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Page 16

by K. T. Tomb

  The sedan accelerated as it came to a busy intersection. Their light turned red and Selig never slowed down.

  As the sedan barely missed oncoming traffic, several of the lead cruisers plowed into a truck, a van, and two passenger cars. The multi-car pileup made Selig smile.

  As Selig continued to put the pedal to the metal, Phoe thought about her being wanted by the police. “Guys? How do you know for sure that I’m wanted by the police?”

  Huber looked at Selig for answers, but he was too focused to notice anything but the four police cruisers that had just joined the chase.

  After she realized she had them on the ropes, Phoe continued, “Agent Huber? Did you ever think that the local police chased the limo because the driver was moving like a bat out of hell and not because I supposedly did anything wrong? Maybe they are chasing us now because they really want to catch you two, and because of something that happened at the first accident. As well as the fact that you broke me out of custody.”

  Huber perked up. “Aha! See? That proves that they thought that you had done something!”

  “Maybe they thought I was with you.” As Phoe spoke the words, a horrible thought crossed her mind. “Agent Huber? Are you two actually CIA agents?”

  There was a long pause before Huber answered almost in a whisper: “No.”

  Chapter Ten

  Simon’s jet had just finished refueling. Captain Sampras was in the cockpit double-checking his instruments and any weather problems they might have during take-off.

  Pam prepared a cold food tray with sandwiches at her station. She always made sure that the outer doors were locked as they waited for Phoe.

  The flight crew had never had a problem before, but it was a good habit to get into… just in case.

  A little paranoia appeared to have paid off this time.

  Pam heard a faint thumping sound that repeated every few seconds. She tilted her head as she listened carefully to track its origin.

  It’s coming from the outside door.

  The intensity of the pounding increased as Pam rushed to the cockpit. “Alan, this may sound strange, but someone’s at the door.”

  Sampras loaded a full clip into his Glock 19 handgun. “Pam, stay out of sight of any windows. I just got off the phone with Simon and he warned me that this might happen.”

  Pam raised one brow. “I’ve stopped asking how he does that a long time ago. Go get them, Alan!”

  Sampras paused long enough to kiss her gently on the lips. He then made his way to the door as Pam crouched down in the flight attendant area.

  He stood on one side of the door with his gun raised.

  The thumping became louder.

  He looked over to make sure Pam was out of sight and then he unlocked the door, which made a loud clicking sound.

  He crouched down, took aim, and waited.

  The thumping stopped.

  Sampras could hear several muffled voices coming from outside.

  After a moment, the door latch started to turn slowly. As soon as it clicked, the door started to open outward.

  Sampras took a breath. As soon as the door was halfway down, he jumped up and started firing mercilessly at anyone outside of the door.

  After he fired ten shots, he glanced quickly at the two fallen figures dressed in black suits. There were three more that ran and hid behind a black Cadillac.

  Sampras stepped to the side and out of the way of the door while gunfire rang out. Several semi-automatic rounds riddled the inside and the outside of the jet. He mentally counted that he had nine rounds left, but also had two extra clips with him.

  “Surrender the plane!” was yelled from outside. The voice was male, with a distinguishable German accent.

  Sampras waited for more threats.

  “Surrender the plane, or—” The voice was cut off due to an abnormal amount of gunfire. Nothing hit the jet, so that could have only meant one thing.

  Another, more familiar voice came from outside. “Captain Sampras!”

  Sampras knew that voice.

  Simon Kessler had arrived.


  “I think I learned all I need to know,” Phoe said calmly. She managed to move so that she was on her back, even though her hands—handcuffed behind her—were a considerable annoyance.

  Huber ignored her as he started to play with the GPS.

  She pulled up her knees to her chest as she moved her arms down and over her legs. She then had her hands in front of her.

  Phoe braced her feet against the roof of the sedan. She then kicked the roof a couple of times.

  Not even a dent.

  Huber laughed as her antics caught his attention. “Hah! Nice try, Ms. Phoenix! The roof of this car is reinforced with a roll bar!”

  It was Phoe’s turn to laugh. “Good. Then your vehicle is fully equipped to withstand this!”

  She let her legs drop to the floor as she dove forward and grabbed the steering wheel. Before anyone could react, she pulled to the left with all of her strength.

  The sedan cut a sharp left. Since they were traveling at a high rate of speed, the car rolled several times before it came to a complete stop on someone’s lawn in a residential area.

  The cruisers in pursuit caught up with the inert vehicle. All of the officers surrounded the sedan with weapons drawn.

  Both front car doors opened slowly. Huber and Selig raised their hands.

  Selig glared at his partner. “I told you that posing as the CIA only works in America.”

  Phoe was no longer in the back seat.


  Simon was talking with the local authorities. He made sure that there would be no repercussions on himself or Sampras for the ruckus.

  It was a good thing that he had connections everywhere.

  Sampras stood by the open doorway of the jet with his arm around Pam.

  Simon smiled as he placed his hand on the shoulder of the officer he was talking to. The officer returned the smile and then, they shook hands.

