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Elements of Mischief

Page 24

by Tate James

  And then George stopped, pulling his hand away. I was instantly reminded of Reg leaving me high and dry inside the incubi/succubi hideout.

  “You're not leaving me like this,” I said, panting heavily. But George was already capturing my face in his hands, turning me to face him, and kissing me, his tongue teasing along the bottom curve of my lip before slipping into my mouth. The way he kissed me … I knew he wasn't done yet.

  Behind me, Shane stepped close, wrapping his hands in my hair. At first, I was just surprised he'd managed to pry them away from his cock, but then I realized what he was doing.

  He was washing my hair for me, firm fingertips digging into my scalp and massaging in slow, easy circles.

  Screw hand jobs, oral, double penetration … now this was the shit.

  “Nobody's leaving you all hot and bothered, sugar,” Shane whispered in my ear, making me shiver. It wasn't enough that I had hot naked men on either side of me, but one was holding my face and kissing me with this easy possessiveness that I should've hated, but actually sort of liked and the other was washing my fucking hair.

  I almost came right there, orgasmed in their arms without a single person touching me anywhere below the belt.

  George continued to kiss me as Shane washed the soap from my hair, conditioned it, and then rinsed it again, teasing the back of my scalp with his fingers, trailing them down my neck … poking me in the back with his massive pipe.

  “There,” he said as George finally released my lips and drew an aching groan from my throat. I wasn't done kissing him. I felt like a teenager when he was around, like I could lay there for hours and just kiss. I hadn't done that since I was seventeen years old. “All clean. Now, sugar, you ready for this?”

  He hit a button on the wall and all the jets stopped, just like that, leaving the three of us in a sudden quiet with nothing but heartbeats and steam to distract from the nakedness of our bodies.

  “Yeah,” I managed to say, “bed.”

  Before I could even think to take a step out of the shower, George was scooping me up and carrying me against the bronzed perfection of his chest, laying me out flat on the bed beneath the horrible mirror. Looking up, I could see that every inch of my skin was covered in runes, the shapes glimmering gently, like gold leaf in a beam of afternoon sunshine.

  “These are never going away, are they?” I asked as George crawled over and took up my left side while Shane knelt on the edge of the bed. They both followed my gaze upward and stared at my naked body, reflected back at me with wet blonde hair curled around my face, my nipples pebbled and hard, my skin pale against the dark bedspread.

  “We'll make you a glamour,” George said, laying his body out alongside mine.

  “Like the old Irish bitch from next door was using?” I asked, feeling my heartbeat pick up speed as his dark eyes met mine.

  “Exactly. It's a form of magic that cloaks a person's true form from the outside world.” George ran a single finger down the length of my body, over my rib cage, the curve of my hip … The pleasure was exquisite. “We can get one that lasts months for relatively cheap …”

  He smiled at me, this sweet slow smile that promised dirty things would happen in the dark.

  “Lights?” I asked and George raised his brows like he was waiting for me to do it, goddamn it. I could've sworn I'd turned those off … but some asshole had turned them back on again after we'd headed off to shower. I felt like it was on purpose.

  “Or you can leave them on,” Shane drawled, leaning forward and raising a dark brow at me. “I don't mind havin' a clear view where the sun don't usually shine.”

  The lights snapped off with a little spark, and I had a feeling they might not turn on again without some intervention in the, uh, electrical panel. I think I'd blown a few spark plugs.

  Shane chuckled.

  “Looks like all we gotta do to get you to use your magic is piss you off. Seems easy enough.” Shane paused and even though I couldn't see him smiling, I could feel it. He was smirking at me. “Now, about that blow job you promised …”

  I sat up and pretended to glare—hoping he could see at least some of my pissed off facial expression in the few stray shafts of moonlight. I didn't want him to know exactly how tempting that offer really was …

  “Straddle me, Arizona,” George said, drawing my attention back to him. He laid back into the pillows and gestured at his chest. “I want to taste you.”

  Oh. Shit.

  I bit my lower lip and felt my entire body flush hot.

