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La Photographie Moderne

Page 15

by Neil Crenner

  Part One. 'My lover came to me on the last night of April, with a message and a warning that sent me home to him.' Reason paused, 'I haven't had any visions lately during Didier's absence. Have I even had one vision? Actually ever since I met Didier the visions have diminished.' He continued to read and ponder this at the same time. It had been bothering him in the back of his mind, and he had left it there, avoiding it as long as possible. However, tonight it wanted to be examined and pushed its way to the front of Reason's mind, even as he read. Reason paused again. 'It's not as if I can figure it out and then tell myself the answer. I can do some guessing as to why this has happened, but no other explanation can I find. Maybe I am so happy that I don't need to see visions anymore. Now that's crazy.' He looked down at the book and realized he was not reading anymore, but lost in thought. Now where did I leave off? He rescanned from the beginning of the page and started again. Part One. He started reading again and when it was time to turn the page he realized that his mind did not retain one word he had read. He put the book down and lay there and thought of the good times he had spent with Didier. The first time he met him was his favorite.

  The phone rang and his heart jumped, beating fast all at once. He picked up the receiver, "Hello."

  "Hey Reason, how are you tonight?"

  "I was just thinking about you."

  "You were? I just got to bed and I wanted to call you up and say goodnight. I miss you."

  "I am glad to hear that. How was the funeral?"

  "Well I must say it was very small and very short and not as bad as I thought. There were lots of friends, but not many relatives. I don't think I have much family here in the states. I think they live in Europe. My mom hasn't told me much about them."

  "Ask her to tell you more about them before you leave tomorrow," Reason urged him.

  "Afterwards we took the cable car down to the French Quarter and had a very nice dinner. Mother even had some vino. She actually was in better spirits."

  "Well I am glad to hear that."

  "She didn't wear black, which I thought odd, but she said she didn't want to look like she was in mourning."

  "Well maybe she is over it already."

  "At the restaurant she told me stories of Aunt Mae when they were young.

  "How sweet."

  "But let's talk about us. I miss you."

  "You do?"

  "You know it. I miss holding you in my arms and squeezing you tight."

  "You know I love it when you squeeze me with those huge arms of yours."

  "They are not huge, but they are some big guns."

  "You sexy hunk."

  "I can't wait to kiss you all night. I want to wake up with you."

  "Me too. You give the best kisses."

  "Okay well anything else new, how is Colbert?"

  "She's fine, she is here in bed with me."

  "She will keep you company until I see you tomorrow."

  "Yes, well then, good night and sleep well and dream of me."

  "I always do sexy."

  "So goodnight, call me tomorrow."

  "I will and good night, love you."

  "Love you too." Reason hung up the phone. He laid there and was so happy. He started to read but he was tired all of a sudden. He laid the book on the side table and turned off the light. He drifted off into sleep and he couldn't believe that it was already morning when he woke up. Didier will be home today. The book sat on the nightstand.

  Chapitre 12

  That afternoon.

  Reason arrived at the gate, a half hour early. He brought one of the books he's reading, a Sherlock Holms mystery, another favorite of his to read, where he had left Touch Not the Cat, he couldn't remember, at the studio he was remembering but not really thinking about it too much. He thought he would sit and read until the plane landed. He found a seat far from the door and started reading.

  There were not very many people around. He tried to focus on reading, but he couldn't. He looked around, people watching. He just needed to remember not to stare too much. He would forget the book and people watch. He sat there, and saw a couple walk by, going to another gate. Then a man came walking by, dressed in a suit. That's no way to travel. Then no one else came along to look at.

  'What time is it now?' he looked at his watch, 15 minutes more. He had told Didier he would be at the curb, near the baggage pick up. He was very nonchalant about it when he said it, like he didn't really miss him. 'Reason, you're a brat,' he thought to himself. Then people started to arrive, many people. More than he could imagine.

  Within about 10 minutes about 50 people arrived. Well I guess I am not that special he thought, all these people are coming to see their loved ones arrive. He stared at all the people, mostly all pleasant looking people. At this thought he saw the plane taxing up to the gate. His heart began to pound.

