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Page 88

by K. T. Tomb

  “You were supposed to be asleep.”

  “I was until the bed shook with your laughter. So, who was that and why is he meeting us?”

  “He’s a friend. A damn good friend! He’s meeting us because I asked him to come along.”

  Sitting up, she shook her head vigorously. Her robe opened slightly. She didn’t notice or care. “No, Evan. I cannot allow it. It is much too dangerous and few mortals have ever been invited into the fortress.”

  “The fortress?”

  “Our mountain home? Gateway into Eden? The fortress from which we protect and guard the Tree of Life?”

  “So, you do understand sarcasm then. I understand your concerns, Jess, but this is not open to negotiation. I would have mentioned him last night. That is, if I had had a moment to catch my breath.”

  He thought of their lovemaking in the early morning hours. Out of breath, indeed.

  Focus, he told himself now.

  “We are a package deal, Jess. There is no better man... or mortal. I trust him with my life. In fact, he has saved my hide on many occasions. Trust me, he is an asset.” Knight paused. “If he doesn’t go, I won’t go!”

  She studied him closely as she remembered how men reverted to children in certain situations. This was one of those situations. “How serious are you about that?”


  She sighed. “I can tell. You would really give up this opportunity, this chance to live your dreams, this chance to see paradise, just for a friend?”

  “He is more than just a friend. He is a warrior in his own right. We are a team. In fact, we are lucky to have him.”

  Her concerned face broke into a smile. “Then I look forward to meeting him. What’s his name?”

  “Bismark. Geronimo Bismark.”

  She repeated the name. “I like it. Has a good ring to it.”

  “Just don’t tell him that. He already has a big enough head.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Geronimo’s six-foot-plus frame strode into Ramsar’s small airport terminal with an air of confidence. Although his lifelong friend left out pertinent details of this new mission, he was anxious to get back in the game.

  Evan Knight saw his friend almost immediately. His smile paled in comparison to the one Geronimo was sporting after seeing the knockout next to Evan.

  “Evan! You old dog! She’s something else! Don’t tell Molly I said that.”

  Jess was not sure about the addition of a third member to this adventure, but she trusted Knight. “My name is Jessima IL Eve. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Any friend of The Chose—Evan’s—is a friend of mine.”

  Geronimo mouthed the word, ‘wow’ at Evan.

  Evan felt pride swell up within him. Jess is the perfect woman!

  Jess wore a black leather jacket and jeans that accented her figure. Her long hair was down and the streak of white was more apparent than ever. She smiled as she admired Geronimo’s toned and tanned muscular body. He wore a tight-fitting shirt with the sleeves apparently ripped off.

  Jess saw a tiny hint of jealousy in Knight’s eyes. He tried in vain to suppress any feelings for Jess, as it was detrimental to the mission, but she could still see it.

  She was pleased that he felt that way about her, as she grabbed his hand.

  Geronimo gave Knight a huge bear hug and lifted him completely off of the floor. He laughed and carried on as if he had just been reunited with a long-lost brother.

  “I see you haven’t lost your strength, Gerry.”

  Jess’ apparent confusion by Knight’s reference sparked a smile in both men.

  “I thought your name was Geronimo?”

  Both men exploded into laughter, as Knight did his best to compose himself while he explained the name to Jess.

  There were to be many secrets between these two friends.

  Secrets that should not be a threat as she originally assumed.

  Not everything needed a suspicious eye.

  “Gerry is Geronimo’s real name. He thinks that by naming himself after a great warrior, then he will strike fear into the criminals of Los Angeles!”

  “Well, come on now, Evan! I am one-sixteenth Cherokee, even though the real Geronimo was Apache! Ha ha!”

  The joke was lost on Jess. She wondered why Geronimo was not more upset that Knight had revealed his secret.

  “You come from Los Angeles? I know of this place. Why are the people there not closer to God? Isn’t it a place of angels?”

