Something Old (The Jilted Series Book 1)

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Something Old (The Jilted Series Book 1) Page 3

by Liz Lovelock

  We’ve been playing this back-and-forth staring game all night. The one thing stopping me from going over to him is the fact that he’s in the VIP section with security standing close by him and his friends. He grins, showing me his pearly whites, and my stomach swirls.

  “Someone’s watching you like a hawk again,” Vivian sings into my ear. She takes hold of my shoulders and gives me the slightest shake. “He’s delicious, and so are his friends. Why the hell won’t they come over to us? You should have gone to dinner with him.” She licks her lips seductively while looking in his direction.

  I shake my head, unable to hide the smile on my face. “He must be someone important. I do not stand a chance with a man like that. Plus, I’m here for a weekend away—not to hook up with some random hot guy.”

  “Pfft, you totally need to get yourself a man—even if it is just for pleasure. You’ve had your head stuck in your books for far too long.”

  “It’s my job to have my nose stuck in books, in case you forgot that fact.” Being an editor for one of the best publishers in the country has its perks, and this entire weekend is one of them—a business getaway. One day, I’ll have my own company, doing the exact same thing. I was coming here to meet a client and turned it into a weekend for me and my best friend.

  Vivian takes my hand, dragging me from the dance floor. “Time for another round of shots.”

  We head straight for the bar, but before we reach it, a body steps in front of us. My eyes travel up the wide chest, which I’m positive has a mountain of muscle beneath it. My hungry-eyed man stands before me. Damn, he’s tall, and now that I’m standing close, I really soak up his features. I take in his pretty boy looks. That smile—oh, and there’s a dimple. His sandy-blond hair is calling my fingers, demanding me to run them through it. He’s like a walking book boyfriend from one of the many manuscripts I’ve read recently. He’s toe-curlingly sexy.

  My voice box has been swallowed by his gorgeousness.

  Vivian slides in beside me and asks innocently, “Can we help you?”

  I roll my eyes at her act.

  His eyes stay focused on me. My stomach flips, and my knees become weak.

  Slowly, he shifts his gaze to her and says, “Actually, I came to invite you ladies into our VIP area.” That voice is like hot chocolate being tipped over a bowl of ice cream—or hell, a body. Preferably mine, with him there to clean it up.

  Snap out of it, Scarlett.

  I shake my head. “Oh, thanks for the offer, but—”

  “We’d love to,” Vivian jumps in.

  “Well, there you go. Then, sure. Thanks.” I mentally slap myself silly in the hopes it will stop me from acting like a blubbering idiot.

  “Great. Follow me, and we can get you some drinks. You did promise me a drink later.”

  “I did, and now I’m making good on it.”

  “Thanks for inviting us to join your group, Lachlan.” She beams.

  He turns, and I catch a glimpse of his arms. Arm porn! Another mental reprimand is needed. I seriously need to drag my mind out of the gutter and focus on the matter at hand. We’re following the guy we’ve known for all of five minutes and have been making eyes with all night into the VIP section. This could be a good thing and a bad thing all at the same time.

  He leads the way, and when we get to a security guard, Lachlan leans over and says something into his ear, and he lets us through.

  My hands grip Vivian’s arm. This is really happening. There are four guys in the area, including Lachlan. Each is equally drool-worthy. They were obviously hit with the drop-dead-gorgeous stick when they were born. I can’t help but wonder if they went through the ugly-duckling stage that most people tend to. Looking at them, I highly doubt it.

  “Boys, this is Scarlett and Vivian. Let’s show them a good time, and remember, no stupid stuff that will cause Wyatt to have heart failure.” He gifts me a sexy sideways glance and a wink.

  Vivian’s cheeks pinken, noticeable even under the dim club lighting, and I’m sure mine do the same.

  “Take a seat and enjoy yourselves.”

  While taking a seat, I say, “Thanks.”

  I don’t miss how his arm ends up on the back of the couch behind me. Vivian slips in on the other side and, of course, makes out that there’s no room for her tiny butt, so I have to shuffle closer to Lachlan. So damn close that his musky cologne entices me even more.

