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Page 3

by Terry O'Reilly

  After no one showed up for ten minutes or so, Tom thought, I know he wasn't in there alone. Maybe I should go see if the other guy's waitin' for more action? Naw, I don't want to run into another dorky wimp. But...if that guy who just came out was with him? It didn't look like he'd be into anything but prime meat.

  For a few more minutes Tom wrestled with the decision of whether or not to go into the woods to find out what might be waiting in there.

  Finally he said, "Fuck it," and got up from the table.

  He had to piss and decided it would be a good chance to check out any new messages that might be on the walls of the john.

  As Tom passed the troll, the man looked up expectantly. Tom kept his eyes averted and kept on walking. He didn't want to do anything that would make the guy think he had changed his mind.

  Once inside the dimly lit building, Tom let his eyes adjust. He went to the urinal and pulled out his cock. While he pissed he reviewed the messages on the wall in front of him. There was nothing new. Finishing, he stuffed his dick back into his jeans. Next he entered the stall and looked at the back of the door where he'd found John's message a few days earlier. It was still there, but something had been added.

  Be back again next Monday. How about you M-6?

  Tom laughed softly. M-6? He calls me M-6 after the fuckin' motel. Tom didn't often do repeats. John had been a pretty good fuck, but...well, he might consider it if nothing else showed up during the week. The addition to John's original message had kind of stroked Tom's ego. Yeah, he might let John have another shot at him if...

  As Tom opened the stall door to leave, he stopped dead in his tracks. Coming in the restroom door was a giant of a man.

  Tom looked the newcomer up and down. He was at least six inches taller than Tom's five foot nine and must have weighed more than two hundred-sixty pounds. The guy wore a thin strapped yellow tee which fit like a second skin, revealing muscles that Tom had only ever seen in the pages of bodybuilder mags. His massive chest strained the fabric, his erect nipples protruding invitingly. The giant's arms were as big as Tom's thighs while the man's thighs, which extended from tight blue shorts, were tree trunks. Each muscle of his colossal legs was perfectly dissected from the one next to it.

  "Well, well," the man mountain said, looking Tom over appraisingly. "Is this where they hide all the good stuff? I was beginning to think that this place wasn't gonna be worth the effort after what I saw out there sittin' by the tables."

  Tom assumed he was referring to the troll, who would no doubt be drooling at seeing this perfect specimen.

  Pumped that the guy had referred to him as 'the good stuff', Tom asked, "You have something in mind?"

  "How about a little a this?" He flexed his bicep and pulled Tom to within an inch of the bulging muscle. "Lick it!"

  Tom wasn't normally into this master/slave crap, but he needed sex, and this guy certainly had the credentials, so he gave in and licked the massive ball of flesh.

  "Yeah, baby, that's right. Worship that arm. If you do a good job Daddy'll let you work on his pecs."

  That was a little too much. Tom stopped and backed up a step. He looked up into the man's face.

  "Look, Hercules, I think your body is fantastic, but I don't do the daddy/baby shit. I'm more than willing to have some fun with you, but let's not play that game, okay?"

  "Ha ha," the man Tom had nicknamed Hercules laughed. "You got spunk, boy. Is it okay if I call you boy? Or do ya got another name you'd like better since you don't like baby?" he said with a touch of sarcasm.

  "Boy'll do. Now what do I call you?"

  "Ma name's Hank, but my friends call me Hunk." He winked.

  "Okay. I like Herc better, but if you say so...Hunk it is." Tom didn't want to let the guy assume he was too much of a push-over. "Hunk, this really isn't the best place for us to get into anything. Come on." Tom led the way out of the restroom.

  They walked through the park. The troll was no longer there but his car was, along with a couple of new arrivals. Tom wondered if the guy actually had gotten lucky. Somehow he kind of hoped so.

  The two men entered the woods, Tom leading the way. They came to the trail that led to the place where Tom had taken John. Turning in, they walked only a few yards along the path when Tom heard the distinctive sounds of someone being fucked. He wondered if it was the troll.

  "Sounds like this room's taken," he said to Hunk and turned back.

  Hunk looked down the trail and for a minute Tom thought the giant might want to go check out the action, but turned and once more followed behind.