  Both men immediately stopped laughing. Now it was Geronimo’s turn to be confused.

  “Well, sweetheart, I guess there are two kinds of angels in the world. We don’t have the good kind in L.A.”

  Geronimo put one huge arm on Evan’s shoulder.

  “This reminds me, Evan. You didn’t call me out here to just admire the fine specimen of womanhood that you got yourself involved with. What’s the plan? Who do we have to hurt?”

  Evan looked apprehensively at his friend as he ushered him away from Jess.

  More secrets…

  Geronimo’s anticipation of the details was only overshadowed by the fact that he would be working with Knight again.

  “What’s up, m’man? Give me all the dirt you have on this mission.”

  Jess watched with cynicism as the two men conversed, trying to refrain from storming over there and demanding to be let in on their discussion.

  Paranoia? Frustration? Jealousy?

  Jess panicked as she felt her heart beating fast. Her mouth went dry and her palms started to sweat as she worried about what Knight was telling Geronimo about her.

  This was unlike her.

  Worried about what a man said about a Daughter?

  This behavior does not echo the intestinal fortitude of a warrior!

  She glared at the men and noticed Geronimo was heated over something. His disposition changed drastically after a few minutes of talking with his old friend.

  Something Knight said?

  About Jess?

  Geronimo’s anger was apparent as he stormed back to Jess. Knight looked frustrated at the outcome of their talk.

  Geronimo stared at Jess.

  “M’man, Evan, told me some crazy shit about attacking a mountain, defending a tree, and possibly getting killed over some oil. And did you see the military all over the streets? I think I counted at least six tanks out there!”

  There was a long, uncomfortable pause.

  “I’m in, dammit! I owe Evan, big time. Before we go kick some ass, I got to call Molly and let her know what’s up.”

  The big man pulled out his phone and walked to a quiet section of the terminal. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes. Then Knight smiled at Jess.

  She showed no emotion.

  “So, Evan Knight… what was all of that about?”

  Knight remained guarded and laughed to distract Jess from the fact that Geronimo did not trust her or the mission. “Come on, Jess. That’s on a need-to-know basis. Ha ha!”

  Jess was far from pleased with his response.

  “We have to go soon. I have made arrangements with followers of the Khomeini faction.”

  “What? Jess, anyone in that faction despises Americans and our way of life! They’d kill me just as quickly as any of the Fallen would!”

  “Do you trust me, Evan Knight?”

  The words hit Knight harder than any punch he had ever taken.

  Trust was not an easy thing for him, but he knew that not only did he care for this woman… he had to trust her as well.

  “Yes, I do trust you, Jess.”

  Her heart swelled with emotion at having heard those words, but she dared not express her feelings.

  Not yet.

  “You need only to trust me, Evan. Yousef Omidi knows of the Daughters’ mission. He despises Americans and their way of life, yes. But he is a champion to our cause. He believes in the Daughters of Eve. His belief in us overshadows his hatred of you.”

  “Lesser of the two e
vils…” Now it was Knight’s turn to distrust someone Jess had brought in.

  “Phrase it how you must, but he will help us get to the Mountain of God. He will also supply us with weapons.”

  “What’s in it for him, Jess?”

  Jessima IL Eve was never one for pettiness or vindictiveness. It was a trait reserved for the outside world, not for a Daughter. However, she was the kind of person who adapted well to any situation, no matter how small or demeaning.

  “That, Evan Knight… is on a need-to-know basis.”

  Chapter Twelve

  The rented Jeep Cherokee was parked short of a fork in the dirt road. The Elburz Mountains were easily seen from this distance as a light breeze helped to disperse the unearthly smell that emanated from the beautiful—yet repulsive—Sulna Obvesky. Alexey had the passenger-side door open to let in fresh air. Sulna’s stench had permeated the entire vehicle. The driver stood outside and had all of the windows down. Sulna stood near the road with her arms crossed in front of her.

  Now they waited.