  “How long are you here for? Where are you coming from?” he asks.

  “We’re from New York, but I’m here for work for a couple of days, and we decided to make a thing out of it. We head home tomorrow afternoon.”

  The way he stares at my moving lips has my insides a tangled mess.

  “Fair enough. What do you do for work?”

  “She’s an editor for a publishing company, and one day, she’ll run her own,” Vivian jumps in, which I’m thankful for.

  My mind is going places it shouldn’t. Like slowly undressing him with my eyes. Is his skin smooth or rough? Are there tattoos under that shirt? What would he taste like?

  His eyes go wide. “An editor for what? A paper?”

  “No, for books. What do you do?” I smile, pleased with the sudden turn of the conversation.

  “You don’t know who we are?” He shuffles closer.

  Now I’m thinking I should have some idea, but I’m drawing blanks. I scan the area with his friends. Their faces are not familiar at all.

  “Nope,” Vivian and I say together.

  They all laugh just as someone places a tray of drinks on the small table in front of us. Vivian and I both go for the shots.

  “Let’s just say we play sports,” Lachlan says.

  My mouth forms an O. “Okay. I’m so not a sports person and don’t really follow any. Sorry.”

  Lachlan leans in closer, his mouth right beside my ear. “That’s okay. I’m happy to teach you a thing or two.”

  Goosebumps prickle from my head right down to my toes.

  “I’d like that,” I say as our cheeks press against one another’s. What breath I had in me has left the building, as though his proximity has sucked it from my body.

  He leans back as his fingers take a gentle hold of my chin. Those heated eyes drop to my lips and then back up to meet mine again. Kiss me, I beg. Every fiber of my being is screaming at me to taste him.

  There’s an unspoken pull between us. If the music wasn’t so loud, I have no doubt we’d be hearing a sizzle from his electric touch.

  He leans in, and I hold my breath, waiting, longing for that taste, when he pauses. His features change from sultry to unreadable. His eyes glaze over, and he drops his hand. The instant his hand leaves my skin, the sensation of his fingertips stays for a moment. After pulling in a deep breath, I release it slowly then toss back the shot that’s in my hand. I have no idea what the hell it is, but I’m glad it burns the whole way down. It sidetracks me from Hungry Eyes.

  “Another round,” Vivian shouts.

  Some friend I am. I’d completely blitzed out for a moment and forgot she was with me.

  “Yes!” I agree. Pull yourself together, Scarlett.

  Lachlan stands, his hands rubbing down his thighs which are covered by black jeans.

  I stand, following suit. “Thanks for the shot. Vivian and I can get our own drinks. Thanks, though. We’re going to head out and do some dancing.” Grabbing Vivian’s arm, I pull her up, ignore her complaints, and literally push her out the way we came in.

  “What are you doing?” she yells, giving me an accusing look, one that tells me she’s pissed I took her away from the man candy.

  “We’re not doing this. We don’t know these guys. I’m being responsible.” I give her some lame excuse, when, in reality, I don’t want to get sucked into those big blue eyes and then fall flat on my face and be the one to come up with mud all over me. “They’re clearly rich and important. What if they’re famous? Do you want photos of your drunken self all over the media? Not happening on my w
atch. Now, let’s go enjoy our night.” I push her toward the bar, and she stomps her feet like a five-year-old.

  “You’re no fun.”

  “Hey, quiet, you. I’m saving you from embarrassment. Now let’s party.”

  We line up at the bar. A guy comes and stands in front of us. His grin is wide and cheesy. He’s the same one that got the drinks for us in the VIP area.

  “Same as before?” he asks, and we both nod.

  “Make it three each, followed by two martinis,” I say. Leaning into Vivian, I add, “If we’re going to get drunk, we’re going to do it right.”

  “Do you want to go back to our room?” Vivian shouts in my ear over the loud music.

  I shake my head. “No, I’m having too much fun.” Fingers crossed I don’t feel sick tomorrow.

  My head shakes to the rhythm of the music when a set of hands slides around my waist. I yelp and shoot forward out of their grasp. Whipping around and out of the arms of a stranger, I come face to face with Lachlan, that wicked grin teasing me like a donkey with a carrot on a stick.

