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Dangerous Girls: A Dark High School Romance (Broken Saints Society Book 2)

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by Leia Thorne

  Dangerous Girls

  Broken Saints Society 2

  Leia Thorne

  Copyright © 2019 by Leia Thorne

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  By Leia Thorne

  About the Author

  While all deception requires secrecy, all secrecy is not meant to deceive.

  ~Sissela Bok

  Chapter 1


  There’s this Japanese proverb I know, though I’m not sure who said it first. It goes something like this: One who smiles rather than rages is always the stronger.

  My mother used to say this to me when I was younger. During my tantrums, I’d get so enraged over something totally stupid, like I didn’t get the Barbie I wanted, or the pack of Nerds at the grocery store. My little hands would ball into fists and I would literally tremble with rage.

  You think you’re so tough, don’t you, Remi? my mother would say. Remember, one who smiles… Then her face would become so soft with her smile that every bit of anger would melt away within me.

  As I got older, the disappointments changed, deepened. Her smile lost some of its power. Our fights strengthened, until one day, I believed I no longer needed her. I was grown, could make decisions for my life on my own.

  I’m thinking about this now as I sit on a boulder near the lake shore, because I desperately need her smile. I need to talk to her—to share with her my first experience. Ask her advice, have her put her arms around me and tell me everything is going to be okay.

  Ironic, that the very reason I pledged to Gage’s secret society was to escape these thoughts of my mother, and my initiation has instead magnified them, making me miss her desperately.

  I blink back the wetness from my eyes as footsteps approach. I force my trembling lips into a soft smile, because now, after all this time, I trust my mother’s words. I believe I can be stronger than the hurt that wants to drown me.

  Gage texted me this morning, asking me to meet him at the lake. After his curt exit last night at the treetop, I tried to hold on to my smile, but my head was a mess. I have so many emotions warring inside me, I’m not even sure what I’m feeling.

  “Hey.” His deep voice caresses the crisp autumn air, sending a chill along my skin.

  I wrap my bulky yarn shawl tighter around my arms as I look up at him. “Hi.”

  He’s wearing a fitted gray thermal and dark-demin jeans. His hair is unkept, a few strands falling alongside his pale-blue eyes. He looks so good my chest aches. After he pushes his glasses up the bridge of his nose, he sits down beside me. He takes my hand in his, his thumb rubs the crest of the ring he put there last night.

  The ring spins easily around my finger, and he rights it again. “We’ll get it sized to fit,” he says, then links his fingers through mine.

  I hold his hand, loving the way my tiny palm fits against his large one, how sheltered it makes me feel.

  His next words stir all the emotion back up. “I was jealous,” he says. He casts his gaze out over the glassy lake top. “Not an excuse for my behavior, but it’s the truth.”

  I swallow hard. I’m not blind or stupid; I knew Gage was jealous last night. I saw it so clearly—as if my eyes were being opened—while he was fucking me, yet his gaze was latched on to Sawyer. The way a lover becomes enraged when they’re jealous—that’s how he looked at her.

  “You have feelings for Sawyer,” I say, clarifying his statement.

  He turns to face me fully. “What? No… Remi, that’s not what I meant.” He touches my face, his thumb sliding over my jawline. “I was jealous that you picked her instead of me.”

  I pull air in to fill my aching lungs. “But I chose her because…” I shake my head, not sure how to explain myself. God, I feel so dumb. “I wanted the pain of my first time over and done, so that when we were together… When we had sex…”

  A light comes on in his blue eyes. “Damn,” he swears. “I’m stupid.”

  I hold his hand tighter. “I didn’t tell you. How could you have known? I’m the stupid one.” Suddenly, the ache clogging my throat starts to dissolve, and I can breathe. “Is that why, when Sawyer kissed me, you—” I break off. How the hell do I put this?

  “Why I physically removed her from the room?” Gage offers.

  I nod hesitantly.

  He sighs. “I lost control. Let my jealousy run rampant.” He drives a hand through his hair. “I’ve never been the jealous type. I mean, look at the society I’ve built. Sex is a sport. It’s a hobby, Remi. It’s a way to free every carnal desire so that nothing holds me…us…back. That’s what I believed…until you.”

  I blink, unable to find words.

  “I’m not a jealous person by nature,” he continues. “But Sawyer… She likes to play games.”

  I cock an eyebrow. “And you don’t?”

  His features shift serious. “Not the kind that hurts.”

  I take that in. “But you do have feelings for her,” I say. “Look. You two have this whole history together. I’m not as weak as you think, Gage. I’m not going to break.”

  His smile is dejected. He places a kiss on my forehead, then says, “She’s my best friend, which means I know her. Very well. And yes, at one point, I thought I had deeper feelings for her. I’ll admit it. But that was a while ago, Remi.”

  But was it that long ago? I don’t voice my suspicion.