  Patience was not one of Alexey’s strong points.

  It was not long before the rumble of several large trucks was heard. Alexey jumped up in anticipation.

  Sulna stood almost at the fork itself as she turned toward the sound. “Is that your Colonel Sharif?”

  Alexey smiled with the knowledge that he would again be in charge, once Sulna saw his army.

  It wasn’t long before Sulna could see the lead truck barreling toward her. She saw the box-shaped cab of the military vehicle soon followed by many more of the same.

  Twenty-seven in all.

  The lead truck stopped with the engine still running. The passenger door swung open and a middle-aged Iranian man jumped down from the cab.

  Colonel Sharif.

  He had seen his share of battles as a colonel in the Iranian army. There was a large scar on his face starting at his left eyebrow and stretching down to the corner of his mouth. There was a small wheezing sound with each breath he took. As his feet touched the dirt road, he groaned.

  Then again, when he walked toward Alexey and Sulna, Sulna’s mouth dropped in surprise and disgust at the sight of this supposed military leader. Sharif approached Alexey with a pained smile.

  “Alexey, my friend! It is… good to see you!” His speech was interrupted by the occasional need to breathe. “All is… ready.”

  Alexey placed one hand on Sharif’s shoulder as Sulna looked on in disgust. Her expectations were of a leader of men.

  A warrior.

  Or at least, someone who could stand upright.

  “I protest! This is not only an outrage but ludicrous! Maybe Colonel Sharif was an amazing leader and soldier several decades ago, but I will not stand beside someone who can’t even stand!” Her belief that the mission would succeed was now in serious doubt.

  Alexey’s instinct was to jump to the defense of the battle-weary Iranian.

  The military leader stood up straight, in spite of a spinal cord injury. The pride of the soldier that Sharif was came shining through to all who stood near him.

  Sharif’s pained expression as he limped toward Sulna spoke volumes to Alexey of why he dealt with him in the first place.

  Despite Sharif’s ruthlessness and fierceness, he had honor.

  Sharif was much shorter than Sulna, which made his confrontation that much more impressive.

  Sharif clenched his teeth as a single drop of sweat ran down his forehead. He gagged as the smell that emanated from Sulna nearly made him vomit. He breathed through his mouth and stood tall. “I am a decorated soldier with more earned respect than you will ever receive. Despite my experience, I won’t be joining you. My men will be under another’s leadership.”

  Sulna looked pleased and confused at the same time. “I take it that I shall lead your men.”

  Sharif laughed. “No. My men will take no orders from a woman.”

  Sulna scoffed at the sexist remark.

  He should be so lucky to have a woman, especially me, lead his forces!

  “Who then, is this born leader who will guide us to the Mountain of God? Show me this man among men that is a more qualified warrior than I!”

  Sharif backed away due to the horrible stench that surrounded Sulna. Two soldiers helped the colonel back to the lead vehicle. He leaned up against the front.

  Alexey walked up to Sulna and winked at her.

  “I believe that would be me.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Colonel Sharif had just finished explaining the specifications of the twenty-seven Neynava trucks that he’d brought for use in the war against Eden. The two-and-a-half-ton 4X4 military vehicles were packed with supplies, weapons, ammunition, and soldiers.

  Sharif smiled at Alexey. “Let me discuss the inventory that you are now in control of, while your associate inspects the cargo.”

  Sulna didn’t like the term associate applied to her.

  Without her, there was no mission!

  Only she knew of the secret entrance to Eden!

  She knew she still needed Alexey… at least, for a little while longer. She would eliminate him only after he had helped her defeat the Daughters of Eve.

  And only then.

  She smiled and started to walk down the line of trucks, leaving Alexey alone with Sharif.

  Sharif kept watch as the putrid smell faded after the Amazon made her way along the line of vehicles.

  Sharif’s enthusiasm perked up. “Alexey. I don’t like this ally of yours.”

