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Netherfield Prep: A Modern Reimagining of Jane Austen's 'Pride & Prejudice'

Page 24

by Elizabeth Stevens

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Neither Austin or Williams deserve their heart broken. And, I will certainly repay the favour if you hurt either of them.”

  “Wow, I mean, I knew you were a bitch, Cass. But, this? Hunter has no interest in me beyond friendship, no matter what you chose to spread around the school and beyond. As for Austin, we understand each other, and you can be assured no heartbreak is going to occur there.”

  “You return his affections?”

  “Who said anything about affections, Cass? Austin and I are friends; nothing more has been offered or accepted.”

  “And Anders?”

  “What about him?”

  “You heeded my warning about him?”

  “No, I did not heed your warning about him. I’m not stupid enough to fall for the likes of him.” Of course, you’re not, you liar. “I didn’t need some half-baked, insincere warning from you.”

  “But, you know what sort of guy he is?” Her tone now was at odds with her previously, angry one. She sounded…worried about me.

  “What does it matter to you what happens between me and Liam? For that matter, what does it matter to you what happens to me at all? Hunter and Austin, I get. And, seriously, you can believe me when I say nothing is going on with either of them, neither will it. Me and anyone else, though? You can piss off where that’s concerned.”

  She stammered for a moment, then turned on her heel and walked away. Stormed away may have been more appropriate.

  The game finally finished with Netherfield winning five-two. The Military College boys looked bummed and more than a couple of them seemed to yell at Liam. My guess was that Liam had told them they’d get Austin red carded and that would set them up. Such a shame Austin’s temper was less volatile than Liam’s.

  Still, the teams shook hands as they were supposed to. I watched the Netherfield boys wander towards the rest of us, laughing and jostling each other in the high that was their most-deserved win.

  A tall, blonde figure ran over to Austin and threw herself on him. I laughed at both the annoyed shock on his face and at the fact that Fleur had felt so insecure about him she’d actually run.

  “Lily!” I heard Hunter and saw him jogging towards me.

  “Hunter! Great game!”

  He picked me up and spun me around, and I giggled, holding onto him tightly; I knew better than that he’d drop me, but my survival instincts were strong.

  When he stopped spinning me, he didn’t let me go. We were both flushed and laughing as he looked down at me. I’d never noticed before just how stupidly tall he was. And, I mean makes-you-giddy tall, in a good way. Neither had I noticed his eyes. I mean, I’d noticed his eyes, they were a ridiculously pale blue. But, I’d never noticed how sexy they were all lit up with laughter, his dark lashes framing them, his almost black hair falling over his forehead.

  “Lily, I…” He grinned at me.

  I wasn’t surprised those eyes made girls swoon left and right. One day, a very lucky girl was going to get to look into those eyes for the rest of her life. But, that girl would never be me, I realised.

  Don’t get me wrong, Hunter was actually everything a girl should want in a guy – if he stopped hiding the real Hunter away from the world – but, when I looked up into his eyes, I was looking for something else. Even if I didn’t know what that-

  “Williams, photo!” I heard Austin yell.

  And, it hit me. When I looked up into Hunter’s very desirable eyes, I was looking for a hint of grey in them. I was looking for eyes that turned the colour of a stormy sky when I teased him or flirted with him, eyes that were more blue when they looked at his brother, eyes that didn’t laugh quite as much but were so much…just more when they did…


  “Williams!” Jax called, interrupting whatever Hunter had been about to say.

  Hunter made a face. “I’ll see you later.”

  I smiled up at him. “That you will.”

  He kissed my cheek ever so lingeringly then hurried off. I touched my cheek, it suddenly dawning on me that perhaps everyone wasn’t so wrong after all.


  I felt horrified. Not at the idea Hunter liked me exactly, that was flattering and kind of lovely. I was horrified that, if it was true, I’d let it happen.

  Still, he hadn’t said anything and I would just have to find a way to make it not true. For his sake, if not mine.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  I watched Williams jog over and ignored Jax’s elbow. It seemed, though, he wasn’t about to let me ignore it.

