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Texas Sheriff's Deadly Mission

Page 1

by Karen Whiddon

  Rayna touched his arm.

  “I suggest you wait until the DNA results are back. We don’t know for sure it’s her.”

  Gazing down at her, he appeared to be struggling to speak. And then he covered her mouth with his and kissed her.

  Shocked, stunned and, yes, aroused, she kissed him back, helpless to resist. Her arms somehow found their way around his neck, her body full up against his with her back against her car.

  Somehow, they made it inside the car. Apart, no longer locked together like a couple of horny teenagers. A good thing, she thought, trying to catch her breath. Because if someone had seen them, she’d have been the topic of gossip for the next several days.

  “That was...” She struggled to express herself.

  Parker simply gazed at her, his expression hidden in shadows. “I want you,” he rumbled.

  * * *

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  Dear Reader,

  I love west Texas. I don’t know what it is about the landscape that I find so enchanting. Maybe it’s the wide-open vistas and the hardscrabble trees clinging tenaciously to life in the dry dirt. Or the amazing sunrises and sunsets. And definitely it’s the people.

  When I created the imaginary west Texas town of Getaway, I knew that I wanted to set several books there. Texas Sheriff’s Deadly Mission is the first. The heroine, Sheriff Rayna Coombs, introduced herself to me and I knew exactly who she needed. Sexy biker Parker Norton rolls into town on his Harley, looking for his best friend’s missing niece. The attraction is instant.

  Throw in more missing young women and the possibility of a serial killer in a small town, and this was a fun story to write. I hope you enjoy reading it!

  Karen Whiddon



  Karen Whiddon

  Karen Whiddon started weaving fanciful tales for her younger brothers at the age of eleven. Amid the gorgeous Catskill Mountains, then the majestic Rocky Mountains, she fueled her imagination with the natural beauty surrounding her. Karen now lives in north Texas, writes full-time and volunteers for a boxer dog rescue. She shares her life with her hero of a husband and four to five dogs, depending on if she is fostering. You can email Karen at Fans can also check out her website,

  Books by Karen Whiddon

  Harlequin Romantic Suspense

  Colton 911: Chicago

  Colton 911: Soldier’s Return

  The CEO’s Secret Baby

  The Cop’s Missing Child

  The Millionaire Cowboy’s Secret

  Texas Secrets, Lovers’ Lies

  The Rancher’s Return

  The Texan’s Return

  Wyoming Undercover

  The Texas Soldier’s Son

  Texas Ranch Justice

  Snowbound Targets

  The Widow’s Bodyguard

  Texas Sheriff’s Deadly Mission

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

  To all my dog rescue friends—Laura Everitt, Audra Bishop, Reg Morgan, Kathleen DeAngelo. You work tirelessly to help save dogs, rejoicing when one is saved and finds their forever home, and grieving when one is lost. I see you, I appreciate you and I’m honored to work beside you.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Excerpt from Her Undercover Refuge by Linda O. Johnston

  Chapter 1

  Looking up at the tall, muscular and very tattooed man who strode into her sheriff’s department, Rayna Coombs flushed, all over her body. Mary Leeds, who usually worked the front desk, had just stepped out to grab them both lunch. Though Rayna wished she could let someone else assist this citizen, right now she was the only one there. Holding down the fort, as they liked to say.

  “Can I help you?” she asked, her tone cool and professional, despite the way her every sense had sprung to life at the sight of him. From his massive chest and arms, cleft jaw and enigmatic brown eyes, he was everything that made her entire body sing. In other words, trouble. She’d learned the hard way to stay far, far away from men like him. Outside, she saw a black-and-chrome Harley. A custom job from the looks of it. Which only made him even more attractive, dang it.

  “I’m looking for the sheriff,” the sexy stranger drawled, his Texas accent letting her know that yes, he was from around these parts.

  Though inwardly, she sighed and tried like hell not to melt, she kept her demeanor remotely law enforcement officer polite. “You’ve found her,” she responded, bracing herself for his response. She’d more than earned the respect of the locals, but sometimes strangers, particularly men, had trouble accepting a woman in a position of power. Even in this day and age.

  At first, he didn’t reply. Instead, he looked her up and down, as if waiting for her to laugh and say she was joking. Instead, she let her gaze travel over him in the same sort of slow assessment. “Now, once again, how may I assist you?”

  Finally, he jerked his rugged chin in a quick nod. “Parker Norton,” he said, holding out his hand. “Sam Norton is my uncle.”

  Briskly, she shook it. Sam had been sheriff before her and the one who’d originally hired her as a patrol officer. “Then you know Sam’s living the retired life down in Corpus,” she said.

  “I do.” He glanced around before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a photograph, sliding it across the counter toward her. “My friend’s little sister disappeared somewhere around here. Her name is Nicole Wilson. She was driving to Dallas from Texas Tech, where she was going to school. I’m here to get your help in locating her.”

