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The Beastly Earl

Page 16

by Monica Burns

  “As I recall, you asked me to remind you never to enter into a wager with me again.”

  “A request I’m deeply regretting at the moment.” The dark seduction in his voice made her body tighten in response.

  “If I agreed to give you a head start, Louisa, would that make you reconsider?”

  “If you gave me a head start, you would lose just as you did the last time.”

  Although she tried to keep her voice steady, she failed. Ewan maneuvered Lachlan closer and leaned toward her until there were mere inches between them. The heat of him washed over her as she inhaled the fresh scent of evergreen and leather. It was a heady aroma that tightened her body, most notably the spot between her legs that had begun to ache with a need for satisfaction.

  “I have no intention of losing especially as I will demand a kiss as my prize,” he murmured. Like a piece of soft velvet, his voice caressed her senses, and a tremor of excitement skimmed across her skin. Louisa swallowed the knot that had formed in her throat.

  “I…I don’t think—”

  “For a woman who continually challenges me with regard to Ross, your reluctance to accept a small wager surprises me. Unless of course, you know you’ll lose.” The laughter in his voice made her stiffen in the saddle.

  “I would not lose,” she snapped as she turned her head to glare at him.

  Satisfaction settled on his scarred features as a wicked smile curved his lips. The air in her lungs disappeared as she saw the fire in his gaze. Her heart began to race at how quickly her impulsive tongue was sending her down such a dangerous path. She quickly shook her head, but he’d already looked away to pull a pocket watch from inside the vest beneath his coat.

  “We’ll race to the tree line. I’ll give you a three-minute head start.”

  “But I didn’t…”

  “Agree to a wager?” His blue-gray gaze met hers as a wicked smile slowly curved his mouth. “Aye, but you did, my bonnie lass. Are you trying to renege on our bet?”

  Louisa’s heartbeat quickened it’s already fast pace. There were only two choices available to her. The first meant admitting she was afraid of losing. While a Rockwood was a gracious loser, they never walked away from a challenge. The second was following a reckless path to a destination she found far more exciting than she should.

  For not the first time in her life, she cursed the trait that had earned her family the infamous reputation for being reckless. A small sound escaped her as she met his glittering gaze. Knowing she couldn’t possibly back away from a challenge, Louisa pressed her leg into Morag’s side. Startled by the hard nudge, the mare bolted forward, and Louisa heard Ewan utter an exclamation of surprise.

  He’d not yet opened his pocket watch, and the delay would add several seconds to the handicap he’d agreed to give her. She quickly silenced the laughter in the back of her head at the idea Morag could outrun Lachlan even with a generous head start. If she were to make even a respectable showing, she would need every one of those seconds to win.

  As she raced past the wagon, she heard the boys shouting as they suddenly realized there was a race happening. The tree line seemed a great distance away, and she leaned forward with her cheek almost pressed against the mare’s neck. The wind had picked up, and a sharp gust tugged her hat off her head.

  “Blast,” she muttered as she urged the mare to go faster.

  Beneath her, Morag’s hooves pounded the ground as the mare increased the pace. For what seemed like forever, the forest was a stretch of indistinguishable green. Suddenly the tree line began to take shape more clearly. She could now see the evergreen bushes clumped together in various spots along the edge of the forest.

  As she drew closer to the large expanse of woods, Morag’s ears flicked back just before Louisa heard Lachlan behind her. The stallion’s hooves were hitting the ground hard, which meant Ewan was pushing the horse. Louisa urged the mare to go faster, thinking there might still be a chance to win the race. Despite her urging, Morag began to flag, and the moment Lachlan raced past them, Louisa eased up on the mare.

  It was pointless to push the horse any further knowing she couldn’t win the race. Instead, she slowed Morag to a slow canter then a walk. When she reached the edge of the forest, Ewan had already dismounted and was walking Lachlan in a circle. She gently pulled Morag to a stop, and Ewan arched his eyebrow as a small smile of triumph tilted the corners of his mouth. Excitement swept thorough her. Perhaps losing might not have been a bad thing after all. Appalled by the audacious thought, she quickly threw her leg over the pommel and started to slide off the horse.

