sure you’re going to be as much fun as Greg was.” Preston mumbled a low “Eli” under his breath, but Eli and I both ignored it. “Greg would spank me when it would make the panties look even hotter.”

  Twisting his body a little to flash his ass, Eli gave me a long look, peeking through his lashes seductively. “Will you spank me so these panties look right?”


  Chapter 2


  “He’s so boring, the stick up his ass probably seems comfortable.” I flopped down in Preston’s comfiest chair and shook my head. “What were you thinking?”

  “You saw the pictures. We both agreed he was fabulous.” Leaning back in his chair, Preston stretched out and seemed to be fighting off a yawn. Why was he so tired?

  I thought back to everything I’d been supposed to do for the company lately, and I couldn’t think of any ball I’d dropped or paperwork I’d missed. I’d have to check my master to-do list at home, but for the time being, I was pretty sure it wasn’t my fault.

  “But the man who took those pictures was not the stuffy guy who was so judgmental up there earlier.” I shook my head at the memory. “He was—”

  I wasn’t even sure how to describe it. He’d been dressed professionally, and once I’d walked away, he’d done a good job talking to the other models, but something about him put me on edge. Maybe it was the condescending looks he’d given me or the anger that had flashed through his eyes when I’d flirted with him. Like he’d taken it personally or something.

  Flirting was like breathing. People needed it to survive.

  Well, some people…fabulous ones like me.

  “He’s going to be miserable here, and he’ll drag everyone down with him.” I was a pretty good judge of who would fit and who wouldn’t. That’s why new employees usually got a baptism by fire kind of treatment. Photographers got naked models and chaos, and everyone else at the company got to sit through a photo shoot.

  Seeing how they reacted and how they treated people was key to making sure they’d fit. He was not going to fit.

  “He looked at me like I was some kind of bug.” I couldn’t get the look out of my head. “Or something under the bottom of his shoe that was sticky and gross.”

  But the guy had been hot.

  His casual business attire hadn’t fit in with the rest of us, but had made him look sexy and a little bit superior. It was enough to get my curiosity going. For just a moment, I’d seen a stern guy who knew exactly what to do with a brat like myself, but then it was gone in a flash.

  Preston sighed but didn't disagree with me. “And you just couldn’t resist baiting him.”

  “I wasn’t lying, and I wanted to see how he would respond.” Greg had spanked me when it was called for in a photo shoot. Sometimes the panties looked so much hotter with a nice pink ass. What I hadn’t mentioned to the stick, or anyone else for that matter, was that Greg would bend me over and spank me when I’d needed it as well.

  He’d been mostly straight. Well, too straight for me, so it never went beyond that, but it’d been a stress reliever that I’d needed. There was no way I’d have anything close to that kind of relationship with the new guy.

  I sighed and slouched back. “From the pictures, I thought he’d be different.” Maybe I’d baited him a little, but it’d just been such a disappointment.

  Preston understood immediately what I was talking about. “Me too.” He reached forward and pushed a few buttons on the computer, bringing up Roman’s portfolio. The official one, and the file with the other photos that he’d found online.

  “I don’t know how those photos were taken by the same man.” Shaking my head, I looked at the contrast.

  The still-life photos were boring, and the portraits were good but nothing spectacular. It wasn’t until Preston had shown me the ones of Roman’s ex that I’d seen his real potential. The ones he’d taken of his lover had been amazing.

  He’d caught the passion and the fire behind his lover. He’d also managed to show BDSM scenes that could have ended up disturbing or just kink, and had brought a magic to them that made them incredible. We’d been positive that man could take the site to the next level.

  People didn’t always understand the vision that Preston and I had for the company. We’d always wanted it to be more than just a traditional web store for lingerie. We wanted a place for people to feel safe and welcomed. Where their passion and kink didn’t have to be hidden or make them feel ashamed. The blogs, vlogs, selfies, and stock all worked toward that goal.

  The fact that the whole thing was succeeding financially was a bonus as far as I was concerned.

  “I’m caught in the same dilemma.” Preston looked at the photos, studying them, then gestured toward the sexy ones. “This was the man who I’d hoped would interview with us.”

  “Instead we got
that jackass who hates me.” And I wasn’t even being dramatic and ridiculous.

  Preston turned and started studying me. “Have you slept with him? Had a bad scene at a club, maybe?”

  I would have been offended, but we’d had a problem a few months ago with another employee when something like that had happened. So it wasn’t as soap opera-ish as it sounded. Luckily, I was in the clear for this one. “Hell no, I’d remember that man. There is no way this is my fault.”

  “Masquerade balls? Random hookups with a couple while you were visiting your family?” Now he was starting to grasp at straws.

  “Elijah has to go visit family. He’s not even gay, much less anything else weird. I couldn’t have met him like that.” Eli and Elijah were like Superman and Clark Kent, except in my case, one was boring and as close to asexual as I could get him, and the other was the fabulous me that only got to come out when I was away from my family.

  But thanks to school and the business, that was more often than I’d ever thought possible.

  Preston nodded. “Maybe he’ll relax and things will calm down. You didn’t veto him, so I offered him the job, and he accepted. Let’s give him some time.”

  Not liking me wasn’t a good enough reason to fire him. I knew Eli was an acquired taste. But usually, people who were honest about wanting to work at Leashes and Lace were expecting interesting, feisty individuals.

  Why in the hell had he even applied?

  There had to be other opportunities for a reasonable photographer. Hell, even one of those kiddie places at the mall would be less chaos. I was starting to second-guess my decision not to veto him.

  “I don’t like vetoing. It seems wrong.”

  “Eli,” Preston sighed. We’d had the conversation before, so I knew what was coming. “It’s your company. That means you get to say who works here and who doesn’t.”


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