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Page 5

by M. Jayne

  “Okay, then I’ll call it.” His hands went to my waist as he rolled us both. When he was on his back, he pulled my knees to his sides. “Ride me.”

  I used my hand resting on his shoulder to push up. “I’ve never…”

  “I’ll help you.” He gripped his manhood, pulling it away from his belly.

  I knew enough to position my body over his length.

  “Slowly. You’ll enjoy it more.”

  I did as told, and he was right. It felt amazing as the head of his cock stretched my sensitive channel. “Oooh.” When fully filled, I looked at Graham.

  He’d looped his arm so that it supported his head, and he grinned cockily. “Now, ride.”

  I moved tentatively at first, concerned that I might hurt him. Very soon, I was lost in the feeling.

  Graham’s hand rested on my hip above the bone, and his gaze was focused on my now bouncing breasts.

  “God, you are so beautiful like this.” His hand tightened on my hip. “Riding my cock, your eyes half-closed, lost in the moment.”

  I ground my pussy against him, suddenly needing more. “Please,” I begged.

  He understood. His hands pulled me to his chest, causing my legs to extend behind me. He rolled us again so that I was under him. He set a fast pace, harder than my previous efforts.

  I wrapped my leg around his hip, changing the angle of his thrusts. I loved that we could do this naturally. It was as if he understood what I needed and, in turn, I would willingly give him everything.

  Too soon, I knew that I was going to come.

  Graham’s gaze held mine, and it felt like a flame traveled through my body.

  Once, twice, three more thrusts, and then Graham’s big body tensed, and I felt him release inside of me. “Mine,” he rumbled as he buried his face in my neck.

  I closed my eyes. I was his completely, although I may have damned him to an early death. I didn’t want to let him go.


  Graham Vincent

  Hours later, something woke me. My wolf and I listened closely but sensed nothing out of order. It had to be Olivia that had roused me from my deep sleep. “Liv?”

  “Did I wake you?” She rolled to face me. “I’m sorry.”

  “Couldn’t you sleep?” I’d been certain that I’d worn her out.

  “I had a dream.” She shrugged. “More of a nightmare, actually.”

  “Tell me.”

  She snuggled closer. “I can’t say for sure. It was more like impressions, but we were being chased, and there were so many of them. No matter where we hid or ran, they were there.” She dropped her forehead to my chest. “I’m sorry.”

  I lightly combed my fingers through her silky hair as I considered my words. “I don’t know if we can ever be safe on our own.”

  She made a choking sound. “You’ve had time to think about this. What is your decision?” She raised her head, and her gaze communicated the pleas that she would not say aloud. Please don’t say we should go our separate ways. I need you. Please don’t leave me on my own.

  My wolf appreciated that our mate realized that she needed us. “We will go where you will be safe.”

  “What?” She took in breaths through her open mouth. “But…” Her eyes filled with tears.

  “A life that is filled with constantly looking over my shoulder, worrying about you when I’m away…that’s no way to live. That’s not what I want for us.”

  “The only safe place is Novus land in Nebraska.” She sat up abruptly and crisscrossed her legs in front of her. “They’d probably require that you make promises, take an oath to honor the Pack. Am I asking too much of you?”

  I slowly slid up into a sitting position and rested my back against the headboard before I retook her hand. “Olivia, I will do whatever is needed to keep you safe. You are my life.” I lifted her hand to my lips and placed a kiss in the middle of her palm. This was my promise to her.

  “What if you hate it there?” She didn’t wipe the tears falling down her cheeks.

  I had done well on my own because I was a realist. “We won’t hate it because we can’t.” I would adjust, and so would she. “You are my destiny.”

  She pulled in several deep breaths, likely trying to control her emotions. “I’m fortunate to have you as my mate.”

  “When we rise, we’ll make plans.” I kissed her lightly on her lips. “Rest easy, my love. We will prosper because The Lady ordained our meeting.” This would work out; I would accept no other outcome.

  * * *

  We’d slept late, then eaten, and after we’d had shower sex. Now, Liv was sitting on the sofa dressed in my thermal shirt that hung to her knees with a blanket over her bare legs. Her wallet rested on the coffee table in front of her. Currently, she was trying not to look at it.

  I rested at the other end of the old sofa in sweats. I’d given her half an hour to make her decision. “Just do it. I’m right here with you.”

  She again glanced at the wallet and then at me. “I’m scared,” she said, her voice strained.

  I knew she felt the weight of this decision. Our lives were in her hands. I slid closer to her and began to rub her back, making circles with my palm. This had to be her decision. I wouldn’t take that away from her.

  “Before all of this, my dad told me what to do, or I followed the Pack’s rules. I had never made any real decisions about my life. It’s been hard…being on my own. I’ve made mistakes.” Her voice shook.

  “We all do.” I continued rubbing her back. “I’ve made plenty.”

  “What if…?” She looked so uncertain as she chewed on her lip.

  I couldn’t take seeing her in this state any longer. “Want me to make the call?”

  She melted against me, her relief evident. “Will you? Please?”

  “When you’re ready, hand me your wallet,” I said quietly.

  A minute passed before she let out a loud breath and reached for the brown leather clutch.