  They went deeper into the preserve and found a secluded area where the trees formed a thick arch overhead so the sun was almost completely blocked out. The result was a little like being in a cave diffused with grey-green light.

  "This'll do," Tom said.

  "Strip!" Hunk commanded as he peeled his shirt over his head, revealing his heavily muscled chest and washboard stomach.

  Tom didn't like being ordered around, but decided to go along with the program, so took off his shirt.

  "You got a nice body, boy. You should work out a bit, bulk up. You could look really good," Hunk said.

  "Thanks," Tom replied. Then added tongue in cheek, "You're not so bad yourself."

  Hunk laughed and responded by striking a double biceps pose and flexing his chest muscles so they bounced up and down. "Now get to work, boy."

  Tom walked forward and ran his hands over the bulging manflesh. It felt firm and smooth. He pressed his palms against the hard nipples and then pinched them.

  "Yeah, boy, that's good. Now lick 'em."

  Tom's head came to just the right height to give the massive pecs a good washing. He bit and licked the mounds of muscle then turned his attention to the cannon ball sized biceps. While massaging Hunk's left arm and slathering his right with his tongue, Tom reached down to fondle the man's cock and balls through the tight shorts. Hunk pushed his package into Tom's hand.

  "Want more a what's down there do ya, boy?"

  Although Tom was not particularly turned on by the tone of Hunk's orders, the man's more than ample maleness was doing a magic of its own and Tom was getting into the game.

  Tom dropped to his knees and, with some difficulty, pulled the tight shorts down. Hunk stepped out of them and stood like the Colossus of Rhodes, his hands on his hips, the quads on his tree trunk legs bulging.

  Tom ran his hands over the protuberant muscles and then up the backs of the gigantic pillars as he looked at Hunk's cock and balls nestled in a tuft of dark hair. Whether it was the contrast between the mass of Hunk's body and his genitalia or because the organs themselves were actually undersized, Tom was surprised at how Hunk's dick and nuts seemed small. Not that size was all that important to him, but he had expected a body like the one displayed in front of him would have a proportionally sized set of jewels. What the organs may have lacked in size they made up for in form. It was as if they had been created by a master sculptor's hand.

  "Something wrong there, boy?" Hunk looked down at the kneeling man.

  "No, just enjoying the sight," Tom quipped not wanting to injure the giant's ego.

  Tom began to suck the man's hard rod and lick his tight balls. As he did, he ran his hands further up Hunk's legs and began to massage the mass of the man's firm bubble butt.

  The giant turned around. "Eat it!"

  Giving orders seemed to arouse Hunk all the more. However, Tom did as he was told, not because he had been ordered to do so, but because the guy's ass was really beautiful and indeed needed to be worked on. Running his tongue over the mounds of man meat and then delving into the deep crevice, Tom felt his passion rising and his desire to fuck this man was becoming almost irresistible. Although, in all probability with the way Hunk was taking charge, it would be Tom on the receiving end of the giant's cock. As he tongued the puckered hole, the titan let out a roar that Tom was sure could be heard in the parking lot.

  Hunk abruptly turned around and yank
ed Tom to his feet. "Take off them damn jeans!" he commanded.

  Once again Tom found himself following orders, and was soon standing naked and erect in front of the mass of muscle.

  Hunk put his hands under Tom's arms and picked him up. He pressed the smaller man over his head and then lowered him so he was able to take Tom's cock into his mouth and suck it. Shoulder pressing Tom up and down, Hunk slid the cock of his human barbell in and out of his mouth. Just when Tom thought he was going to lose it and cum, Hunk put him down. "Fuck me," Hunk said almost in a whisper. "What?" Tom asked, somewhat taken aback.

  "I said, fuck me," Hunk repeated in a pleading husky voice. "I know what you said. I'm just surprised. I thought I'd be the one that would be gettin'..."

  Hunk just turned around and knelt on all fours. Tom looked at the magnificent ass being presented to him. "Fuck me," the request came again, but his time so softly Tom could scarcely hear it.

  "With pleasure," Tom replied, running his cock up and down the crack between the mounds of muscle.

