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Paranormal Word Series Box Set (Books 1-3 and Novella)

Page 39

by CC Solomon

  I wanted to say no but Erik spoke up. “Fine, we’d be glad to attend.”

  That was not how I wanted to spend my night before the challenge. I needed to put all my energy on the tests and I had to admit, I was getting less and less confident of my ability to win.

  I practiced even harder the final week and barely slept. Erik had a spare bedroom and I stayed inside it like my own little self-imposed prison, trying my best to ignore that I was so close to the man I cared about. When I heard his shower run my mind always went to naughty places. I began to wonder if it was better to spend my nights back in Hagerstown. Erik said it was against practice for mates to live apart, especially in the first five days of being mates, but I wondered if he was really telling the truth. I tested it out one night by staying in Hagerstown at Shayla’s place after a practice session. He ended up knocking on her door and sleeping on the couch.

  By the time Friday evening came, I had developed a spell I thought anyone could do and I’d used multiple magic at once. Everything else, the ward, the curse and this mysterious potion, I wouldn’t know about until the actual challenge, but I practiced enough to feel competent. I was as ready as I could be and still I didn’t feel ready enough.

  I sat on the edge of my bed back in Erik’s apartment in a black fit-and-flare dress with small cutouts on the sides exposing glimpses of my waist. It was a bit risqué for me but when I saw it at a boutique back in Hagerstown, owned by an elf with amazing clothing talents, a cheerful voice in my head that sounded much like Lisa’s said to get it. I then started crying when I got it and the elf told me that I could think about it if I wasn’t ready to purchase it with my credits. I shook my head, bought the dress, and ran out of the store embarrassed.

  On my feet were strappy black heels, the only fancy shoes I owned. I straightened my curls and my hair hung loosely down my back. I felt pretty. It might be my last time to look so snazzy. Lisa would have approved. My heart ached again at the thought of my missing friend.

  I left my room and walked to Erik’s bedroom door. It was open and Erik stood at his door, heading out to the hallway. He paused and looked at me. There was something behind those eyes. Longing or lust or love? “You look beautiful,” he said in a low voice.

  I smiled. “So, do you,” I replied still feeling nervous.

  He looked dapper in a tailored black suit and pale-blue shirt with a matching tie that seemed to play up his golden, hazel eyes. I fought the urge to jump him, sure it would just confuse things.

  We looked like we were going to go see the New Year’s ball drop, not go out to a dinner at a bar filled with a good number of people we didn’t like. However, we had to present a showing of confidence in my ability to win the challenge.

  To add to our support, I invited the whole gang. Shayla and Henry wouldn’t be a problem but the others were more concerning. Seth promised no harm would come to Felix, and Chelsea promised to be on good behavior but there was no certainty.

  When we arrived at the pack bar, it was far from a neutral territory. Most of the pack was there as well as Phillip and Blake. Mae and Bill were also present, along with several witches and vampires. There was a buffet of meats, cheeses, breads, fruits, desserts, and vegetables. A live band played on the small stage area in the back of the pub and people danced in front of them on a cleared-out space. Memories of the last party we had in the pack bar two months ago played in my head, giving me a feeling of déjà vu. Only this time I hoped no one got bitten or killed.

  I turned to Erik. “I showed my face; can I go now?” I asked.

  “Yo!” Seth shouted from near the bar. “Amina is here. Our guest of honor! Welcome to the pack!”

  People clapped and a couple of pack members came over to shake my hand and congratulate me like I’d won some sort of prize. While it was nice to know the pack and the rest of the town didn’t hate me, this was not what I expected.

  Mae and Bill walked over to us and Mae grabbed my hands, smiling. “Are you ready for tomorrow?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “I guess so,” I replied, with a less than confident smile.

  She squeezed my hands. “Don’t you worry. Things will work out the way they are supposed to.”

  I sighed not sure if I believed her, but she did want Phillip better so having him win wouldn’t be a gain for her.

  “Thanks for the pound cake. Did you know I was going to be his mate?” I eyed her suspiciously.

  She gave me a knowing smile and released my hands. “I did. This is a good thing.”