  Ewan reached her before she was halfway to the ground. His good arm wrapped around her waist to pull her into his chest before setting her down in front of him. He didn’t release her for a moment, and she thought he was about to kiss her right then and there. Instead, he glanced back to where the wagon was.

  The small smile still curving his mouth didn’t fade as he ushered her to the opposite side of Lachlan so they were hidden from view. Overhead, a screech filled the air, and they both looked up at the sound. A red kite soared high above, its wings dipped from back and forth as it rode the wind. Ewan turned his attention back to her to study her intently. Several locks of hair had escaped the knot at the back of her neck, and Ewan wrapped one of them around his forefinger.

  “Your hair is the soft brown color of a kite’s feathers.” His words sent a heat wave up over her cheeks, and his gaze darkened with an emotion that made her stomach lurch in a pleasant way. “You blush like a schoolgirl every time I give you a compliment.”

  “I do not,” she exclaimed as her cheeks burned even hotter. His soft laugh made her heart race as his finger released the lock of hair and his thumb pressed down on her lower lip. “I believe my prize was a kiss.”

  His voice was a soft caress against her senses, and she swallowed hard. Unable to speak, she simply nodded. Desire settled on his face as his smile faded, and he slowly lowered his head. Breathlessly, she trembled as his lips brushed over first one corner of her mouth and then the other. A moment later his mouth lightly teased hers.

  The caress made her heartbeat quicken with anticipation, and she took a small step forward to return his kiss. Hands splayed open against his chest, the low growl rumbling out of him vibrated against her fingertips. Excitement spiraled and slid its way through her body leaving behind a molten heat that warmed her from the inside out.

  It had been a long time since a desire of this strength had assaulted her senses, and she reveled in the sensations engulfing her. All her times with Devin had been warm, loving, and passionate, but this was a different kind of passion. It ignited a fire inside her belly that threatened to consume her at any moment. The instant the hard steel of his metal arm pulled her deeper into his embrace she went eagerly.

  In a sensual, provocative movement, his tongue slid along the seam of her lips until her mouth parted. Their tongues danced together in an imitation of a carnal act her body had begun to cry out for with a fervency that made her tremble in his embrace. Her arms slid up to encircle his neck so she could slide her fingers through his thick, sable hair.

  The crisp Scottish air mingled with his masculine scent, and it teased her nose as she breathed him in. It was an aroma that brought her senses to a fevered pitch. The faint taste of gooseberry jam from breakfast lingered in his mouth as she matched the passion of his kiss. With her hips pressed deep into his, she could feel his hard, thick length against her thigh.

  Dear God, she wanted more than just this kiss. It had been so long since she’d been touched intimately, and until now, she hadn’t realized how much she’d missed being held tight and caressed. Lost in the heady sensation of his embrace, her hips moved against his erection in a silent invitation she desperately wanted him to accept. A dark groan rumbled in his chest. It pulsated its way into her fingertips and then her blood to increase the fire streaking through her veins. Every inch of her taut with need, she released a soft moan as his mouth cont
inued to tease and tempt hers.

  Chapter 10

  Rosebuds. She smelled like a soft, sweet rosebud just before it opened. His tongue swirled around hers, and her fiery response made his cock stiffen. A soft mewl feathered its way past her lips. It was a sound of passion and need. Immediately his body tightened with a demand that had him on the brink of laying her down in the grass and pleasuring her body with his.

  The thought pulled a groan out of him. As if her mind was in sync with his, her thigh shifted against his cock in a silent, feminine sign of acquiescence. He couldn’t remember the last time a woman had aroused him to the point of throwing caution to the wind. Her mouth tasted hot and sweet beneath his, and his heart slammed against his chest at the thought of burying himself between her legs.

