Rogue Mates (Lunar Carnevale Book 1)

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Rogue Mates (Lunar Carnevale Book 1) Page 4

by Iris Sword

  “What brings you to my private quarters? And, who allowed you to walk unaided?” Rudy sucked in a sharp breath, angry with himself for not stopping to introduce himself first as his cock hardened, erection threatening to burst through his tight leather pants. Sun and stars above, Rudy thought, covering his mouth so he wouldn’t shout it. The effects of his heat still lingered, and the sight before him wasn’t helping to calm him. Nox stood stark naked as Luna attended to him, a damn cloth gliding down his washboard abs as he turned to face Rudy through a veil of wet hair, bangs nearly shielding his eyes altogether. Beautiful eyes. Enchanting eyes. And, a body worthy of his rank. He was much more scared than Rudy remembered, but then he reminded himself he remembered little of that night other than the mind-melting pleasure of it all. Jagged old scars, stark white, crisscrossed with newer marks on his legs and back. Rudy’s gaze traveled from them to his dusty brown nipples, then to his sculpted ass, all before retreating to a speck of dust on the ground. He swallowed, hard, counted backward, and rolled his stiff shoulders. The sight of the alpha was working him into a frenzy, which seemed to confirm his worst fears. But, at the same time, it would save him, if only he got him to believe.

  “Have you gone deaf, Rudolfo? I asked who allowed you to come here unaided.” And just like that, the spell he cast over Rudy was broken, and before him stood the same piece of shit he’d spent days—if not days—resenting.

  “I all0wed it, Nox! I did...” Rudy’s voice failed him just when he needed it to be strong and commanding. Sunfire, he cursed mentally, remembering he was at the threshold of the tent and not yet inside of it. He stumbled forward, spun around, and closed the flaps behind him, hoping no one else could hear them. And, if they could, were ignoring their tense exchange.

  Nox lifted a dark brown eyebrow and huffed, “There you go again trying to make me deaf with your whiny yipping! Spit it out already, hm? Why are you here?”

  “To announce my departure,” Rudy finally said, glaring back at him.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Nox’s eyes narrowed into venomous slits. Rudy hated himself for lowering his head and laying down his ears, an obvious sign of submission.

  “On my own path. You took your fill of me. I took many days of your supplies in the form of potions, clean water, and food. It’s not a fair trade-off, but there’s nothing else I can offer you in exchange. So please, allow me to be on my way,” Rudy said.

  “...Formal speech doesn’t fit you, omega.” Nox brushed Luna aside and he bowed to him, walking backward until he exited the tent from behind Nox. Rudy wanted to turn around and leave as well but found himself rooted in place, awaiting his response. None came. They simply stared at each other, the smell of incense permeating the air, as Nox got dressed in a hurry.

  “Can you no longer speak, omega?” Nox asked finally as he got dressed in the standard uniform of the Empire, only with the added flair of a red cape.

  “I am not an omega! And who says it doesn’t, hm? You noble-borns may horde all the wealth, but you can’t horde knowledge,” Rudy spat.

  “No matter what lies you conjure up, you are an omega, and I am your alpha. Do you think I’d seriously entertain setting you loose?” Nox looked genuinely confused.

  “Trade your body? Is that your solution to secure your safe passageway? How else will you get there on a busted ankle with a leaking ass?” The way he phrased his slick made Rudy gag even more than the strange sensation of it building inside of him.

  “I-I’ll find a way, alpha… Nox! All I ask for is some provisions—” He was cut off mid-sentence.

  “Nox, master, bastard. I don’t care what you call me, Rudolfo, but you will stay with me and my pack. It is not up for discussion. It isn’t safe for you out there, alone, unable to hold your form, and barely able to walk.” Nox was making logical sense, Rudy admitted to himself begrudgingly. He’d hoped against reason he would be sent away with some provisions, but if Nox didn’t offer anything to part ways, there was no chance of him surviving the journey alone. He couldn’t hunt, could barely walk, and as he so crudely put it, would be a moving target for any wicked alpha looking to blow off steam.

  “Why does my fate concern you? Be on your way and leave me to die or be raped! Why do you care?” Rudy sucked in a sharp breath and winced, a sharp bang jolting his brain. He clasped his head in both hands, on the verge of tears from the immense pressure. But, it was fleeting, gone within moments. And, before he knew it, he found himself in the arms of Nox, his body encasing him in the now familiar smell of his pheromones. They soothed him, and despite himself, Rudy relaxed in his arms. They stood like that, just the sound of their breathing and the clanking of gear being packed away outside filling the air. Nox threaded his fingers through Rudy’s hair, then kissed the top of his forehead. There was nothing sexual about his kisses or affection, a side of him Rudy had never been on the receiving end of.