  “You didn’t make it sound like that earlier.”

  “Well, something like that should be your decision.”

  “Is Erik part of the whole soulmate thing now?”

  We’d considered it. If Erik was now in the mix, I was sure Phillip wouldn’t be jumping to provide that information to us. Erik tried to connect with him mentally as a test without any luck but that didn’t mean that Phillip wasn’t just hiding from him. I knew I was hiding from Phillip now. I’d grown strong enough to prevent him from entering my dreams and I wondered if being Erik’s mate had given me the boost to be able to block Phillip now.

  “He has a connection but not the way you and Phillip are. He’s safe.”

  I sighed in relief.

  Carter came up to me and gave me a hug. The bald, mahogany-colored man was actually a shapeshifter but the pack had welcomed him as one of their own. It didn’t hurt that he could turn into just about any living creature on earth.

  “Can’t believe this guy talked you into this,” Carter stated, giving Erik a greeting handshake.

  “Are wedding bells next?” Raya asked, walking up to us. She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and placed her hands on her non-existent hips. She looked beautiful in a short, teal, body-hugging dress that showcased her athletic figure. Her brown hair was in a loose wavy bob.

  I could imagine she’d done a spit take when she’d heard that Erik had made me his mate. That thought did please the petty part of me.

  “Damn, Ray,” Carter chuckled. “You sound like somebody’s mama. Let them marinate in this first.”

  “Just saying, if she’s good enough to be your mate, she’s good enough to be your wife,” Raya replied, her lips were smiling but her brown eyes were anything but friendly.

  “Right now, I’m focused on the challenge,” I replied, coolly.

  She gave a quick chuckle. “Phillip’s my leader, so you’ll have to excuse me for not rooting for you. But hopefully Phillip will be merciful to you and your…union.” She looked over at Erik with disappointed eyes.

  I glanced up at Erik beside me and he actually looked uncomfortable. He gave a light cough in his fist and looked away.

  I then looked over at Carter, who raised his eyebrows, glancing back and forth between the two of them. “So, who wants a celebratory shot?” he asked.

  We all replied in the affirmative and headed to the bar. My super-powered female intuition was blaring again. Erik and I had been in a semi-long-distance relationship, if you could call it that, for two months. I’m sure many women pounced on the opportunity to ease his lonely nights.

  A jealous rumble formed in the pit of my stomach as I wondered if Raya and Erik were more than just police partners. Had I sent him to Raya? But if I had, why did he want me as his mate?

  “Did I miss something between you and Raya?” I whispered to Erik, a tightness in my throat.

  He glanced sideways at me. “No,” he said firmly but said nothing more.

  I nodded, not comforted at all by his answer.

  After swigging down a shot of the town vodka, I turned and saw Felix, Faith, Henry, Chelsea, and Charles heading over to us. They all looked spiffy. For some reason, Charles and Chelsea had on sunglasses.

  “Why are you wearing sunglasses when it’s night?” I asked.

  “We just had a feast and our eyes are a bit…tired,” Chelsea explained with a nonchalant shrug.

  “What does that mean?”

  “They gorged
out on blood,” Henry replied, in a disapproving tone. His eyes were fine.

  I turned to them. “Let me see your eyes.”

  Chelsea sighed and shook her head but she did remove the large glasses. Her eyes were red as blood, with a small black pupil in the center. I dropped my mouth open. “Why do your eyes look like that?!” I cried.

  “We thought it would be good to drink up before getting here. You know, so we could be at our strongest in case shit went down,” Charles explained.

  “We got carried away,” Chelsea added, putting her sunglasses back on.

  “You almost went bloodlust! That’s past getting carried away,” Henry growled in a tight voice. I rarely saw him get angry but he was serious about his role as a vampire leader, especially in a town full of non-gifted humans. “You do that again and you’re going to get kicked out of the community. We don’t want to make the humans nervous.”

  Charles gave an exaggerated sigh. “We’re cool,” he stated.

  “You’re drunk on blood,” I cried. Even now I could see that Charles was a bit unstable on his feet, wobbling a bit.