  And I was bitching about having four hot husbands … why? With all the D in the room with me, I was struggling to remember my hangups. Forced marriage? Eh. I just I could live with that …

  So I did what George asked. I mean, if he wanted to go down on me, who was I to complain? I slid one leg over his chest and gasped when he grabbed onto my hips and pulled me toward his face, his hot breath feathering against the swollen wet heat of my pussy. He hadn't even touched it yet and I was shivering with the anticipation.

  “Well, look at that,” Shane said, straddling George's legs like he didn't give a shit that there was another man between us. I mean, I guess he did let Reg suck him off earlier … Shane leaned forward until his lips and mine were almost touching … “You're in just the right spot to suck me off, sweet thing.”

  He captured my mouth at the same moment George's tongue flicked out along the length of my cunt. The gasp of sheer ecstasy that escaped my lips disappeared into Shane's mouth as he kissed me hard and fast, reaching down and taking my hand in his before positioning it around the base of George's cock.

  “Think you can handle us both, little spirit?” he asked as he moved back and sat up on his knees, putting the thick, tattooed length of his shaft within range of my wet, swollen lips—the ones on my face this time.

  My right hand slowly slicked along the length of George's dick, using his pre-cum for lube, pumping him as I leaned forward and oh so carefully took the head of Shane's cock into my mouth.

  “Fuck me runnin', Sugar,” Shane groaned as I swirled my tongue around his tip, paying extra attention to the underside and then dipping lower. Slowly, I stroked George a couple of times, letting my jaw adjust to Shane's girth, before finding my rhythm.

  In near perfect synchronization, I pumped my hand up and down George's cock while sliding Shane in and out of my mouth until George's lips latched onto my swollen clit, sucking and flicking at it with his tongue. A whimpering groan eased out of my throat around Shane's inked up dick and he gripped his hands into my hair, helping me keep my balance and encouraging a faster rhythm.

  Following his lead, I increased my pace on both him and George, relaxing as he used his hold on my wet hair to push deeper in my mouth, almost triggering that pesky gag reflex of mine.

  “Jesus H. Christ, Honey Doll,” he panted, his lower abdominal muscles in front of my face tensing and flexing, “I reckon with a little practice you could go deeper.”

  As if to prove his point, he pushed his hips forward just a fraction more, seriously threatening my sensitive throat before pulling back to his original depth. I made a growl of annoyance at him, but secretly the idea of this practice was making me hotter—if that was even possible.

  George was licking at my lower lips with a confidence that definitely didn't seem like the nice guy I'd pegged him as, and while Shane tested my limits, George slid his hand up my inner thigh, pushing two thick fingers deep inside me while his tongue played my clit like a violin.

  Fucking hell, these elementals were going to be the death of me; I could already feel another mind-blowing orgasm building, but was determined to make them come first. Call it a power play, or feminism, or whatever, but I liked knowing I could drive a man to the edge and push him right on over—especially someone like Shane.

  Oh god, I'd better be quick about it though because George had some serious oral skills going on.

  This time when Shane thrust forward into my mouth, I took him a little deeper t
han I had dared to yet and when I heard a satisfying hiss from his mouth, withdrew by scraping my teeth lightly down his length. Pulling him all the way out of my mouth, I very deliberately met his hooded gaze as I bent and licked the length of George.

  Having seen the way he'd risen to the occasion earlier when Reg sucked him off, it wasn't hard to imagine that watching me lick George's dick would turn him on even more.

  And I was right, too.

  “Sugar, you're killin' me here,” Shane groaned as my hand wrapped around his throbbing length and stroked him in time with my mouth sliding up and down George. I only managed a couple of quick pumps before Shane muttered something under his breath and pulled me away from George's dick, replacing it with his own between my lips and thrusting urgently.

  I tightened my mouth around him, and let him go for it, and within moments he was coming. The salty sweet tang of his cum hit the back of my throat as he thrust deep. At the same time, George slipped a third finger into my throbbing cunt, stroking me into a frenzy with his tongue on my clit and sending me crashing over my own cliff into a mind-shattering orgasm.

