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Paranormal Word Series Box Set (Books 1-3 and Novella)

Page 67

by CC Solomon

  “But she would be dishonest.”

  Joo-won nodded. “She would if it served a greater good.”

  “Bella, too.” Lisa looked so sad it nearly broke his heart. “Why the hell are they lying to me?”

  “You should go find out. Don’t take any of my words for truth.”

  She put her glass down and stood up. “Fine. I’m going back to raise some damn answers then I’m leaving there for good. I don’t have time for this bullshit!”

  “Before you go.” Joo-won walked around his desk. He opened up a drawer and took out a square, black box slightly larger than a ring box. “Here,” he stated, reaching out towards her with the box.

  Lisa took the object and looked at it with curious eyes before opening it. Inside was an emerald pendant necklace. “Joo-won, I can’t accept this. You can’t keep giving me jewelry. We have a deal. You don’t have to woo me or whatever.”

  “This is different. It’s a contact tool. If you ever want to reach out to me, just rub this necklace and think of me. I’ll be alerted and will come to you, as long as you’re wearing the necklace. So, if someone tries to attack you, I’ll come.” He moved around his desk to stand in front of her again.

  She looked up at him with a doubtful look in her eyes. “I don’t know if I can trust you or anyone now.”

  “Talk to the others and see if I’m right. If it all pans out, you’ll know I’m genuine.”

  She took the necklace and studied it before looking up. “I should go.”

  He frowned. He didn’t want her to leave. “Stay a little longer. Have dinner with me. I might not see you again after today.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t. I’m too upset to eat. I’ll get in contact soon.”

  He nodded, a sudden sadness washing over him as she turned to leave. “I don’t want to hurt you, Lisa.”

  She chuckled. “It seems like that’s all anyone wants to do.”

  He titled his head in thought. Against his better judgement he wanted to prove her wrong.

  Chapter 10

  “Remind me why I bothered to make a bet with you, when you were just going to break it?” Joo-won asked in a tight voice the next day. He was back in Misandre’s cold castle. Coming alone this time.

  He looked over at the woman’s bandaged right hand. “I heard Arwa sliced you up,” he stated with indifference.

  Misandre scowled. “I’ll heal. And I broke our bet because it was taking too long. She hadn’t come to your side and it’s almost two weeks Fae time,” Misandre replied, raising her chin in a nonchalant manner.

  Joo-won sat at the corner of the desk in her study. “Well, your little assault led her straight to me, asking for my protection. I required a favor from her to do such a thing.”

  Misandre gave a fake smile, lips tight. “And what will that favor be?”

  “She’s thinking about giving me a kidney to break my curse.”

  Misandre let out a laugh. “What a stupid girl, to give away any of herself and trust you. I must have really scared her. So far, these special six are unimpressive. I’m not sure the originals have anything to worry about.”

  “Keep thinking that,” Joo-won began, giving her a wicked smile. “Let’s see how far you get.”

  She cocked an eyebrow. “Would you really hurt me for your precious Lisa?” She sauntered over and stopped right in front of him. She put her good hand on his chest.

  He picked up her hand and dropped it away from him. “Yes, without question.”

  Misandre cursed. “Have you forgotten, Elf, that we are on the same side here?”

  “No, I haven’t, fairy. However, we are simply business partners or allies in a war. Although, we’ve shared a bed a few times, it doesn’t mean I have any loyalty to you personally.”

  Misandre shook her head. “We could be great together. You, the most powerful elf, and me, the most powerful fairy.”

  “I don’t have as great an ego as you. There are other elves that I would not underestimate in strength and it’s debatable that you are the most powerful Fae. Perhaps, when Lisa comes into her power, she could surpass you. Certainly, Arwa is formidable now.”

  Misandre narrowed her eyes. “Such cruel words from you today. This is about more than your little kidney deal. Have we begun to fall for the little fairy? Ha, what would the originals think of you wanting an ally of the new soulmates as your own?”

  Joo-won didn’t speak. He crossed his arms and fixed her with a cold stare. “You would threaten me?” he finally asked.

  “I will do what is necessary to ensure our plans go through. And if that means breaking a bet and killing your Lisa, I will do so.”

  Joo-won stood up. “She has my protection. You will not touch her.”

  Misandre laughed again. “You have no power over me. And when she fails to do your favor, don’t come crawling back to me. You are a foolish man. You want to lead all Elven kind, but you will die if you continue to be led by your heart. I thought that was why you no longer took on lovers.”

  Joo-won frowned. “It is. And I’m no fool. I’m not falling for anyone. I am trying to obtain a powerful being for my ranks. And you are obstructing that.”

  Misandre shrugged, clearly seeing through his lie. “Of course, that’s what it is. Well, I suppose we each have our methods. Let’s see who wins.”

  Misandre swiftly pushed him back on the desk and climbed on top of him, straddling him between her legs. He looked up at her, amused.

  “But when I win,” she began, placing her hand back on Joo-won’s chest. “I will kill that little girl and end that threat.” She moved her hand down his chest to his waist. “I will then take over your tribe and lock you away as my sex slave.” Her hand moved to his groin and she began to massage him. “Might as well put you to good use. You’ve clearly lost your mind and would be no good to me otherwise.”