  “You should do something about that,” he said.

  “How many times do I have to tell you, it’s none of my business?”

  Jax scoffed. “I saw the way you two looked at each other when she came running on after you got taken out.”

  “You make me sound like the damsel in distress and she my gallant knight.”

  “Nothing wrong with the guy being the damsel now and then.” Jax shrugged.

  I looked at him. “You have a very strange notion of the world, brother.”

  “Jesus boys, line up like you’re not a bunch of three-year-olds with no idea what a straight line is,” Lily laughed and started directing us about.

  I spared a quick glance for Fleur; the only way I’d been able to disentangle myself from her was to plead team photo duties. Thankfully, it had stopped whatever was about to occur between Williams and Lily, too.

  “Come on, come on. Smile!” Cass said, pulling faces.

  We took a couple of serious and a couple of fun shots and were ready to do the whole trophy thing.

  “Lily, get in there!” Cass suddenly yelled.

  The whole team agreed and Brickwell jumped up from kneeling in the front row to grab her.

  “No, no, I don’t-”

  “Shut up and look pretty,” Lucas said.

  “She doesn’t need much help with that,” Gerald laughed.

  Lily blushed and took a place in the middle of the team. I imagine her tiny frame looked almost lost among us. Cass snapped away. As the boys stood up, I grabbed Lily’s waist and hoisted her up. The rest of the team followed suit, holding her up, and Lily laughed as we cheered for her.

  “Okay, okay. You big burly boys have me at your mercy,” she squealed. “Now, put me down and go get your damn trophy.”

  The team lowered her until I was the only one holding her. She gently touched the side of my face, staring into my eyes as she smiled. I wondered what on earth was going through her mind. Having her that close to me, I sure as hell knew what was going through mine.

  “There they are,” she said, more to herself than me.

  “There what are?” I asked.

  She blinked and her cheeks flushed. “Nothing. Just the way your eyes change colour. Just…” She cleared her throat. “Anyway, go get your trophy.” She leant up and kissed my cheek before pushing away from me.

  “Aye aye, Assistant Coach,” I chuckled, saluting her.

  “Don’t you tease me,” she said, looking stern.

  I sobered. “Never.”

  A look passed over her face too quickly for me to recognise. I nodded to her and went to join the team.

  We were given our trophy and had more pictures with it, and Coach and Lily, who was picked up sideways by the boys in the front row and laid across their knees.

  Then, we were left to our own devices. A few of the boys jogged around the pitch, singing, as they carried the trophy around, others were celebrating with friends and family. The referee was nowhere in sight, but someone else was. I walked over to him.

  “I think you and I have unfinished business, Anders.”

  He grinned. “Do you think Lily would be pleased to see us fighting over her like your aunt’s dogs over a scrap of meat?”

  Oh, I was so ready to bash his smarmy face in. “You’re calling her meat?”

  Anders grin was anything but friendly. “No, you’re right. Slut would be more appropriate.�

  I shook my arms out. “You watch what you say about her, Anders. We both know you’re just bitter she didn’t choose you.”

  “I would say by the look of her in Hunter Williams’ arms, she didn’t choose you either. Or, do the two of you share her?”

  “I am so looking forward to hitting you again.”

  “She’s just another slut, like Amanda.”

  Through the haze of anger that descended on me, I was vaguely aware that Anders’ preening was more hesitant than usual and I caught the thought that he might have actually liked Lily, before I was lost in a cloud of red.

  My fist crashed into his face and I was pleased to see the smarmy look on his face shatter. He was quick in recovering, though.

  “You’ve been training hard,” he remarked as he pushed me to the ground. “Needed to work off all that unfulfilled frustration?”

  I grunted as he kneed me in the side. “Yes. Unlike you, Anders, I don’t force myself on unwilling bed mates!”

  I threw him over and punched him in the gut.