  Tom's pre-cum was flowing well and he mixed in some spit. Then he pressed his dick against Hunk's hole. There was no problem with entry. This is a well-traveled tunnel, Tom thought. Letting himself settle into the man's body, he ran his hands up and down the flared anatomy of Hunk's back.

  Hunk began to rock back and forth. Tom picked up the rhythm. He would thrust in as Hunk pushed back against him. As he pulled out, Hunk would clench his ass muscles creating a sensation Tom had never experienced before. The rhythm was slow and steady. Tom stroked the perfect V of the muscleman's back as the giant continued to milk his cock.

  "This is good, boy, yeah, very nice," Hunk moaned softly. "Cum whenever you're ready. I want your jizz inside me."

  The contrast between Hunk's loud orders from earlier and his almost whispered tone now was a mystery to Tom. How could a mountain of muscle and power transform into a needy man cunt?

  Tom felt he was close, so he increased the speed of his thrusts. Hunk matched his change in rhythm. Tom felt the base of his back tingle, signaling he was past the point of controlling his orgasm. In three more strokes he felt his balls contract; thrills of electric sensation ran the length of his cock. Then he felt his dick spasm as he pumped his spunk into the hole in the mounds of muscle.

  Spent, Tom pulled out and kneeled back on his haunches. Hunk turned onto his back. "Finish me."

  Tom got between the muscular legs, took the throbbing cock in his mouth and sucked Hunk to completion.

  When they were done, Tom rocked back on his heels. Hunk stood and once again pulled Tom to his feet, then lifted him off the ground and held him tight against his chest. The man giant kissed the top of Tom's head then put him down again. "Thanks, boy. That was good," Hunk said, bending to retrieve his shorts and shirt.

  "Anytime," Tom said as he dressed.

  Tom and Hunk walked back to the parking lot in silence. They passed a couple of cruisers on the trails, who looked at the two men and smiled. Tom felt a surge of pride as they passed by.

  When they reached the lot, Hunk saluted. Tom nodded. Hunk got in his car and drove away.

  Tom, not ready to head for home, took up his post on his table once again. He looked at his watch: five fifteen.

  Wonder what happened to the troll? he thought, scanning his surroundings.

  Chapter 4: Sunday in the Park

  Alan was restless. He had spent the weekend around the house helping his parents with yard work. He helped his mother plant flowers, his dad get the lawn mower started and then washed out the garbage bins. Why anyone needed to clean garbage bins was beyond Alan. They only got dirty again. But his mother insisted.

  Alan sat with his dad watching the end of a baseball game on TV. His dad had fallen asleep with Dusty on his lap. Bored, Alan tapped his fingers on his knees.

  Ever since Friday night when he had finally given in to his persistent thoughts regarding his sexual desires he'd felt at loose ends. He'd struggled with questions regarding his orientation for the past several years and now it seemed the ambivalence was over. However, even now as he sat distractedly staring at the screen, admitting openly to himself that the pitcher had a fine looking ass, Alan thought, So, what am I supposed to do now? I'm a fag. No! That label didn't sit well with him. During his years in the navy he'd heard it used too often in the most contemptuous way. Homo isn't much better but...Doesn't matter what I call myself. I like guys. But what am I gonna do, admitting that? What does that mean for me and my life?

  His father stirred, sat up and yawned. Dusty jumped down to the floor. "What's the score?"

  "Three to two." "What inning?" "Eighth."

  "We winning?" "Nope."

  The man yawned again and got up. "Ya want another beer?" he said, heading out of the room.

  "No, I'm fine. Say, Dad?" Alan continued. "If you don't have anything else you need help with I think I'll go out for a drive."

  His dad shrugged. Before leaving the room, he said, "No, I'm done for the weekend."

  Alan got up and went to his room to take a shower. He changed from his work clothes to a pair of tan Bermuda shorts and a white polo. Then he pulled on a pair of socks and his white sneakers. Brushing his hair Alan came back downstairs and said goodbye to his father as he passed by the family room. Just as he took his keys from the hook inside the back door, his mother came in from the yard.

  "Going somewhere, dear?" she asked.

  Alan held the keys up and jingled them. "Looks that way," he said, his restless mood making him a bit irritable.