  I grinned at her, feeling proud that she’d acted. “See, that wasn’t so tough, was it?”

  She rolled her light blue eyes and flashed me a tiny grin.

  I had a feeling this was going to be our life for a while until Olivia learned that she was strong. In the meantime, there would be moments where she might work herself up, and then I would need to swoop in to take care of whatever problem we faced without drama or recriminations. I would give her the time to find her inner strength and trust it.

  “His card is in my wallet.”

  I waited for her to nod, giving me silent permission to dig in her wallet. I easily found the card in the slot above her ID. I examined the simple text on the cream background while my index finger traced the worn edges. “Looks like you’ve spent some time thinking about this.” I pictured her spending hours holding the card while trying to work up the courage to reach out for help, thereby giving up her freedom. What did she really know of The Novus Pack? It could turn out to be worse than the Burkes.

  “I have, but I wanted…I wanted to try to do it on my own. It was my chance to be independent.” She shrugged. “I got this far, right?”

  “Being alone is one way to live, but it isn’t for everyone.” I’d been alone for a very long time. Even when I’d been with my parents, they’d been a unit while I’d sometimes felt like the outsider. “You need others to watch over and to love.”

  She let out a tense giggle. “And now, I have you.”

  “And we will have sons and daughters.”

  Her smile was sweet, and I knew she liked that idea very much.

  I pulled my cell phone from my pocket and touched the screen. After tapping in the numbers, I said, “I’m going to put it on speaker.”

  She leaned into my body as we both watched the screen intently.

  One ring, two, and then, “Conal MacGregor,” boomed through the device.

  We both jumped a little at the command of his tone.

  “This is Detective Graham Vincent from Perryville, Pennsylvan
ia,” I said out of habit, not to be outdone by this alpha male.

  “What can I do for you, Detective?” Novus’s Second didn’t sound concerned. In fact, it seemed like he received a call like this every day.

  “Olivia Stern…” I began.

  “What about Olivia?”

  “The Burke Pack is sending assassins after her.”

  “Is she safe?” His tone showed no surprise.

  Olivia leaned a little closer to the phone. “Yes, Second, I am here.”

  “Are you unharmed?”

  “For now,” she answered truthfully.

  “Where did you say? Pennsylvania?” Conal demanded.

  “Middle Pennsylvania,” I responded as I mentally began to route our journey to Nebraska.

  “What is the closest airport we can use? I’ll send a plane.”

  “No, no flying,” I spoke without thinking as I fought off a shiver of dread. I hated the thought of being trapped in the air in a metal container.

  Olivia began to gently rub my back as I had done for her.

  “Noted,” the Second replied smoothly as if he dealt with the fear often.

  “We’ll drive,” I told him with certainty. That way, I could control more of the variables.

  “We?” Conal inquired, drawing the word out.

  Apparently, the plane pick up had been for one.

  “Graham is my ma…mate.” She sounded a little unsure as she stumbled over the word.

  “I’ll send an escort. They can meet you two, somewhere in Illinois, let’s say?” Conal suggested.

  Perhaps it was a sign that the Second appeared to be considerate, offering to work with my decisions.

  “How about we see how the drive goes, and I’ll call you if we need help?” I pressed. Although we needed the secure location Novus provided, I would be responsible for my mate’s safety. I trusted no other.

  The Second’s laugh sounded through the speaker.

  Olivia glanced at me in alarm, not understanding.

  “Olivia is mine to see to,” I explained more for Liv’s benefit than Conal’s.

  “I wish you every happiness.”

  “Thank you, Second,” we responded as was appropriate and expected.


  Apparently, I had passed a small test.

  Olivia pressed her lips together then said, “I have questions.”

  Conal took over smoothly as if he had anticipated this turn. “I’m sure that you do, that you both will have many.”

  I leaned back, relaxing against the sofa cushions. This male felt a degree of responsibility for my mate and the sacrifices she had made. My gut told me he would try to make us feel welcome on his Pack’s ground.

  Conal continued, “Once you are here and settled, we will discuss your future with Novus. I am pleased that you called. I’ve worried much about your welfare, brave female. Keep me updated, and we await your arrival Graham Vincent and Olivia Stern.”

  “Thank you, Conal,” Olivia and I responded simultaneously.


  Olivia Stern

  I glanced at the cell phone’s screen. We’d purchased it on our way out of town. It had taken me hours to convince Graham to let me help with the driving. A Lycan, even my strong mate, can only go so long without sleep, and we both thought it best that we meet the Novus officials rested and aware.

  We were two miles from the Novus land border. I slowed to pull onto the shoulder of the highway.

  Graham woke immediately and reached for the gun resting between his thighs. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s okay.” I put the car in park and turned to face him.

  “Are you tiring?”

  “No. We are almost on Novus land, and I wanted to give you one last chance to change your mind.”

  “Mate.” He grasped my hand and placed it over his heart.

  I shook my head. “I feel like I came into your life and changed everything.”

  “For the better, Olivia.”

  I could sense no falsehood in his declaration. “The reality is that, once I go onto Novus Land, I may never be able to leave, and the same might hold true for you.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  “It might mean forever, Graham,” I told him. “Are you sure this is what you want?” I had to say this one last time. To give him that option to decide.