  Desire surged through him at the image, and if possible, his cock stretched and tightened further beneath his kilt. He wanted to explore every soft curve of her body. He was certain her skin would be silky smooth against his hand.

  A sudden sense of danger pierced through the desire engulfing him. The excited voices of the children made him lift his head and stare down at her. Hazel eyes fluttered open, and her heart-shaped face was soft with a sultry desire that made him drag in a harsh breath. Passion had made her skin glow, while the slumberous look in her eyes made him curse the fact they weren't alone. The sound of laughter grew louder, and her eyes widened in dismay.

  “Those lips of yours have the power to drive a man to madness, mo leannan.”

  The pink flush cresting over her cheeks made him capture her mouth again in one last, hard kiss before he stepped away from her. In the back of his head he heard the clanging of bells alerting him to a danger far greater than just the approaching children.

  It wasn’t just her lips he found intoxicating. Everything about Louisa Morehouse made him want to do something he knew would be a mistake. Ewan turned back to Lachlan to retrieve the hat he’d snatch up off the ground. When he turned around and offered it to her, Louisa’s eyes widened in surprise then frowned in disappointment.

  “You stopped to pick it up? That means I didn’t even come close to winning.” The despondency in her voice made him laugh.

  “No, lass, I slowed Lachlan down just enough to reach down and pick it up off the ground. I would not have jeopardized losing my prize for a hat.”

  Another wave of pink darkened her cheeks as she met his gaze then looked down at the hat to brush some invisible dirt off the crown. Her pleased expression reduced the raw, burning skin on the end of his stump to a minor discomfort.

  “Well, thank you for retrieving it. It’s my favorite hat. I would have been sad to lose it.”

  “Mama, Mama.” Louisa’s youngest boy ducked under Lachlan’s head to stand between the two of them. “Did you see the way his lordship rode his horse? He hung down between Lachlan’s legs without stopping and picked up your hat.”

  Louisa’s eyes widened as she looked at him in dismay. Before she could speak, Wills tugged on Ewan’s sleeve.

  “Will you teach me how to ride like that, my lord?” At her son’s request, Louisa gasped with alarm.

  “You will most certainly not be learning how to ride a horse in that fashion.”

  “I had years of riding experience before I learned how to do that trick, lad,” Ewan said with a shake of his head. His gaze met Louisa’s whose dismay had become disapproval.

  “Why would you risk harming yourself like that?” she chastised him in the same tone of voice he’d heard her use with the children. “It’s just a hat.”

  “A hat you said was your favorite.”

  “Well yes, but I don’t love it enough for you to risk life and limb to save it.”

  Louisa’s scolding sent a rush of pleasure surging through him. She was far too forthright to chide his actions without feeling concern for his safety. The glare she leveled at him was fierce, and he choked back a laugh at her attempt to intimidate him. Before she could chastise him again, Ross and Charlie came bounding around the horses.

  Both boys stared at him in awe, and he winced. It had been a mistake to retrieve Louisa’s hat in the way he had. Although the pain inflicted by his artificial limb had been worth witnessing Louisa’s pleasure, he’d failed to consider the reaction of the boys.

  “My lord, that was splendid. Would you teach us how to do that?”

  “Yes, Father, would you?”

  At Ross’s question, Ewan’s body tightened with tension. His decision to publicly accept the boy as his own was one thing. But his recent decision to treat the boy more kindly didn’t make it easier to accept the boy calling him father. Before he could reply to the child, Louisa shook her head.

  “Even if Lord Argaty agreed to do so, and he won’t,” Louisa said emphatically as she glanced in his direction with a look that said he would regret going against her edict. “I wouldn’t allow any of you boys to do something so dangerous.”

  Their faces dark with disappointment at Louisa’s fierce declaration, the boys stood silently in front of her scuffing the ground with their shoes. A frown of helplessness furrowed her brow as she glanced in his direction. Her silent request for support made him clear his throat as Finn joined the group to lead Lachlan and Morag to the wagon and tie off their reins.