  Simon walked up to his employees as the coroner arrived. “I’m proud of both of you. You will be receiving a special bonus for having to deal with something that should have never happened. I apologize for letting you endure moments like this.”

  Simon always knew exactly what to say. That was one of the many reasons why he had loyal employees.

  Sampras’ look changed to one of concern. “Did you find out who did this?”

  Simon kept his smile. “Yes, I did. It was the same man who is looking for Phoe’s brother for repayment of a debt.”

  Sampras and Pam could see that Simon held back his anger.

  However, his eyes were a dead giveaway.

  “The same man who killed my limo driver and replaced him to force Phoe into telling him where her brother is located,” Simon continued, as his eyes turned black.

  This was the first time that either employee had ever seen their boss so upset.

  “He’s also the same man who doesn’t care who he has to inconvenience or hurt to get what he wants. He is the kind of man who doesn’t contemplate the collateral damage of his actions. He also believes himself to be unstoppable. I prefer not to soil my hands by getting personally involved with the matters of others and yet, I have now been irrevocably pushed into this situation against my will,” Simon proclaimed.

  Sampras and Pam remained quiet.

  “Whenever I join a new game, I like to play by my rules and will, therefore, manipulate the game board.” Simon’s smile returned as his employees breathed a momentary sigh of relief. “You two stay here. I will wait for my car.”

  Sampras felt that he knew Simon Kessler. He had worked for him for more than a decade and he had always been a kind and straightforward man.

  Sampras now had a reason not to cross his boss.

  “I will take care of Arnie’s family and give him the funeral he deserves for being a loyal driver. But for right now… it’s time to join the game.”

  Chapter Eleven
/>   Nuremberg Castle.

  The sun had started to set. Phoe looked up at the majestic imperial castle known to the locals as Kaiserburg.

  That was the section of Nuremberg Castle that she assumed would attract her brother. The Burgraves of Nuremberg and the municipal building of the Imperial City at the eastern site were wondrous additions to the complete picture, but she wasn’t here to sightsee.

  Maybe someday.

  But not today.

  Not while her brother was in real danger.

  She looked down at her wrists that were rubbed raw because of the handcuffs. She had a sufficient amount of blood on her hands and pants. Her hair was dirty and stringy and she had dirt and scrapes all over her where she had traversed through bushes and shrubs.

  That’s what happens when you travel as the crow flies.

  She was also cold, hungry, and sore.

  Mostly cold.

  She had stayed out of sight of the tourists and with dusk fast approaching, she decided to try to find Eric and the Spear of Destiny.

  She was frustrated with all of the delays in her mission.

  Is it because I’m on my own?

  Do I really need to be part of a team to succeed?

  The Sinwell Tower caught her eye because it resembled a centuries-old castle tower.

  The kind that had a damsel somewhere inside.

  If nothing else, she could get an amazing view of the rest of the castle grounds.

  She made it past the well house and to the base of the tower. She circled it until she found an entrance on the north side.

  She was about to step inside when a man and a woman with cameras around their necks exited. They had thick jackets and expressions that screamed tourist.

  Phoe stopped and smiled as she looked up in wonder. “Wow. What a beautiful piece of history. Don’t you think?”

  The couple looked panicked as they focused at the bracelets on Phoe’s wrists. They avoided her and ran down the walkway.

  Great. So much for stealth.

  She figured that they would report her to the nearest authorities so she ran into the tower. She immediately looked up in awe as she saw the wooden spiral staircase.

  She knew it was eighteenth or nineteenth century just from the craftsmanship. The stairs led to a wooden platform situated under the wooden roof.

  She hurried up the stairs as quickly as possible. She reached the top of the tower right as the lights all over the castle grounds came on.

  Phoe was briefly mesmerized by Nuremberg Castle at night. The beauty of the preserved and still utilized ancient architecture was breathtaking.

  At least what was left after the bombing in 1945.

  Phoe was so amazed at the view, she didn’t hear what she would have normally heard.

  I’m no longer alone.

  Her back was to the spiral staircase.

  She was thankful for the creaky old wood used for the platform where she stood.

  She tensed and cursed the handcuffs.

  Still have my legs.

  Whoever was coming up from behind her was trying to be quiet. They either were oblivious to the wood creaking, or they were too preoccupied with getting to Phoe.

  She closed her eyes and tried to pinpoint the proximity of the intruder. If she was right, then he or she was about three feet behind her.

  A tourist would have made himself known with inane banter about the castle or how beautiful Germany was this time of year.

  The wood stopped creaking.

  It wasn’t a tourist.

  She wasn’t about to wait to see what happened next. She clasped her hands together and spun around. She aimed her hands for what she assumed should have been the head of this person.

  She connected with a strong jaw.

  A man’s jaw.

  She felt a sharp pain in both hands as the figure fell to the platform.

  It is definitely a man.

  Now, he was angry.

  “What the hell did you do that for?” asked the man she’d knocked to the floor.

