The Age of Louis XIV
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in England, 194, 459–63, 470, 472, 589
and the false messiah (Sabbatai Zevi), 471–474
in France, 457, 493
in Germany, 414, 439, 458–59, 463–64, 470, 472
ghetto, 456, 457, 463, 470
heretics among, 458, 459, 474–78, 620–23, 629, 653
and Huguenots, 73
in Italy, 455–57, 472, 474
Marranos (conversos and relapsos), 454–59
passim, 461, 476
in Netherlands, 73, 457–60, 470, 472, 476–78, 620–23, 629
in Poland, 374, 458–59, 464, 465–68, 472, 474
ritual-murder accusations, 457, 461, 462, 465–66, 468, 493
Russia’s exclusion of, 468–69
Sephardim, 454–57
in Spain and Portugal, 447, 449, 454–55, 457–458, 476
in Turkey, 455, 456, 470, 473–74
Joachim, Patriarch of Moscow (fl. 1690), 378
Johansson, Lars (fl. 1695), 368
John IV, King of Portugal (r. 1640–56), 248, 446, 447
John II Casimir, King of Poland (r. 1648–68), 370, 371, 372, 441, 467–68
John III Sobieski, King of Poland (r. 1674–1696), 371–74, 422–24, 438, 468, 704
John Bull (personification of England), 330
John Frederick of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Duke of Hanover (r. 1641–79), 663, 664
John Sigismund, Elector of Brandenburg (r. 1608–19), 412
Johnson, Esther (Swift’s “Stella”: 1681–1728), 313, 347, 348, 354–56
passim, 487
marriage to Swift, 357
death, 360–61, 362
Johnson, Dr. Samuel (1709–84), 146, 328
comments on Milton, 212, 235–36, 239, 240
on theater attendance, 314
on Congreve, 319
on Berkeley’s view of matter, 595
Jones, Inigo (1573–1652), 264
Jonson, Ben (1573?–1037), 314, 548
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1705–11), 708, 713
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1765–1790), 381
Joseph Ferdinand, Electoral Prince of Bavaria (d. 1699), 700
Journal (Fox), 196–97
Journal des Savants, 23, 484, 498
Journal of the Plague Year, A (Defoe), 261, 337
Journal to Stella (Swift), 354
Jouvenet, Jean (1644?–1717), 98
Juan of Austria, Don (1547–78), 452
Juan Fernandez Islands, 336
Judaism: basis of Christians’ hostility to, 469–470
and Puritanism, 194
see also Jews
Jungius, Joachim (1587–1687), 519
Junker, Prussian army men, 413
Jure Divino (Defoe), 338
Jurieu, Pierre (1637–1713), 85, 167, 608, 610, 612, 692–93
Justinian I the Great, Eastern Roman Emperor (r. 527–65), 16
Juvenal (Decimus Junius Juvenalis: C.A.D. 60-C.140), 147
Kaiserslautern, Palatinate, 691
Kalisz, province of, 467
Kamchatka, Siberia, 403
Kames, Henry Home, Lord (1696–1782), 592
Kaminski, Wlodzimierz, 443*
Kant, Immanuel (1724–1804), 574, 593, 597, 604, 625, 656, 667, 679
Kara Mustafa (d. 1683), 422–24
Karaite sect, 475
Kardis, Treaty of (1661), 367, 383
Karelia, 383
Karl, Archduke, of Austria, see Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Karlowitz, Treaty of (1699), 374, 425
Karlskirche, Vienna, 427
Karlskrona, Sweden, 389
Karlsruhe, 418
Keményi, John, Transylvanian patriot, (fl. 1664), 421
Kempis, Thomas a, see Thomas a Kempis
Kattegat, 365, 367
Keats, John (1795–1821), 657
Keiser, Reinhard (1674–1739), 419
Keith, George (1638?–1716) 256
Keller, Baron von (fl. 1690), 379
Kensington Palace, 265
Kepler, Johannes (1571–1630), 498, 504, 528, 538, 539, 541, 543
and calculus, 500
and law of gravitation, 537
Kerbagh, Dutch heretic (fl. 1668), 167
Kéroualle, Louise Renée de, Duchess of Portsmouth (1649–1734), 249, 266, 274, 287, 324
Khotin, Bessarabia, 372, 374
Kiel, 506
University of, 486
Kiev, Ukraine, 371, 385
Kildare, county of, 187
Kilkenny, Articles of (1682), 186–87
Kilkenny School, 319
Killing No Murder (Sexby), 201
Kilroot, Ireland, 347
King, Dr., physician to Charles II (fl. 1685), 287