  She instantly knew who he was referring to, but went ahead and studied the photo anyway. “We’ve already looked into this,” she said. “Sam called and asked us to prioritize it as a favor to him. We did and we found nothing to indicate she’d even been in Getaway. She didn’t stay at either of the motels, or get gas at any of the filling stations. We even reviewed video from some of the shops on Main Street, looking for a 1995 yellow Camaro. Nothing.”

  “She was here,” he replied, his stubborn certainty at complete odds with what she’d just explained. “My friend John got a text from here at the city line. She took a picture with the sign. Here.” This time he slid his phone over to her, revealing a photo of a smiling, carefree young blonde woman, posing in front of the Getaway sign. This was a popular spot with both tourists and those on their way to other places. Their little town northwest of Abilene was best known for its name.

  “I’m sorry,” she began, her voice gentle. “I don’t know what else to tell you.”

  He looked down at that, gathering himself. She braced herself for insults or cuss words, not enough to get him arrested, but probably enough for her to be able to ask him to leave.

  Instead, he swallowed hard and met her gaze. The pain in his dark eyes stunned and moved her. “You don’t understand,” he rasped. “John is my best friend and he’s dying. Colon cancer. Nicole was on her way to Dallas from Lubbock to see him when she disappeared. All John wants in this wor
ld before he dies is to see her again and know she’s safe. I’ll do whatever it takes to give this to him.”

  “Again, while I sympathize, I’m not sure what you want me to say. We’ve already done an exhaustive search. We found nothing to indicate Nicole came in contact with foul play here in Getaway.”

  Though he winced at the words foul play, he didn’t look away. “What I want, Sheriff Coombs,” he said through clenched teeth, “is for you to help me find her.”

  With sudden clarity, she realized he wasn’t going to go away. No matter what she said or did. “You want me to reopen a closed case, is that correct?” Her crisp tone put her right back in professional mode. Sam’s nephew would get what he wanted. She owed Sam that.

  “I do.”

  She nodded. “All right. Will you text me that photo, the one of her with our city-limits sign? I’d like to print it out.”

  If her rapid capitulation surprised him, he gave no sign. He asked for her number, entered it, and a moment later her phone chimed. “Got it,” she exclaimed, pushing the icon to send it to the printer. “Now, how can I reach you? I assume you’d like to be notified if there’s any news on this case.”

  “You’ve got my number,” he pointed out. “Just save it in your phone. I’m staying at the Landshark Motel, room 233. I’ll be there for the next several days.”

  Damn. She managed to keep her face expressionless, despite her dismay. She should have known someone as determined as him wouldn’t leave town until he had what he wanted. Which might just be pretty damn impossible.

  She thought about explaining how thorough they’d been. Sam Norton never asked for personal favors and when he did, well, she sure as hell would work her fingers to the bone to try and get answers. Except nothing had turned up. Zero, zilch, nada. If Nicole had been here, she’d simply passed through. Whatever had happened to her must have occurred somewhere between Getaway and Dallas. Though Rayna had even called a state trooper friend of hers and had him check. Even then, nothing had turned up. No sign of Nicole Wilson’s Camaro had been found.

  Glancing at the hard line of the masculine jaw in front of her, she understood Parker Norton didn’t care what might have been done before. He wanted them to try again. And again, until they somehow got the results he wanted. She couldn’t blame him. She’d be the same way if someone she loved had simply disappeared.

  “I’m sorry about your friend,” she said softly. “And we’ll be in touch with you if anything turns up.”

  “Thank you.”

  Again, she felt a sizzle low in her belly as his gaze met hers. Pushing it down, she gave a curt nod and turned away. Only when she heard the door close behind him and his motorcycle start up did she release the breath she hadn’t even been aware of holding. Her entire body tingled, even though she’d barely touched him. Ridiculous.

  Needing a distraction, she sat down in front of her computer and reviewed the case files regarding the search for the missing Nicole Wilson.

  Mary returned a few minutes later, toting two Whataburger bags. “Here you go,” she said, dropping one on the counter in front of Rayna. “Eat it while it’s hot.”

  About to walk past, the older woman caught sight of the photo Rayna had printed. “Isn’t that the girl Sam asked us to check on?”

  “It is.” Rayna sighed. “Sam’s nephew came by a few minutes ago and asked us to reopen the case. I’ll have Larry take another shot at investigating her disappearance when he comes in this afternoon.”

  Shrugging, Mary took her lunch to her desk. After a moment, Rayna did the same. She only wished she could put the thought of Parker Norton out of her mind. Because the images running through her mind were not the slightest bit respectable or sheriff-like. She’d only had this kind of reaction to one other man, and that had nearly cost her not only her job, but her life. Acting on something like that was not a mistake she would ever make again.

  Biting down into her burger, Rayna savored every morsel. Usually, her lunch consisted of salads or wraps—healthy food. The rare occasion she allowed herself a burger, she always, without exception, had a bacon-mushroom burger with pepper-jack cheese and a side order of fries. She wouldn’t allow herself to taint her enjoyment of this rare meal with all these sensual images of the first man who’d piqued her interest in years.

