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La Photographie Moderne

Page 11

by Neil Crenner

real loud and didn't answer.

  Reason thought that odd. Usually he gushes and gushes about his new beau. Something must be wrong he thought. He would find out soon enough.

  10 minutes later.

  "Have you been to this place, I hear it's real nice," Joe said as he pulled into the parking lot.

  "I have not been here yet." They got out and went in.

  The bar was all moderne and clean looking. There were two guys sitting at one end and another couple sitting at a table. They sat down at the bar and Joe immediately orders two Cadillac margarita's on the rocks with salt rim. "So tell me about this guy." Reason proceeded to tell him about Didier and how they met and their first couple of dates.

  "Are you married already?"

  "We are just dating."

  The drinks were brought by the bar tender who asked if they wanted any appetizers. "Yes," Reason piped up. He took the drink and held it up to cheer.

  Joe followed suit and said "Cheers, to new boyfriends."

  "Yes, I really like this guy."

  "You were beaming the entire time you were telling me about him. It's a sin."

  The waiter came with a menu. Reason picked it up and glanced over at it. "I am ordering the wings and the zucchini sticks."

  "I need another margarita."

  "Hey slow down. What's the matter?"

  "David broke up with me David totally broke up with me Can you believe that, the bastard!"

  "Now how long had you been seeing him?"

  "Three weeks. He said I was too needy."

  "You know where you went wrong," Reason teased.

  "Yeah I know I am needy and I hate that about me. I want them with me 24/7. I can't stand for them to be apart from me."

  "You know I watched this movie this past weekend, Leave Her to Heaven, with Gene Tierney and Cornel Wild. She loves him so much she murders!"

  "Are you drunk already?"

  "Nope but this drink is strong."

  "I don't want to murder them, I want to love them."

  "You end up suffocating them, Joe. You have to let them have their own space and can't have them next to you 24/7."

  "I know, I know, but how do I change myself."

  "Have you thought of going to therapy?"

  "Oh hell, no, I am not crazy."

  "You are getting drunk at 2 p.m. on a Wednesday because a man you saw for three weeks dumped you because you are too suffocating."

  "And your point is?"

  "Never mind, just drink up. I will have another." The bartender poured another drink and left them. He came back with the appetizers. Reason picked up one of the zucchini sticks and dipped it in the ranch sauce. "Eat up and don't get drunk."

  "One more bartender. I miss David."

  "You only knew him 3 weeks. Now, eat up." Joe grabbed a wing and started eating them.

  "Hey leave me a couple."

  Joe sat there and stared over at his reflection in the mirror. Reason felt bad for him. "Hey there, it's going to be okay, you'll meet someone. Soon."

  "I want David. What have I done to deserve this?"

  Reason reached for a wing and brushed Joe's hand and his eyes went black. David and Joe were laughing, a crowd of people standing around them. The vision was over.

  "Hey believe you me, he's coming back and you don't need a facelift."

  "Don't tease me. A new life is what I need."

  "I am not, now finish your drink and I will drive us back to the studio." Reason paid for the drinks and the appetizers. Joe staggered to the SUV and was sitting in the passenger sit when Reason came out. Reason drove them back to the gallery and helped Joe into the back where he laid down on the sofa. He fell asleep. Colbert, let's go for a short walk, I need some fresh air. They walked for half an hour and then returned. Reason felt like he should just leave Joe there sleeping. He wrote a note telling him to just close the back door when he left and to call him if he needed anything. He placed Joes keys on this and turned the lights out. Colbert and Reason left him there to sleep it off.

  Later that evening.

  The phone rings and Reason answers it. "Hello."

  "Hey buddy thanks for letting me sleep it off here on your sofa. I don't know how I got so drunk."

  "Well I only had two and I felt it. So you had four and you are always a lightweight."

  "I drank yours as well." Jake admitted.

  Reason was shocked but didn't say anything.

  "So I just shut the door behind me and it will lock. Yeah it's got a self locking handle on it. Turn the alarm on, the code is 2567, then press the green button."

  "Will do. Hey so what were you saying about David getting back with me?"

  "Trust me, you'll be laughing with him soon."

  "I don't know how you do it, but I do believe you.''

  "It's an educated guess."

  "So has your man shown up yet?''

  "I think he's coming over a little later."

  "You'll be burning the midnight oil."

