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Covert (The Clans Book 9)

Page 5

by Elizabeth Knox

  I’m led into a gigantic master suite, called into the bathroom that is as big as my whole hotel room where I find Franco in a Jacuzzi tub, completely naked. he invites me in, and I know that there is no stopping this now.

  He watches me as I disrobe, leaving my clothes on the shining marble counter that looks like a maid has been in here just today. My body clearly pleases him, though the bubbles in the water make sure that I can’t actually see for certain how his member feels about it. I can only guess.

  I make sure to fold my body inside the tub slowly, giving him a show. I am hoping if he gets his fill of this, he won’t have a need to defile me so much and so often. I don’t even know about his sexual health—if he can do this without a little help at his age, so it could be in my favor if I give him an eye full.

  "You are absolutely stunning," he whispers in that gruff thick accent of his. For the first time, I notice there is a half empty bottle of vodka at his side. I can’t say for sure whether it has all been downed in this session or not. "Help yourself if you would like a drink," he offers with a grin. I know for a fact he is trying to get me close to him.

  I move through the water as if it is the most natural turn of events in the world, pretending to be surprised when he pulls me close to him and flips me around, his hands finding my bottom under the water. I can feel his hardness against me as well; seems he needs no help in that department. He is actually rather large for some nasty old man as well. That might explain his popularity with women beyond his money.

  He passes the bottle of vodka between us a few times while he rubs himself up against me as if he wants me to loosen up. Maybe he suspects I am close to a virgin; tight and inexperienced. Though, my few times with Marcel have shown me a wider range of things than I am sure some of the Clan women ever see.

  Without warning, he works his way inside me, sighing into me. I can almost imagine his eyes rolling back into his head at my tightness. I close my eyes and think of Marcel, wondering if we will ever be this close again.


  Once we are done he has me lotion him up on the bed and pleasure him with my hand before he passes out; drunk and satisfied. It gives me the time I need to look around. I don’t even bother getting dressed as I dig through his shelves and drawers, taking pictures of anything that could mean something to my handler. Then, I clone his phone, knowing that could be the ticket to anything he does that’s shady. I will have to get that to Z later. Then, I go back into the bathroom and take a quick shower, not being able to let his smell linger on me and willing Marcel's smell to come back instead.

  But it's gone.

  Chapter 12


  “Marcel, every day we have spent together has been incredible. That doesn’t even begin to cover it, but it’s the best word I can think of right now. I didn’t want to leave you in the middle of the night like this, but I knew for a fact you wouldn’t’ let me go if I told you while you were awake. But you know we can’t be anything real while I have this assignment hanging over my head. Franco wants to take me with him to the Hamptons. Please, respect me and my safety and don’t follow us. I am going to get my in as fast as I can and get him to trust me so that me and you can reconvene and see what this is when I make it out on the other side. And I am sorry if this is much too quick, but I love you, and I am saying it now just in case I don’t ever get to. Goodbye, Marcel.”

  It doesn’t matter how many times I listen to the message it doesn’t make any more sense to me than the first time. I mean, realistically I know she has to be all in. Working for the CIA is serious and so is the fact that she is on the hook for this possible weapons trafficking charge. But things were going so well, I just was in this routine and thought it could stay this way. I didn’t expect her to end up leaving town with him and his family. I don’t know what the worst part of that is; knowing he is for sure now going to have his hands on what was once mine or the fact that I won’t be there to protect her if something goes down. They are a ruthless crime family. If she makes one mistake, I know she will not make it out of there alive, not if she’s lucky. And if she’s not, she will be so ruined she will never be my Isabella again.

  It has been two days now I have been holed up in this hotel room since she left, wondering what I should do. I am a little lost and wish I knew how it was going, that I had an inkling of hope this would all turn out the way we want it to. But she has kept to her word to not contact me. Which is probably best for her safety. But that doesn’t make me feel any better.

  Part of me knows I should go back to Cali. I have the Clan to run and family to worry about. Aria is pregnant with twins and not feeling well, and Sal is still dealing with the loss of his mother. It’s selfish of me to sit here and wait for her to come back to me, but that’s what I want to do.

  I have never been this man, following behind a woman like a pitiful mutt. I am a Funar and have been training to be the head of this Clan most of my life. I have a bigger heart than my father, but other than a duteous marriage, I have not felt there was room in my heart for a woman. But that’s because the one I needed has been by my side the whole time, and I have been ignoring it.

  I have been such a damn fool.

  My phone rings, and I know the number this time, having saved it in my phone.

  “What did you find out, Christian?”

  “Hello? Who is this?” a female voice comes through the phone, and I sit on the edge of the bed, wondering what the hell this is about.

  “You called me, sweetheart, so why don’t you tell me who you are and why you have Christian’s phone.”

  “So, you do know Christian? I’m his sister.”

  “I was not aware he had one.” To be fair, I don’t know him that well, so I am not too surprised at this bit of information. I just hope this is not some kind of trap.