King, Edward (1612–37), 215
King, Gregory (fl. 1696), 258
King Arthur (Purcell and Dryden), 267
King’s Company, see Drury Lane Theatre
Kircher, Athanasius (1602–80), 507, 508, 514, 526
Kirchheim, Württemberg, 256
Kirke, Colonel Percy (1646?–91), 290, 296
Kist, Gerrit (fl. 1697), 381
Kit Cat Club, London, 266
Kloster Melk, Benedictine abbey, 427
Kneller, Sir Godfrey (1646–1723), 265, 266, 391
Knutzen, Matthias (fl. 1674), 660
Kochowski, Wespazian (fl. 1690), 374
Königsmarck, Count Philipp von (1662–94?), 415
Koerbagh, Adriaan (d. 1699), 374
Kol Sakal (Leo Modena), 475, 476
Königsberg, East Prussia, 380, 414, 418
Treaty of (1656), 366
Koninck, Philips de (1619–88), 168*
Koppenbrügge, 380
Kraft, Dresden chemist (fl. 1677), 516
Krasinski Palace, Warsaw, 374
Krieger, G. F., composer (fl. 1688), 419
Kronstadt, Russia, 396
Kuhnau, Johann (1660–1722), 419, 443
Kunga-Skald (Dahlstierna), 368
Kuprili, Ahmed (1635–76), 421–22
Kuprili, Mohammed (1586?–1661), 421
Kuprili, Mustafa (1637–91), 425
Kykduin, naval battle at, 179
labor, conditions of, in France, 23–24
in England, 257–58, 303
Locke’s views on, 581
strikes, 166, 303
La Bruyère, Jean de (1645–96), 32, 74, 146, 159–60, 162
La Calprenède, Gauthier de (d. 1663), 149
La Chaise, François de (1624–1709), 48, 68, 280, 284, 718
Ladislas IV, King of Poland (r. 1632–48), 370, 466
La Fare, Charles Auguste de (1644–1712), 86
La Fayette, Marie Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne, Comtesse de (1634–93), 30, 31, 36, 98, 151, 312, 598
writings of, 142, 147, 150–151, 158–59
and La Rochefoucauld, 150–51, 158–59
La Ferté-Milon, France, 132
La Feuillade, François d’Aubusson, Duc de (1625–91), 689
La Fontaine, Jean de (1621–95), 13, 19, 74, 98, 126, 133, 144–46, 149, 162, 163
Lagrange, Joseph Louis (1736–1813), 546
La Hogue, France, 693
Lahontan, Louis Armand de Lom d’Arce, Baron de (1666–1715), 509
laissez faire, 25, 258, 690, 698
“L’Allégro” (Milton), 213–14
Lambert, Anne Thérèse de Courcelles, Marquise de (1647–1733), 31, 619
Lambert, Maj. Gen. John (1619–83), 202–3, 231
Lambert de Thorigny, Nicolas (fl. 1640), 96
La Mettrie, Juiian Offroy de (1709–51), 563, 587, 599
La Mottc-Guyon, Jean Marie de, see Guyon, Jean Marie de La MotteLamy, Guillaume (fl. 1669), 599
Lancashire, 194
landscape gardening, 92, 103
Landskrona, Sweden, 368
Lanfranco, Giovanni (1580–1647), 435
Lange, Carl Georg (1834–1900), 645
Languedoc, 73
Languedoc Canal, 25
Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de (1749–1827), 496, 546
Laracor, Ireland, 348, 352
Largillière, Nicolas de (1656–1746), 89, 98–99
La Rochefoucauld, Andrée de Vivonne, Duchesse de (1013?–70), 155, 158
La Rochefoucauld, François (Prince de Marsillac), Duc de (1613–80), 30, 151, 155–59, 249, 553, 592
and Mme. de Longueville, 7–8, 155–56, 158
and Fronde, 8, 156
writings of, 28, 94, 95, 129, 131, 156–57, 160
and Mme. de La Fayette, 150–51, 158–59
La Rochelle; France, 82, 459
La Sablière, Marguerite de (1636–93), 31, 146
La Salle, Jean Baptiste de, Saint (1651–1719), 486
La Salle, Robert Cavelier, Sieur de (1643–87), 26
La Savonnerie, carpet works at, 95
Latin language, 106, 168, 416, 485, 489, 520, 576
Addison’s proficiency in, 341
dictionary of, 490
Milton’s proficiency in, 213, 227
Latitudinarians (“Broad Churchmen”), 253–54
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury (1573–1645), 218
Lauderdale, John Maitland, 2d Earl of (1616–1682), 277
Laudians (“High Churchmen”), 253–54
Lauzun, Antoine Nompar de Caumont, Comte (later. Duc) de (1633–1723), 10
La Vallière, Louise de La Baume Le Blanc, Duchesse de (1644–1710), 19, 36–37, 38, 46, 76, 79, 98, 114
