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La Photographie Moderne

Page 5

by Neil Crenner

Santa Barbara over one year. Where are you from?"

  "I was born and raised here in California. Southern, but I moved up here about 4 years ago when I bought this building. I love it. My parents live just about 4 hours down the coast in Palm Springs. They are retired. I like being close to them."

  "So when do you want to go out?" Didier asked without any warning. Reason was flabbergasted.

  "What about se soir?" Reason said without thinking. "Is that too soon?"

  "I was very surprised to run into you this morning at the bagel shop."

  "Likewise," Reason said.

  "I have been thinking about you all day," Didier admitted.

  "Well then I think tonight would be good then." Reason said. He was in shock again. Didier had been thinking about him all day. What a relief, it's mutual.

  "I was just admiring this photo here."

  "I noticed."

  "Do you know the artist personally?"

  "Oh yes. It is I."

  "Oh really, so where was this taken?"

  "I was in a small town on the coast, a bed and breakfast actually and decided to take a drive one morning. It was so beautiful, the fog and the light drizzle that was falling. I hopped in the car with my camera and just drove. After a few miles I came to an opening and pulled off the road. I made my way down to the beach and started walking. After awhile, I came upon that lighthouse. It was so tranquil and mysterious. The sun came out and it was a beautiful day, so I took several photos of it. In one, there was a figure at the door, I couldn't make it out. However, that's another story. Anyway, so you like it?"

  "Oh yes, I love it. I would actually like to see it in person some day."

  "Well maybe that could happen. Until then, would you like to have it?"

  "Oh yes, I would love it. How much is it?"

  "For you Didier, it's only $500.00."

  Didier's eyes opened wide. "Wow, I didn't know that photography was so expensive. I guess you'll have to keep it for now." He kind of shrugged after saying this.

  "I am just being a tart. In reality, it's not for sale. However, I would like you to have it. It's the best photo out of all of them that I took.

  "Oh, I see. Wow, you really had me going there. I was just about to leave. That price scared me."

  "I am sorry; I just like to have fun sometimes. If I gave the photo to you, would you take it?"

  "Well I couldn't just take it. I would have to pay you something for it?"

  "Well how much do you want to give me for it?"

  "Let me think for a second. Okay, how about if I just take it."

  "That's what I wanted to hear. I'll wrap it up for you."

  "Oh, that's not necessary."

  "Oh yes it is. Trust me."

  As Reason walked over to take the photo off the wall, he brushed up against Didier. His eyes saw black. Soon a vision flowed through him of Didier hammering a nail on the wall and missing it, hitting his finger, breaking it. In a blink, it was over.

  "Do you plan to hang this photo tonight?"

  "Well yes. Why?" Didier asked with enthusiasm. "If I don't hang it up tonight, then I will never hang it up. It will be a project for tonight."

  "Don't hang it with a nail and hammer." Reason paused, "How about if I hang it for you?"

  "Well that sounds great. Would you like to come over around six o'clock tonight? Then we will go to dinner afterwards."

  Reason was all too excited to hear this and just nodded and smiled, "Sure. I would love too. Shall I bring it when I come or would you like to take it with you now?"

  "You can bring it."


  "Well let me write my address down for you. I like to give directions without any landmarks, only the streets that you take. Would that be all right with you?"

  "Oh yes. I prefer those kinds of directions." Reason said with joy in his voice.

  "Then dinner afterwards?"Didier asked.

  "That sounds good to me. Is there any particular cuisine or restaurant that you like?"

  "There's a smart little bistro around the corner from me. I think you might like it."

  "Always willing to try something new," Reason replied. As long as I am with you, I don't care what we're eating.

  "Here's my address and phone number. I will see you around six. Is that a good time for you?"

  "Yes it is."

  "Great. I will see you then."

  Didier grabbed Reasons hand this time and held it tight, "I liked your hand shake this morning," then let go, "See you at six." He smiled, turned and walked out the door. The bell rang again. Reason went to his office and sat the photograph against the desk and then sat down on his sofa. His body was weak from all the excitement. He felt so blissful. It couldn't be happening to him this quickly. He just laid there and took slow deep breaths. He stared at the photo and said 'thank you for making my day.' He would be stepping in again, soon too. Opportunities, reprise.

