Rogue Mates (Lunar Carnevale Book 1)

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Rogue Mates (Lunar Carnevale Book 1) Page 3

by Iris Sword

  The omega either missed it or ignored it, gritting out, “Rodolfo you piece of shit!”

  “...You have the trashy mouth of a lowborn, but it fits you, I suppose. I am Fernando del Nox V, leader of the Royal Warpack Nox of the Ostanan Empire. You will call me alpha, or Fernando, whichever you prefer...Rodolfo.” Nox waited for a response, ignoring the way Rodolfo’s nipples perked up when he said his name, brushing against Nox’s chest.

  “...If you think I’m going to get on my knees and spread my cheeks for you, you’ve got another thing coming,” Rudolfo said after another strained silence, eyes melting back to their natural dark brown hue.

  “...Of course I do! I’m barely keeping myself from throwing you to the ground this instant and filling your filthy mouth and dripping hole. As is my birthright, omega. Now, get on your knees and display your gratitude that I, a noble-born alpha, would want the likes of you.” Nox flinched as he ended his rant, not familiar with the person he was in front of him. He never threw around his birthright and title like that, yet he felt he had to in front of Rudolfo.

  Most likely because he is being so obtuse and combative, Nox convinced himself, as he reached out to roll Rudolfo’s nipple with his thumb, taking his own cock into his hand again, pumping slowly. The omega responded by whimpering, but this time through hooded eyes and panting lips. He was beginning to enjoy himself, to let down his defenses. Whether it be from his pheromones or his realization of his position, Nox didn’t care. All that mattered was that he bent over and took him in before he exploded into his hand like a cub experiencing his first heat alone.

  “Please…” Nox changed tactics again, pleading not above him if it meant finding release. It seemed to do the trick. Rudolfo sunk back down to his knees, staring up at Nox who cupped his chin. He toyed with the tip of his cock with his tongue, eyes uncertain, Rudolfo’s own erection bobbing midair as he played with himself.

  Interesting, Nox thought, he’s more experienced than I would have thought.

  “If this is your pitiful idea of a blowjob, I’d rather you just turn around and raise your ass,” Nox barked, again coming off much cruder than he meant to be. But, it seemed to do the trick. Rudolfo did as he asked, spinning around, lifting his ass, and parting his cheeks for him. A shiver ran up Nox’s spine as he took a knee and positioned his penis at his entrance. Nox’s nails dug into his ripe cheeks, thrusting forward to claim what was his with abandon. But Rudolfo stopped him, pulling himself forward, crying out once more again in pain. Confused, Nox realigned the tip and pressed forward, carefully, gently, aware of what went wrong instantly as the tightness of his heat strangled Nox’s swollen cock.

  “A virgin?” Nox was surprised and all at once thrilled. He would be Rodolfo’s first and his last. In turn, Rodolfo would be his last. Nox couldn’t imagine another mate other than him. Luna would come to understand. Their bond was unusual anyway; they both knew it even though it went unsaid. An alpha should be with an omega, their omega. It was the natural order of things...

  “Relax, Rudolfo, or you’ll tear…” Nox grunted, pulled from his thoughts, the tightness now painful on his engorged shaft. He barely had an inch inside of his omega for the first time, and neither of them would find any pleasure if he continued shoving his way in. So, he pulled out, regretting their lost connection instantly.

  “What are you doing!?” Rudolfo whimpered as Nox parted his tanned cheeks and lowered his face to his weeping hole. Nox’s eyes flicked up, grinning as his tongue entered him. Rudolfo howled. Nox’s tongue flicked up and down before pressing forward, deeper and deeper, eating his fill. He added a finger, and then another until the omega was sufficiently stretched. Nox pulled out with a wet pop, and plunged back in with his cock, not giving him time to think, only to feel. It was enough, as this time Nox sunk in easily, his thrusts met with no resistance and only the slapping of their bodies joining together as Rudolfo rocked backward with each forward thrust of his alpha. They kept up the maddening rhythm, each of them fighting for dominance in their passionate dance. Nox’s head rolled back, releasing a breathless moan as he plunged balls deep and held. He came, white hot pheromones exploding in his core, encased in the omega’s tight wet heat, chest plastered against Rudolfo’s back. Nox’s chest heaved as he finished cumming inside of Rudolfo, slapping his ass for good measure. He reached around to pump his mate’s shaft, so they could both climax, and was excited to find his stomach and cock drenched. Nox brought the tips of his fingers to his mouth and lapped up Rudolfo’s seed. He pulled out before he could swell, post-climax clarity warning him he’d get the omega pregnant. Rudolfo all but collapsed, Nox catching him and turning him onto his back as carefully as he could. Rudolfo’s chest and chin were covered in vicious white streaks, his eyes closed, lips parted, face flushed bright red. He was perfect and hopefully pregnant.