  God only knew how much time passed while Shane and I came, but when we eventually returned to the real world, both panting and gasping, he met my gaze with a wicked wink.

  “George, George, George,” he tsked, sliding back down the bed a little and bending until his head was level with mine. “Nice guys always finish last, hey Sug?”

  “So they say,” George murmured, still teasing my aching cunt with his tongue and sending aftershocks zinging through me.

  “Maybe I should lend you a hand, Honey Doll,” Shane suggested to me, running a finger down George's rigid length and stopping when he reached my hand at the base. Jesus, it was even turning me on again, so I nodded encouragement at him before taking George in my mouth, the same way I'd done for Shane moments earlier.

  While I worked him over with my mouth, I watched transfixed as Shane propped himself up on one elbow between George's legs, then proceeded to fondle the other man's balls. From the corner of my eye, I saw Shane lick his lips and it dragged my gaze back to his face. He locked eyes with me and winked again.

  I wasn't entirely sure what he had planned, but when George groaned and his balls tightened ready for release, Shane ducked forward and sucked the younger man's nuts into his mouth like a pro.

  Holy. Shit.

  “Fuck!” George yelled, bucking his hips up and coming hard while the air elemental sucked on his balls. Just watching them sent me into yet another mini-orgasm and the three of us wound up in a sweaty tangle of limbs and saliva, staring up at Reg's porno mirror on the roof.

  Seeing it in the afterglow as we were, I kinda understood the appeal. The runes glittering all over my body cast enough light for us to see by and the contours of my husbands' bodies were like a work of art.

  “Shit, Billy, looks like we just missed the fun.” Reg's voice came from somewhere in the direction of the door. I was too exhausted to look though so I just snuggled my face into George's thigh and yawned.

  “There's always more fun to be had,” Shane drawled in that goddamn sexy southern accent of his and fuck if my pussy didn't clench at the suggestion.

  “Don't tempt us,” Billy muttered and I felt his blazing hot fingertip drag a slow line up the back of my thigh and over the curve of my ass. “We probably don't have the time at the moment though. Not until you hear what we have to say.”

  “Ugh, as much as it pains me to admit it, he's right,” Reg agreed, coming around the bed to lay beside us. The fact the Reg and Billy, two of the biggest sluts I'd ever met—Britt included—weren't jumping at the chance to get their ends wet, meant something serious.

  “What happened?” I asked, pushing myself up off my two spent husbands and sitting in the center of the huge bed facing Reg. “Is it Joan? Is she okay?”

  “Huh?” He frowned at me in confusion then flapped his hand dismissively as his expression changed to a smirk. “Yeah, of course. Our healer is like, literally magic. No, something more serious unfortunately.”

  I waited for him to continue but his focus had shifted down to my naked breasts and I saw his tongue dart out to wet his lips as he stared.

  “Billy?” I asked, exasperated. Maybe I needed to put some clothes on …?

  “What Reg was about to say, before becoming hypnotized by your awesome rack, was that Kuntemopharn's killed three more witches. He's on his way to getting a whole hell of a lot stronger. If we stand any chance of taking him down, we need to act quick. But, uh, hate to say it—it gets worse.” Billy grimaced and ran a hand through his ashy gray hair before sitting on Reg's other side and leaning on the headboard.

  “What could possibly be worse than that, sug?” Shane drawled, shifting to prop himself up on one elbow, totally unconcerned with his nudity in a bed full of other men.

  “Warden called,” Reg replied, and the smile slipped from Shane's slightly swollen lips. “It seems he felt someone tug on their life bond and he called to ask how the hell that was possible when he didn't have a life mate.”

  Reg turned his attention back to me, focusing on my face this time. “I don't suppose when you were searching for Shane in the sewer you might've accidentally tugged on Warden's thread?”

  Ah shit.

  “How the hell was I supposed to know he could feel that? I was just trying to work out who was who!” I threw my hands up in frustration. No one told me to watch out for Warden's bond. Maybe if they'd been a little more forthcoming in the first place …

  “How is this even a bad thing?” I asked, frowning, “Like yes, it's shit for me because I'm going to see Max again for the first time since college, but how is this necessarily worse than Kuntemopharn killing witches and draining their power?”

