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Page 6

by Helene Gadot

  I want to punch him right in the dick for the way he made my nightingale hurt.

  If he can’t even find it in himself to act like a decent Arcane when I’m covered in blood from countless wounds, I can’t imagine he’s any kinder in better circumstances.

  The damn horse has me upset and shaking more than what the doctor put me through. I’m almost grateful to the bastard for taking my mind off it. I hate how I can think of plenty of searing responses now that I’m away from him and the situation. I can never think of the right thing to say in the moment, instead I always stumble over my words or sink into myself and try not to let any of their barbs burrow beneath my skin to torture me later.

  Tahira keeps glancing over at me in concern, but I pretend not to notice, not wanting to discuss it with my other mate in here. It’s really bad luck he was assigned the kitchens. We’ll spend so many hours together here which is not the best situation for trying to ignore the mate bonds.

  And he seems kinder, which already has my nightingale perking up in interest, wanting someone to soothe her injured feelings.

  It’s only been an hour and we’re already struggling to keep our attention off of each other. Every time I lose the battle and glance over at him, he’s already watching me, his green eyes dark and serious and unreadable, but each of his movements fluid and sensual.

  Damn incubus.

  Even cut off from his powers, clad in an ill-fitting and hideous uniform, slicing vegetables, he still radiates lust and passion.

  Attraction flares in my belly and my nightingale coos, thinking he’s even more appealing than the unicorn. Her feathers are still ruffled over the dick.

  Maybe it’s a good thing Sterling is acting like he is. It makes it easier to resist.

  I frown as I punch down the dough with a little too much force, frustration releasing with each strike.

  This life is killing me slowly. I try to remember a time when darkness wasn’t all I could see, when I still had hope for what the future might bring.

  No matter how much my nightingale might believe it, these males can’t save us. They can’t even save themselves.

  This is all we have, all we’ll ever have.

  We tried to have more once, to believe in salvation and love.

  And then that prick guard took my mate and killed him, leaving me empty and cold and hopeless.

  It’s too late to save me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  THE THREE OF US AREN’T given any privacy or barely any time together until we’re led to a hatch in the ground and shoved down a set of stone steps, locked underground. My vampire is relieved we’re not caged out in the elements, just waiting for the sun to rise and sap our energy, but this isn’t much better.

  My eyes widen as we search for an open spot to claim as our own, ignoring the curiosity and glares shot our way.

  This place is insane. The guards may leave us be, but they also don’t send anyone down to keep order.

  Nothing has gotten too ugly yet, but when you treat us like animals and then throw us into a pit, I can’t imagine everyone remains on their best behavior.

  Whoever built this place did a better job than I expected when we were plunged down here. I half-expected to just end up in a dirt hole, everyone shoving and fighting for any little corner, stinking of filth.

  But there are some actual walls creating cells for each prisoner or small group of them. A lot of the Arcanes here are sharing, probably to combat the cold and loneliness. And they’ve made the effort to keep things as clean as they can.

  The dirt hallway leads so deep into the dark I can’t see the end. It probably goes as long as the prison camp topside.

  We find an empty cell not too far from the entrance, filthy and dark with two buckets inside. I assume one for water and one for relieving ourselves.

  How charming.

  The three of us stand there in the center of the space like assholes, searching for a single blanket or anything to sleep on or under. Guess we’ll be using each other for warmth.

  Not like we haven’t cuddled up together dozens of times.

  The torches outside are the only thing casting the slightest bit of light into the small space.

  There are three walls giving us a little separation from everyone else, but we’ll need to figure out something for a door.

  Those trapped down here have created more privacy with walls and doors made out of scrapped wood, twigs, stained cloths, dried mud and grass.

  It’s not exactly a palace or even a cozy cabin in the trees, but not quite as horrible as I feared. They could’ve forced us into something a lot worse. Especially those awful cages up there, where barely conscious Arcanes are locked up.

  I’m actually surprised they didn’t. As cruel as they are up there, why allow this? Why allow us to gather together unsupervised and improve what little they provided? There’s no logic.

  Granted, there’s no logic in anything the humans do when it comes to Arcanes. Their hatred and jealousy for us defies all common sense. Making who we are illegal is insane. We didn’t steal the power. We didn’t take anything from them. They have no idea how difficult being Arcane can be.

  Needing a constant blood supply to survive? Being weakened by the sun? Not exactly fun. The supernatural speed and strength is nice, but it’s not exactly an equal trade. All shifters can do is turn into an animal with their own slightly superior senses and strength.

  Mages are really the only one with any true power, and most of them have to study for decades before they can do much more than a few simple spells.

  Humans fear us for nothing.

  Most of us just want to live our lives and find our mates and be left alone.

  Instead, I’m stuck here with my mate and can’t claim her.

  Not only will her other mates kill me if I try, she’s not interested either.

  “Are you sure she wasn’t just saying it to save face?” I ask, unable to believe Gavyn.

  I barely agree with our reasons for ignoring the bond, and I can admit it’s a damn valid reason.

  Gavyn shakes his head. “No. She looked relieved.”