  "Will you be home for supper?" She washed her hands in the utility tub, either ignoring or unaware of his sarcasm.

  Alan sighed. He really didn't know if he wanted to come back to eat, but felt he needed to let her know so she didn't go to extra work for nothing. "I guess. The usual time?"

  "Probably around seven tonight. I want to freshen up and rest a bit first."

  "Okay, see you then." He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.

  "Alan I...," she started. He stopped and waited. "Oh, nothing."

  He knew better. "What, ma?"

  "I just wish you could find yourself someone. That's all."

  Me too, he thought.

  "I'm fine, ma." He kissed her again. "Bye."

  Is that what I'm supposed to do now I've made up my mind to face who I am? Find someone? How do guys like me go about doing that? he thought as he walked out of the house.

  Getting into his red Ford Mustang and backing out of the driveway, Alan had no plan, no specific destination in mind. He just felt he needed to get out of the house and go somewhere and...and what? Think, I guess, he said to himself.

  Driving aimlessly around, he passed a sign: 'Delph Lake Municipal Park'.

  I remember this place, he thought. We used to come here for picnics when I was a kid.

  He turned in and slowly crept down the long winding drive.

  Memories of family outings came into his mind. How excited he and his brother Arnie used to get when one was planned.

  The place hasn't changed much, he thought entering the parking lot. Except, where are all the families?

  There were a few cars in the lot but no one seemed to be around. He checked his watch. It was five-thirty.

  When he pulled into a parking space he did notice a young man sitting on a picnic table almost directly in front of his car. He also noticed the man was extremely good looking. Alan felt himself respond, but after Friday's revelation, he no longer tried to squelch the feelings that seeing an attractive man aroused in him.

  He got out of his car and looked around. The young man on the table sat up and smiled. Alan smiled back and continued to survey the park. The picnic tables were just as he remembered. So were the swings, jungle gym, and slides. Well, there's an improvement, he thought, looking toward the bathrooms. The facilities were much more rustic back then, just wooden outhouses really. Now they had been replaced with modern brick structures. He thought of how Arnie had been afraid to
use the old ones because Alan had told him stories of how kids fell down the holes and disappeared forever. He smiled at the memory. It still seemed strange that on a sunny Sunday afternoon there were no families enjoying the day here.

  Alan decided a hike to the lake might give him the solitude he needed to evaluate the new direction his life seemed to be taking. He looked to his right and saw the path he remembered. He thought of how he and Arnie would race each other to try to be the first into the water.

  He walked toward the path, then for some reason looked back at the young man sitting atop the picnic table. The young man cocked his head to one side, raised his eyebrows, and smiled. Alan nodded and turned back to the path. He nearly bumped into a guy coming out of the woods.

  "Excuse me," Alan said, stepping aside to let him pass. The man gave him an appraising look. "Hey."

  "Hi," Alan answered with a smile and walked into the shade of the trees. Taking a deep breath, he headed up the path into the woods.

  A few steps up the trail he encountered another man more handsome than the first who also greeted him. Alan acknowledged the man and as he walked on, he briefly glanced over his shoulder to take another look and noticed the man was watching him walk away. After about ten minutes of walking, proud that he had remembered the way, Alan arrived at the overlook to the lake. He paused there and leaned on the old split rail fence, gazing out over the calm water. The sun made the ripples sparkle. A pair of swans glided gracefully by.

  Alan stayed a few minutes and then thought about taking the path down to the beach.

  Before he could act on the thought, the young man from the parking lot walked up and leaned on the fence beside him.

  "What's goin' on?" the man asked.

  Alan was a little surprised by this, but replied, "Just came up here to sort things out. Nice view, don't ya think?"

  "Yeah, I do think," the man said, turning to Alan and looking intently into his eyes. "A very nice view." At the same time, he moved his forearm so it brushed against Alan's.

  Alan at first looked down at the arm that had brushed him and then back into the eyes that searched his. He had a flash of understanding. Suddenly it all made sense: no families, the two guys who had greeted him on the way in. Delph Park had become an area where men came to look for sex with other men. And it seemed the handsome young man had come looking for him and had been giving him signals all along that he had been interested in him.


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