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Mate or Fate

Page 19

by J. L. Berry

  Cole looked at his father with disgust; he doesn’t even recognise his own son.

  He felt his hopes shatter in that instance. He had dreamt of the day he would return home to the loving open arms of his parents even when he doubted it would ever happen. When Elijah helped him escape it breathed new life into his dreams as he dared to hope more than he ever had before. But it had all been for nothing. Well, not nothing, there was still Jess.

  Jess. His wolf hummed with pleasure. He looked back to her seated still in the car, her concern clear on her face. She loved him already, of that Cole had no doubt.

  Yes, let’s focus on her. She’s our family now.

  Cole turned his back completely on his father and the other wolves to return to his seat in the car.

  “Wait!” A desperate plea rang out from a woman’s voice, the sound vaguely familiar to Cole’s ears. He stopped immediately before turning towards the voice. Luna Grey had stepped out of the second Land Rover and was forcing her way forward. The guards were trying their best to restrict her movements in an attempt to protect her from potential harm but this just caused her to become more irate.

  “YOU WILL NOT KEEP ME A SECOND LONGER FROM MY SON!” She bellowed with such force it threatened to buckle the knees of everyone in her way. As she moved forward her countenance switched from one of fury to that of a serene calm. Her eyes fell lovingly on Cole as tears welled in her eyes, “I know you. I’d recognise your scent anywhere my son.” She held her arms open in greeting, hoping Cole would come to her just as he did when he was a boy.

  “Mother,” he whispered before rushing into her embrace. He held her close and lifted her from the ground causing her to laugh with glee as they rocked from side to side.

  As Cole finally rested her feet back on the floor she lifted her hands to caress the sides of his face, “You have grown into a fine man, I am sorry I wasn’t able to see it.”

  Cole didn’t know what to say to her in that moment but knew that conversation would need to happen sooner rather than later. Instead he decided to deflect the talk to happier things, “Mother, can I introduce my mate to you?”

  “Of course!” She gushed, a beaming smile spreading across her face. Luna Grey automatically brushed her hands down her clothes to ensure she was presentable enough to meet her future daughter-in-law.

  Cole moved towards the driver’s door and opened it for Jess. She took his hand without hesitation, pleased that he was finally getting the reception from his pack that he deserved. Jess fidgeted as she stepped forward to meet Luna Grey, she glanced down at her dishevelled day-old scrubs. Not exactly what she would have chosen to wear to meet the parents of her mate but it would have to do.

  “Mother, this is my mate, Jess.”

  “Jess, it is wonderful to meet you,” Luna Grey clasped her hand in welcome, “Thank you so much for your help in bringing my son home. I cannot begin to repay that debt.”

  “Oh it was nothing,” Jess blushed with embarrassment, “Elijah is the real hero. If it wasn’t for him Cole and I would never have met.”

  “Indeed? Well I shall look forward to hearing all about it in due course Elijah,” Luna Grey smiled gracefully at him. “You have done us a great service and it will not be forgotten. Whatever you want from us, let me know and it will be done.”

  “Thank you Luna,” Elijah nodded to her, “But I was merely righting a wrong that was in my power to do so. I’ve no need for any compensation.”

  “That is very noble Elijah. If you change your mind just let me know.”

  Cole smiled at his friend as he held his mate close to his side. Elijah was glad to see them all so happy but knew he couldn’t stay and see Autumn with Drake, “Well, it looks like my work here is done! I will get on my way and leave you all to catch up.”

  “Elijah! You can’t leave!” Cole was horrified.

  “Cole, you’re home safe now and have a lot of catching up to do. You have everything you need.”

  “Yes, including a trusted friend who would literally die for me!”

  Elijah scoffed at Cole’s dramatic statement and rolled his eyes, “I won’t be far away if you need me but this is as far as I go. I’m sorry.”

  Cole walked briskly over to his friend and clasped him by the shoulders. He whispered, “Elijah, what’s this about really? You couldn’t wait to get here in the car... and now you want to bail?”

  “I.. I can’t be here,” he pleaded with Cole, “I can’t see her with someone else.”

  A look of understanding drew across Cole’s face as he looked at Elijah’s tortured expression. Elijah stiffened under Cole’s grip as the scent of cinnamon apples wafted through the air. Cole turned to see his sister standing next to their mother, her long russet hair billowing around her in the breeze.

  “Elijah. Stay. Please.”

  Chapter 35:

  Elijah’s eyes fixed on Autumn instantly as if they had a magnetic pull connecting him to her. He felt the familiar yearn in his chest at the sight of her. Her long hair hung freely around her face but covered her neck so Elijah could not see her mating mark.

  Thank Goddess for something his wolf muttered.

  In a flash everyone seemed to have disappeared from around them, leaving the pair in silence with only the sounds of the forest to fill the quiet. Elijah willed his body to turn and walk away rather than be a glutton for punishment but it would not comply. He was still drawn to her despite everything that had happened. If fate had been fair his bond with her should have broken when she chose Drake but he felt doomed to suffer the loss for the rest of his life.