  He just chuckled. “I’ve found it’s amazing how girls regret being so easy after the act. The more eager before, the more regretful after. And Amanda was so very eager.”

  “You say her name again, I dare you!”

  “Oz!” I heard Jax and Lily yell.

  “Here she comes, to give you another lecture, no doubt.”

  I grinned down at him and his self-satisfied grin disappeared.

  “You right, Austin?” Lily asked.

  “Fine, Lil. Thanks for asking.”

  “Righto, then. Carry on.”

  “Lily?” Jax cried, obviously surprised.

  Surprise was definitely the expression covering Anders’ face.

  “What?” Lily asked, innocently.

  I looked to her and saw her arms crossed, looking like she was just watching us at football practice. Jax looked to me, incredulous.

  “I take it, this is your doing?” Jax asked.

  Anders squirmed and I held him down harder. “Stop moving,” I said before turning back to Jax. “What’s my doing?”

  “This,” he said, pointing at Lily.

  “I’m sorry, are you going to beat the living daylights out of him, have a pleasant discussion while you straddle him, or shall we be on our way?” Lily asked. “Personally, I’m not really into violence, but I’ll make an exception to see Liam bleed. However, if you’re not going to hit him again, can we go? Because I’m getting cold.”

  “See?” Jax said, still pointing. “That.”

  I looked down at Anders, who was looking at Lily with something too close to longing for my liking. Maybe he had actually fallen for her? Who was I to say his motives hadn’t been as much fuelled by annoying me as they had a legitimate attraction to her? Still, I could rest easy in the knowledge she was free of him.

  I leant down so my mouth was next to his ear. “You go near her again and I won’t only be giving you a headache, Anders. If I never see you again, it will be too soon.”

  Sitting up, I smashed him once more in the face and got up. “All right, then. Let’s go inside.”

  Lily looked down at Anders, a disgruntled look on her face. “And that’s nothing that you don’t deserve,” she said, stepping around him daintily.

  She looked to me and opened her mouth, but stopped as Williams came up and put his arm around her. I saw a flicker of annoyance, then guilt, then apology cross her face as she looked at me.


  “Are we having a group beating on Anders session?” Williams asked and we watched as Anders got up and walked away scowling.

  “No, we are not,” Lily replied, shrugging out from under Williams’ arm. “Now, if you’ll excuse me. You boys are all in serious need of a shower. And, I have a date.”

  “With who?” Williams and I asked at the same time.

  Lily laughed. “Really guys? With Anne and a large cup of something warm, if you must know.”

  I don’t know about Williams, but I breathed a sigh of relief.

  I knew it was stupid to hope there was any chance for me and Lily, and I wasn’t going to push it. But, neither was I going to entirely give up hope that she’d started to see me differently in the last week.

  The mental ravings and fathomless logic of the lovelorn, ladies and gentleman.

  “I will see you boys,” she hugged Williams, “later tonight, no doubt.” She hugged Jax. “And I hope you all smell a damn sight better than you do now.” She gave me a smile before hugging me.


  She still had her arms around me, so I felt her cringe at the sound of Gemma’s voice.

  “If you haven’t seen me by dinner, send a search party, yeah?” she whispered in my ear.

  I gave her a squeeze and laughed. “Will do.”

  She threw a look and a wave to Williams and Jax before being accosted by Gemma.

  “Kate and I just saw Liam! Did you know-”

  Lily rolled her eyes in my direction and I hid a laugh. “Gem, why don’t we…” I didn’t hear what else she said as she steered Gemma away.

  “Please don’t tell me two of the Brewers are still hung up on that wanker?” Williams asked.

  “It seems that way,” I replied, watching Lily meet up with Anne and Marie while Kate and Gemma looked in a fuss before they rushed off. I shook my head.

  “Be thankful one of them isn’t an airhead,” Jax said.

  “She’s anything but,” Williams said, then cleared his throat as though he hadn’t meant to say anything, let alone in such a telling tone.

  I kept my mouth shut, feeling like I’d agreed enough with Williams on Lily’s finer points for one day.