  Chapitre 5

  Almost 4:45 p.m. as Reason was getting out of the shower.

  He was still in shock about what had transgressed during just one day in his life. He was meeting with a handsome man to hang a photo that he himself took. He would be having some savory food later on with a man he just met. What a day!

  "Colbert, now you behave while I am out on a date. Yes a date. Can you believe it?" He would talk to Colbert as if she understood him like a human. Maybe she did.

  He didn't ever spend more than ten minutes in the bathroom before a date, but this was an exception. He shaved twice in the shower, trimmed his nails and toe nails. He conditioned his hair and brushed his teeth an extra minute. He had given himself a clay mask before getting into the shower.

  He popped some blackheads on his forehead and then applied some expensive toner all over after the shower. He put some cologne on his chest and rubbed it in and made sure his ears were dry and hair free. He trimmed his sideburns too. He combed his hair and then messed it up just a bit. Didn't want to look to collegiate.

  He had just bought a new pair of walking shorts and a Hawaiian shirt last week. This would be a great chance to sport them, and he could show of his sexy legs, weather permitting or not. He was finished dressing in less than an hour and decided to put on some more cologne, the one that his mother had given to him for his birthday last year, just a splash on the neck and wrists. That way when you talked with your hands, you would leave a trail of a beautiful scent. This one was very fresh and subtle. He loved cologne. When people hugged you they always could smell your cologne and then they would tell you how great you smelled, and then you would smile.

  He was out the door and driving towards Didier's house. It all seemed surreal to him. Could it be happening he wondered? Well it was and he had better enjoy it.

  He turned on the radio; a classical music station was set on the dial. This would sooth his mind. He had looked at the directions and memorized the turns. This would make it easier to find Didier's place, especially at night. Five turns later he came to a small Bungalow style house on a tree-lined street. This was very nice he thought to himself, moderne for its time.

  He had brought a bottle of Petite Syrah. He didn't know what Didier drank, even if he drank at all. Hopefully he did drink red wine. He also had his camera in the trunk and if the opportunity arose, he would pull it out. He almost forgot that he was a photographer while he drove along. How absurd that was? Or was it the feeling of meeting someone knew and it was mutual and so sweet?

  He passed the house and did a u-turn at the next corner; he pulled up to the curb in front of the house and got out. Reason felt butterflies in his stomach. It must be right he thought. He grabbed the photo from the back seat and exited the car. When Didier answered the door, he was so up and friendly. "Hello again, I see you did wrap the photo, very nice brown paper too."

  Reason smiled at this, "Yes I did," and handed it to Didier. He was so comfortable with the words he spoke.

  "Come in, come in," inviting Reason in. He allowed Reas
on to enter and then leaned in and hugged him a brief moment. Reason liked this. "Have a seat and make yourself comfortable. What would you like to drink?" Reason sat down on the sofa, a dark one, in the living room. Reason had forgotten the wine in his car.

  "Well I'll have what you're having," Reason always wanted to be agreeable on the first meeting and modest.

  "I was having a San Pellegrino with a lemon twist on the rocks. Do you like sparkling water?"

  "Oh yes. I drink San Pellegrino, with a lemon twist on the rocks." He was being agreeable again, no matter what.

  "I'll be right back." Didier disappeared down the hall. Reason had wished that he hadn't forgotten the wine. Now he would have a bottle to drink when he got home.

  There was some soft ambient music playing from somewhere in the background. It was very translucent, it had a drifting feeling. He felt like he was in a Tibetan palace halfway around the world. The lights were not too bright and he felt very cozy in this new place. He was just sitting on a dark sofa gazing around the room looking at Didier's décor, not bad at all, subtle industrial décor, and then Didier was back with the water.

  "Here you go." He handed it to Reason, and as he did, he felt Didier's hand brush against his.

  "Thank you." Reason took the water and sipped it. "Ah." It was refreshing. It was a loud sigh Reason thought to himself, but very refreshing indeed.

  "So was it easy to find your way here with my directions?" Didier asked matter-of-factly. He sat down on the sofa next to Reason a safe distance between them. He was beaming, Reason thought. He wore some khaki shorts and a button up print shirt. He looked handsome

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