  No, Nox thought, and then threw the thought away. Why not? He was his. His to hold, his to seed, and his to breed. Why not let his cock swell inside his tight hole and fill him until Rudolfo gave him another heir? Yes, that was right, his inner wolf demanded it. Nox would see to it, sinking back inside, nestling deeper inside until his balls were plastered against Rudolfo’s bum, allowing his swollen cock to stretch Rudolfo, to lock them together and fill him up to the brim. Nox kissed his lips until he was sure they were swollen, their tongues touching, tasting, exploring as Rudolfo opened for him in more ways than one. Nox sped up, but kept his pace slow and steady, so swollen and hard that the mere movement was driving him into ecstasy.

  “I...hate you…Fernando,” Rudolfo whispered, even as he wrapped his arms around Nox in a tight embrace.

  Nox was momentarily stunned, but he shook the feeling off as quickly as it had come. It was to be expected, after all. He craned his neck so he could kiss Rudy’s eyelids, now screwed shut, and began rocking back and forth once more.

  “You don’t hate me, Rudolfo. You hate what you think I’ve done to you. I can tell… Ah! I can tell you’re proud. You don’t know your place, but that’s okay. It’s only natural, your birthright to be shielded, to be pampered, to be protected, to be dominated, and yes, to be fucked by your alpha. There’s no shame in submitting to your destiny. How you’ve lived up until this point was unnatural. Only a fool would deny what this feeling is. I know… Ah! Yes! Yes, I know you can feel it too! Just like you feel me deep inside of you! Like it or not, you are now mine. Forever... My omega… My omega, forever mine! We are fated, don’t you see. You!” Nox punctuated his last sentence with one final thrust, completely spent. He gripped Rudolfo’s throat, reared back, and hollowed. Then, his teeth were in his shoulders, biting down hard. The omega’s back arched, crying out, leaking more sticky white seed on their stomachs as he came and came and came. Then his eyes fluttered shut, his body went limp, and Nox wondered if he’d ever wake up again once his inner wolf retreated and he realized the extent of his claim.


  The hollowness he felt inside couldn’t be filled, not by the alpha’s cock, and certainly not by his empty prayers. He could’ve run. He should’ve run. And yet, he hadn’t. Worse, he submitted. Worse yet, he enjoyed it. Rudy curled into himself at the base of the Nox Warpack’s encampment. He’d slinked out from his virtual prison to get some fresh air, but couldn’t go far in his current state. So instead, he slept rough under the stars and pretended he was anywhere else but there. His sense of time was hazy at best, but Rudy knew many days had passed since he was taken by the strange noble-born alpha Fernando del Nox. When he first woke up, he found himself surrounded by a sea of unfamiliar faces. Men and women and those who could not be explained, alphas and betas, all Kin shifters. An eclectic mix anywhere else but the battlefield, where all supposedly united against the “human horde.” At least, that’s what the healer had told him as the days rolled by, his silky hands kneading away all his aches, near translucent fingertips applying just the right amount of pressure when he came in for Rudy’s daily baths and to attend to him. The albino, as
Rudy had taken to calling him, informed him that he was in fact sick, but not because of his swollen ankle. His heat had affected him adversely, worse than any omega he’d ever seen before. Rudy had insisted he wasn’t an omega and caught something during his travels. The albino stared at him with pity when he denied the obvious, but something within the depths of his glassy lavender eyes seemed to recognize there was some truth to what Rudy was saying. In fact, he wasn’t an omega, not a normal one, at least. Every healer he had seen had said as much, telling him he’d never experience heat or pregnancy with his misshapen womb and low pheromone count. It was a total mystery to Rudy how the alpha had turned him—by all accounts—from a barren beta to a bitch in heat overnight? And yet, it was true all the same, no matter how much Rudy denied it. He wasn’t an omega before Nox, but now, he was, and he hated him for it.

