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La Photographie Moderne

Page 46

by Neil Crenner

waiter departed.

  "She's wearing hot pants and her shirt is tied in a knot in the front."

  "She's wearing rollerblades as well."

  "Is that why she was gliding? She makes a good women."

  "So you honestly have never been here?"

  "Never. Where are the menus?"

  "Under the glass in front of you," Reason pointed down in front of Didier.

  "The place is hysterical and they have cloth table clothes. Very odd."

  "The food here is so delicious," Reason added. "They print the menu up on the paper and place under there because it changes daily."

  "Yet stays clean."

  "You got it. They don't have a huge menu, but it's all homemade every day."

  "I just can't believe you have not brought me here before."

  "Well I forgot about it and it's so crowded on the weekends. We rarely go to breakfast during the week."

  "I am going to have the Lobster Omelet topped with asiago cheese with home potatoes and Rye toast," Didier said.

  "I think I will have the same. The home potatoes have sautéed onions and bell peppers in them. The omelets are always light and fluffy. Perfect every time."

  "How many times have you eaten here?"

  "A few times. Unlike you, I don't have to be at the gallery till 10 a.m. I would come here one or two times a week for breakfast last year, when it first opened. They close @ 2:30 p.m. It's just breakfast and lunch."

  The waiter came back with two large cups of coffee steaming. She placed them down on the table and then said she'd be right back with cream, she sped away on her roller blades. "This coffee smells delicious and I may not need cream," Didier picked it up and took a sip. "Nope, this is perfect.

  "I'll try mine. Yes very good. They must have given us a brand new pot."

  The waiter returned with a glass creamer and sat it down, "What'll it be boys?" She had her pad and pencil waiting for a response. They gave their orders and she was off. A few minutes later, a couple walked in and sat near the front. Reason and Didier drank their coffee slowly together. "It's a tad hot."

  "Yes, it is hot, so don't burn your mouth," Didier instructed.

  "Here you go boys." The waiter placed the plates down in front of them and sped away. They began to eat. Didier loved every morsel of the omelet and Reason agreed with him every time with each bite.

  "This is my favorite new restaurant, I want to come here once a week," Didier proclaimed.

  "We shall then. Be early risers on Tuesdays," Reason answered.

  "We can try everything on the menu."

  "What's the waiter' name, Stella?"

  "Yes, that's what she said."

  "I like her, she is very sweet and calls us boys."

  "I think she calls everyone boys, but yes she is sweet."

  "Her voice is raspy though, I guess it's because she's a man baby."

  "Don't say that too loud. We don't want to spoil the camouflage," Reason ordered gently.

  "I won't. Do you really think she's fooling anyone?"

  "This is a mixed crowd. I am sure the gays know she's a man."

  "Well that was delicious. I can't wait to return."

  "Tip her well then."

  "Never worry about that. I was a waiter one summer before I went off to college."

  "I never heard this story before."

  "Yes it was at a steakhouse, only men waiters, very nice indeed. I made great tips most of the time. Then there were those who we all avoided, the very bad tippers, and they were the most demanding."

  "I bet you can tell me some stories."

  "Yes, one day I will. Shall we have one more cup of coffee?"

  "I am game. Do you think Catherine is up?"

  "She usually gets up before I do. She might have slept in. Colbert is good company for her."

  "Yes I miss Colbert."

  "I'm here."

  "You are not Colbert."

  "You can only miss her when you're alone," Didier teased.

  "I have been so preoccupied that I have not been paying her much attention."

  "Don't worry about it, she has become attached to Catherine and it's good for the both of them."

  "I guess."

  10 minutes later.

  "I am ready to go, are you?" Reason asked gently.

  "Yes I am indeed." They got up and left the café. "So I am off to work and you are going to drive up there today?"

  "Yes, Catherine and I are. We need to do this and I know it's a bit far but we are on a time limit." Didier hugged him and got in his car and drove away. Reason got into the Jag and drove back to his house to pack. He felt full and anxious. He wanted to find the Will.

  Chapitre 45

  One hour later.

  Reason was driving over to Didier's house to pick up Catherine. They would be on the road soon and Reason wanted to arrive before dark. He pulled into the driveway and got out, Colbert was inside at the living room window looking out, and she apparently heard the Jag drive up. Reason could see her staring at him. As he walked up to the door, she disappeared and when he opened it, she was there staring up at him.

