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Scottish Player: A Hero Club Novel

Page 12

by Karen Frances

  “We’re all friends here,” Fran tells me. Immediately, I like her, and it’s not hard to see why Lee, Jess, and Fran are all friends. She’s a breath of fresh air.

  Fran leads us through to the players’ lounge, and it’s busy. There are lots of families and there’s a kids’ entertainer keeping all the little ones amused. Soft music is played, but only for some background noise, whilst players and families mingle together, chatting and laughing.

  Jackson is with Logan, Fletcher, and the manager. I can see Logan’s stance change as we walk toward them. He smiles at Lee, but shakes his head at me.

  This wasn’t a good idea.

  Why on Earth did I agree to come here today?

  “It’s fine,” Lee whispers to me.

  “Really? My brother isn’t happy.”

  “That’s his problem, and he’s the only one who can change that. The good thing is, we should only have ten minutes with them before they go and change. So, I suggest just being yourself and don’t let Logan intimidate you. Anyway, he’s been warned to be on his best behaviour.”

  “Logan and best behaviour don’t usually go together,” I say.

  “Well, unless he wants a ban on sex then…”

  “You didn’t?” Jess shouts with laughter. One look at Lee’s poker straight face and we all have the answer.

  Jackson turns, hearing the four of us laughing. He doesn’t look at my brother for his approval. Instead, his eyes stay on me as he closes the gap between us. The others are silent, and I’m very aware that they’re all watching us.

  “Hey, you.” Jackson greets me with a kiss.

  “Fuc…” I look at Logan in time to see Lee nudge him with her elbow. “Fine,” he huffs.

  “Please, you’re bringing attention to me and that’s not something I want,” I say.

  “Sorry, but every man in this room now knows you're with me, including your brother. And now it means I won’t have to put up with other players fighting for your attention.”

  “The only person who wants to fight you is drawing us both daggers as he watches us. I don’t want you and Logan to be arguing with each other.”

  “Let me worry about Logan. He’ll be fine.” Jackson places his hand in the small of my back, and we walk the few steps to join the others.

  “You and Lee keep telling me that…”

  “What do Lee and Jackson keep telling you?” Logan all but demands. His question is asked of me, but his eyes are on Jackson.

  “Lee and I have told Sam not to worry about today, that everything is going to be okay. Isn’t that right, Logan?”

  Oh, dear Lord. I think I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. Fletcher is standing beside my brother, and I’m not sure which one looks more bemused.

  “Jackson, don’t fucking push it.” I’m surprised to hear the words come from Fletcher’s mouth, and I’m suddenly transported back to growing up with the both of them. When I had them looking out for me, especially when it came to boys.

  “Fletcher! This doesn’t concern you,” I tell him.

  “The hell it doesn’t, Sam.” Jackson keeps his hand on my back, rubbing it in small circles. He’s too calm, whereas I can’t make up my mind if I want to hit Logan or Fletcher first. I swear to God, I’ll happily slap the two of them in this room full of people, and I really don’t care about making a scene now.

  “Boys, I think it’s time we were all headed downstairs to the changing room,” Peter, the team manager interrupts the tension-filled air.

  “The three of you sort this crap out because, Logan Fletcher, if you hadn’t noticed, I’m a grown woman and not some silly girl that needs you two to take care of me. I can pick and choose the people I want in my life, and if you two keep this up, I know who I’ll be removing. Now, run along, and maybe I’ll see you all after the game,” I say, shrugging from Jackson’s hold. “You’ve done nothing wrong,” I tell him. “But this whole situation isn’t good for me. You need to sort this out today.”

  “Honey, we’ll sort it.” Jackson kisses my cheek and Logan looks bewildered at my outburst. Peter urges the three of them to move. They each kiss their other halves before leaving the room.

  My body is trembling as Fran hands me a glass of wine. “Here, I think you need this.”

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Don’t be sorry. They all needed to hear it. Now, hopefully, Logan will get over himself and we might all get a peaceful life,” Lee says, and Jess agrees with her. I never gave a thought to how this would affect Lee. I bet she’s sick of listening to my brother going on about me.