  “...You are my mate and I will not allow it. There is no room for discussion. Now stop. All this talk of leaving you unguarded makes me...uneasy. Dare I ask, afraid. You're sick. Not just your heat, Luna informs me. You’re sick with something else and will be quarantined once we reach the Gates of Goloria. I will protect you, and I will make sure that you are cured of whatever ails you...Rudy. Don’t you grow tired of arguing with me? Don’t you see what I can provide? I am willing to relinquish some power, but not here, not now while we are still close to the battlefield. Once we are home, truly home, you will see. I will see to it...” Rudy looked up at him, really looked at him, taken aback by the affection in his voice, and saw Nox with new eyes. He was still a bastard, a prick, and an arrogant sack of shit. But, when he peeled back all the layers of their situation, it made sense. What omega would act as he had in the presence of a noble-born alpha? Had not King Cassian and Queen Ostana both declared they were the lowest of the low, and the alpha the pinnacle of existence on Elv? True, Cassian despised Kin, but he envied the alpha’s absolute power even in their enemy’s society. Alphas ruled the world, and omegas should be grateful to even be in their presence. Father Amosu taught him this first, and every interaction he’d had since reinforced that fact, drilled it deep inside Rudy’s bones. No one questioned it, and those who did were probably disposed of. Nature. Nurture. Did it really matter anymore? Whatever explained the cause had no effect on the reality that this was the “natural” order of the world. Protection, eternal fidelity, and power. That was what Nox could offer him, what he was offering Rudy, just as he’d offered Rudy during their first meeting. And yet, despite it being everything Rudy ever wanted, he couldn’t accept it from him. Because accepting the alpha meant accepting himself as his omega. He wouldn’t, no, couldn’t accept it.

  “Fine. I will stay. But know this. I am not yours. I will never be yours, Nox. And I am not an omega.” With that, Rudy pushed Nox away and fled from the tent, wondering all the while if the butterflies he felt fluttering in his stomach were from his heat, the alpha’s claim, or something inside of him he couldn’t quite explain?


  “What troubles you, alpha?” Nox rolled onto his side, propping his head upon his hand. A lazy grin spread across his face as the flickering candle accentuated every kiss and bite mark he’d left on Luna’s delicate body. He watched as Luna got dressed, pulling on and buttoning Nox’s shirt and only his shirt. Luna braided his long white hair into a single plait that touched the tip of his buttocks, before sliding back onto the ground. The day’s journey had been much the same as the others, long, hard, and tiring. Only the morning interruption of his mate had made the otherwise monotonous day interesting. That is until Luna came in the dead of night and rode him like it would be the last him. The scratch marks on Nox’s back showcased the desperation with which Luna had claimed him.

  “Nothing that should concern you,” he replied, opening his arms as Luna fell into them, rolling back onto his back as Luna rested on top of him. He was thinner than Nox, pale, frail, even, in his human form. But an alpha he was, t
he total opposite of the burly omega Nox called his own. Rudy confounded him. He was a challenged Nox had not yet conquered, and the prospect of being home thrilled him. There he could provide much more than a filthy ox and carriage for Rudy. There, he would see what he was missing. Because, at the end of the day, it was status not love that kept omegas bound to alphas. Without power, omegas could and would choose another. And as much as he wanted to delude himself into thinking they were fated mates, Rudy’s abrasive attitude meant he’d resist and resist until one of them snapped. But if he saw what Nox could provide, maybe, just maybe he would give. And, in turn, Nox could begin showering him with the affection befitting a mate subdued and subsumed into him. For then Rudy would become his world, truly, like his children were now. He would have power over Nox, the type of power he let no one wield over him, not even his lover Luna.

  “...Rudy says he is not an omega. Truth be told, I cannot tell myself. I’ve tried to divine it, test it, scent it, but it brings back nothing. If you had not carried him back to us in your arms as a wolf, I wouldn’t even know he was Kin, alpha.” Luna broke the silence with a string of strange statements, pulling Nox away from his thoughts. For two weeks he’d reported on Rudy’s progress. Nox chuckled at the memory of how irate he became when he started calling Rudolfo Rudy before him. He’d sent Luna in his steed because he figured he’d be less inflammatory to the omega, which in turn would mean he’d take his medicines and rest. It had worked, almost too well, to the point Nox wondered if he’d imagined what had happened in the forest weeks ago. He settled into their pack, at least to Nox’s eyes, and seemed exceptionally close to Luna in a matter of days.