  Joo-won picked her hand up and moved it away. “It is laughable that you believe you could overpower my people. We are neutral but not weaklings.” He picked her up by the waist and sat her down beside him with ease before getting up. “I think it’s fair to say our little truce is over. I have no loyalty to you. Only to the originals. You will not touch Lisa. If you try again, I will…get you,” he stated, recalling Lisa’s words.

  Misandre smiled at him but did not speak. Joo-won left the study without saying goodbye. He had no doubt that Misandre would try to harm Lisa again just to test him. It was in her nature. He wouldn’t be able to harm her since she, like him, was under the protection of the originals. Misandre knew this. His only revenge would have to come after the originals regained power. Then he would be free to do as he pleased. Until such time, Lisa would be at risk. He’d have to take bigger measures to keep her protected.

  Lisa rested an elbow on Arwa’s parlor loveseat. She’d be leaving today and she was more than ready. She’d escaped to the Fae Realm for a break from her troubles, and instead had inherited more troubles. Lying fairies she’d thought she could trust, an evil fairy queen trying to kill her, and now she had foolishly agreed to give an organ to an elf who was allegedly cursed.

  How the hell had she’d gotten here? She really needed to rethink her decision-making skills. On the one hand, having Joo-won at her back, assuming she could trust him, would be a major gain for their cause. On the other hand, she would be giving away a kidney. To an elf who could very well not be cursed and instead be using her magical organ for something insidious. Sure, he was amazingly attractive and could charm the panties off a nun, but she’d never made decisions so superficially. Especially, not decisions about her organs. When she told the others, they would think she was crazy. Hell, she thought she was crazy for even considering it.

  She needed to get back home and away from Joo-won. However, Joo-won wasn’t the only person she needed to get away from. Ever since she’d learned about the time difference and Bella and Arwa’s lack of candor about it, she’d become more and more suspicious of the supposedly good fairies. Bella said she’d t
hought Lisa knew. She claimed she had told Lisa about the time difference when they’d first met years ago. Lisa couldn’t recall that but she couldn’t recall a lot now, which added to her unease.

  “A lot on your mind?” Arwa asked, suddenly appearing in front of her.

  Lisa shrugged. “Just wondering what’s with all the secrecy.”

  Arwa nodded, crossing her legs. “I am sorry you did not realize that there was such a significant time difference.” Arwa tilted her head. “You don’t trust me.”

  Lisa looked up to the queen with wide, shocked eyes. “No! I mean…I have questions that just don’t have answers. This whole mission you want me to do, is that even the truth? Or is this just some sort of set up to get me to betray my friends? Make me have to stay apart from them even longer because there’s no way they’ll want me around after I banish Amina.”

  “I would never want to separate you from your friends. That would go against our ultimate goal.”

  “I’m a fairy, yet my mind still gets clouded when I come here. I was human but not anymore. I don’t recall anyone telling me that so much time would pass in the human world. And every time I want to leave, I suddenly change my mind.”

  Arwa nodded slowly. “You have the right to be suspicious. I’m afraid we have not been as open as we should. I have influenced you with my magic. However, it was all in your best interest. There’s something you should know. Joo-won and Misandre are not just former lovers, they are followers of the original soulmates. They know about Phillip and Amina as the new soulmates. Misandre would kill you since you are an ally to them. Although we had a truce, it ended when they decided to join with the originals. We know they won’t be good for all of humankind. Misandre doesn’t care about humans or other paranormals. She only wants power. Why Joo-won is choosing to side with them I cannot understand.”

  “If he’s with the bad guys, why would you let him come here multiple times? And to meet me?” Lisa asked, shaking her head in confusion. What game was Arwa playing, Lisa wondered.

  “Joo-won is neutral but he can be swayed. We thought you could help with that.”


  “We knew Joo-won would like you. Of course, because you are beautiful and new. We believed he would become smitten. But that would not be enough to accomplish what we needed. We knew of his romantic history. It was just our luck that you had many similarities to his late wife. We thought that if the both of you spent time together, you could sway him to the good side or, at the very least, have him maintain his neutral position and leave the originals. We had no idea that he would be so taken with you so quickly. We suspected it was because he was trying to get you on his side as well.”

  “Is that why you wanted me to stay here? You tried to pimp me out?”

  “Nothing as crass as that. We aided your relationship.”

  Lisa frowned. “You clouded my mind and suggested I not return home sooner because you wanted me to fall for Joo-won. That sounds like more than aide.”

  Arwa sighed. “We have deceived you but it was for the greatest good. The separation from your friends was needed to ensure that we could have a stronger chance against the originals. You do not understand how powerful soulmates are and soulmates with a following are even more powerful. Right now, Amina and Phillip don’t have the power or followers of the originals. It is lucky for us that the originals are still not strong enough to become what they formerly were, but it is only a matter of time.”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me?”

  “Would you have seduced Joo-won?”

  “Well, no. I have a boyfriend, I think. Yes, I do. I have, I have…”

  “Charles. And you were stronger than we imagined. You did not fully forget him. You were strong against Joo-won’s wooing. It is quite impressive but unfortunate for us. I can only hope that the bond you did form with the elven king is enough to grow his loyalty.”