  “She’s had this rule forever,” he continues. “The no kissing rule. And she only agreed to join the Broken Saints under the condition that we’d never be intimate together. She’s right, of course. Believing it would fuck with our friendship. So I agreed. But Sawyer’s games… She’s had me pretty twisted up at times, and I always get over it. But when she kissed you… I don’t know. I snapped. I don’t want her playing those head games with you.”

  I nod knowingly. I’ve witnessed the games. Between the both of them.

  There’s a twisted game being played between Sawyer and Gage, and I’m in the middle. Some sadistic tug-of-war, where they use me to hurt each other. And maybe that’s how this started; bait the new girl. But I have to believe that, somewhere along the way, they became my friends. I know Sawyer can be cruel, but I’ve also seen her kindness. She’s been the most real person in my life so far, and maybe what Gage witnessed last night was just that: the connection we’ve formed.

  Misunderstandings are normal, common even. Him being here now, completely opening up to me, proves that he does care. I trust that as much as I trust the reasoning behind why Sawyer kissed me.

  “You know why she kissed me,” I say, running my fingers over his hand. “To distract me from the pain, Gage. She saw the panic flare inside me in that moment, and she did it for me. She didn’t do it to hurt you.”

  Gage’s eyes narrow as he considers this. “Christ. I really am that cocky, huh? I’m the guy
that thinks everything’s about him.”

  I laugh a little. “Yeah, something like that. But you’re damn sexy, so I’ll forgive you.”

  His mouth tips up into his alluring smile. He moves in close, stealing my breath, hovering there a fraction of a beat before his lips crash against mine. I give in to the kiss, letting my arms link around his neck, as he draws me against him.

  When he breaks away, he says, “Come on. I have a surprise for you.”

  I smile hesitantly. “Now I’m frightened.”

  “You’ll just have to trust me.”

  Gage scoops me up into his arms, and I squeal. He carries me to his black Audie, the top already down, and places me in the passenger seat. “Buckle up,” he says. “We’re going for a ride.”

  I secure my seatbelt, my heart beating violently in my chest.

  Trust me…

  I’m desperately trying to do just that. It wasn’t easy to confess my secret to the Saints last night, knowing I’d have to face them again in the light of day, my horrid past thrust out into the open.

  The fear of their judgment feels like one of those lake boulders in the pit of my stomach. I have to believe I made the right choice. I have to trust that, when they accepted me, they accepted me completely.

  I reach across the front seat and touch Gage’s hand, letting his confidence embolden me. There’s no turning back now.

  Chapter 2


  Damage control. It’s an artform. To know how to maneuver a person right into the perfect position to make them believe whatever bullshit you spew.

  I hadn’t planned to apologize to Remi, but Mrs. de Pont forced my hand. I wanted Remi content with how I left it between us last night; there’s only so much demand I can tolerate from a fledgling…but fuck it. I can string her along a while longer until I figure out my next move.

  Since I can’t have Remi backing out of the society, and I need to keep Mrs. de Pont pleased and out of my business—two birds, one stone.

  Whatever hesitancy or mistrust Remi was feeling last night has been wiped away with one heartfelt confession. She even tried to take the blame herself, stating she kept me in the dark during her initiation. Yes, Remi. It’s all your fault. I’m the wounded one here.

  She’s touching my hand. How sweet. I link our fingers together and smile her way. I might feel badly for manipulating her if she hadn’t made it so damn easy. Eventually, people have to be held responsible for their own weakness.

  Now, Sawyer was a bit trickier. After I left Mrs. de Pont’s yacht last night, I went straight to her. There was still the matter of her payment to discuss. She had won the bet, after all. And I wasn’t going to wait around for her to spring it on me later.

  I hate surprises.

  In order to get back into Sawyer’s good graces, I had to call a truce between me and Sawyer. Her major concern is that, after our parents’ wedding, after the merger, my father and I will push her out of the firm.

  Sawyer won’t let her guard down until she’s convinced her place in the future company is secure. Fine. For now, I can offer her that.

  My offer: First thing Monday morning, I’ll have my father’s lawyer draft a contract that states we will retain equal shares.

  She was leery at first; that’s a big offer. But in the end, Sawyer doesn’t want to go toe-to-toe with me on this. She accepted my proposal, and I demanded to know her terms of the reward.

  Her request: that the games with Remi end.

  Fucking seriously? I almost laughed; it was so outlandish. This girl, who twists more minds than calculous on crack, wants to leave poor, sweet Remi alone.

  Sawyer doesn’t want a repeat of Lesley.

  Again, fine. For her, I consented. I was right not to bring her into the know just yet. When it’s all said and done, Sawyer can wage her war against me then. But by that point, she’ll be powerless. The only thing she’ll be focused on is handing her body over to me.

  Oh, and she asked for one other small thing…but that is a surprise for later.

  I lower the volume of the stereo as I pull into the harbor parking lot. I raise the top on my Audie and glance over at Remi. “Ready?”