  He now understood why soldiers fell in love with their nurses so often. He was beginning to dread the time in between Luna’s visits, still confined to the carriage after the incident in the forest, though he was now allowed to sit outside as the anima oxen dragged him along. But no one talked to him, dared to look in his direction as the ambled onward towards the capital city. Even Nox for all his boisterous proclamations of being his fated mate kept his distance in those days. His isolation was draining. Rudy was used to being alone, especially during his travels back to the Kin’s homeland. But it was one thing to be alone and to be ostracized in the company of people who should be his allies, maybe even potential friends.

  “I should have ran…” Rudy told himself after climbing back inside his new home, slamming his fist against the wood floor of the carriage he laid in. After he was resituated inside, Rudy whined low in the back of his throat, afraid to wake up the others. He’d seen nothing but its four wooden walls for what felt like an eternity. Thinking back on that fateful night, Rudy knew deep down he wouldn’t have done anything differently even if he had a chance to repeat it all. The way the arrogant alpha looked at him felt like a dare, and Rudy refused to look weak in front of anybody, especially the cocky sonofabitch that appeared out of nowhere claiming to be his fated mate, threatening to bend him to his will. Rudy snorted at the memory, still fresh in his mind and still embedded on his tender body. He’d taken the alpha up on his threat and lost, gloriously so, to the point he was the one dripping and begging for him to stop, like he had wanted Nox to do, to bow to him.

  “Are you okay, omega?” Rudy stiffened when he heard the familiar voice. Seconds later, he was draped in a heavy blanket. Sighing, he snuggled into its warmth. A warm bed and a hot meal had always been a luxury for a half-breed like him. So, despite his reservations about being amongst the warpack under Nox’s command, he felt a sense of gratitude when he was with them then. Truth be told, even without the added issue of his sudden heat, he had felt sick for days. The pain in his ankle wouldn’t go away. And, Rudy felt a persistent pressure in his head he couldn’t pass off as a migraine. The elixirs Luna fed him helped some, but did little to address whatever his underlying illness was.

  “...The first heat is always the worst one. It will get better from here on out, especially once he marks you properly, omega…” Rudy’s whole body jolted upward as Luna’s cool hand cupped the back of his neck.

  “I’m sorry! Did I scare you?” He asked, eyes filled with genuine concern. Rudy lowered his head, afraid his eyes would give away his true emotions. He didn’t hate his touch. Far from it, he craved it, his affection and attention was something he wasn’t used to. He felt no desire to dominate radiating from his aura, only the spirit of one who truly wanted to console him. The way he let down his guard around him was a weakness, and Rudy knew it would most likely become a hindrance as they got closer to the Carnevale.

  “No… It… I didn’t expect you to come so late at night,” Rudy muttered under his breath. His delicate features and paleness made Luna appear ethereal on one hand, and ghastly on the other, like a wayward spirit in the shape of a man.

  “Are you a mystic, Luna?” Rudy asked, resisting the urge to brush away a wavy strand of white hair plastered to his forehead. He was the only Kin soldier that wore it all long, Rudy noticed.

  “No, I am a warrior the same as everyone you see here.” He flipped his hand in the direction of the sleeping wolves. Rudy found it peculiar they chose to sleep in their feral state aside from Nox, the flickering of his candlelight casting shadows within his tent just an earshot away.

  “Hmm… It’s strange. The pale ones like you, they kill them back home. Say they’re cursed by the moon. At least, that’s what Father Amosu said they used to do before King Cassian decreed they were Children of the Court, blessed and highly favored. I’ve only seen one other like you, and she was a mystic for the royal court. That’s why I asked…” Rudy trailed off as Luna’s eyes narrowed.

  “You know many things about the Human Realm, too much, really.” He pulled himself up so he could sit beside Rudy. The omega felt so big around him with his slim body and petite features. It made him self-conscious. Rudy never got self-conscious.

  “Why is that? It’s my home after all.” His eyes focused around Luna’s shoulder as Nox’s shadow stilled. He was watching them, no doubt, and was probably listening in. “Yes, my home. If not for the King, Haem Country would be overrun by Ostana’s bloodthirsty...erm…”

  “Hellhounds?” Luna sneered, a vicious, ugly sneer that marred his otherwise serene expression.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you.” Rudy scowled, ashamed.