  He stood up and walked over to the door to wait. When the passengers began to walk through the door, he would stand off just a bit and watch Didier come thru it. Just to get a glimpse of his face when he didn't see him there. He was anxious himself. The passengers finally began to walk through the door. He stood watching for an eternity he thought. Maybe Didier missed the flight. He finally caught a glimpse of him coming up the jet-way.

  He stepped back a little. He watched Didier all the way up the jet-way, and then as Didier walked off he slowed down and peered around. His face looked gloomy. He looked all over and didn't see Reason, and so he just started on his way to the baggage claim. At this Reason stepped out into Didier's line of sight, all smiles.


  "Hi, did you just arrive?"

  "No I was watching you as you came off the jet way. I wanted you to think I didn't come to the gate to meet you."

  "I was sad for a moment, almost angry when I realized you weren't standing right in front, and then I looked around and didn't see you."

  "I saw your face and I saw this gloom on your face. I am sorry. I am here and am so glad to see you. I've missed you." They hugged and kissed on the cheeks. They walked down the concourse to the baggage area, Didier was talking about the flight. Reason was just glad to see his man. They went and sat down to wait for the luggage.

  "You look a little heavier."

  "It's all that New Orleans cuisine. We went out for every meal. My mom was in no mood to cook except for late night snacks every night, desserts mostly. I had fun with her for the most part, she wants to come out here and visit soon. I felt like she wanted to tell me something, but she never did. It was odd, I just could tell she was about to say something, and she'd smile and not say anything."

  "Well I am glad you had a nice time with your mother, considering the circumstances. I am glad you are back too."

  They waited until most of the passengers had picked the conveyor belt clean before moving over to pick up his luggage.

  Half hour later.

  Reason pulled up to Didier's house. "Should I let you get unpacked and settled by yourself, then when you've rested, come back?"

  "Are you kidding, you stay, unless you have to go?"

  "Oh no, Colbert is fine. I just didn't want to be in your way."

  "Please stay."

  "Left to my own devices, then I probably would."

  "You will never be in my way, come in, and help me with my luggage."

  They got out of the car and Reason took one of the bags, Didier grabbed the smaller one. You can pour us some wine and relax and I am going to take a shower and then we can hold each other for awhile."

  Reason loved this response, there was no domino dancing here and he was in heaven.

  Chapitre 13

  A few days later.

  Reason is piddling around the house, doing things when the phone rings.


  "Hey buddy, how you doing? Miss me?" he cheerily asks.

  "Hey there, and yes I do. You still working?"

  "Yeah, I have another hour or so. I needed to catch up on this project. I left so
quickly last week, everything was put on hold. Now I am paying for it."

  "I am just doing some household chores."

  "Keeping busy, that's good. How's Colbert?"

  "She is fine, out in the back yard bird watching."

  "She watches birds?"

  "Yes and she wants to get them and eat them, but she can't."

  "That is so funny. So by tomorrow I will be caught up and we can have a long quiet evening together."

  "Sounds good to me. I left you a message on your home machine, so don't call me back when you listen to it, unless you want to. I may still be awake."

  "Sure I can give you a buzz when I get home or I can come over there and spend the night with you.''

  "Well sure do that instead if you aren't too tired."

  "Never too tired to see you babe."

  "Well I will leave the door unlocked."

  "See you soon."

  "Bye." Reason hung up the phone. He fell asleep on the sofa watching I Love Lucy, one of his favorite episodes, when they get locked out on the roof. He awoke and heard a knock.

  "Come in."

  "Hey there."

  "I must have dosed off. What time is it?"

  "Just a little after nine."

  "Did you get finished?"

  "Yes, so glad that is all done. You and Colbert fell asleep."

  "She always has to be at my feet," Reason chuckled. "Let's go to bed," Reason took Didier's hand and led him to the bedroom. Colbert followed them.

  "I am going to brush my teeth," Didier said. Reason undressed and climbed into bed. A few minutes later he awoke and Didier was sitting on the bed next to him.

  "You dosed off again."

  "I did?" Something in his mind clicked. It was the vision he had before, but the words were different.

  He laid there and tried to remember the

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