  He stared into her stormy grey eyes waiting for her to speak but she remained silent. Elijah was too proud to hang around like a love-sick puppy. She had asked him to stay but then had nothing to say to him? No, enough is enough. He turned on his heel and walked away from her, refusing to look back to see if she was watching.

  “Elijah, stop. Please!” She begged but he kept walking, fighting his instinct to soothe her.

  It dawned on Autumn in that moment that her previous rejection must have pushed him too far. She may not have married Drake but the fact that she was willing to had clearly turned Elijah away from her for good. She kicked herself for not speaking up earlier, for not explaining everything the minute they were alone. The truth was she felt at a loss for what to say. How does someone apologise for not recognising the love of their life? For turning them away? How does a sister thank a man for risking his life to save her brother? And which one should come first?

  As Elijah walked away from her the pain in her heart was excruciating. Her wolf was bereft to not finally be with her mate after waiting for what felt like an eternity for him to come back.

  This is how he felt.

  Run, run now!

  Not needing to be told twice Autumn sprinted after Elijah as fast as her human body would allow. Her muscles screamed with the sudden exertion after moping in the house. Elijah heard her coming but continued to walk, his gaze focused on the ground beneath his feet. Realising he wasn’t going to stop Autumn moved ahead of Elijah before thrusting out her arm. Her hand collided with his chest before he finally looked up and acknowledged her presence. Her nostrils flared as she took deep breaths, her eyes wild with pent up emotion.

  “Thank you,” she sighed breathlessly.

  Elijah quirked an eyebrow up at her. Was she thanking him for stopping when she forced him to?

  “Thank you for bringing my brother home,” she elaborated. “I never thought I’d get the chance to know him. It means more to me than I can ever say.”

  “You’re welcome.” Elijah paused unsure what else was appropriate to say, “You deserve to be happy and now that he’s back you have everything you need.”

  “You’re right I do,” she smiled up at him with love in her eyes as her hands remained on his chest. Her wolf howled in happiness anticipating the joining with her mate. Instead, Elijah gave Autumn a curt nod before side stepping her and continuing to walk away.
/>   What the hell?


  No response.


  Still no response.

  “ELIJAH!” She screamed sobbing.

  “WHAT?” He finally turned yelling. He immediately regretted his tone when he saw her sobbing on her knees. It broke his heart to see his mate that way. But she wasn’t his mate, she’d chosen someone else. Drake should be the one comforting her not him.

  “Autumn,” he murmured softly, “Please don’t cry.” It took every ounce of self control to not pick her up and comfort her. Luckily self control is a lesson he had learnt the hard way with the Raptors.

  “I.... don’t... want... you... to... go...” She choked out between sobs.

  “I can’t stay Princess you know that.”

  “But why?”

  “I don’t belong here.”

  “Of course you do! I mean I know the pack don’t really know you yet, but they will. You brought home their Alpha’s son for Goddess’ sake!”

  Elijah smiled kindly down at her as she finally got to her feet. “What I mean is, it’s inappropriate for me to be here... after everything that happened. Besides I’m pretty sure Drake would try to beat the crap out of me,” Elijah chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

  “I know things will be awkward with Drake for a little while but he will get over it I promise.” Autumn was desperate, she needed Elijah to stay.

  “He may be able to get over it... but I won’t. I’m sorry.” With that Elijah turned again to leave.

  “Then I’ll come with you!” She called after him.

  Elijah froze in his tracks. What? His body trembled as he pivoted on his feet to face her once more. “I don’t understand? You can’t leave your pack and you definitely can’t leave your mate.”

  Autumn frowned at him, “If you’re leaving the pack then what choice do I have?” Elijah continued to stare at her completely confused as she walked tentatively towards him. “Elijah, did no-one tell you about the wedding?”

  “Yes, I heard about the wedding....”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “What’s the problem? Are you serious? You married Drake when you should have been marrying me!” Elijah’s emotions finally boiled over as he let his angst go.

  Autumn was horrified. No wonder he’s confused. She swept her long hair up into a messy bun, securing it with a tie before calmly fixing her eyes on his, “There was no marriage. My wolf wouldn’t allow me to be with anyone but my true mate.”

  Elijah stared at her bare neck, licking his lips subconsciously in response as he felt his wolf growl possessively.


  While part of Elijah wanted to run and claim her, another part was dwelling on her choice of words. Her wolf wouldn’t allow it.

  Not her.

  Her wolf.

  She had been the one to choose Drake over him but her wolf ruined her plans and so she decided to settle for second best. His heart broke a little more as he looked down at her expectant face.

  She’s our mate, his wolf pleaded, everything we’ve done is for her.

  We’re her back-up plan not her first choice.


  So I’m done being treated like I don’t matter.

  “I’m sorry things didn’t work out for you,” Elijah finally responded and for the final time he turned and walked away.

  Chapter 36:

  Cole stood at the entrance to his childhood bedroom alone, looking at the contents inside. It was exactly as he remembered it. Literally nothing had changed. It was clear the room had not been forgotten as no dust lingered on the surfaces, and yet the room was not in use. It hurt Cole’s heart to know that at least one person in his family still cared enough to keep his room in such good condition. But at the same time his childhood memories were so long ago that the room did not represent the man he was now.