  “I am sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” Jess tells me.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think I should put Sam on babysitting duties for the rest of the afternoon,” Lee says.

  “I don’t think that’s a hardship,” I say, watching Chloe stir in her pram.

  “I think someone is broody!”

  “Lee, you’ve made us all broody. Chloe has to be the most gorgeous baby,” Fran tells her, rescuing me.

  Am I broody? Hell, no. I’ve no time for a baby in my life, and I’d need to be in a stable relationship.

  We have a drink before making our way out to the main stand to watch this afternoon’s friendly game.

  “Well, do you think you’ll come back?” Fran asks me as we make our way inside. There’s a bouncy castle at the side of the pitch, and all the kids are making their way down to it. It’s a true family fun day.

  “That depends on the three amigos. They all need to act their age and remember I’m a person and not a toy for them to fight and argue over.”

  “They’ll work it out.”

  “They’d better because you’ve no idea how bad Logan and Fletcher were when I was growing up. They were a nightmare when it came to me dating. They scared off every boy that was interested in me.”

  “Really?” Jess asks.

  “You know what? Having seen them lately, I believe you.”

  Inside, Lee finds a quiet table for her to sit down and feed Chloe whilst we wait on the guys. Jess is busy talking to someone with Fran and I take a seat beside Lee. “Has Logan been that bad?”

  “I can deal with your brother. I’ve had plenty of practice.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “Sam, he wants you to be happy, but as far as Logan’s concerned, the person for you isn’t Jackson. If Jackson becomes a permanent fixture in your life, Logan will have to deal with it. So please try not to worry about this.”

  I think about what she’s saying, and she does have a point. The same point I’ve tried to get across to Logan and Fletcher today.

  I’m kind of wishing this photoshoot with Chance was back across the Atlantic. It would give me some much-needed space away from everyone.

  It’s a good fifteen minutes before the players start to enter the lounge. I stare at the door, watching and waiting for Jackson, Logan, and Fletcher to enter. The longer I wait, the more anxious I feel. Have they all argued? Fought?

  It’s another ten minutes before the three of them enter the lounge together, laughing. I can’t explain the relief that sweeps through my body.

  “Is everything okay?” Lee asks, her eyes darting between the three men.

  “Yes,” answers Jackson. “I know I need to prove myself, but my only concern is proving myself to the only person who matters to me.” His eyes stay on me. “Would you like to stay, or shall we go?”

  “We’ll go. I’ve had enough excitement for one day.” I say goodbye to everyone when Fran and Jess re-join our group.

  “Not too much fun, I hope. I have plans for you.” The cocky smirk on Jackson’s face tells me all I need to know.

  “As long as your plans involve my bed or yours, I’ll be happy.”

  “I vote yours. Your bed is comfier than mine.” He wraps his arm around my waist and I lean into the warmth of his body. Yes, I’ve enjoyed this afternoon, but I think the remainder of the day is going to be much more inter

  Chapter Twenty

  I set my lights up around the room. Usually, Sid would be here to give me a hand, but he’s picking Chance and Aubrey up from the hotel. They should be here any time now. There’s a rail of clothes on the far side of the room. Chance has certainly got more than a few outfit changes for today. I’m hoping I can get all the shoots covered today that Sid needs because that would mean Chance and Aubrey get more free time to spend in Glasgow instead of just working every day. But I do have tomorrow marked in my diary for outdoor shots, should we need them.

  I would’ve asked Jackson to give me a hand today, but all the players are being put through their paces ahead of tomorrow night’s big European game. Even Kate had a photoshoot today, so I’m setting up in Sid’s gym alone.

  Jackson has tickets for us all to go and watch the game tomorrow night. I’m excited to see it, but I’m also a bit anxious of him and Chance meeting up, considering what happened the first time in Vegas. Jackson has assured me he will apologise again for his behaviour. I’m just hoping Chance doesn’t hold a grudge.