  He was thin with defined muscle tone. He was dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and a heavy blue jean jacket. He wore red tennis shoes.

  One of the laces was undone.

  His face was hidden behind a full beard and mustache. His long brown hair could have seriously used a comb and a really good conditioner. His blue eyes stood out.

  Something familiar…

  Phoe’s mouth dropped. “Eric?” she asked softly.

  He squinted as he looked Phoe up and down. “No fucking way!”

  He staggered to his feet as he kept looking at her like she was his long-lost sister.

  Because I am.

  They immediately smiled and hugged each other. Phoe placed her hands over Eric’s head to hug him.

  She then pulled away quickly and held her nose.

  “Eric… wow. When’s the last time you had a bath?”

  “Hah! I knew the first time I saw my sister again, she would sound just like Mom!”

  He walked around his sister in amazement. “You look crazy gorgeous, sis. And look at you! All Bruce Lee and shit! You really have grown up, haven’t you?”

  Phoe tried to hold back the tears, to no avail. “Where have you been? You big jerk! Not a phone call, or a letter, or even a postcard!”

  The postcard.

  “Look, squirt. There were good reasons why I didn’t contact you or Mom. The people I owe money to are not family oriented. Especially my family.”

  “That’s no excuse, Eric! Mom and I could have helped you! I know of at least two people that work for our moth—”

  “Why do you keep pushing Mom on me?” Eric interrupted. “Don’t you know anything about her?”

  Eric paused when he saw Phoe’s confused expression. “You don’t. Do you? You don’t know anything about what Mom does. Son of a bitch!”

  “What, Eric? What? So, tell me all about how much you know about Mom, since I’ve been the one dealing with her evasiveness and mind games since you left! Tell me!”

  Eric shook his head. “She’s in the CIA. Retired, I think, but she still has connections. Big time!”

  Didn’t know that.

  The sound of several vehicles could be heard approaching. Phoe looked down and saw three black Mini Coopers outside. Armed men got out of each one.

  Phoe turned to Eric. “Quick! Are you armed and—” She held up her hands to show him her handcuffs.


  Lukas Mueller had been a small-time criminal from Frankfurt, Germany, until he ended up being at the right place at the right time.

  The former head of the German Mafia was gunned down right in front of Mueller. Up until that point, he was a gofer. He was told to leave the mafia and never look back.

  He gave up on the mafia and started his own organization. He decided that coming up with a name would limit him. He chose his crew from the discarded bodyguards and mafia personnel that he found all over Frankfurt.

  Things got a little too hot for him to stay in his hometown, so he went to Nuremberg. After he showed dominance over the Russians and Albanians, he settled into his new domain.

  He hadn’t looked back since.

  He seldom went on missions, personally, but Eric Phoenix was a special case.

  Five men entered the tower. Two guarded the entrance while one took point.

  The man who took point made no sound, except for the staircase creaking under his weight.

  The remaining two men followed slowly.

  The first man arrived at the wooden platform at the top of the tower and looked around. He moved close to the edge where he could see out, while the two behind him stopped midway up.


  Mueller ran his hand across his bearded face. He thought about finally exacting his revenge on Eric. He had saved the special Cuban cigar for that occasion. He pulled it out of his coat.

  It was his last one.

  It would be an almost impossible task to replenish his supply. Even with
all of his contacts.

  He would savor this one.

  He removed it from the special plastic covering and looked for his lighter. He leaned back against the driver’s side door of one of the Mini Coopers and lit the cigar.

  Something large smashed into the windshield of the car that Mueller was leaning against. The force of the impact knocked him to the ground. As he staggered to his feet, he mourned the cigar broken in two, lying on the street.

  It was almost poetic.

  Mueller saw one of the men he had sent in to retrieve Eric. The man was lying halfway through the windshield. He wasn’t moving.

  Mueller seethed with anger as he looked skyward.

  He saw his white whale, Eric Phoenix, hanging on for his life on an overhang attached to the tower.

  To add insult to injury, Eric smiled at Mueller and waved nervously.


  Phoe had the advantage on the staircase because it restricted the movements of the armed men.

  Her hands were also free, which made things much easier.

  Phoe jumped toward the two men on the stairs. She could see the two guarding the entrance. She knew they wouldn’t shoot at her because they could hit their own men.

  She seized the first man by his gun arm, while she kicked the second man in the face. The second man was knocked back into the wall, lost his balance, dropped his handgun, and tumbled down the stairs.

  She grabbed the first guy’s gun with both hands and twisted until he released his weapon. She kicked his legs out from under him and he fell to his knees. She gave him a shove down the stairs, and quickly scooped up both guns. Firing them simultaneously, she ran down the spiral staircase, leaping over them at the bottom.

  The two men at the entrance ran outside.

  Phoe stopped firing, but she heard gunshots continue to ring out.


  She ran outside. She saw a young German man dressed in fatigues fire a Ruger semi-automatic pistol toward the tower roof.

  The two men who had just run out pulled auxiliary guns from their boots and aimed them at her.


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