  “What does that mean? You told me as much, that you could smell him too. How can he not?” Nox asked.

  “Maybe he has used some elixir to give him the tell-tale symptoms? Maybe that’s what drove you mad? They’re quite...violent. Exaggerated. I’ve never witnessed an omega’s heat as overwhelming as his without the familiar scent. Erasma can’t even smell him, I barely can, and you’re not currently ramming his ass. So, something must be wrong.” Nox smirked, Luna’s accent peeking through. He liked to pretend he wasn’t foreign-born and a lowborn at that, but Nox could tell. Then, he considered it for a moment and decided against it almost instantly. It made more sense that he was a vagrant and late bloomer. Omega’s that went into heat later in life tended to have unstable heats. He’d never seen an omega that looked like Rodolfo or acted like him, and Nox wasn’t one to trust things that were foreign to his preconceptions and sensibilities. But he couldn’t let his prejudices get in the way of the obvious conclusion. As he palmed the hard bulge threatening to piece his trousers, his reaction to the omega only further confirmed his suspicions. He was in rut, if not out of his mind, and Nox would have fucked anything that was moving and submissive if he hadn’t come across him. But there was a reason only after sleeping with Rudy that he felt peace in the way he didn’t with Luna. Something about his smell was different, more intoxicating than any potion could conjure up. An atypical rut in response to an atypical heat. He chalked up all the strangeness to that.

  “Any news from the Outpost?” Nox changed topics so he could focus on something that wasn’t below his waist.

  Luna drew a small circle across his chest and smiled, “An insurgent, perhaps? The report was unclear. I sent the messenger back for clarification, but you know how slow bird Kin are this time of year with so many flying towards the capital for the Carnivale.”

  “Hmm… Do you believe it’s one of those insurgents? The… Court of something. Their name escapes me.” Nox’s eyes flicked left to watch as Rudy walked from the campsite back to his carriage. He’d taken to walking at night, most likely to strengthen his legs. It worried him, but whenever he expressed his concerns, Rudy took it the wrong way. So, he learned to keep them to himself, for the most part, using Luna as a proxy when they became too much for Nox to bear.

  “Unlikely. All the rebels have been killed, their revolution squashed. Only the Human Horde remains, and with our final victory in Haem Country, soon, Cassian and his dominion will fall.” Luna’s eyes grew distant at that. Nox frowned.

  “Is that so?” Nox watched until Rudy’s shadow retreated to his quarters, before turning his attention back to Luna.

  “Yes. Can we get off of this topic? Discussing rebels doesn’t exactly turn me on. Now come here and allow me to help you forget...” Nox snickered as Luna rolled his lovely eyes. He could act so haughty at times. But, he was loyal and enjoyed being by his side. If only Rudy would act the same way, what fun they could have together. He was fit, tall, and strong. He seemed to know his way around, having gotten so close to the capital all alone. Maybe that was it? Maybe he needed a sense of independence. Showing kindness is the way he seemed to receive it had worked in his favor. Luna had told him to kiss him and pat him and speak in a quiet voice. While it didn’t have the desired effect of cowing his temper, Rudy no longer looked at him as if he were a threat or a nuisance. If anything, he’d taken to avoiding him altogether. He thought he would relish his hatred, the thrill of training him just like the thrill of claiming another trophy of war. But, as Luna had advised him, it felt better to lure him in without him even knowing. The way his defenses crumbled at a mere peck on the cheek and soft expression was its own mystery. But, that was for another day. Tonight, he would focus on relieving the symptoms of his rut until he could sleep.

  “Luna?” He asked. The rest was left unsaid. Luna got up and leaned over his body, bending down to kiss him. Nox palmed his ass and spread his legs so they could grind against each other. It felt divine, the closest thing to being inside Nox for the first time. A part of him felt quality that he always compared them now. But then he would forget, thoughts replaced by raw emotion as they came, undressed, and fell back into each other’s arms once again. This time he would ride Luna until the sun rose, Nox’s hands already wrapped firmly around his throat as Luna sunk down on his cock. Yes, for tonight, he would cast aside his doubts about Rudy and replace them with the next best thing.