  Aubrey and I have spoken a lot in the last few days. She knows Jackson and I are now seeing each other. She was looking forward to her visit and also a shopping trip with Kate tomorrow if we’re still busy.

  As I finish setting up, I stand back and have a look around the gym. A few things have changed since I was last here doing a shoot with Jackson. There’s a picture of him on the wall. I walk toward it. It’s from our shoot. In it, he’s shirtless, tattoo showing, and he’s completely focused on what he’s doing. I find myself staring. Why, I’m not sure, because I get to see him like this most days. And that tattoo I love. There’s just something in the detail that is truly mesmerising.

  There are more pictures on the walls, including one of Kate. Bloody hell. I remember taking this one. She was so nervous but soon settled down. A gym shoot wasn’t something that came naturally to her, but with the pictures we got that day, you would never have known.

  There are a few celebrities on the walls as well. Every picture is one I’ve taken in the past few years. It’s actually a very good portfolio of my work. I smile.

  The door opens, and Sid enters with Chance and Aubrey. They both look amazing. I want to run to them, but I’m trying to remain professional today, so I can’t help grin when Aubrey rushes toward me and wraps her arms around me in a warm embrace. “It’s so great to finally see you again,” she says in the accent I love.

  “You look incredible,” I say as she stands back. Her eyes narrow and I’m suddenly wondering if I have crumbs on my face from grabbing a slice of toast before I left the flat this morning.

  “You look different,” she finally says. “Tired?”

  “Well, I have been busy, but I don’t think so.”

  “It must be that man of yours keeping you up all night.”


  “Have you two finished?” Chance asks. “Let me see you.” He wraps his arms around my waist and spins me around in the air, making me dizzy, but I laugh at his way of greeting me.

  “Good to see you,” I say when he lowers me, and my feet touch the floor.

  “Aubrey’s right, there’s something different, but I can’t put my finger on it. I hope that man of yours is treating you right because this time I won’t hesitate to put his ass on the ground.”

  “He is, and you sound like my brother and Fletcher.”

  “Good. At least I know someone is keeping an eye on my, ‘favourite wee lassie.’ Is that right?” he asks me.

  “God, I’ve missed your humour, and yes, that was perfect.”

  “Okay, so where do you want me? And please remember my wife is here so we should keep this clean.”

  “How do you put up with him?” I ask Aubrey, who is shaking her head, amusement written across her face.

  “Sometimes I wonder.”

  “Hey, you, knock it off.”

  Sid has been standing back just watching the interaction between us. “Sam, I know it goes without saying, but if Aubrey and I are in the way today, just say and we can head out for coffee.”

  “You know me, I will, but we should be fine, and I might need Aubrey.”

  “Sid, I like you, but there’s no way you’re taking my wife for coffee without me.”

  “Chance, I thought it had been obvious. Your wife is stunning, but she’s not my type. Now if you want to go for coffee alone with me, that would be more entertaining.”

  I cover my mouth with my hand as Chance’s jaw drops.

  “While you guys are laughing, am I the only person who is slightly worried about what Sam just said? Sam, there’s no way I can model again. Please tell me you don’t mean that.”

  “No, I don’t mean that, although it would be nice to take some pictures of you both. But I may need you to focus his attention. The pictures of him when he’s looking at you and you are out of the shot were some of the best from Vegas.”

  Her whole body sighs with relief. “Thank goodness. And thank you. I know I’ve said it before, but I love the pictures of us together.”

  “Stop thanking me. Maybe let me use them for promotional material.”

  Aubrey shakes her head.

  “It’s not going to happen. Believe me, I know, and I’ve tried to talk her around,” Chance says with his eyes on his wife.

  “Okay, let’s start with a gentle warm-up, Chance. The clothes have all been arranged so you can start at the beginning,” I tell him, because I suspect we could stand here talking all day long.

  “I’m game.”