  Lisa shook her head again. “I can’t believe you used me. Was that the reason you sent Bella to get me? To do this? I thought you wanted me as part of your court.”

  Arwa uncrossed her legs and clasped her hands. “We do, Lisa. You mean so much to us. But you are young still and we could not chance you not understanding. We need you to help Joo-won see the error of his ways.”

  “Why is it the job of the women to help these broken men? First you want me to send Amina away with Phillip so she can bond with him and heal him, and then you’re telling me you had the same plan for me for Joo-won! This is ridiculous!”

  Arwa stood up and Lisa, for the slightest moment, feared punishment. Instead, Arwa walked to the windows across the room. “You are right, Lisa. It is ridiculous. I find it is often women’s burden to bear. To fix what men have broken. To heal those who are torn. Even in the Fae realm.” She turned slightly to Lisa. “Did you know that, before my current partner, I had a husband?”

  Lisa shook her head.

  “Yes, of course he was Fae. We were together for hundreds of years. And then…after the great Magic War, he changed.”

  “Magic War?”

  “When magic ruled the world, the paranormal and humans lived alongside one another. However, there was a time when a part of the human world came together to rebel against what they believed was their oppression by the paranormals. There were also many human and paranormal groups that came together to fight against rebel humans and those more sinister paranormals who were responsible for much of what caused the rebellion. There was much fighting. We lost many loved ones. Including several of our children.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “So am I. After the war, which did little to change the world, my husband grew bitter and angry. He grew to hate the humans, who he believed were the cause behind our family being torn apart. As his heart grew darker and darker, he eventually became Unseelie. We were now opposites. Our marriage was strained and eventually, after he committed some atrocities, I could not support him. I banished him from our court. He left to join an Unseelie court and I have not seen him since. I do not know if he even still lives.”

  “Oh, my gosh.”

  “I tried to keep him in the light but I failed. Perhaps we can change that now with you and your friends.”

  Lisa stood up. “Queen Arwa, I am very sorry you had to go through all of that. I can’t imagine. But you are telling me to betray the man I care about. You’re saying dump him for Joo-won and while I’m at it, send his sister away so that she can grow closer to another man, when she’s the girlfriend of the man who saved my life. It’s too much!”

  Arwa walked over to her and clasped Lisa’s hands in her own. “I know that it is. However, it is for the greater good. I sent my husband away because he was no good for my people. Will you do what is right?”

  After a moment, Lisa shook her head with a sigh of resignation. What could she do? She had no other idea on how to cure whatever was wrong with Phillip and she believed that Arwa wanted the greater good for humanity, even if it cost Lisa her personal relationships. However, maybe it was time for Lisa to stop being so selfish. She was more than just a social media maven or a damsel in distress. She was going to be a hero. “I’ll send Amina and Phillip away. But if I find out you’re lying, I don’t care if you are a queen, I’m coming for you.” She wasn’t sure her threat was much of a scare, but she put as much menace in her words as she could.

  “Thank you, Lisa. You will not regret trusting us. You have my word, for whatever that means to you now.”

  The fairy certainly looked remorseful, but Lisa was no longer going to be so trusting. However, she’d put aside her anger in order to achieve the greater good. If it turned out that the whole soulmate thing was a lie, she was bringing Amina back with all quickness.

  “Did you have a location in mind?” Arwa asked.

  “I’m thinking Dublin.”

  “It’s safe there.”

  “Okay, good. And you’ll help me explain to the others?”

  “Yes, of course.”

“As for Joo-won, I’ll find another way. He wants me to join his tribe. Maybe I’ll just go there and resist from within. Charles will hate me anyway.”

  Arwa squeezed her hands. “I cannot say that this will not be difficult but you must endure. The greater good is what matters. Your friends will see that, eventually, and they will thank you for your sacrifice. It is important that you remember the bond that the six of you have. You cannot allow it to tear you apart. I ask that you help Joo-won but that help cannot come at the cost of The Six staying together.”

  Lisa shrugged. “I don’t see how it can’t.”

  “We talk to your friends. We explain and we keep explaining. They will not like it but they will come to accept it. There are others who can help. Mae and the witches can assist and other allies we have that you do not know about. And if you need to seek sanctuary here, you have it.”

  “Maybe I won’t need to. I suppose I should let you know that Joo-won offered me a deal. If I give him a kidney he will always have my back against anyone who tries to harm me. I haven’t said yes yet.” She stared at Arwa, expecting the queen to disapprove.

  Instead Arwa stared at her with open mouth shock before quickly recovering. “I had heard it was cursed.”

  “Is it a bad deal?”

  “Well…it certainly would help accomplish what we want if he stays true to his word. However, I would caution you to rush to that action. Giving away your blood or organs as a fairy is not to be taken lightly. There is power in all parts of you. Let’s allow him to prove his loyalty to you first.”

  Lisa nodded. “That was the plan but Misandre scared the crap out of me and she just works for the originals. I can only imagine what they’re like. Can Amina and Phillip even beat them?”


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