  “He is pretty protective of me; my name is Madigan. Look, that doesn’t matter right now. I found your number in his recent call history. He’s missing. I haven’t seen him in two days now, and neither of my brothers knows where he is either.”

  I can hear that desperation in her voice now. She is in panic mode, and I can’t ignore the fact that he has turned up missing shortly after contacting me regarding the death of Vinny Falcone. And this can’t bode well for Isabella either if they are putting these details together. If it eventually gets back to me, then it will get to her. Franco and his sons may be the worst of the worst in society, but they are not stupid. And their money means as many resources as I have if not more.

  “Look, we are going to have to be careful about this. I doubt you are safe now that you have used his phone. Don’t let anyone get a hold of it. Destroy it, do something so no one gets it. I am going to call the airport closest to you and leave a ticket under your name. Don’t tell anyone where you’re going. Let’s get you to where I am, then we can talk. I don’t want to tell you my name, but I am a member of the Clans.”

  I add the last part just in case she is afraid to trust me.

  “Okay, thank you for being willing to help me, I don’t know what I’ll do if he –“

  “Just don’t think like that,” I interrupt her.

  She hangs up, and I immediately get that ticket handled for her, and then I wipe my sweaty hands on my pants. This could get bad real fast. The first thing I need to do is get out of this hotel room. And then I need to get in contact with Isabella on the burner number she left in the drawer. I just need to make sure she is still safe. Because shit is about to hit the fan.


  I find it easiest to hide in the most dangerous places; places where people are up to a lot of shit, so they know better than to snitch on someone. That’s why I have a rental in the Bronx now, hiding in plain sight where the Falcones are unlikely to look for me if they do connect me to anything.

  I look out the crooked, yellowing blinds to see a girl that is dressed much too well for this neighborhood coming to the door. I open the door and pull her in before anyone can see.
Her appearance is too suspicious, especially in a place like this.

  “You stick out like a sore thumb,” I tell her sourly as I shut and lock the door, several hook and chain locks.

  “I didn’t exactly expect to be coming to a place like this.”

  “It’s called keeping a low profile. By the way, I’m Marcel Funar.” I hold out my hand for her to shake, and she takes it lightly.

  “I know of you. My brothers keep me apprised of things even if they pretty much keep me under lock and key to keep me safe. Not that it has worked so well.” Her eyes are cast to the ground, and I can tell she has been through something. It’s the same look Aria still gets sometimes even in her now happy life as a wife and mother very much loved and cared for.

  “So, I am not going to beat around the bush. Your brother called me because I was looking into the Falcones. I think they must have something to do with his disappearance. He told me he and his brothers offed Vinny.”

  “Damn. Then, you should know something. I was the one that killed Vinny. They took the heat to protect me. He was an obsessive ex, the worst kind. The dangerous kind. If the Falcones are involved, my brother is dead or will wish he is.”

  If I could wash my hands from all of this right now, I would. It is just as I had told Isabella; it’s way too complicated for us to get involved in. We are in over our head, especially if these people can take Christian Steele so easily. Who knows what’s actually going on in the Hamptons, if that’s where they truly are?

  “Look, I need to make a call. You probably need to rest. Use my bedroom. When you wake up, we will figure out the next steps. I don’t want to get the Clans involved, but I may have to. Someone I care about could get hurt too if we don’t figure out how to get the Falcones off this trail.”

  I can see some tears going down Madigan’s cheeks, but she nods and leaves the room. I don’t know if she will actually sleep, but if nothing else she can get cleaned up and have some private time to come to terms with the fact her brother may already be lost.

  Chapter 13


  Days go by, and I don’t hear a word from Isabella, and there is no sign of Christian. I have held off going directly to the Clans as long as possible and already have the Arcane on the job, suspicious of what the hell I have gotten myself into. Not to mention the fact that Sal has taken over for the Funar Clan temporarily while I am gone because I have decided I am not going back until Isabella is safe in my arms or until I find her dead and make Franco and his evil sons pay.

  Madigan has been quiet and kept to herself. I can feel her tension building as much as mine, though. I think I am going to have to draw the line by the end of the day today. I can’t wait anymore because it may be too late already.

  A knock comes at the door, and I look through the peephole, signaling for Madigan to get into the bedroom. It isn’t bulletproof, but I would rather there be a barrier between her and any shady shithole that comes to this door.

  But when I look out I see someone who is a sight for sore eyes; Christian Steele. Though, he looks like he has been through hell and back.

  Completely disheveled, I let him in to the apartment as he lets out a string of expletives. “I am guessing this is where Madigan has found herself? I guess it’s better than her being where the Falcones can find her, but I don’t exactly like her alone with you.”

  I roll my eyes as Madigan comes out of the bedroom and runs full force at her brother for a hug. I see the way he melts for her and feel we are kindred spirits even if he is an asshole; I feel the same way about Aria though am not quite as overprotective as he is.

  “I assure you that Madigan has been safe with me. I am very much with someone else,” I grumble, the thought of Isabella painful, especially not even knowing if she is still alive at this point. With the Falcones on high alert, they could have gotten particularly suspicious of her and found her out.