  “Get your shit together, man,” Henry said, slapping him on the back.

  Charles threw out his hands. “Look around, sis, we’re not the only drunk ones.”

  I glanced around me and he was right; the place was packed with partiers, many of whom were clearly intoxicated.

  I looked back at Charles and although I couldn’t see his eyes, I knew he was giving me a glare. Just as I was contemplating giving him the finger, Phillip walked over to us. My heart started beating quickly. He scared me more than I cared to admit.

  Phillip must have had the same idea about peacocking to show he wasn’t afraid because he was dressed to impress. He wore a well-tailored, cobalt-blue three-piece suit, with a white button-down shirt underneath. A patterned handkerchief hung neatly out of his jacket pocket.

  “You look amazing, Amina,” Phillip stated, shaking his head in admiration.

  I smiled tightly, trying not to draw attention to us but everyone was looking anyway.

  “Are you ready for our little challenge tomorrow? I’m pretty excited. Should be fun,” he said with a wide grin.

  I bit my lower lip to control my annoyance. Erik reached over and grabbed my hand.

  Phillip glanced down at our interlocking hands. The smile in his eyes faltered slightly but he quickly recovered and put his fake happy face back on. “I hear congratulations are in order. The two of you are now pack mates. That’s cute.” He chuckled. “I’d have done the same thing if I were you. I’m sure it helped you with your powers.” He paused. “Because it sure did help me.”

  I kept my face neutral. Mae feared that would happen. If I was so connected to Phillip, it stood to reason that he would have shared in the powers that resulted from Erik’s and my union.

  “Well, that’s fine,” I replied. “Guess we’re still on even playing fields then.” That wasn’t fine but I didn’t want him to know that.

  Phillip lifted an eyebrow. “You think we’re even? Corazon…” He glanced over at Erik when he called me that, a careful smile still on his lips. I felt Erik vibrate a growl. “We aren’t even now. But we can be one day. If you want that now, we can skip this whole unnecessary challenge thing and start working together.”

  “I’m good, see you tomorrow,” I said, letting go of Erik’s hand and turning my back to Phillip to face the bar. I ordered a whiskey. I needed something strong to mellow me out.

  “Am I dismissed?” Phillip asked, sounding too amused.

  “I don’t think you two need to talk,” Erik stated. I felt him stand between me and Phillip.

  “You’re a good dog, I mean jackal. When I win, maybe we can have you as a guard for our home.”

  Before Erik bit or I could drop some unpleasant magic on him, Charles cut in. “Why are you even here? This is a celebration for Mina and Erik. You’re not a friend and you’re not pack,” Charles sneered, standing beside Erik.

  I peeked slightly behind me. Carter stood beside me, he had to play it neutral, but Felix, Chelsea, Henry, and Faith stood beside Erik and Charles to serve as a wall between myself and Phillip.

  “I support pack celebrations. Seth’s my friend as well. And I’d like a little fun before the test.” He shrugged.

  “I can give you some fun,” Chelsea sneered.

  I knew her fun for Phillip involved her ripping his throat out with her teeth. Assuming she got close enough to do that. She wouldn’t.

  “Be easy,” I whispered.

  Phillip looked over and considered her for a moment. “Do I know you?” His voice sounded bored.

  That only angered Chelsea. I turned around again, this time a drink in hand.

  “You killed my boyfriend, you son of a bitch,” she spat. I touched her back, trying to calm her but it wasn’t working. She wasn’t one of The Six. Touch was not something she needed.

  Phillip responded to her anger with an amused look. “Sorry, sweetheart, I don’t recall but I’m sure I had good reason to do it.” He shrugged.

  Chelsea took a step forward and Erik threw out an arm to block her. Phillip chuckled again and walked away.

  Chelsea turned to face us. “Sure we can’t just group attack him tonight?”

  I shook my head. “Not if we want to live.”

  “Starting trouble already?” Blake announced, appearing next to Carter. She gave us a squinty-eyed smile. “This is a celebration. Have fun.”

