Something Old (The Jilted Series Book 1)

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Something Old (The Jilted Series Book 1) Page 4

by Liz Lovelock

  “From memory, if both parties sign the Nevada Annulment documents, it takes one to three weeks for it to go through.”

  “Fine. Let’s get this started.”

  “What room are you in?”

  Lachlan tells me, and I relay it to her.

  “Okay, sit tight. I’ll be there with the documents soon. Please tell me you used protection last night. A marriage is one thing, but a kid is another.”

  My stomach drops to my feet. “I’m going to assume yes. But I’ll let you know.”

  She sighs. “Scarlett, I’m glad you had some fun, but this isn’t what I had in mind.”

  We end the call.

  “Vivian said that we have to sign some paperwork, and it’ll all be undone in about three weeks or sooner. I’m sorry about this. I really hope this wasn’t my idea. Do you remember much from last night?” I sound hopeless. What kind of woman doesn’t remember sleeping with a man like Lachlan? He’s god-like.

  Lachlan steps closer to me and takes me in his arms, completely unfazed about the entire situation. Anyone would think he’d orchestrated the whole thing. “Scarlett, this situation might not be a bad one to be in,” he suggests.

  “Okay, you’ve officially lost your mind. I hardly know you. I don’t even know what you do. For all I know, you could be a serial killer.” I stab my finger into his chest.

  He flinches away from my nail. The serial killer comment might have been too much. I can’t help it; I read too many books.

  “I play sports.”

  “Sports, huh? I guess that’s why you’re built how you are.”

  “Let me show you how much fun last night was. The shower is calling us.”

  “You’re a smooth talker, and as tempting as that sounds, I’d rather not since we’re ending this, and we’ll probably never see or hear from each other again.”

  “I’d like to keep in touch with you. How about you go have a shower, and I’ll get dressed and wait for your friend?”

  I head into the bathroom, grabbing some toothpaste from a toiletry bag on the counter. I quickly put some on my fingers and rub it over my teeth, wanting to erase the vomit breath.

  I’m about to step into the shower when Lachlan gently grabs my wrist, spins me, then he pulls my naked body against his chest once again. Before I can protest, his mouth is on mine. I moan.

  Our tongues dance. My body melts against his. His hands settle themselves on my ass, and then, with such ease, he lifts me. I wrap my legs around his waist.

  “We shouldn’t,” I say, exhaling between our ravenous kisses.

  “Give me one good reason,” he growls, his lips moving from mine and making their way down my throat, each kiss heating my core temperature. The desire between us is palpable.

  “Because we’re getting a divorce. Aren’t divorced couples meant to hate each other?”

  “We don’t have to. We can have some fun still.” His hand cups my breast and gently squeezes. Damn, that feels good.

  “Okay,” I finally say.

  He doesn’t need another invitation. He slips through the shower door, and we are lost in each other. Touches. Kisses. And a heated desire that I can’t seem to explain.

  “I want to remember the last twenty-four hours. Don’t forget me, Scarlett. Perhaps another time, when we’re both better prepared, we can give this relationship thing a go?” His piercing blue eyes stare into mine hungrily.

  “If—and that’s a big if—we ever see each other again, how about we start off with a date as regular couples do?” I laugh.

  “Deal,” he says before his mouth is back on mine.

  This time, I’m sober and will probably never forget the gorgeous man in front of me. We take our time exploring each other as the steaming water cascades over our bodies.

  Present Day…

  I shove another slice of bread in my mouth. It’s crazy busy in my favorite restaurant tonight.

  “Do you remember the guy, how freaked out you were, yet you still made me wait at the door while having one final fling?” Vivian takes a sip of her white wine and gives me a glare.

  “I did do that. I must have been out of my mind. And it was probably the best I’ve had in a long time.”

  Vivian chokes.

  I’m midway through shoving another piece of food in my mouth when a deep voice says, “Excuse me?”

  I look up at Lachlan, standing at our table. Vivian stares up at him, her mouth open slightly. A coughing fit erupts as I inhale the food that I’ve just put in my mouth.