  “What happened to you?” Madigan asks before Christian can respond to me.

  “What the fuck do you think happened to me? They are onto us, Madigan. The Falcones had me, though they didn’t seem too disposed at torturing me themselves for information. I was able to get out, but those fuckers are going to pay.” He turns to me, looking a bit like a crazed wild animal. “Help me take them down, Marcel, and I will tell you who put that hit out on your precious queen.”

  I growl, knowing that it isn’t an offer I would dare turn down. Ion wouldn’t dare let me. But I also know this is heavy shit that could get us all killed. “I’m in, but we’re going to have to bring the queen and king into this, Christian. I think we have underestimated them. The girl I love could already be dead. She went in to take them down, pretending to be this gold digging girl for Franco’s sake.”

  “Fuck. She’s screwed. If the mafia wants to get involved, that’s fine.. means more protection for Madigan.”

  “Then, I think we shouldn’t waste time, We should go to them now.”

  They both nod in agreement, and I start packing my shit up. “We’ll have a car meet us outside the neighborhood. We don’t need to bring that kind of luxury to a place like this. So, it’ll be on foot until then,” I ramble, leading them out the door into the darkness of early night.

  It’s not a good time to be out here, but there is little choice. I won’t let another moment pass by that they could be harming Isabella or coming for us.

  We try to look natural even though we don’t look like we belong here even with the fact that Christian looks like he’s just been in a fight and I am dressed the part of a local drug dealer. We need to get out of here as quickly as possible.

  I pick up my pace, my head down, and then I cut through an alley. I have a gun, after all, surely I can take any freaks that come out here. But somehow I miss in the shadows that someone is waiting for us, and from behind us a group blocks our exit. None of them are from here. No one here would gang up on the three of us like this.

  We take off at a run, my gun out as we are dodging shots and knives and arms as we are pursued. I can only do so much. And just when I think we are coming out clear on the other side, I make it across the street and make a run for the car when I hear a scream.

  I turn to watch in horror as Madigan is held at gunpoint and forced into a car, Christian left on the ground where he tried to get himself inside as well. She has been taken god knows where.

  “C’mon! Our only hope is to get to Ion!” I call to him, and he angrily pushes through the light traffic, almost getting hit by a car.

  “You better be sure Ion will help, otherwise I might kill him right along with those Falcone fuckers!”

  Chapter 14


  I can’t help but feel the Falcones are up to something. We ended up coming back from the Hamptons earlier than expected, and the last two days there, the boys and Franco kept whispering and having these pow wows in Italian, speaking much too fast for me to follow. I don’t like the feeling in the air, and I can’t help but think that my time is running out to find something before they find me out. I have seen enough of their inner workings now to know they always know where their enemies are and what they are doing. They have connections everywhere, and a few bucks or Franco’s name gets them anything they want. Our time in the Hamptons made that clear.

  It took everything in me not to run away when we ended up at a fancy dinner table across from a known terrorist.

  To make it up to me, he has had some massage therapists come so we can have a spa day, but he is spending an awfully long time in there with his masseuse. I would not be surprised if she was giving him more than a massage, but why should I care? Even if this was real between us, I would know better than to think Franco Falcone would be exclusive with me.

  My massage is now over, and I am taking the time to search the house, his office in particular, for any evidence that can be used. I hope I can get away tomorrow and show that and the cloned phone to Z and see if it’s enough, because I am really sick of giving my body to him. For
a man of almost 60, he has a lot of stamina.

  I go through the drawers like my life depends on it, because it just might, and I don’t hear him when he comes in. Not until he leans against the doorway and says, “Tsk tsk, what do we have here? Could it be Teresa is not who she says she is?” I turn and try to train my expression to be neutral as I look at the eldest Falcone son, Alfred, or Al as he is more ‘lovingly’ referred to.

  “What the hell do you mean by that?” I ask him, my hands on my hips. These men only respond to strength like theirs, so I go that route, hoping to get him off the trail.

  “Even our mother wasn’t allowed in his office, and here you are, rifling through his business things,” Al spits at me.

  I shake my head. “I didn’t know his office would be so off limits. I was only looking for a notepad to do something sentimental. You may all think I am just some gold digger, but he has helped me a lot, and it means something to me that he has just accepted me into his life.” I sigh and go past him, relieved internally when he lets me pass by. Maybe he will just let it go.

  But then he grabs me by the waist and throws me over his shoulder. I squeal and kick, but try not to actually harm him. It will look worse for me if I do.

  “You can take it up with my father,” he says, barging into the room where Franco is putting his clothes back on after the massage.

  “What is the meaning of this!” he yells, his face turning red. Not good at his age.

  I am dropped on the ground with a loud thud, rubbing my neck from the whiplash and glaring up at Al as he cuts off my chance to talk.

  “I caught her looking through all your shit in your office. I don’t think this Teresa is what she seems to be. I have felt weird about her this whole time. I thought it best I let you decide what to do with her.”


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