  “She’s right about one thing, though, we do need to shower. And, we should probably ice your hand, brother,” Jax said pointedly.

  I looked down and saw a few cuts and bruises. “Yeah, true.”

  We headed back into the building and I resisted the urge to look back to Lily as we went.

  “Party in Rosings tonight to celebrate?” Williams asked.

  “You bringing out your stash?” Jax asked.

  “That I am.”

  “Then count me in!”

  “Oz?” Williams said, nudging me.

  “Huh? Yeah, sounds good.”

  The rest of the team were still parading around the pitch in fits of glee, so we were the only ones in the change room and the showers.

  I let the water run over me, flexing my hand. The pain was satisfying, knowing it came from colliding with Anders’ face. I couldn’t help but think of Lily as I watched the water run over the bandage on my chest.

  It was about three now. She’d said to find her if she hadn’t been seen by dinner. Surely, no reasonable dinnertime was before seven? I could possibly push that to half-six plausibly? I could, of course, just own the whole looking too keen thing, and go and find her after I was showered and changed.

  “What’s Lily doing this afternoon?” Williams asked.

  I looked up and saw him sitting in only a towel on one of the benches in the middle of the room, tapping away on his phone.

  “You could just ask her,” Jax said.

  “I could, but I need to get this invite done.”

  “It’s not like people aren’t going to drop whatever plans they already have for a Rosings party. Who are you inviting anyway?”

  “The team, rest of Rosings, Lily, Anne, the Brewers, anyone else?”

  “I guess we don’t want it to be too big, but we can hardly open it up to everyone,” Jax said.

  “Why, what were you thinking?”

  “The rest of our year?”

  “Then, by rights, we’d have to invite the rest of the teams’ years too...we’d be inundated. Oz, thoughts?”

  “Yeah, just leave it as team, Rosings, the couple extras,” thinking of Anne, I looked to Jax, but his face was expressionless, “tell the team they can invite a few extras. They know the drill.”

  Williams n
odded as he kept tapping. “So, Lily?”

  “She’s with Anne,” Jax said. “I expect they’re trying to convince the less intelligent Brewer girls that it’s a good thing Anders is leaving.”

  “You think they’ll listen?” William asked, looking up for a moment.

  Jax shook his head. “They’re both mad and obsessed.”

  “Poor Lil.” Williams paused. “Right, all sent. Who’s on food?”

  “Cass could do it?”

  I laughed and they both looked at me quizzically. “Do you remember the last time we asked Cass to do the catering?”

  By the looks on their faces, they did. My mind’s eye flashed back to the time in Year Eight when Cass had been in charge of organising food for a party. Suffice to say people starved, or were throwing up for days after.

  “Yeah, right. Probably not a good idea.”

  “I’ll swing by the kitchens on my way back to my room,” Williams said, tapping away on his phone again.

  “In your towel?” Jax asked.

  Williams waggled his eyebrows at him.

  “Pass up a chance to pull out some of the old Williams’ charm?” I scoffed. “Not likely.”

  Williams grinned at me as Jax laughed.

  “You know me, I’m a charmer.”

  “Who’s Williams charming?” Lucas asked, coming into the showers.

  The others were behind him, Brickwell still carrying the trophy as though it were his only child.

  “Has he relinquished his hold on that at all yet?” I asked.

  Gerald laughed, “no. I’m pretty sure he’s taking it to bed tonight.”

  “He’ll have more luck with that than anyone at the party,” Williams chuckled.

  “It’s just so pretty,” Brickwell sighed.

  “Yes, Gollum,” Williams said, shaking his head.

  “Who gave him alcohol?” I looked around at the team, who all shrugged and smiled.

  “Oh, I don’t think he’s drunk. He’s high on life,” Lucas said sarcastically.

  “And, possibly some residual trophy polish.” Gerald grinned.

  The showers were noisier with the whole team there, but I revelled in it; there really was little better than laughing with your mates.


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