  “She is a means to an end, Colonel. I would never walk into any situation without a way out. You know, some would say that my partnership with you is suspect. I would also like to remind you that you are a paid employee.”

  Sharif nodded in agreement as he handed Alexey a folder. “This is the itemized list of supplies and handheld weapons I have included with the trucks. From what you tell me, the trucks will not be able to make it to your final destination. I added a few things to make your life easier when you get to where you are going.”

  Alexey leafed through the folder of weaponry and supplies. His heart stopped when he reached the pages of information that Sharif mentioned.

  Alexey looked up and scanned the line of trucks.

  “No, Alexey. They are not here. Your contact is on the main sheet of information. He will meet you in Tabriz.”

  For the first time, Alexey panicked. “Are you insane? The Iranian army will kill you for giving me these!”

  Sharif put one hand on Alexey’s shoulder. His expression was one of contentment.

  “Alexey. Look at what I have brought you. Do you not think that they are already upset? What are one or two more items?”

  Alexey understood.

  Sharif had no plans of surviving.

  “Colonel Sharif, you knew all along that you would be killed. Then why did you even take my money and agree to everything?”

  “Look at the trucks, Alexey. What do you see?”

  Alexey looked at the trucks. “I see an army.”

  “I see something different. I see each and every man inside of those trucks. They will be killed as well if they return with me. Instead, they will each get a decent share of the money that you gave us. They are deserters. If any of them survive, they will leave Iran and never return. Those with families have already relocated their loved ones.”

  “Why do you get to play the martyr?”

  “I don’t get to do it, Alexey. I have to do it. If I go back, then the Iranian army will be satisfied with just me. I am the leader of men and my execution will serve as an example to the people of Iran of what will happen if you betray the government.”

  “What about your family? I’ll bet you already got them out of the country!”

  “Yes, Alexey. My family is safely away with my portion of the money.”

  Alexey grinned victoriously. “Do you see now, Colonel Sharif? Your sacrifice is nothing of the kind! Look at you! Your body is weak and you can’t even stand! You
know that you are going to die soon anyway, so you decide to go out as a martyr! A martyr who will be remembered forever!”

  Sharif smiled. “Tell me you wouldn’t want to go out the same way.”

  Alexey took out the pages with the special item information from the folder. He folded them and put them in his pocket. “I don’t need adulation. I don’t need to be remembered. After this, I will be immortal.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  For years, industrial pollution had hung over the skies of Tabriz, Iran. It was a constant reminder of the price of progress.

  Evan Knight, Jessima IL Eve, and Geronimo Bismark walked slowly through the always busy Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex. Reminiscent of the ancient Arabian marketplaces, the bazaar featured vendors of all kinds joined together under the arched roof.

  Geronimo and Knight stopped themselves from acting like wide-eyed tourists at the sights and sounds of the Iranian Bazaar.

  They weren’t here on vacation.

  Within the bazaar were smaller bazaars designated for specific items. They sought the Amir Bazaar, which housed dealers in gold and jewelry.

  Jess led them straight to the vendor, Yousef Omidi. Yousef was an older man who apparently had an extreme fondness for fried food. The only thing that kept their eyes from staring at his girth was the fact that his thick beard contained remnants from several past meals. As Knight’s team approached with Jess in the lead, Yousef reached into his beard, pulled out a small piece of meat and ate it.

  His eyes scanned the trio as his half-smile never moved. “Americans?”

  Jess looked concerned. “Yes. Americans. We discussed this…”

  Before Jess could utter another word, Yousef jumped up with a speed that contradicted his size and placed a greasy finger over her lips.

  Jess pulled back in disgust as she wiped her mouth.

  Yousef’s smile grew as his eyes darted to each person. “Yes. I see you have an eye for the rare jewels. I do not keep the extremely scarce items here. Too many unsavory characters, you know. I hope you checked into the hotel that I suggested. Some places will search your belongings when you leave. They love tourists!”


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