  Sterling shrugs. “Same for when she told me. She has no desire to give into the bond.”

  “Do you think it’s fear over what might happen to her and us if we’re discovered?” I can’t let it go and neither can my vampire.

  Maybe it makes me an arrogant prick, but I don’t give a fuck.

  Why doesn’t she want us?

  Sterling growls. “Who cares? It makes all of this easier. We don’t have to worry about her following us around with sad eyes, begging us to save her.”

  I swear he’s more grizzly bear than unicorn. Something is seriously wrong with him. The guy has never met a joke before.

  I’m not even sure if he smiles.

  And I’ve known him for a decade.

  “But we are going to get her out of here, right?” I ask. “We’re not going to just abandon her when we leave.”

  I can’t do that.

  No way.

  Sterling shrugs. “We can’t take her with us. She may be better off staying.”

  Gavyn shakes his head so hard, his brown bangs flop across his eyes, giving him a sexy, rakish look. “Absolutely not. We’ll get her out, and take her somewhere safe before we move on with the mission. That friend of hers can come too so they’ll have each other.”

  “Which one? The old mage or the pup jinn who wants to mate her?” I hope he’s not talking about the jinn.

  He can stay here and take his chances on his own.

  I got to know him a little since I was assigned the mines where he works as well and he seems like a decent fellow, but he’s protective and possessive over her, refusing to impart the slightest information.

  Gavyn shoots me a dry look. “Both. Taking a couple extra won’t hurt and it may even help us. It’ll split their attention. This isn’t where we’re supposed to be anyway, so the plan’s already changed.�

  “We’re not going anywhere if Dara doesn’t find us.” Sterling, the damn grump points out.

  Gavyn scowls. “She’s strong. She will. We just might be here longer than expected.”

  I groan. “How long?”

  This place is already on my last nerve.

  And it’s only been a day.

  “Hopefully only a couple weeks.”

  Ugh, that’s way too long. Gross.

  I don’t know if I’ll make it that long without murdering someone.

  “If we’re taking her with us, shouldn’t we actually have a conversation with her and let her know the plan?” I ask.

  We can’t just kidnap her without a warning.

  Gavyn shakes his head. “Not until Dara reaches out. No need in getting her hopes up if it fails.”

  Sterling is the one who breaks first, sinking to the floor and leaning against the wall furthest from the buckets. “We shouldn’t tell her anything until right before we’re escaping. That way she can’t ruin it by spilling the news to our captors. They’ve had her since birth, we can’t trust her. She may have some loyalty to them. She certainly isn’t a fighter.”

  Gavyn grimaces. “I hate to say it, but Sterling’s right. It’s not her fault, of course. But who knows? She may not want to leave.”

  “Are you sure we should keep our distance?” I hold my hands up when they both start cursing their protest. “Hang on. I don’t mean mate with her. But I don’t see why we shouldn’t get to know her. See what kind of person she is. See if she is trustworthy.”

  We can’t just assume she’s a traitor because humans raised her. Especially since we know what the humans have done to her.

  Sterling scowls, his fists clenching on top of his knees. “What’s the point? We’ll get her out and safe, but that’s where our responsibility ends. No matter if she’s trustworthy or not, she’s not strong enough to help with the resistance. And it would be cruel to drag her into it after the shit she goes through here. The last thing she needs or probably wants is more danger.”

  Gavyn finally stops curling his lip at the state of this disgusting room and perches his precious ass carefully on the floor next to Sterling. “Look, if we make it through this to the other side, we can always find her again. If you want then we can reassess the mating.”

  I sigh, not thrilled with the idea, but their arguments against the bond are sound. The memory of her screams still gives me chills. She deserves a safe and hidden place to heal and grow and get to know the real world.

  She definitely doesn’t need the pain and danger and fear we’d carry her straight to if we bring her back to the resistance. She also doesn’t deserve being bonded and then having them ripped away if the three of us get killed in this war. We experienced an echo of what it would feel like and that’s with the connection brand new and unfinished.

  They’re right.

  It’s better this way.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I PLOP MY ASS ON THE floor next to Gavyn, leaning my head back against the nasty wall. Whenever we get out of here I’m finding the closest hot spring and submerging myself for at least three hours.

  We’re going to need to scrape the grime off once we’re finished here. I’m not yet desperate enough to brave that suspicious bucket of water in the corner, but I probably will be in another couple days.

  Sterling peeks around Gavyn to frown at me. “You need to feed again. There’s no way you got enough earlier and with the type of work you’re doing in the mines, you’re going to need all the strength you can get.”

  My throat burns at the reminder. “Yes, but I don’t want to sap you two of strength to save myself.”

  Gavyn shakes his head. “With the lust your bite causes both you and the person you’re biting, it strengthens me too. Sterling’s the one who gets nothing out of it.”

  I glare at the incubus, a little offended. “Excuse you, I think he at least gets a little pleasure from the experience.”

  Gavyn rolls his eyes. “You know what I mean.”

  Sterling huffs. “You two both need as much strength as you can get in this place. You’ll just have to protect my weak ass.”