  “Who said you could do that?” I yell but step closer.

  His hands find my hips again. Warmth from them radiates through me. The rest of the dance floor fades away as my arms find their way around his neck.

  He leans over and presses a kiss to the bare skin on my neck. “How angry would your friend be if I stole you away?”

  Goosebumps rise over my flesh. This man has magical powers. It’s as though he’s put a spell on me, and everything about him pulls me in.

  “I can’t leave her. We don’t abandon each other in these places.”

  Turning, I catch Vivian rubbing up against one of the guys who was in the VIP section.

  “That’s Wyatt. Don’t worry; she’s safe. If there’s ever anyone who’s a stickler for rules and safety, it’s him.” He laughs, and it causes a swarm of butterflies to invade my stomach.

  Lachlan’s arms tighten around me. He’s so tall with broad shoulders and completely hot with a capital H. I can’t help staring at his pink lips that are calling mine.

  As if he’s read my mind, in one swoop, his lips are on mine. His tongue invades my mouth, and I let him. Hell, he’s a good kisser. All parts of me ignite.

  After a moment, we come up for air. “Let’s get out of here,” he whispers, his hot breath sending a shiver down my spine.

  I rest my hands on his firm chest, and I say, “Let me talk to Viv first.” I pull away from him, but his fingers bite into my skin for a moment before he finally releases.

  Weaving through a group of sweaty bodies, I finally make it to Vivian and tap her arm.

  She stops gyrating on Wyatt. “So, I’m going to go with Lachlan, unless you don’t want me to,” I say in her ear.

  “Go, have fun. I’m going to take this piece of deliciousness back to our room, so you go to his. Make sure you have your phone so we can reconnect in the morning.”

  I laugh. “You’re such a lawyer.” I playfully roll my eyes. “Okay. Have fun.” I waggle my eyebrows.

  She bites her bottom lip and laughs. Looks like we’re both getting lucky tonight. I smack her on her butt before heading back to Lachlan. As I turn, he’s right behind me.

  “Damn, you can’t wait where you’re told, can you?” I say.

  “Not when I see something I want.” His mouth devours mine once again, and he lifts me up with ease.

  My legs wrap around his waist. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this intimate with a guy. It’s my lucky night.

  The pounding in my head stops me from opening my eyes, but once I do, I’m sure I’ll have to make a run to the bathroom and bring up the entire contents of my stomach. I groan.

  “Good morning,” a deep voice beside me grumbles, and I freeze. Did Vivian suddenly become a man? What the ever-loving hell happened last night?

  I inhale a deep breath and am smacked with unfamiliar men’s cologne. Did she bring a guy back to the room?

  Oh hell. I must be dreaming. I have to be. Why can’t I remember parts of last night?

  “Are you okay?” the deep voice asks. Slowly, I manage to lift one eyelid, and diamond blue eyes stare at me. I slam my eyelids shut. Wake up, Scarlett. Wake the hell up.

  “Scarlett?” the man asks.

  The unease in my stomach intensifies. I can’t hold it back. My eyes spring open, and I kick off the blankets and run for where I think the bathroom is. Only, it’s not where I remember it. This isn’t my room!

  My hands fly to cover my mouth. I turn my wild gaze on Lachlan—yes, that’s his name. He points, and I race toward the bathroom, getting there just in time. Thank goodness.

  I heave the contents of my stomach. Urgh, why did I drink so much? I rest my hands on the edges of the toilet seat, a gold band on my left finger shining bright under the bathroom light. What the hell? It’s not possible.

  Before I can do anything about it, my stomach heaves again and again until I know it’s completely empty.

  “Here’s some cold water.” Lachlan stands in the doorway.

  I glance down, and thankfully, I’ve got a shirt covering the length of my body. It’s obviously one of his.

  Reaching around me, he places the water bottle in my hand. I crack it open and take a hesitant sip. The coolness coats my throat and settles in my tight stomach.