  "I am not even sure he's coming over."

  "Well have fun and thanks again."

  "I will. Good night." Reason hung up the phone. He went back to reading Dead On Your Feet. The phone rang again. Reason thought it was Joe calling again. "Hello."

  "Hello, sexy," Didier answered.

  "Hey there," Reason replied with his sexy phone voice.

  "I am still working. Can I come over later? I want to spoon with you."

  "Yes, come over when you are finished."

  "Okay then, I will. See you soon. In about 45 minutes."

  Reason made some tea and curled up in bed, Colbert by his side. Reason's eyes were drooping when he heard a knock at the door. There he was. He put on his robe and rushed to the front door. "Is it too late, in the night?" Didier asked sheepishly. "Not at all, I was falling asleep. I am up now."

  "Glad to hear it. I had to finish this project and it ran late. I just had to see you tonight. Is that all right?" Once again sheepishly.

  "It's fine with me. Are you hungry?" Reason asked as he took Didier's coat.

  "No I am fine, I had takeout at the office around eight o'clock. You know you are a real sport about this. I just wanted to be with you tonight."

  "It's nice to see you again. Let's go to bed." Reason headed towards the bedroom, Didier followed him. They held each other until they fell asleep and slept all night.

  The next morning.

  Reason awoke in Didier's arms. He felt happy inside and content. He knew he loved Didier now and hoped that Didier felt the same way about him. He slipped out of bed and opened the curtains and it was raining outside. What a beautiful day it would be. He went to the kitchen and made coffee. He started chopping some broccoli, onions and tomatoes to make them an omelet. When the coffee was finished, he poured two cups added milk and sweetener and went to the bedroom. Didier was awake lying in bed. "Good morning." Reason said softly, "Coffee?"

  Didier raised his hand to take the coffee. "Thank you and good morning. I slept so good last night," he said smiling.

  "It was because you were holding me all night," Reason said smiling.

  "Yes I think that is why as well. Reason, you make me feel so relaxed. I love to hold you in my arms and feel you next to me," Didier said very softly holding his coffee near his chin, looking just past Reason.

  Reason squeezed Didier's free hand and smiled. He was a bit shocked that Didier was so open with his feelings.

  "I hope that doesn't offend you or make you uncomfortable Reason. I really do care about you and I want this to work." Didier said softly.

  "You are perfectly sane to tell me how you feel Didier. I feel the same as you do. I find you to be the man I want to spend my life with."

  "You do?" Didier looked up at Reason with longing eyes.

  "Oh I am so glad to hear it." He leaned over and kissed Reason warmly. "It has happened. I have met the man I have always dreamed about." He then kissed Reason again and again. They made love all morning until they were hu
ngry and Reason made them omelets.

  Colbert went back to sleep on her bed in the living room. She wouldn't go outside anyway, she hated the rain. She had a litter box in the garage that she could use today. She knew where it was.


  Chapitre 10

  One week later.

  In the dream Reason was flying up into the skies, way above the earth and looking down at it he began to be carried away very quickly, so fast, it was scary and he wanted to quickly land. He stopped and dropped out of the sky like a lead ball. He landed on the ground unscathed. He woke up, half asleep, groggy. The phone was ringing. The quiet morning disturbed. Reason was startled, and reached over to the nightstand to pick it up.


  "Reason, its Didier."

  "Hi, what's wrong?"

  "I just got a call from my mom, my Aunt Mae died last night."

  "I am sorry to hear it. Were you close to her?"

  "No not really, but my mom has been all her life. I am going to take off a few days to go visit my mom in New Orleans. My mom and aunt lived together for the past twenty years and this is hard on her."

  "Again, I am sorry for you and your mother. I am sure it is a shock." Reason said this with as sincere a voice as he could muster up, he felt awkward, but new it sounded good. He couldn't always muster up sympathy at a moment's notice.

  "Oh yes it is. I am leaving tomorrow morning, so do you want to spend the night with me and take me to the airport?"

  "Sure, I would love to. That way, you won't have to take a taxi. When do you want me to come over?"

  "You can come over anytime after five, I'll be home by then. I am taking off early to run some errands."

  "Okay, I'll be there at five."

  "Bring Colbert with you, she'll be lonely if you leave her there," Didier said with concern in his voice.

  "I'll bring her and her bed."

  "Okay, then I'll see

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