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His Surprise Baby: An Accidental Pregnancy Romance Collection (His Secret Baby Romance Collection Book 4)

Page 41

by Jamie Knight

  Living alone on the base got kind of lonely, but I was so busy working that I hardly had time to think about it. I made sure to keep myself occupied because I didn’t want to keep obsessing about how much I missed Joshua. I was happy that I was still part of the equation with the military, but also very happy that I wasn’t on deployment. But, every day, my mind diverted to Joshua and the baby growing inside of me.

  We kept in close contact, though, through emails. They were often very long, and we shared with each other the things that were happening. Joshua seemed to be enjoying life in Yemen and had incredible stories to tell. I felt like my stories as an army clerk were boring, but Joshua said that they weren’t and that he loved whenever he got an alert for a new email.

  One night — about six months into his tour — Josh said that he wanted to try video sex, and I agreed.

  When I first saw my love on the camera, I thought that I was going to cry. He looked so handsome. And I missed him so much. I had to hide my belly beneath a desk so that he wouldn’t see it. I didn’t want him to worry any more than he already was.

  “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Josh said, running a hand through his hair. He gave me a sly smile. “Let me see your nipples.”

  I felt a little pang of nervousness, but the angle I was at would let me give him a show without showing too much. So, careful to make sure I didn’t pull back from the camera too far, I pulled my shirt over my head and let my tits bounce free.

  He groaned. “I’m not sure if that’s better or worse,” he admitted with a laugh, “You’re so fucking gorgeous, and I’m so happy to see you-and those-again, but nothing compares to face-to-face.”

  I giggled, although it was a little bittersweet. “So?” I asked, tilting my head, “What about you?”

  He grinned and tugged off his shirt, showing off that glorious chest I loved so well and the washboard abs I wished I could touch right now. He was right. It was great to see him, and I loved the sight of his hot body, but I still wished he was here.

  “Touch yourself for me,” he murmured, “I want to hear you.”

  I blushed, and I was glad I’d opted for a skirt. I slid my hand under the fabric and pushed my panties out of the way, dipping my fingers into my dampening folds and letting out a soft moan, my eyes rolling back a little.

  “God, that’s so fucking sexy,” Josh breathed.

  My eyes fluttered open just in time to see him on his feet, tugging down his zipper and shoving his fatigues down his hips a bit. When he pulled his boxers out of the way, his erection sprang free, and my mouth nearly watered at the sight. Fingers and toys just didn’t compare, and I missed the feeling of him inside me like nothing else.

  “Play with your nipples,” he ordered, “One hand on your pussy.”

  I didn’t expect to like him bossing me around, but it sent a little thrill through me, and I was eager to obey. With one hand still in my panties teasing my clit, the other cupped my breast, and I rolled the nipple between my fingers, moaning.

  I watched him grip his cock and slowly start to pump it with his fist. “That’s it, baby,” he murmured, “Make yourself feel good for me.”

  “I wish you were here to make me feel good,” I replied with a little pout as I pinched the other nipple lightly.

  He growled softly at the sight, his hand moving a little faster down the length of his shaft. “I wish I was, too,” he agreed, “But just pretend for me, ok?”

  I nodded, and my fingers moved a little faster on my clit, the pleasure spiking. I closed my eyes for a moment and tried to separate my mind from my limbs, imagining that the fingers on my clit belong to him.

  “Oh, fuck, Josh, yes,” I moan, “It feels so good.”

  “Fuck yeah, Nadia,” he replied, his voice ragged with desire, “Tell me.”

  “I love your fingers in my pussy,” I moaned, shedding my shyness and letting the dirty talk flow, “I love the way you fucking touch me, Josh.”

  Josh groaned, and I peeked at the screen to see him pumping his cock with his fist hard, moving a little faster every time I spoke. “What else would you want me to do if I was there with you right now?” he asks.

  “I’d want your tongue,” I told him, dragging a finger in a lazy circle around my nipple, “Right here.”