  Vivian hands me a glass of water, and I finally manage to swallow my food properly. “Thanks.”

  Lachlan towers over me. He’s wearing black jeans and a white button-up shirt, looking as gorgeous as he did before—if not more.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, my voice slightly husky. I take another sip and wait for his response.

  He smiles, and my stomach clenches—in a good way. It’s funny how my body instantly reacts to his proximity.

  “I was having dinner with my parents and saw you here. I had to come and say hello. It’s been years; I’m surprised you remember me.”

  I swipe some hair out of my eyes. “It has been a while, but you’re pretty unforgettable.” My cheeks heat while I mentally slap myself for my admission.

  Lachlan chuckles, and it’s as though it vibrates right through me. “That’s good. I thought I’d hear from you at some stage after Vegas. I’ve been heartbroken for years.” He clutches his chest dramatically, and my eyes do a full 360-degree roll. A smirk breaks out across my mouth.

  I tap my chin. “Well, you do realize it’s a two-way street. You had my number also.” I wink playfully. Act cool, Scarlett. This man, even though we were only together for one night, made me feel things I never ever experienced with my latest ex-husband.

  “I believe the number you gave me was one short.” He crosses his arms over his chest.

  His biceps bulge, and I bite my inner lip. It tightens his shirt over his muscle. Pure, hot muscle, which I suddenly have a desire to reach out and touch, or at least to have around me again.

  “Perhaps I did. My mistake. By the way, you put your number in my phone. Do you remember the name you put it under? I searched for the possibilities the other night and came up with nothing.”

  He leans over, his mouth hovering near my ear. “How about you search for Vegas Husband?”

  I swallow. I want to slap myself. How could I forget that?

  “Of course. Well, you better get back to your family. I’d hate to keep you away.” As much as I want him to stay, I would hate to be the reason his family gets annoyed.

  “Trust me, I’m not missing much over there. I’m about to be put under the microscope by my father.” Disdain drips from his words. He shuffles on his feet and throws a quick glance over his shoulder and then back to me. It seems we both have father problems.

  “Sorry to hear.”

  We’re silent for a beat before Vivian clears her throat. I’d completely forgotten she was there. All she needs is a box of popcorn and she’d be set. The whole situation is something she lives for. “Hello again, Lachlan,” she purrs like a kitten while playing with her hair.

  “Hey, Vivian.” He gives her a quick acknowledgment and then focuses back on me. “Scarlett, I believe you owe me a date.”

  “Oh, uh . . . how about we discuss this another time? I’m not good with relationships right now.” If only he knew the whole story.

  “Okay then. Can I have the digit that’s missing from your number?”

  I shake my head. “No, you may not.” I smile.

  He nods. “Very well. I’ll continue to wait patiently, like I did all those years ago.” He winks and then heads back to his table.

  The weight of a stare settles on my shoulders, so I gaze directly into a cold set of eyes. They send a shiver down my spine. Is that his father?

  “Wow, the dark-haired, brooding guy is giving you the evil eye,” Vivian says.

  “Yeah. Perha
ps he doesn’t like his son talking to girls.”

  Is his father a pushy one like mine?

  “So, are you going to message him?”

  I look her dead in the eyes. “No, not yet. I mean, it would be great, but I’m just not sure it’s a good idea given the fact that everything only just went final with Craig.”

  At least that way I can protect my heart.

  I can’t believe my luck. Out of the millions of people living in this state, I’ve run into Scarlett. Fate works in mysterious ways. I’m a full believer that things happen for a reason. Her coming back into my life now is a sign. For what, I’m not sure, but I’m willing to wait and find out.

  “Who is that, Lachlan?” Dad’s focus is like a dart and pointing directly in Scarlett’s direction. My stomach clenches. I hate the way he’s glaring.

  I grit my teeth. “Excuse me, Dad, don’t stare at her like that. She’s not your concern.”

  “Son, I care about who you have in your life. Do you remember the trouble you used to get into, and I had to be the one to save your ass?”

  My hands curl into fists under the table. Before I can retort, Mom speaks.