  “Am I correct in thinking we’re here to find a Christmas tree?” His statement made the boys straighten upright, their disappointment forgotten as their heads bobbed with excitement. Ewan turned his head toward Louisa. “I suppose you have an idea as to the size tree you’d like?”

  “I think one a bit taller than your height would do nicely. The main hall is capable of holding a much larger one, but I think it might be a bit much,” she said with a smile.

  “But Mama,” Charlie exclaimed. “We’ve always had a tall tree at Christmas.”

  “Your uncles aren’t here to help, Charlie.”

  Tension made the muscles in Ewan’s face harden and a hard jolt of disappointment rocked through him. The idea of Louisa taking pity on him for his physical impairments cut deeper than he wanted to admit.

  “I think Finn and I, could easily manage a larger tree,” he said tersely.

  At his abrasive tone, Louisa tipped her head slightly to one side to study him for a brief moment before her gaze narrowed with indignation. With a deliberate, pointed look at his artificial limb, she glared at him in disgust.

  “Considering I hardly qualify as being slender or lightweight, your recent demonstration of strength in carrying me up a flight of stairs is more than enough evidence of your ability to handle a large tree, my lord,” she snapped. Louisa emphasized her formality as she stepped forward to poke his chest hard with one finger. “Apparently, I’m the only one considering the dangers associated with a tall tree. Reaching a large tree’s top boughs requires a ladder. That in turn requires one person to hold the ladder while another person stands at the ready to prevent calamity, and these boys are quite sturdy in size. I am not a weakling Lord Argaty, but there are limitations to my strength.”`

  Icicles could not have been as cold and sharp as her voice. It was obvious he’d offended her deeply at the unspoken implication she’d made her decision as to the height of the tree out of pity. Regret made him grimace at the silent judgement he’d laid on her.

  “Mama, please don’t be angry with Lord Argaty,” Wills said softly as he tugged on Louisa’s skirts. He stared up at his mother with a pleading look before swinging his gaze back to Ewan. “His lordship and Ross haven’t decorated a tree before, have you my lord?”

  “You’re right, my darling. I forgot that,” Louisa murmured as contrition replaced her anger, and she bent to kiss her son’s cheek. When she straightened, she met his gaze squarely. “My lord…I'm sorry, and I regret losing my temper.”

  “You were right to take offense. I should not have been so quick to judge.”

  He clenched his teeth at the way her eyes still sparkled with anger. With each passing second, he was realizing just how badly he’d insult
ed her. Ewan turned his head toward the boys who were watching the exchange with confusion and more than a bit of concern. Finn had rejoined them carrying an axe in one hand and a two-handed saw in the other.

  “Finn, you know what we’re looking for. Lead the way.”

  “Aye, my lord.”

  Needing no other urging, the boys charged out in front of the stable hand and into the woods. With a light touch of Louisa’s elbow, he gestured toward the trees.

  “Shall we?” At his quiet words, she nodded without looking at him.

  The silence between them was awkward as they followed the boys and Finn into the forest. They’d only gone a short distance when Louisa drew in a quiet breath and released it.

  “I truly am sorry I allowed my temper to get the best of me…Ewan.” The slight stumble she made before saying his name made him realize again how badly he’d misjudged her.

  “I’m the one who should apologize for suggesting your choice of tree size evolved out of pity.”

  “I would never pity you,” she exclaimed softly. “If I did, I would not have…I could not…I’ve never behaved so brazenly with…with any man except, my husband.”

  Embarrassment echoed in her words as another bout of tense silence filled the space between them. As they continued to move forward, Ewan remembered how passionately she’d kissed him such a short time ago. Even the first time he’d tasted her lips in his study her response had been unrestrained.

  Her reaction on both occasions was hardly that of a woman worried about his physical impairments. His jaw tightened at what that might mean. Ewan turned his head to see she was looking straight ahead.

  “It appears I must apologize, ” he said quietly. She had no doubt expected a chaste kiss. “I took advantage—”


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