  I turn to gape at the surly unicorn. “Did you just crack a joke? Are you trying to turn me on?”

  He never jokes.

  I’m actually a little aroused.

  Sterling scowls. “Fuck off. Or I’ll make Gavyn feed you again.”

  It’s not the safest idea to feed from Gav twice in one day. Especially when we’re all so sapped of strength and cut off from our Arcane powers.

  He needs a chance to recharge.

  Gavyn will be able to get something out of me feeding from Sterling. He may not be able to cause lust, but he can certainly gain energy from it.

  If we can ignore the completely unromantic surroundings. I’m not feeling quite as desperate as I was this morning, so it’s going to take a little more to get me in the mood.

  Sterling reaches across Gavyn and grabs my arm, tugging me over to him. “I’m not giving you any foreplay, vampire and I don’t need it either. Just take what you need.”

  I wink at him as I get myself settled between his legs. “Sexy.”

  Sterling shakes his head with a sigh, staring at me through hooded purple eyes. “I’d tell Gavyn to make you blow your load in your pants if he had access to his powers right now.”

  I lean closer to him, our lips only a breath apart. “You say that like it’d be a bad thing.”

  “I might just kiss you to shut you up, fool.” There’s a warning tone in the unicorn’s voice.

  A sly grin curls my lips as I trail them up his neck to nip at his ear. “Try me, horsey.”

  A burst of fury slams through my chest at the collar ringing his neck, blocking him from his powers, but I shove the emotion away for now, focusing on pleasure.

  His chest rumbles and his fingers slide down my back and dig into my ass, rubbing us against each other.

  Gavyn groans next to us, his hand clutching at my thigh.

  Good. He’s feeding.

  My turn.

  Straddling Sterling completely, I dip my head and slide my teeth into the spot below his collarbone.

  He lets out a grunted curse, his body curling up into mine.

  Heat builds between us as his sweet and pure tasting blood fills my mouth. He tastes completely different from Gavyn. Where the incubus has a dark and seductive flavor, like chocolate and wine and silk sheets, the unicorn has a fruitier tang, one that reminds me of summers lying in berry fields, stealing fruit from the vine.

  I want to know what my nightingale tastes like.

  I want to know what she feels like trapped between us, mouth gaping and neck tilted in pleasure.

  If she were here, would she be horrified to see the three of us indulging in blood and desire, or would she moan at the sight, wanting to join us?

  My dick hardens even more at the picture in my mind of her bare with my fang marks covering her gorgeous body.

  One more pull from Sterling, and my thirst is quenched enough to last me a few days or possibly even more as long as I’m not forced to spend too much time in the sun or I don’t end up beaten and losing the precious blood now coursing through my veins.

  I lick the wounds on Sterling’s skin, smiling when he shudders. He releases my ass and I glide from his lap, collapsing between the two of them, Gavyn so close I end up half in his lap.

  The three of us breathe hard, lust still pounding strong through us, with no release in sight.

  While none of us are against enjoying each other to completion when the mood strikes or one of us needs to feed, this isn’t the best circumstance.

  With unspoken agreement, we leave it at just a feeding this time. With our mate right down the hall, after almost experiencing her die, our filthy surroundings, with the hundreds of ears and noses down here with us, none of us are really in the mood.

  I check on Sterling, making sure I didn’t
take too much, but he flicks me off.

  “I’m fine.”

  I relax back into the wall, but double check. “You didn’t tap on me like you normally do.”

  He shrugs. “Because you didn’t take enough. I know my threshold. We’ve done this enough times in the past.”

  I got so swept away, I was worried I didn’t pay close enough attention. “I’m just trying to be careful. You don’t heal with these blasted collars on.”

  “I know. You’re sure you don’t need more?”

  “I’m sure. I feel great. Best I have in days. Gavyn?” I turn to the incubus.

  A slow smile spreads across his face. “Oh, the two of you put off enough to keep me going for days.”

  A relieved chuckle falls from my lips. “Good.”

  I wish there was a way to help Sterling, but the most we can do is keep an eye on him while we’re trapped here. Thankfully, he’s strong as hell in his own right even without shifter power.

  I learned a long time ago not to underestimate him.

  He used to get so much shit for being a unicorn as a kid, he turned that rage into turning himself into as powerful a tool as possible.

  I’ve seen him snap the neck of an Arcane even bigger than him with barely any effort. It was somehow one of the hottest and terrifying sights I’ve ever seen in my life.

  Everyone here will learn soon enough not to poke at the angry unicorn. I rather look forward to watching him teach these prick guards a lesson or two.

  Especially the ones who had a hand in my mate’s torture today.

  Music captures my attention and I perk up with surprise and interest. I scoot across the room we claimed as ours and peek out the doorway we’ll have to figure out something for tomorrow.

  Everything’s dark and shadowy, only a few torches lighting up the place, but the music isn’t too far from our cell. It’s beautiful and haunting, making my throat thicken with emotions I don’t feel like dealing with.

  Then a voice begins to sing.

  One I somehow recognize even though all I’ve heard is her scream.

  Chapter Nineteen


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