  Her green eyes were full of interest to match deep-red pursed lips. She looked pretty as usual with a magically-colored—that was the only way now—platinum-blonde bob that barely contrasted against her fair skin tone. She rocked a tight, metallic jumper and looked like she should be on a stage singing a pop song instead of walking around a grubby bar. Her eyes rested on Chelsea and Henry. “It’s always nice to meet new vampires. Aren’t the both of you beautiful?”

  Henry threw out a hand and gave her one of his charming smiles. “Henry Butler. Hagerstown Head Vampire.”

  Her eyebrows raised. “Oh, lovely. I’m Blake Devlin, Head Vampire here. We must chat.” She looked back to Chelsea. “What did our Phillip do?”

  “He killed a human I cared about during the prison rescue,” Chelsea answered, still scowling.

  “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Blake replied, with a genuinely sympathetic expression. “Perhaps it was an accident. That was a very hectic event and humans were behind that horror, after all.”

  “It was no accident,” I stated in an even voice.

  Blake turned to me, her face neutral. “It’s better for everyone if you believe it was. Enjoy your evening, everyone. My cabaret club is open for anyone wanting a late-night show. And Amina,” She looked back at me. “Good luck.”

  I wasn’t sure if she actually meant that, since by default, she was supposed to be Team Phillip, but it felt real and I’d take all the luck I could get.

  I put in another hour and then begged Erik to take me back to his place. I needed to get away from Seth and Phillip and their people. Erik understood and we said goodbye to Charles and the others, who were staying local so that they could attend the challenge the next day.

  We were almost at the entrance of the pub when we heard some commotion off to our left. A man was poking his finger in Phillip’s chest and yelling. He looked a little unstable, stumbling a bit as he talked. Phillip stood unmoving, arms crossed and face neutral.

  Felix walked up to us. “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Carter mentioned that this guy’s wife is locked up for treason. Phillip thought she was part of some plot to take him out. He’s been locking up suspects,” Felix replied.

  “Let her go! Linda is innocent, you piece of shit!” The man shouted.

  Obviously, some folks were no longer drinking the Phillip punch. Two men, I assumed pack henchmen, surrounded the man and grabbed him by the arms to drag him away. The man spit at Phillip and the glob of fluid landed on Phillip’s left cheek. The band
on stage stopped playing and everyone froze in fear of Phillip’s response.

  Phillip’s neutral mask fell and he wiped the spit from his cheek in disgust. “I should have locked you up with her as well. That can be easily fixed. You’re lucky your wife is even alive. For plotting to overthrow my rule she could be killed. Instead, I simply subdued her.” He looked to the henchmen and nodded for them to take the man away to whatever gloom that would not reunite him with his wife. “Oh, and Mark. The next time you want to spit at me, you’ll find you won’t be able to.”

  The man’s face went into a painful scowl and he opened his mouth screaming. He stuck his tongue out and leaned forward, struggling against the guards. Blood gushed out of his mouth as he keeled over farther. Seconds later, what appeared to be his tongue fell from his mouth to the floor. Screams erupted around the bar as the henchmen dragged the bloodied man out of the space.

  Phillip turned around to face the crowd. “Let this be a lesson to anyone who challenges me. Be prepared for the consequences.” He looked over to me. “Enjoy the rest of your night, everyone.”

  Workers rushed to clean up the blood and severed tongue, and the band slowly started to play again. Most of the patrons obeyed Phillip’s orders and went back to their revelry, seemingly unaffected by the savagery only a moment ago. Such was the way with Phillip’s mind control magic.

  “What kind of shit is this?” I heard Henry whispered, forgetting that this was his first time witnessing the Phillip experience.

  “Welcome to the jungle,” Charles muttered.

  I looked up at Erik. “If I don’t win tomorrow, I need you to do me a favor,” I stated.

  Chapter 12

  The challenge was to occur at 12 p.m. on Saturday. I got up at 6 a.m. from a restless night. I left my bedroom and walked to the kitchen for a glass of water. Standing in the open kitchen, I noticed a figure on the balcony. I squinted. Erik. I put the glass down and walked past the living room space to the outside.

  It was already light outside, as the last few weeks of early day held on before the darkness of late winter took over.


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