  By the time Larry Newsome arrived for his shift, Rayna had refreshed her memory with every aspect of the previous investigation into Nicole Wilson’s possible disappearance. The family had filed a missing-person report, not only with Getaway PD but with the county.

  Larry blinked when Rayna filled him in on what she needed him to do. “But didn’t we already look into this?”

  “Yes. But we’re going to take another look. Sam’s nephew came by and requested it.”

  Immediately, Larry’s frown cleared. Anyone who’d ever worked for Sam would do just about anything for him. Larry was no exception.

  “I’m on it,” Larry said. “Where would you like me to start?”

  “We’re going to begin an entirely new investigation,” Rayna answered. “All new interviews, reviewing camera footage, the works. As far as you’re concerned, none of this was done before. Start from scratch.”

  “Sounds good.” Larry ambled back to his desk, booted up his computer and started his own preliminary work. Rayna relaxed, knowing the investigation was in good hands.

  “It’s nearly five,” Mary said, bringing a short stack of forms over for Rayna to sign. “I’m heading home right after this. How about you?”

  Slightly surprised to find out the time, Rayna couldn’t resist glancing at the clock to double-check. Yep, 4:58 p.m. Time to head home to her small family. Just the thought of seeing her baby girl made her smile. Her mother, Wanda, watched over Lauren during the day while Rayna worked, an arrangement that suited all of them just fine.

  “I’m right behind you,” Rayna said, rolling her shoulders a bit to help relax some of the kinks.

  “I’ll start making a few calls tonight,” Larry promised. “I won’t call anyone too late, but maybe I can question a few people over the phone in between the time they get home from work and eat supper.”

  “Sounds good,” Rayna responded. “Let me know if you learn anything new.”

  Driving home with the summer sun still high in the sky, Rayna managed to keep her thoughts from returning to the handsome biker. She knew better, honestly she did, and she couldn’t fathom why she’d even consider allowing herself to get all worked up over a guy who could only bring drama to her life. Everything about him screamed bad boy, from his black leather vest, tattooed muscular arms, right down to the custom black Harley he rode.

  She knew the type well, she thought grimly. She continued to remind herself that her involvement with one had nearly cost her everything. She couldn’t take that kind of risk again. Never ever.

  Pulling up in front of the tidy ranch-style house, she parked and went in through the front door. The instant she stepped inside, five-year-old Lauren launched herself at her.

  “Mommy!” she squealed. “You’re home!”

  “I am.” Rayna bent down and scooped Lauren up in her arms. “Let me look at you. Yep, your hair is still red.”

  Lauren laughed and laughed, green eyes sparkling, her amusement real, even though Rayna said this every single time she came home. Heart full, Rayna hugged her daughter tightly before putting her back down. “Let me go change and I’ll meet you and Grandma in the kitchen.”

  Nodding, Lauren went skipping off, her routine every evening.

  In her bedroom, Rayna approached her closet and punched in the code to unlock her gun safe. Once she’d stored her weapon, she quickly shed her uniform, changing into a pair of running shorts, a tank top and flip-flops. In her small bathroom, she quickly washed off her makeup, scrubbed her face clean and tied her hair back into a ponytail.

  Her mother sat at t
he kitchen table, cutting up a cantaloupe. “How was your day?” Wanda asked softly.

  Rayna shrugged. She knew better than to discuss any aspects of her job with her mom. Wanda would worry herself sick if she had even the slightest knowledge of Rayna putting herself at risk. Today had been one of those days where she hadn’t even left the office, but others she wasn’t so lucky.

  “I made a tuna casserole for dinner,” Wanda continued. “Lauren asked me to, even though it’s kind of too hot to use the oven, I did. It’ll be done in about fifteen minutes.”

  “Sounds great.” On cue, Rayna’s stomach growled. “Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate all that you do around here.”

  A bright smile lit up Wanda’s still-pretty face. “Honey, I really appreciate you putting a roof over my head and food in my belly. It’s so nice not to be waiting tables and worrying about if I’ll have enough money to make rent. Moving here was the best thing we ever did.”

  “I know.” Looking over at her daughter, playing happily with stuffed animals in the small living room, Rayna smiled back. “I’m going to do whatever it takes to make sure we’re always safe here.”

  Expression clouding, Wanda nodded. They hadn’t been safe in Conroe, even though Jimmy Wayne had gone away to prison. He’d had too many contacts on the outside who might be willing to carry out the vengeance he’d sworn against Rayna. Even though he’d been incarcerated before Rayna had learned she carried his child, she’d never stopped looking over her shoulder.

  * * *

  Parker Norton rode away from the sheriff’s office, his powerful Harley rumbling underneath him. He’d been surprised as hell by his physical reaction to the tiny redheaded sheriff. When she’d looked up at him, eating him up with her hot emerald-eyed gaze, his body had responded powerfully. Despite cruising aimlessly around town, he still hadn’t settled down, which meant he’d need to head back to the motel for a cold shower, or find an isolated pond and go skinny-dipping. With the brutal afternoon heat of the west Texas sun burning down on him, he was inclined to search out the latter.


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