  “Is that the only place you’d want it?” he asked with a low chuckle that makes my pussy twitch.

  I imagined the fingers on my clit replaced with his tongue, and the mental image was so hot I almost came right then and there. “No, definitely not. But I’m not sure I could wait to have your cock inside me.”

  My imagination ran wild all over again, and for a moment, I saw him so vividly that I could swear it really was him touching me. It was enough to tip me over the edge.

  “Oh, fuck, Josh, I’m cumming,” I whimpered as the orgasm tore through me like tissue paper.

  My eyes fluttered open, and while I was catching my breath, I watched him jerk himself off faster and faster, heard his breathing grow ragged, and watched as he finally came, pouring a stream of cum that fell in a waterfall down his fingers.

  “I wish you really were here,” I whispered.

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “I promise that I’ll be by your side soon.”

  Those words were like music to my ears.

  “I can’t wait,” I told him honestly.

  Josh blinked at me for a minute. A strange look passed over his face. “I don’t ever want to be with another woman again,” he said, his voice velvety smooth.

  “I love—” I said, right as the connection was broken.

  I wanted to tell him that I loved him, but that would have to be saved for another time. I was tired, anyway, and figured that I would just go to bed.

  But I couldn’t sleep. My mind was in turmoil as thoughts of Joshua fighting filled my imagination. I had terrible nightmares about my best friend being killed and kept waking up. I sat up in a sweat and tears streaming down my face as I thought that the love of my life was dead. After tossing and turning all night, I decided to call in sick to work the next day. I just wanted to be alone and not talk to anyone. And I wasn’t exactly sure how long this feeling would last.


  A few days later, I got a call from a major named Diaz, letting me know that my old unit, the one that Joshua had been in, had been hit. The surviving soldiers would be coming home.

  “What about Joshua?” I asked, almost scared of what the answer would be.

  “He was shot in the leg, but he’s okay,” Diaz confirmed.

  I sighed with relief. After weeks of mourning him, I was finally going to get a second chance at life with my best friend.

  It seemed like forever before I got the news that Josh was on his way home. He had been stuck in a hospital in Germany where they were taking care of his leg. His mother told me that it had gotten infected, so they were just being cautious by keeping him in the hospital there. Now he was safe to travel and would be transferred to a hospital in LA in a few days.

  I knew that I was about to see him, but I was a nervous wreck. I picked up the phone and called Monica.

  “Hello?” she answered, sounding like she was out of breath.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

  “Just finished going for a run,” she said. “What’s up?”

  “Oh, nothing much,” I said. I swallowed, knowing what I was about to ask was big. “I was just wondering if you wanted to come with me to see Joshua.”

  My voice shook as I talked. In fact, my whole body shook from nervousness. My friend would have to get a last-minute flight to get down here, but I really needed her.

  “Give me a bit,” said Monica, no hesitation in her voice. “I’ll be at the airport in about fifteen minutes. If there is a standby available, I’ll be on my way.”

  “Thank you,” I gasped before tears flooded my eyes.

  Monica texted me a few hours later. She had m
ade it to California, rented a car, and was on her way. All I needed to do was make sure my friend could get onto the base. I sat on the edge of my chair until she drove up to my house, my thoughts racing. When she finally showed up, she blew her horn, and I came running out — well, waddling, really.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, pulling out of the neighborhood. “You seem a little on edge.”

  “I’m fine,” I assured her, willing myself to keep breathing. “I’m just excited and maybe a little nervous about seeing Joshua.”

  “Well, what did he say to you when you told him that you were coming?” she asked.

  I dropped my head, ashamed that I hadn’t talked to him. I told her as much. She reassured me that everything was going to be alright. In fact, Monica repeated it so much I wasn’t sure if she was trying to reassure herself or me.

  It didn’t matter, anyway. I was already anxious about Joshua. But I was also worried because he hadn’t called me to say anything. All of the news that I got came from either Major Diaz or his mother.