  “She’s a gorgeous young lady, Lachlan. What’s her name?”

  “Scarlett. And she’s an old friend I haven’t seen in a couple of years.”

  “Well, she is beautiful. Are there any lovely ladies in your life?” Mom gushes.

  I don’t miss the hopefulness in her tone. Of, course she wants a daughter-in-law, and Jase is too young to give her one of those.

  “Don’t put ideas in his head. He’s focusing on his career.”

  “That’s it,” I snap, rising from my seat. “I’m going. I refuse to sit here and be told what I’m doing with my life. I’m sorry, Mom, maybe you can come to dinner at my place before you leave. Just be sure to leave this at home.” I stab a finger in Dad’s direction.

  “Sit down,” Dad hisses as he sits up straighter. His face reddens like a traffic light. Normally, I’d cave to his demands, but I’ve had enough.

  “No, until you start treating me like your son instead of trying to micromanage me and be a pest, I don’t want anything to do with you.” Bending over, I kiss Mom on the cheek and glare at my father. “Have a good dinner. It’s on me.”

  Tucking the chair back under the table, I turn my back on my parents and walk out the same way I came in. Once again, eyes trail me, but this time, I sense her heavy gaze on the back of my head. I face her, and when our eyes meet, we hold it for a moment until I almost collide with a server. I quickly apologize, dart out the door, and inhale a deep breath of air.

  That man brings out the worst in me. I never want to be like him. I’m the one who worked my ass off to get where I am today. He was, and still is, a constant nag, pushing and probing.

  The passing cars and pedestrians distract me from my thoughts, and I exhale, feeling calmer. Finally, the rising anger that was bubbling in me simmers to a low pulse.

  “Lachlan,” a voice calls behind me.

  Perfect. The last thing I need is a reporter or some fan; I’m really not in the mood.

  “Will you stop?” she calls.

  I know who that is.

  Spinning on my heel, I come face to face with a puffing Scarlett.

  “What are you doing? You’re with your friend.” I glance behind her. Vivian isn’t following.

  Scarlett hangs her head, and then her eyes meet mine. Her face glows under the dim streetlight hanging above us, her cheeks blush light pink. “Oh, don’t worry about her. She’s the one who sent me looking for you and wouldn’t take no for an answer. I’m here to see if you’re okay. We noticed you left in a bit of a huff.”

  I cock an eyebrow. “You were watching me, were you? Couldn’t help yourself, eh?”

  “Don’t go reading into it. Let’s just say Vivian is one stubborn woman and seems to be throwing me at you, like she did all those years ago.” She swallows and gives me a vulnerable grin. “I only just found out you were this big-time quarterback. I remember you telling me you played sports, but we never went into any details.”

  “Yeah. I don’t lie, especially to those I like.” I give her a wry smile.

  Her feet shuffle, and she glances down then back up. “So, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. Just sick of my father. Always on my back about things instead of being an actual father.” I stab my hand into the pocket of my jeans and divert my gaze to the couple walking up behind her.

  “Would you believe me if I said I completely understand? I’d say our fathers are very similar by the sounds of it, and even my ex-husband. But I won’t bore you with details of my issues.” She stops and folds her arms over her chest as if to protect herself.

  She’s wearing black, fitted slacks with a red, button-up, satin shirt that hugs her in all the right places. White pearls hang from her neck. Her flawless skin causes my hand to twitch. I want to slide it around her neck and pull her into me. But I don’t. Instead, I rest my hand on her arm.

  Her skin rises in goosebumps under my touch. Our eyes connect, and a calmness settles between us.

  “That’s okay. We can share our stories another time.” I smile, not wanting to move my hand from her. “Maybe it’s the money they think they’re trying to protect.” I shrug.

  “Most likely.”

  “Wait, you’ve been married . . . again?” I swallow the hard lump that’s formed in my throat. It shouldn’t affect me. We only had one night.

  “Uh, I’d rather not discuss that right now.” She stares into the glass shop window over my shoulder, and silence falls between us before she adds, “Well, I better let you go.” She turns to leave.