  He dropped his other hand onto my shoulder and pulled me closer so that our foreheads touched. “My beautiful Olivia, I will go anywhere, do anything, to be with you.”

  “I love you.” I kissed him.

  “And I, too, love you.”

  I kissed him again.

  He placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed lightly. “Drive.”

  I straightened in my seat, put the car in gear, and headed toward our future.

  * * *

  “Take that exit.” Graham pointed at the sign. He was talking to the Novus Pack Second. “We are to wait at Exit Seventy-Four.”

  I pulled into the large gas station.

  He ended the call. “He said to wait. That an escort will be here within ten.”

  “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “I’ll fill the tank.” He unlatched the door. “Be aware in there. Take your phone.”

  I nodded while secretly wishing I could roll my eyes at his instructions. I think we’d been over this during our trip at every stop.

  After taking care of my needs and washing my hands, I ran a brush through my hair and added a cherry gloss to my lips. I glanced down at my jeans and sweatshirt, wishing that I had better, dressier clothing options. I gripped the edge of the sink and closed my eyes for a second as I took in a shaky breath. “I can do this,” I whispered to myself and opened my eyes to look at the mirror. “I have to do this.”

  As I walked to the car, I admired Graham. He was resting his elbows on the roof as he watched my approach. He looked a little dangerous and very hot. He had not shaved in days and now he had the beginnings of a dark beard, plus he was wearing mirrored sunglasses. The Lady had chosen well for me. “What do we do?”

  “I think we’ll pull over there, out of the way.” He looked to his left.

  I got in the passenger side, and he drove to the far end of the building and pulled into a parking space with the hood facing outward.

  “Where’s your gun?” I asked.

  “Back holster.” He turned off the engine and palmed the keys. “I figure they will search us first thing.”

  I found that unsettling.

  “That’s what I would do.” He spoke more to himself than to me. Then he turned. “But we won’t be separated.”

  Clearly, he’d thought about this next step. I nodded because suddenly, I felt a little afraid.

  “There they are.” He motioned with his head.

  Two dark SUVs pulled into the lot and didn’t pause, heading in our direction. One parked in front of the car, essentially blocking us in, and the other stopped diagonally to the driver’s side where Graham was.

  “No sudden moves, Liv. We’re going to do this nice and calmly.” Graham did not look calm. He scanned the area as if mapping possible threats.

  I watched as the Asian male who had escorted me to the hospital garage approached Graham’s side.

  My mate lowered his window.

  The male bent at the waist and looked inside our car. “Nice to see you again, Olivia Stern. Welcome to Novus Land.” He then looked to Graham. “Please disclose your weapons, Graham Vincent.”

  I wanted to laugh at the abrupt but easy change of topic.

  “I have a nine-millimeter in my back holster, a blade on my left calf, and three more guns in the backseat in the bag.” Graham showed no irritation at having to disclose his tools.

  “Miss Stern?” The guard turned his dark eyes to me.

  “None,” my voice squeaked.

  He showed no indication of surprise. “I am to understand that you are mated. Therefore, I will ask that you get out first, Mr. Vincent.” He then step
ped back as if he expected Graham to cooperate fully.

  I saw the muscle at the side of Graham’s jaw tic. I whispered, “Slowly, remember.”

  He opened his door slowly and got out with power and grace. My mate was a force. A strong male who knew how to use his body to defend himself. He was smart, and at this moment, he was being smart and cautious.

  The guard called, “And now the same from you, Ms. Stern. Come stand by your mate.”

  Something about allowing me to be near Graham lessened the tight band around my chest. I moved slowly around the car, making sure the male could see my empty hands until I stood beside Graham.

  “Mr. Vincent, I will need to disarm you. You have the option of doing it yourself, or I will have another take care of it.” The male’s voice was calm and rich. “Before you choose, allow me to state that it was I who escorted your mate from the hospital and sent her on her way. She has remained alive through what I imagine to have been difficult circumstances. You both are welcome here. Novus is very grateful to Ms. Stern. We consider her to be a hero.”

  I don’t think it was something that the eye could see but more of a feeling. Graham relaxed a tiny bit. “Tell me, guard, which would you prefer?”

  I let out a ragged breath. He was doing this for me. Allowing another to decide. My heart swelled with love and admiration for my male.

  “You may disarm yourself.” The guard took another step backward.

  “I’m going to remove my gun first and place it on the ground.” Graham then did that. While he was in the squat, he said, “I will now take out my blade.” He deposited the deadly looking knife beside the gun. He then stood. “I’m going to take two steps backward, and Liv will, too.”

  The guard nodded his approval.

  He took my hand, and I grasped his upper arm with my other. I fear that I did not move gracefully. It was as if my joints were stiff.

  Another guard, this one with dark skin and twists in his hair, entered the space, retrieved the weapons from the back seat, then picked up the gun off the ground. He immediately emptied the gun’s chamber of bullets and placed them in a pocket of his cargo pants with practiced ease. After retrieving the knife and securing it, he glanced toward the SUV. “Clear.”


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