  Something in my gut told me that something was wrong.

  Chapter Eleven - Joshua

  The streets were quiet. Only a few crumpled pieces of paper blew past in the hot desert wind. There was a soft grunt as one of my fellow soldiers dreamt of something. I hoped whatever the fantasy was, it was more pleasant than it sounded.

  Despite the heat, I leaned closer to the small portable stove that was boiling my lone pot of coffee. The building we had spent the night in had no windows, the result of a bombing last month, but most of the walls were sound.

  As the coffee boiled, I checked my helmet. One of our last maneuvers resulted in a slight dent to the mental, I didn’t think it was from a bullet. The gash was too irregular, more like shrapnel. Though, sometimes it was hard to tell.

  On typical mornings, I would pull out Nadia’s picture and look at it. It was one of her in her dress uniform, looking severe — not like the sensual woman I knew she could be. Every day that we were apart was a knife in my heart, but it was better than having her here in this hell. Sadly, one of my crew caught me with the picture. He told the rest of the unit, and the photo was gone the next day, stolen from my pack. Now all I had nothing to remember my girl by.

  The silence was getting to me. There was something about that morning that felt different. As the others woke and got to their feet, they seemed to feel it too. No one spoke. Everyone moved in careful, quiet steps. As we prepared to go out into the streets, all of the soldiers were deathly silent. The only sound that could be heard was the clicking of guns being loaded.

  The road narrowed. A blown-out car lying on its side blocked our path. Before we could even figure out what was happening, we were hit by crossfire. There was a loud explosion that made my ears ring and knocked me over.

  I laid in the dirt for a few minutes, not sure if the attack was over. Looking over, I saw that several of my fellow soldiers had been hit. Some had their eyes wide open and laid so still that I knew that they were dead. We gathered those that we could and headed back to the building. It wasn’t until we got back inside that I looked down and noticed a trail of blood running down my pants leg.

  I took my pants off. I had been hit in the leg by a stray bullet. One of the medics patched me up and wrapped my leg so that the bleeding would stop. As I rested on the concrete floor, I was approached by Officer Jones, one of the superior officers.

  “Soldier,” he said, saluting me.

  “Sir, yes sir,” I said, trying to stand to salute him back, only to fall back onto the ground, a sharp pain searing through my leg.

  “Don’t try to stand, soldier,” he said, motioning for me to stay seated and knelt on the ground across from me. “I just wanted to be the first to inform you that you and the rest of your unit will be returning to the base in the states. We would like to take this time to thank you for your service.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I said.

  I knew that I was one of the lucky ones because he could give me the news in person. Others hadn’t been so lucky, and their families would be getting letters and their belongings. Their loved ones wouldn’t be returning home.

  In the days before leaving, I shut down completely. I didn’t want to see or talk to anyone, even Nadia. I just wanted to be left alone completely.

  A large part of me regretted not going along with her plan and saying that I had a drinking problem. That way, I wouldn’t have been shot in the leg, and we could have started our lives together. Instead, I had a terrible injury that I would have to recover from.

  I was overcome with feelings of disappointment and remorse. And I wasn’t sure if it would ever go away.


  As soon as our plane landed back in the states, we were rushed to the hospital, where some of us had to be checked out. I had gotten an infection in my leg, so while we were in Germany, they put me on antibiotics and keep an eye on me. Between that and the pain medicine, I felt pretty out of it. That was why I thought that I was dreaming when I woke up, and Nadia was sitting next to me.

  “Hey, punk,” she said, smiling sweetly, reaching her hand out and placing it gently on mine.

  “Hey,” I said, my voice groggy and low.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked, rubbing my hand.

  I tried to sit up and fell back.

  “Don’t try to sit up,” she said. “They’ve got you on so many pain meds, I’m surprised you’re even awake.”

  I tried to chuckle and ended up having a coughing fit.

  “Yeah, well, it will take a lot more than stray bullets and drugs to keep me down,” I said, giving her a thumbs up to let her know that I was mostly okay.