  My hand drops from her arm. She turns to leave—for a second time. I gently grab her arm again. “Scarlett . . . give me another chance.”

  She laughs and rests her hand over mine. The electric current that passes through us is powerful.

  “I can’t at the moment. I have too much going on. Let’s see if fate steps in again.” She gives a small smile and walks away until she disappears back into the restaurant.

  “Game on, Scarlett.”

  Seeing Lachlan was like a dream. He was there, then he wasn’t. I had to keep reminding myself that it was real. Of course, the workaholic me comes into the office on a Sunday to try and take my mind off a guy. I’m so far behind because of all the divorce meetings that took place over the last month. Thankfully, that’s behind me now.

  My phone rings, causing me to jump, so I raise it to my ear. “Hello. Scarlett speaking.”

  “Why am I hearing that you’ve divorced Craig?”

  “Dad, if you actually paid attention to what I said instead of demanding things, you would have known how things were with Craig and me. This has been in proceedings for the last twelve months. Plus, I don’t need to explain myself to you—or anyone, for that matter. This is my life.” I swallow to try and calm my nerves that won’t settle. This man has a way of making me feel like the size of an ant he can squash at any time.

  “Do you just enjoy ruining things for me?” he growls.

  His words are like a stab to my heart. “I’m not some pawn in your game of politics. When I first married Craig, I loved him, and then over time, I fell out of love. He wasn’t the man I married.” My back straightens in my seat as I await his response.

  “Why can’t you just do as you’re asked?”

  “I’m not Mom. And I married Craig because I loved him, not because it was what you wanted. I wasn’t happy, and he sat at home most days like a lazy ass, and he cheated on me.”

  “Who cares if you aren’t happy? You make it work. Your mother and I did.”

  “I’m not Mom!” I yell. “Did you ever wonder why Mom was so unhappy? Maybe you should think about that.” I stand from my seat and pace the office space. It’s always Dad’s way. Not anymore, though. I’m done.

  “I gave her everything she ever needed. That’s what’s important.”

  “No, Dad. Love
is important.” I take a deep breath. “For the last time, I didn’t love Craig. Yes, I did in the beginning, but he cheated on me, and that’s unforgivable.”

  “It’s not unforgivable. It’s just your stubborn, hurt pride.”

  I always wondered if he was faithful to Mom; I think I just got my answer.

  “Dad, do you hear yourself? Just stop trying to control me. I’m no longer yours to control. Yes, you’re my father, but that’s it. You gave me life, but I’m done with you and all your crap. I don’t deserve this,” I say through gritted teeth.

  He scoffs. “You wouldn’t have what you do if it wasn’t for me. I can easily strip it away.”

  I stop dead in my tracks. “Don’t you dare threaten me. This is my business. Plus, Mom left me this money to start my company. Not one bit of it belongs to you.”

  “Scarlett, I will do what I want. I expect my children to obey me.” His words are low and powerful. My body shudders.

  Swallowing, I say with the same amount of power. “You don’t own me, so stop trying to.” Bitterness coats my mouth.

  “Scarlett . . .” he warns.

  “Dad . . .”

  Our words hang between us. Tension crackles in the phone line.

  “I expect you to be at the charity event next Friday—with Craig. Sort it out.”

  “No. I will be there, but not with him. I’m not as forgiving as Mom was. I guess Craig came crying to you because he ended up with nothing in the divorce. Poor little Craig goes running to Daddy instead of sorting out his own life. Goodbye, Dad.” I end the call before he can say any more. Damn, I need to run some steam off.

  Lifting my phone, I call Dylan. She’ll have the right things to say.

  “Dylan speaking. What do you want?”

  I laugh. “Is that how you answer your phone now?”

  “Sorry, I’m pissed. What are you up to?”

  “Want to meet me at the gym and fill me in on all the man decapitating this week? My father is a dick.”

  The cackle that fills the line settles some of the anger in me.

  “We all know he is. Always has been. I have the perfect story for you—not one of mine, but it’s perfect nonetheless.” Dylan laughs.


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