  It doesn’t take us long to fall into a steady rhythm. Chance and I are both professional, and by God, this man works hard. I don’t know what Sid is paying him for this, but I’m certain he’s going to get his money’s worth from this shoot. I hope this pays off for Sid and his company. He’s one of the hardest working men I know, and he strives for the best in everything he does. The quality of his sports range is by far the best I’ve seen lately compared to some of the leading brands who seem to be letting their standards slip. But the big companies are still commanding big prices.

  Our morning flies by quickly, and I don’t even realise the time until Sid calls for us to have a break and some lunch, which he’s ordered in for all of us. As we eat, we talk. Aubrey tells me all about the rescue centre and how, with the help of Chance and publicity, they are finding more forever homes for some of the pets that come through the doors. I can tell she’s very passionate about her job. That’s something you need in any job you do; whether it’s a cleaner or a lawyer, you have to care and be passionate about what you do. Otherwise, there’s no point in doing it.

  There’s no messing about with Chance, and that’s what I love. As soon as we’ve finished eating, he’s straight back to work and another outfit change. I hope he’s got room in his case when he travels home because Sid has given him all today’s clothes, and he’s throwing in some items for Aubrey from his women’s sports range.

  The afternoon flows the same as the morning. Chance changes clothes quickly and doesn’t leave the room to do so. Most guys don’t. When I work with women, a shoot takes so much longer because they want to leave the room to change.

  I have a few more shots to get before I call it a wrap for today when I hear the gym door open, but I don’t bother turning. No doubt someone looking for Sid. I just carry on working. I won’t get everything I need today, so tomorrow we’ll be outside. Let’s hope the weather holds up for us. And I’m thinking some shots in a park and down by the river would look good for what Sid wants.

  “Okay, I think that’s us for today,” I call out.

  “And here I thought Aubrey could work me hard.” Chance steps toward me and slings his arm over my shoulder.

  “What can I say?”

  “Nothing. I like working with someone who knows what they want,” he says, and we start walking to where Sid and Aubrey are, but they’re not alone. I chuckle lightly when Chance removes his arm from my shoulder


  “Looks like I arrived at the right time,” Jackson says as we approach them. He holds his hand out to Chance. I watch, hoping that they’ll get on. “Chance, about Vegas, I’m…”

  “No worries. It’s already forgotten about.”

  “Thank you. Now, I hope that means I can take you all out for dinner tonight?” Jackson winks at me.

  “But I thought you’d be with the rest of the team tonight?”

  “I should be, but when I explained you had visitors from out of town, the boss agreed so long as no alcohol passes my lips. So, what about it? Sid, that includes you.”

  “Thanks,” Sid says. “But I’m afraid I’ll have to pass. The four of you go out and have some fun and I’ll catch up with you tomorrow night after the game.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow and I’m certain we’ll all be celebrating.”

  “I should go home and change, and I’m sure Chance could do with going back to the hotel and showering.”

  “None of us need to change. It’s nowhere fancy, just a small family restaurant with good food.”

  “I’m game,” Chance tells us. Aubrey and I glance at each other. Looks like we’re going to eat now.

  Jackson and Chance walk out of the gym in front of us, talking as though they are old friends. With a smile, I follow with Aubrey, and I don’t know… something has changed for me with Jackson and I’m not sure about it. My feelings have changed. They’ve grown over the weeks we’ve spent together.

  Have I already fallen in love with him?

  I think I have.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Game night, and the atmosphere in the stadium is electric.

  I’m sitting in the family section just behind Lee, Jess, and Fran, with Chance and Aubrey to my left, and Sid is bouncing in his seat beside me. There’s still ten minutes to kick off and I’m surprised with the atmosphere. Fans are singing and chanting. There’s just a real buzz in the air. Everyone is hopeful that tonight’s result goes to our team.

  Our team. That’s not something I’d have ever imagined myself to be saying. In fact, I never imagined I’d come to watch a game. Logan has been pestering me since he came to Glasgow to come and watch his games. I bet he’s a bit pissed off with me that it’s only because of Jackson that I’m here.


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