  Finally, I flush the toilet and turn to face him now that I’ve officially embarrassed myself. Probably could have been worse—I could have hurled all over him instead. Oh, I would die. “Thanks,” I barely whisper.

  He moves closer. “Do you need anything?”

  “Hold on. There’s nothing going on here until I’ve showered and washed my mouth out at least a hundred times. Also, while we’re at it, please explain this to me.” I hold up my left hand.

  Lachlan hangs his head and then meets my gaze. He raises his own left hand where a similar gold band sits. The closed water bottle drops from my hands, and they fly to cover my mouth.

  My heart speeds up. “We didn’t, did we?” Please say this is all just a joke.

  “It seems we enjoyed ourselves a little too much last night.” He chuckles, dropping his hand.

  “This isn’t a laughing matter. Oh, my goodness! What is everyone going to say? I married some random hot guy in a Vegas wedding. They’re going to think I’ve lost it. Am I dreaming?” Panic grips my chest and squeezes the air from my lungs.

  Lachlan takes two strides and is in front of me, gripping my shoulders. “Take a breath. We can fix this.”

  “You sound eerily calm for someone who just got married. Is this something you do often? Because this isn’t me at all.”

  I growl, my hands shoving against his bare chest. They curl into fists, and I pound them against him until he takes my wrists.

  “Scarlett . . .”

  I cut him off. “Vivian is my lawyer, and she’ll take care of this. Where is my phone?” I sidestep around him, yanking my hands from his light grip. My eyes land on the bed and its crumpled sheets. Heat creeps over my face.

  Lachlan comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my body. I want to run. Yet, I want to stay. I can’t be married. I can just imagine Dad’s reaction, and then Theo would piss himself laughing. Perfect. This is exactly what I don’t need—to be made the joke of the family. Although, Mom would be over the moon, only disappointed she didn’t get to organize the wedding.

  “Take a breath, Scarlett. We’ll figure this out. For all we know, this marriage could work for us.”

  Spinning in his arms, I shoot an accusing look his way. “Do you think this is some kind of joke?”

  “No. I know it’s not a joke.”

  I reel back out of his arms. “Okay, something must have happened to you last night. Did you hit your head too many times on the headboard? A normal guy would probably be joining me in freaking the hell out, but you’re calm. That’s not right. This has to be undone.” Shaking my head, I lift the blanket and some clothes that are scattered over the floor
. “Where the hell is my phone?”

  Lachlan heads to the door. Each muscle in his back tenses and moves as he does. Now I know exactly how this marriage happened. He took his damn shirt off, and I fell head over heels. Stupid Scarlett.

  “You dropped your belongings at the doorway.” He bends over, and a smirk slides across my face as I take in his perfect ass. Don’t, Scarlett. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth and bite it—hard. I must still be drunk.

  He hands me my phone. When I stare down at the screen, there are, like, ten missed phone calls from Vivian.

  “Looks like you’re wanted.”

  “This isn’t going to end well after I tell her.” I swipe my finger, and it automatically redials, and I put it on speaker.

  She answers after the first ring. “Oh, thank goodness. You’re alive.” She sighs.

  My entire body trembles, and I think I’m about to cry. My eyes burn. I blink furiously to push the tears away. “I got married,” I blurt.

  She sucks in a breath, and then I’m met with silence. I drop onto the edge of the bed. “Vivian?”

  Lachlan disappears and returns with the bottle of water I dropped.

  “I . . . I don’t know what to say,” she stutters. “I can’t believe you got married.”

  “Me neither. What am I going to do?” I collapse my head into my free hand.

  “Oh, hell. He’s after money, isn’t he?”

  I stare up at him. He smiles and shakes his head.

  “By his head shake, I’m going to say no. I married a complete stranger. Can you imagine what Theo is going to say? He’s going to piss himself laughing.”

  Vivian erupts with laughter. “He’s never going to let you live it down. What about your parents?”

  I bolt upright. “I’m not telling them. Tell me how to undo this.”

  “Don’t stress. It can be undone.”

  “How long is it going to take?” I need this over and done with as soon as possible, especially before I become the laughingstock of the Albright family.


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