  Gates of Goloria

  Five Days Before the Lunar Carnevale

  Outpost near the Capital City of Kinev, Otsanan Empire

  “The Rape of Ostana by the Werewolf” was a familiar play to Rudy from his time in the Haem Countryside, appropriate for the upcoming Carnevale, but still vile all the same. His stomach dropped then lurched as the actor portraying Ostana was tackled to the ground, his dress ripped, as his fellow actor pretended to “claim him in war.” It was just a reenactment, he tried to assure himself. But, it only reinforced why he so hated his new status as an omega. He didn’t want to become a dirty thing to be used, abused, and then thrown away like garbage. He’d rather be dead. After failing to separate from Nox and his Kin, Rudy had finally reached the Gates of Goloria by their side. He’d taken to avoiding Nox as his heat ebbed and flowed until he felt stable enough to go outside on his own. He took the time at night when the others slept to strengthen his ankle. With Luna’s nightly visits dwindling until they disappeared, getting fresh air kept him sane. Nox, for his part, kept his distance as well, though Rudy could always feel his eyes on him even if he wasn’t by his side. But now they had reached the Outpost, the last before they entered Kinev, and he had to attend to “official business” with Luna and Ersama, his fellow alphas. Which meant Rudy was left to fend for himself, the Nox pack no longer treating him like a pariah, but not like a friend. They kept their distance and a somewhat watchful eye over him until the majority got drunk off their asses and Rudy was able to sneak off. To his disappointment, though, the play scheduled to tie the soldiers and passing travelers over until the festival proper was a bust. He got up and walked away without tipping as the play came to an end, and the actors turned over their hats, expecting payment. He wouldn’t waste his precious coin on their ugly art. No one needed to see the play in order to piece together the legend.

  “It ought to be banned, don’t you thi
nk?” Rudy stopped mid-step and turned, thankfully to see a familiar face.

  “Luna. It’s been a while.” He tried to smile, but Luna seemed distant, angry even. “What’s wrong?”

  “...Nothing that concerns you.” His smile was tight, fake, unlike him. Rudy’s ears stretched out on his head, worried about him.

  “You didn’t like that play? Your expression is downright sour.” Luna stepped forward, and Rudy stepped back, bumping up against a passing soldier. Something seemed off about him, he just couldn’t explain why. Luna huffed and turned away, just as Rudy worked up the courage to reach for him.

  “No, I didn’t. We all know how the Ostanan Empire came about. Why keep putting on that sick act?” Luna had begun walking away, so Rudy followed at a distance.

  “You have a point, but why do any tradition? It’s all soaked in blood and awful history.” He stopped just outside of his tent. He was going to bed. Rudy blushed. Why was he following him around like a lost pup instead of getting some sleep himself? As he turned around to leave, Luna grabbed his wrist. Rudy looked down at him and waited.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Here. A present. Many blessings this Carnevale!” His tone was mocking even as he handed Rudy a marvelous golden chain with a large chunk of quartz dangling from the center. Before Rudy could thank him, he disappeared within his tent, and he was left to ponder over who the gift was really for, and what to do with it?


  Capital City of Kinev

  One Day Before the Lunar Carnevale

  Moon Court Playgrounds, Otsanan Empire

  “It’s...beautiful.” No words he knew could express the exquisite beauty of the Lunar Carnevale. It was not ready for public consumption just yet, but all the preparations were set, and the main attractions in place. The cobblestone streets of the Kinev were lined with lilies, silver, gold, and red banners fluttering in the wind. Every corner held a new surprise from magicians testing out magic tricks to acrobats practicing death-defying stunts. With no identification on him, Rudy was supposed to be stuck in the sea of people camped out at Goloria for days, only a small fraction allowed in over the coming weeks until the Carnevale left the capital city. But, as Nox had told him again and again, being his mate came with special privileges. While even he couldn’t get Rudy out of the required three-day quarantine, he was able to show Rudy around before the festival truly roared to life, only forced to return him by nightfall. Rudy pushed aside his looming, temporary imprisonment, and more importantly, how he was to escape it to get to Ostana. For now, he enjoyed the fresh sights, sounds, and smell of the southern Kin’s homeland, and the lingering embrace of Nox’s scent masking his own. They walked, shoulder to shoulder, down the narrow streets in absolute silence. In a way, Rudy preferred it to their inevitable bickering when one of them opened their mouths.


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