  She’s staring out the windshield at the water and the yachts. “I am so not ready,” she says.

  I laugh. “Just go with it.” I exit the car and walk around to her side, taking her hand as she climbs out.

  As I lead her to the dock of the fanciest yacht in the harbor, I send Mrs. de Pont a mental thank you. She gave me this brilliant idea last night. When I requested the yacht for my personal use today, she agreed. With the caveat that my “friends” not trash it.

  What are we…animals?

  Of course, as I think this, I hear a high-pitched squeal and see Rush throw Palmer over his shoulder. He beats his chest as he jumps into the back-deck pool with her.

  “Looks like the gang is already here,” Remi says. I can sense her nervousness.

  “Don’t worry,” I tell her. “Everything is fine. Just another beautiful day on a yacht with friends and a barbarian.” I send her a wink.

  Speaking of Rush… I stop Remi on the dock and step in front of her. “How was it…with Rush…when I left?”

  She draws her shawl close. “Honestly? He was sweet. Which is strange, because he’s an absolute perv most of the time, but I think he might’ve been more nervous than me.”

  I try so damn hard not to laugh. Rush, the nurturer or virgins. For all his hard talk, he really is just a pussy. I give her a mastered, sincere smile. “Good.”

  As we walk up the gangplank, I spot Sawyer lounging on the deck. White bikini and shades that cover half her face. Her slender body born to parade around a yacht.

  I help Remi up the steps and onboard. “I didn’t bring a bathing suit,” she says.

  “I’m sure the girls brought extras,” I say.

  There’s a splash, and Palmer’s laugh caries across the harbor. “Remi!” she shouts. “Come join us!”

  Remi waves to her. “I need a suit!”

  Palmer bobs up out of the water, revealing—very evidently—that she didn’t bother to wear one. “Says who?”

  Emry swims up behind her and lifts her up, tossing her into the water.

  Remi laughs. “It’s like last night never happened,” she says, shaking her head. “It’s so surreal.”

  I kiss the top of her head. “Secrets stay secret,” I say. “You have nothing to fear.” And it’s the truth. They won’t look at her differently after what she confessed last night. They all have a past, a secret, and that’s the one thing this society understands.


  Sawyer pushes off the lounge chair and saunters toward us. I wrap my arm around Remi’s shoulders as she advances. Sawyer left the penthouse abruptly last night, which I know added to Remi’s unease. Even though we made a tenuous amends, I can feel the tension in Remi’s petite frame; she values Sawyer’s opinion.

  “I’ll help you find a suit,” Sawyer says, taking Remi’s hand in hers. “I got this, Gage. Go tend to your flock.”

  Remi looks back at me, offering a small wave, as she leaves with Sawyer. I feel confident that Sawyer will play nice. For today, at least. After all, it was her request that the games stop where Remi is concerned.

  I push the sleeves of my thermal up my forearms and head toward the pool edge. Palmer swims up, anchoring her arms on the coping to hold her afloat. Her eyes trail after Sawyer and Remi as they enter the cabin, the downturn of her features revealing her slighted feelings.

  Seems I’m not the only one who was affected by that kiss last night.

  I touch her hand, drawing her attention on me. “Thanks for what you said last night.”

  She frowns up at me. “What did I say?”

  I shrug. “Downplaying my reaction for Remi’s sake.”

  “It was the truth, right? You were upset that Sawyer kissed her and not you.”

  I huff a derisive laugh. Palmer is blunt. “I was…something. Not sure
yet. Trying to figure it out.” I tilt my head, studying her. “Sawyer always takes a keen interest in the new and shiny thing. I suppose I just felt left out.”

  She swallows hard. Her gaze sweeps the deck before she meets my eyes again. “She gets bored easily also,” Palmer says.

  “Maybe,” I say. “She didn’t get bored with Lesley.”

  Her deep eyes flare wide. Whether from the shock of hearing her name or the truth in my words. Palmer knows who Sawyer’s favorite was, and it wasn’t always Palmer.

  “But we both know how that turned out,” I add, standing and stretching my back.

  Palmer pushes off the coping and dives under, swimming toward Emry—the one person who will make her feel better about a situation she has no control over.

  Don’t worry, Palm. Remi is moving up fast in the world. She won’t be a threat to her much longer.

  I shield my hand over my glasses and look up at the little black bulb on the deck overhang. Then I wink right into the camera.

  I hope Tabatha de Pont enjoys the show.

  Chapter 3


  The guest cabin is spacious. Refined luxury covers every inch. I wonder who Gage had to extort to get the use of the yacht for the day. Not that I’m complaining. After the past month, with tensions running high, we can all use some fun to unwind.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask Remi, as I set my phone on the bench at the end of the bed.

  She finally unwraps that heavy shawl and folds it over her hands. “Fine,” she says too quickly.

  I crane an eyebrow.

  “A little sore, I guess,” she amends. “I’m achy in places, but I’m really all right.”


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