  “It's not … really …” Reg cocked his head and eyed me up, this time taking in the position that George and Shane were still in, their naked legs still somewhat tangled together. “It'll just be a bit of added drama, but it was bound to happen sooner or later.”

  “Maybe he can help us sort out this festering sore of a storm dweller,” George muttered, rolling on his side and getting comfortable.

  “Doubtful,” Billy responded, with an edge of bitterness to his tone, “he didn't seem particularly concerned for our wellbeing. Said he had some things to tie up in Manhattan and would be back when he was good and ready.”

  Judging by the pissed off set to his jaw, I guessed it must've been Billy that took the call.

  “Did you tell him who I was?” I asked cautiously, not really wanting to hear the answer. “Did you tell him who your life mate is? And that he already fucked her, like, a decade ago?”

  “Yeah, Firebug,” Billy's voice softened and his eyes gave me a sympathetic look, “that was when he clammed up and told me not to hold my breath waiting for him.”

  “Oh.” My heart sank almost to my knees and my gaze dropped to the comforter in front of me. What the hell had I really expected? That he would be ecstatic to learn the girl he'd loved in college was now fucking his four best friends? Of course he didn't want to see me; I'd pulled a seriously dick move taking off the way I had.

  “Hey, chick,” Reg said, tapping me on the chin to raise my focus off the bedspread, “none of that. You didn't know what he was, anymore than he knew what you were. He'll get over it … eventually.”

  “And if he doesn't?” I asked in a small voice as Reg picked me up by the waist, hauling me over to straddle his lap where he leaned on the headboard.

  “Well if he doesn't, then it just means we won't have to share you with anyone else.” He gave me a cheeky smirk, but the kiss he pulled me into was surprisingly tender and gentle.

  “Okay, so Warden is a problem for a whole other day. What are we doin' about Kuntemopharn then? Also let's not forget that Ari's bio parents are the necromancers that raised him in the first place, so they'll also need dealing with.” Shane yawned heavily as he finished this sentence, rubbing his eyes.

��I think the best thing any of us can do right now is get some sleep,” George suggested, and I swear I wanted to suck him off right then and there for saying it. My eyelids were so damn heavy it felt like I was wearing lead mascara, and I'd ventured into that slightly dizzy stage of exhaustion, where it feels like you've just had one too many glasses of wine.

  “Probably a smart idea,” Billy said, sliding to the edge of the bed and bending over to pull off his heavy motorcycle boots. As he leaned forward, I was treated to a good three inches of his ass crack, and I felt my hungry cunt tighten.

  It was a secret I'd held close, never even told Britt before. But I was totally, one hundred and ten percent, a crack addict. There was something about seeing the top of a sexy man's ass crack hanging out the top of his pants that just drove me wild.

  Ever since Shane first knocked on my door, I'd been praying the stories of plumbers' cracks would be true, but until now, I'd yet to see it for myself. Admittedly, that was probably because more often than not they wore no pants at all, but holy fucking damn, seeing Billy's crack hanging out the top of his leather pants and my pipes ready to fucking burst.

  “You okay there, Sugar Tits?” Reg asked, his hands sliding up my naked sides to rest on my waist. My breathing had become labored as I'd stared at Billy's ass, and as he straightened, turning to look at me curiously, I had no doubt my cheeks were flushed with heat.

  “Just fine,” I lied, snuggling into the mess of boys. Wow, boys, plural. That was definitely going to take some getting used to …

  It’d been a hell of a long time since I’d snuggled anybody—let alone several somebodies.

  “If you want to talk about it …” Billy started, but he didn’t sound like he wanted to talk about Max … er Warden, either.

  “Nope, all good here.” I said, cutting him off. “Goodnight.” I flashed a fake smile and laid my head on Reg's chest before things got awkward, all the while realizing that I was going to have a hell of a time falling asleep after his announcement. Knowing that Max was out there, that he knew about me, and that he wasn’t coming … Fuck, I had no idea how to process all of that shit.


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