  “We didn’t change a thing,” Cole heard his mother say from behind him. He nodded his head in response unable to say anything back.

  Stepping into the room he walked across to the dresser where his family pictures adorned the top. He smiled at the picture of them all together when his sister was only few days old. He never got the chance to see her grow up and certainly had no idea that she would look the way she did now. He knew nothing about her, her likes, her dislikes, her personality. She was family and yet a stranger. A stranger who was fated to be with the man he considered his best and only friend. Cole laughed at the irony of the situation. It’s not like he had the opportunity to make many friends and yet he owed his life to his sister’s mate. He hoped they would be able to sort out their issues as he wanted to get to know his sister and keep Elijah in his life.

  It seemed hard to believe he had only just met Jess. They hadn’t really even spent much time alone together as yet, but he felt this tether to her. Like his soul rotated around her the way the earth orbited the sun. He smiled softly at the thought of spending the night alone with his mate, getting to know every inch of her body as he worshipped her.

  “I know this room isn’t suitable for you now, but we can update it for you straight away if you like?” His mother had moved into the room after him and sat patiently on the single bed as Cole was lost in his thoughts.

  “Don’t trouble yourself, I won’t be staying,” Cole replied almost absentmindedly, his thoughts still on Jess. He didn’t see the flash of pain pass over his mother’s face.

  “Oh of course. You have a mate now, you’ll want your own home,” Luna Grey realised. “Well we can have one made available for you or build one from scratch if you prefer?”

  “You misunderstand me Mother,” he answered turning to face her. “Jess is the doctor of her own pack. She’s important to them and I don’t think she’ll want to leave. I won’t make her leave them; it makes more sense for me to join her”

  “But you only just got back... you can’t leave us again!” Tears began to stream down her face as she fought the urge to grab hold of her son and not let go.

  “I won’t be far away. We can talk on the phone and come and visit each month if that would make you feel better?”

  “You’re our son Cole,” she stated as if it was obvious but Cole wasn’t sure what point she was trying to make. “You’re the son of an Alpha! This is YOUR pack, YOUR legacy, YOUR future.”

  “Jess is my future! This pack is just a bunch of strangers. It may be my birthright but I know nothing about being an Alpha and there’s no way they would accept me if they knew...” It was so eerie to imagine what his life could’ve been and in that moment he felt a surge of anger towards his parents, “Why didn’t you try to find me?”

  “We did,” Luna Grey answered softly. “Trust me when I say your father had us search everywhere. Turned over every stone, questioned every possible person imaginable. But there was no trace of anything. It was like you had vanished.”

  “If that was true then how could Elijah come back and get me so easily?”

  “I wish I had an answer for you but I honestly don’t.”

  “Your mother is right,” Alpha Grey spoke up from the doorway as he came to join his mate. He had sensed her distress from downstairs and came to her immediately. “We did everything we could even think of but there was nothing. And we weren’t the only ones looking.”

  Although this was not unexpected given the new wolves that had arrived over the years Cole had been a prisoner, he was still intrigued to know what had been happening outside of the Raptor’s pack. Seeing that his son was calming down enough to listen Alpha Grey took the opportunity to explain what little he knew so far.

  “From what we can gather nearly every pack across the country has been affected by the Raptors as we now know them to be called. Our pack was one of the early ones to be targeted but there have been countless others since. In the early days after you were taken it was difficult to get any other pack to listen, let alone cooperate. They believed we were singled out and it was a one off event or a grudge,
not something that would affect so many of them. It was a few years before they realised that this was not a grudge but some sadistic wolf’s personal mission to do whatever the hell he wanted with no respect for wolf tradition or honour.

  “We have searched for eighteen years and other packs have joined us, but no one has ever brought home accurate information before Elijah showed up. I must admit I was sceptical about him at first. He seemed too good to be true, that after years of nothing there was now a solid lead. I was convinced it was a trap or someone’s sick attempt to manipulate me and hurt my pack. I am guilty of not trusting him and for that I am truly sorry.”

  Cole was still angry with his parents but he had no choice but to accept that they were telling him the truth. It made no difference now. It’s not like they could turn back time and change the events of the past. The Raptors were the real source of his anger. They stole his childhood along with Goddess knows how many others. Cole would make sure they paid for their crimes.

  “Call a meeting. It’s time you all knew the full story.”

  Chapter 37:

  “Two meetings in one day Alpha, seriously?”

  “Yeah we do have work to do.”

  Alpha Grey held his hands up to placate his pack, “I apologise for interrupting you all once again but given the circumstances I’m sure you will understand. I want you all to hear what my son and his friends have to say firsthand, so they don’t have to repeat themselves.”

  A murmur spread through the pack. Could it be true that the Alpha’s son had returned after all these years? Alpha Grey stepped backwards on the stage and gestured to the side for Cole to come forward. Bracing himself Cole squeezed Jess’ hand once before moving away from her and stepping up onto the stage. He gave the pack time to assess him knowing that there would be doubts as to his status before beginning,


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