  "Good morning, Colbert. How are you this morning?" Colbert waved her tail and put her paw up, she wanted some attention from her master. Reason sat down on a bench near the front door and started to caress Colbert, who had followed him wagging her tail. Reason rubbed her belly and she laid down on her back and let him rub her some more. This was her favorite thing to do. She would get excited and jump up and run down the hall and then run back. He watched her do this a couple times and then Catherine came calling, "What's all the commotion so early in the morning?"

  "It's just Colbert and I, Catherine. She's very frisky this morning."

  "Yes, I can hear that. She must have slept well last night to have so much energy."

  "I am not sure what gets her excited like this, but I am glad it's not every day. I think I'll feed her or have you already done that?"

  "Yes, I feed her this morning."

  "Maybe she wants to go out. Come Colbert, let's go let you out," Reason got up and led her to the back door, and opened it, Colbert tore out of there in a flash. "I thought she wanted to go out," Reason remarked as he went back to find Catherine who was in her room.

  "Are you all packed?"

  "As much as possible. This trip is making me nervous, what if we do find the Will?"

  "Then I suppose you will be the owner of a winery." Reason said matter-of-factly.

  "I don't know if I want to live there. It's so far from Didier."

  "We can cross that bridge when we arrive at it, until then let's not worry. After all, you don't have to live in the house."

  "That's true," Catherine said glibly.

  "Let's get out of here, I am anxious as well."

  Chapitre 46

  4 hours later.

  "They drove up to the small hotel and stopped the car. "Your Jaguar is so lovely to drive in. It sure made the trip seem shorter than the last time," Catherine said as she got out.

  "The more times you drive to a place, the shorter it seems to get. I was amazed at how quickly we arrived, even with stopping for a quick bite to eat."

  "I took a nap as soon as we finished that delicious lunch and here we are."

  "Let's check in first and then get our luggage," Reason suggested.

  "Fine with me," Catherine agreed. They went in and checked in at the front desk. The clerk was a young man who was very polite and spoke softly. The hotel was more like a motel, but that didn't bother Reason. The bed and breakfast was all booked up.

  This place reminded Reason of Psycho and thought it to be very quaint. There was a garden that made you feel more like home as you walked between the two buildings that faced each other. "I am number 7 and you're 9, so you should be right next to me," Reason said.

  "Here I am. This place is so cute, I love the garden here and I hear a fountain down there."

  "We can explore it after we get our luggage, I saw a bell mans ca
rt in the lobby. I just wanted to see the room and make sure the bed was not hard. Reason unlocked his door and to his surprise the room looked like a bed and breakfast more than a hotel.

  "Oh look at this," Reason said, "It's very cute indeed. There was a four poster bed of mahogany with a dresser that matched. In the corner stood a tall mirror that looked a bit more contemporary. The bathroom was large and had a moderne feel to it. The lamps were of the tiffany period and the draperies were thick and velvety.

  "Oh my what have we stumbled upon Reason. This place is adorable. Did you know that it was going to be like this?"

  "Not a clue that it would be. I just thought it would be a run of the mill hotel. I do like it. The bed looks soft and inviting."

  "I can't wait to see my room. Come with me," Catherine headed for her room. She unlocked the door and to her surprise the room had completely different furniture in it, but of the same style. "This is something else. I love it," Catherine remarked.

  "Yes not exactly the same furniture, but in the same period. We shall have a good nights' rest. Let me go get the luggage."

  "I will help," Catherine said as she followed Reason.

  "We can unpack and then go eat a good hearty meal."

  "That sounds fine to me."

  "We can turn in early and read."'

  "I brought 2 books," Catherine exclaimed.

  "I have one as well. Let's see, here's the bell man's cart." The clerk was not at the front desk and the place felt quiet. They pushed the cart out to the car and noticed there were cars in the lot.

  "Did you notice how quiet it was in the lobby?"

  "I was paying attention to the quiet."

  "It felt a bit odd."

  "Are you going to have a vision?"

  "I was thinking about that myself. I wonder if when we go back to the house I might see something. It would help us out." Reason took the luggage from the trunk and placed it

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