La Voisin (Catherine Deshayes Monvoisin: d. 1680), 28, 140
Lawes, Henry (1596–1662), 215
Law of Freedom, The (Winstanley), 185
Le Brun, Charles (1619–90), 19, 45, 88, 89, 90, 93–95, 96–98, 98–103
passim, 131
Lecky, William Edward Hartpolc (1838–1903), 681
Le Clerc, Jean (1657–1736), 484, 577, 578, 630
Le Clerc, Sébastien (1637–1714), 95
Lee family, in America, 183
Leeuwenhoek, Anton van (1632–1723), 381, 497, 498, 520–21
Lefort, François (1656–99), 379, 380, 382, 383, 392, 394, 404, 408
Leghorn, see Livorno
Legros, Pierre (1629–1714), 100
Leibniz, Baron Gottfried Wilhelm von (1646–1716), 45, 331, 382, 415, 416, 484, 486, 494, 498, 544, 576, 602, 613, 658–81
and Berlin Academy, 414, 495, 664, 677
and “best of all possible worlds,” 604, 672–75, 679, 715
and Christian unity, 76, 80, 661, 663–67
and gravitation, 541, 54, 675
letters of, 677
and Locke, 667–69, 679
and mathematics, 499, 500–1, 528, 533–34, 546, 662–63, 675
and matter as energy, 675
and Newton, 500, 533–34, 541–42, 546, 662–63, 675, 679
and Peter the Great, 387, 393, 403, 405, 677
and Royal Society of London, 497, 667
and Spinoza, 632–33, 636, 655, 658, 663, 664
Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of (1532–1588), 460
Leiden, 166, 168, 169, 227, 508, 625
University of, 412, 526
Leipzig, 382, 411, 419, 464, 484, 485
University of, 659, 660, 661
Leith, Scotland, 188, 482
Lely, Peter (Pieter van der Faes: 1618–80), 192, 195, 265–66, 274
Lemaistre, Antoine (1608–58), 52
Lemaître de Séricourt, Simon (fl. 1660), 52, 68
Lemberg, see Lvov
Lcmery, Nicolas (1645–1715), 495
Lcmercier, Jacques (1585–1654), 90, 91, 96
Lenclos, Ninon de (1620–1705), 28–30, 39, 85, 98, 161, 440, 599
Le Nôtre, André (1613–1700), 19, 91–92, 100, 103
Lens, battle at (1648), 7, 129, 448
lenses, 263, 504, 520, 621, 630
Leo X (Giovanni de’ Medici), Pope (r. 1513–1521), 104
Leo ben Isaac Modena (1571–1648), 475–76
Leopold 1, Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1658–1705
earlier, Archduke Leopold), 380, 414, 420–25, 658, 663, 708
in alliance against Louis XIV, 43–44, 691, 693
and Christina, 439, 441
flees Vienna, 423, 707
opera fostered by, 421, 445
and Regensburg Truce, 45, 425
religious policies of, 420–21, 422–23, 464, 664
and Sobicski, 373, 422, 423–24
and Spanish succession, 699–708
passim; and the Turks, 44, 45, 421–25, 691
and War of Devolution, 43, 422
and War of Palatinate, 425, 699
Leopold I, Duke of Lorraine (r. 1697–1729), 700
Leopold William, Archduke of Austria (1614–1662), 165
Lepanto, battle of (1571), 422
Lepaurrc, Jean (1617–82), 95
Le Peletier, Claude (fl. 1683), 691
Le Qucsnoy, France, 714
Leslie, Charles (1650–1722), 571
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim (1729–81), 485, 593, 613, 656, 660
Le Sueur. Eustache (1617–55), 95, 96
Leszczvi’iski, Stanislas, see Stanislas I, King of Poland
Le Tellicr (or Tellier), Michel, Jesuit priest (1643–1719), 68, 101, 712, 717–18
Letters on the Study of History (Boling-broke), 307
Letters on Toleration (Locke), 484
Letters to Serena (Toland), 568
Letter to a Deist (Stillingfleet), 563
Letter to a Dissenter (anonymous–Halifax), 292
“Letter to Mr. Hartlib” (Milton), 217, 487
lettres de cachet, 17, 68, 272
Leucippus (5th cent. B.C.), 516
Levant, 26
Le Vau, Louis (1612–70), 19, 91, 92
Levellers, 80, 185, 227, 461
Levi ben Gerson (1288?–1344?), 621, 653
Leviathan, The (Hobbes), 549–62, 567, 651, 654
L’Hôpital, Michel de (1507–73), 607
Libavius (Andreas Libau: d. 1616), 515
libraries, 484–85
Library of St. Petersburg, 403
Licensing Act (England), 313
Liechtenstein, Prince von und zu (fl. 1702), 435.