  “You scared me,” she said, her voice shaky and edgy. “You better not try to leave me again. I won’t let you. I love you too much to ever let you go again.”

  “I love you, too,” I said, locking eyes with hers. “And I will never put you through anything like this again.”

  I pulled her close to me and was almost squashed by her giant belly. It was huge! I couldn’t stop staring at it. And I was speechless. I looked from her belly back up at her and back to her stomach. I looked into her eyes, searching, wanting to ask the question, but too afraid of what the answer might be.

  “Is it—” I began.

  “Yours?” she finished. “Yes, I am carrying your child.”

  I wanted to leap from the bed and do a happy dance. Nadia was going to have my baby. I couldn’t wait to tell our families the news. Then, the realization hit me that we were going to have a baby, and we weren’t married yet. I had to fix that. I slowly inched my way out of bed and got down on my good leg, taking her hand in mine.

  “Nadia, I have loved you longer and harder than I have anyone else,” I said. “And now we’re about to start a brand new adventure as parents. I would be honored if you would be my wife. Will you marry me?”

  I didn’t have a ring because I wasn’t prepared, but I felt it in my heart to ask anyway.

  “Yes,” she said, wrapping her arms around my neck, almost bowling me over onto the floor. I winced in pain as a stabbing sensation pierced through my leg. I groaned. She apologized and quickly stood up.

  “I got a new house today,” I told her. “The army set me up with it. So, this is perfect timing. Now, I get to make my house a home for my family, a family I didn’t even know I had.”

  She beamed at me, the happiest look on her face that I’d seen in a long time. We kissed tenderly, her soft lips pressing against mine. I had finally found my happy place.

  Epilogue - Nadia

  Trying to plan a wedding, being pregnant, and finishing out my time in the military was a lot harder than I thought that it would be. But, I knew that I only had a little bit of time left before I would be discharged from the army. I was more than excited about marrying Joshua, so I just put up with the frustration in the best way that I knew how. A lot of it involved telling Joshua just how frustrated I w
as and having him tell me that it would all be over soon, landing a kiss on my forehead.

  Joshua got a job as a private contractor for a Fortune 500 company. He was excited about starting a new chapter in our lives. We had moved in together the same day that he asked me to marry him. It was safe to say that we were no longer just friends, but we were lovers. My parents had been shocked but happy to hear the news since they knew that the baby would be coming soon. I think that they were just mostly relieved that they wouldn’t have to be the ones driving me to the hospital.

  My phone rang. It was the caterer. They were calling to tell me that they had gotten a bad shipment of fish and would not be able to serve fish at any weddings any time soon. I was disappointed because it seemed like some new problem was popping up with the wedding every day.

  I threw the phone into my purse and headed out the door to my car. I drove the twenty minutes to Joshua’s job in silence, my mind spinning as I drove. I was lost in thought when I finally pulled up to the firm where he was working and almost hit someone as I pulled into the parking lot.

  Pull it together, Nadia, I thought to myself.

  I took a sip from the water bottle that I carried around with me, turned the car off, and got out. I got buzzed into the building and went up to the makeshift office that Joshua had been working from.

  “Hey, you,” he said when I rounded the corner.

  “Hey,” I said, kissing him.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked. “I was just finishing up and about to come home to you.”

  “I know,” I said, not quite sure why I didn’t wait until he got home. “I just needed to see you and talk to you.”

  “About what?” he asked.

  “For one thing, the caterer called and said that we can’t have fish at our wedding,” I told him.

  “It’s fine,” he said. “We can have chicken, then.”

  “It’s just that…” I began hesitantly. “I really don’t think that I want to have a big wedding. And I know that that’s what we talked about, but it’s really starting to stress me out, and I think that I’d just rather elope before the baby comes. We can have our honeymoon and do things completely our own way in our own time. Then, we can come back and be focused on getting everything ready for the baby.”


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