  “You didn’t. It’s just...funny, I supposed. Our Queen contends she’s liberating the Kin trapped under Cassian’s cruel rule. And yet, you say she is but a bloodthirsty conqueress. What a difference perspective makes!” Luna laughed, holding his stomach.

  “Sorry…” He didn’t know what else to say. Kin national’s hatred of humans and those mixed with their blood was common knowledge. The last thing he needed was for his only ally to turn on him over irrational hatred. That was, if Luna was an ally at all.

  “Don’t frown like that. I’m not offended in the least, I promise you. It’s merely amusing to me in a sick, sad way how many have died for their lies.” Luna sighed.

  “Who’s lies?” Rudy asked.

  “The royal families, of course, both Kin and human.” Rudy nodded as if he understood Luna, even though he didn’t

  The topic of conversation made Rudy uncomfortable. He felt like he would slip up and say something that could very well get him killed. “Wh-why did he try to mark me? Did...Nox tell you why?”

  “You are his mate. What is there to explain?” The first words out of his mouth were a statement, but the way Luna’s voice turned up in question gave Rudy pause. He slid his hand across the wood until their fingers touched, his pale nails underneath his sharpened black claws, olive toned skin contrasting sharply against Luna’s ivory tone.

  “ smell like him. Aren’t you his mate?” Luna looked almost offended, then he chuckled, a deep, rich, sonorous sound that was music to the omega’s tired ears. Luna brought his hand to his face, knuckles brushing against Rudy’s beard. They were the only rough thing on his body, Rudy surmised, each covered in old scars and fresh cuts.

  “We are two ends of the extreme, don’t you think? Despite what you must be thinking, omega, I am an alpha. We are not the same. And I can not mate another alpha. Fuck, yes. Mate, no. I may smell like him, however…” He trailed off this time, pulling his hand away to point to Rudy’s heart, “I will never be of him. Your bond transcends reason and does not need to be explained. You are his. It’s time you realized he is yours as well.”

  “...What about you?” Rudy pressed on, chalking up his response as something Nox had told him to say.

  “What about me?” Luna leaned in, head-cocked to the side, curious.

  “You feel nothing for a lover that casts you away for a st-stranger?” Rudy’s stuttered. Luna was too close.

  “Hmp! You’re quite confident in yourself I see.” He
laughed again, but this time it was tinged with bitterness.

  Rudy blinked back, confused, “What do you mean?”

  He caressed his bearded chin this time and then his lips before pulling away. Luna stood up and stood right in front of Rudy, before leaning in one last time to whisper into his ear, “Who says he is casting me away instead of adding you? Get some rest. It’s time we meet in the middle and talk, don’t you think, omega? Rest, so you can plead your case before our alpha.”


  The following morning, Rudy decided it was time to act, and that he was ready to “talk” as Luna had advised. They were getting closer to the Carnevale by the day, and there was no reason for him to stay with Nox and his packmates. However, there wasn’t much he could do other than follow them to their ultimate destination. He’s missed the civilian caravan, and only roving units of militants and preachers would be within reach. He had to stay, even if he was unwanted, unwelcomed, and uneasy about the arrangement altogether. That was what scared him the most, he decided, as he crossed the short distance between his carriage and Nox’s tent with a noticeable limp. His packmates were breaking down their makeshift accommodations, but they all glared or stared at him as if he’d sprouted another head. Rudy wasn’t even sure if they knew his name or why he ended up trapped there in the first place. Not that Rudy expected an introduction from Nox to his packmates. He was, after all, an omega, a possession, like a chair or a belt or a new sword. A thing didn’t need an introduction. Still, the way they eyed him with various degrees of suspicion, whispering loudly as he shuffled passed, making a point to let him know they were talking about him was unnerving.

  “May I…” Rudy began as he finally made it two the flaps of his tent, toying with a black ear on top of his head. He still couldn’t keep a firm hold on his transitions, so found himself in a semi-transformed state more often than not as of late. Then, he decided against formality and just waltzed in. If Nox thought it appropriate to plow him without so much as a hello in the middle of a forest, Rudy thought he didn’t deserve privacy at all.


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