Liechtenstein Palace, Vienna, 426
Life, Adventures, Piracies of the Famous Captain Singleton, The (Defoe), 337
life insurance, 57, 502
Life of John Sheppard (Defoe), 337
Life of Mrs. Godolphin (Evelyn), 332
light, 507, 512, 513–15, 534–36, 546
Lilburne, Col. John (1614?–57), 184, 185, 227
Lille, 42, 43, 710, 712, 714
Limborch, Philip van (1633–1712), 577, 578, 589
Limburg, province of, 164
Limerick, Treaty of (1691), 303
Limousin, province of, 71
Linnaeus, Carolus (1707–78), 519
Lisbon, 446, 454
Treaty of (1668), 446
Lister, Martin (1638–1712), 498–507
literature, 529, 607
Arabic, 492–93
Dutch, 168
English, 148, 162, 163, 207–43, 273, 276, 277, 307, 311, 312–62, 593
French, 3, 17, 26, 48, 55, 60, 66, 76, 90, 102, 104, 127, 128, 129–63, 312, 324, 490, 602, 607, 614
German, 416–17, 485
Greek, 132, 162–63, 217, 241, 490, 491
Hebrew, 241, 456, 465, 475, 490
Hungarian, 421
Italian, 432, 434, 435, 438, 441, 442, 475
Latin, 163, 217, 490
Polish, 374
Portuguese, 446–47
Russian, 375–76, 404
Spanish, 446, 452
Yiddish, 465
Lithuania, 366, 370, 467, 468
Livonia, 367, 369, 375, 380, 383, 390
Livorno (Leghorn), Italy, 455–56, 473
Lloyd, Edward (fl. 1688–1713), 304
Locke, John (1632–1704), 266, 311, 321, 331, 491, 564, 570, 575–90, 613
and Berkeley, 593, 594, 596
on education, 488–90, 590, 591
exile in Holland, 167, 484, 578
and the French Enlightenment, 74, 597, 679, 680, 681
government employment, 304, 342, 577, 578
and Leibniz, 660, 667–69, 679
and Newton, 543, 544, 545, 679
and political philosophy, 285, 286, 563, 566, 576, 578–83
psychology, 551, 562–63, 568, 577, 583–88, 594, 596, 603, 642, 660, 667–69, 679
and religious toleration, 484, 588–90, 608
and Shaftesbury earls, 279, 285, 488, 490, 577, 590, 591, 593
logarithms, 500
London, 168, 258, 259–63, 332, 485
air pollution in, 260–61, 332, 501, 591
anti-Catholic demonstrations in, 249, 280–83
passim, 285, 294, 297
architecture in, 264–65, 507
bankers and merchants of, 203, 259–60, 299, 461, 463
Charles II hailed in, 204–6
passim, 244
City of, 260, 263
coffeehouses, 275
Corporation of, 263
Great Fire of (1666), 235, 262–63, 264, 276, 277, 289, 322, 507
Huguenots in, 74
Jews of, 194, 461, 463
parks, 275–76
plague in, 235, 261–62, 263, 276, 277, 322, 333, 525
population statistics, 501–2
under Puritans, 194, 195
Restoration morals and customs in, 268, 272
Whig sentiment in, 285
see also Westminster
London Gazette, 313
Longhena, Baldassare (1604–82), 433, 456
longitude, calculation of, 504, 509, 538
Longueville, Duc de (d. 1663), 7, 8
Longueville, Anne Geneviève de Bourbon-Condé, Duchesse de (1619–79), 7, 8, 10, 30, 68, 76
liaison with La Rochefoucauld, 7, 155–56, 158
Lopez, Rodrigo (c. 1525–1594), 460
Lords, House of, see under Parliament, English
Lorrain, Claude (Claude Gellée: 1600–82), 435.
Lorraine, duchy of, 10, 43, 44, 179, 661, 700
Louis XIII, King of France (r. 1610–43), 4, 12, 90, 91, 106, 716
Louis XIV, King of France (r. 1643–1715), 3, 12–18, 45, 144, 151, 162–63, 250, 365, 440, 485, 495
absolutism of, 12, 14–15, 77–78, 84, 141, 396, 721
accession of (1643), 4
his ambition for conquest, 41–45, 201, 291, 331, 426
and the army, 32, 33, 41, 44, 693–94, 706
and the arts, 3, 87–103, 162
birth of (Sept. 5, 1638), 12
and Boileau, 130, 147, 149
character and appearance, 12–15, 392
and Charles II of England, 36, 273, 276–82
passim, 284
children of, 14, 37, 38, 40
and the Church, 46–49, 52, 67, 70, 76, 79, 82, 83, 115, 291, 432, 617, 628 (see also religion, personal practice, below)
court of, 18, 27, 31–34, 160, 162–63, 394, 481
death of (Sept. I, 1715), 718–19