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Page 91

by K. T. Tomb

  She listened quietly as the voice on the other end said, “I need the coordinates. There is nothing but landscape in that area.”

  “You are mistaken,” she responded. “What exactly are you sending?” Sulina assumed that she wouldn’t get a straight answer out of Alexey, especially after almost strangling him… again.

  There was a pause on the other end of the phone and then, “I have several well-manned and well-gunned CH-47 Chinook helicopters.”

  Sulina looked confused and pleased at the same time. She gave the coordinates and then handed the phone back to Alexey.

  “Did you get that?” Alexey queried, into the phone.

  He then smiled and put his phone away. It was Sulina’s turn to let her curiosity get the better of her. “What exactly is a Chin… ook?”

  Alexey laughed at her ignorance.

  “So there is something that you don’t know after all, Sulina the Fallen? It’s a good thing that I am so knowledgeable in the ways of real war! The United States and Iran had a wonderful relationship in the 70s; Iranian armed forces utilized many American military aircraft, including the Chinook. They were the same aircraft used in Vietnam. I’m sure you’ve seen the dual bladed helicopters in pictures. The Imperial Iranian Army purchased 70 of these American-made helicopters. In the latter part of the 70s, Iran placed an order for 50 more to use them in their 1979 revolution. Some were lost and some were destroyed along the way. Someone was smart. It was just like when American soldiers took artifacts from Saddam Hussein’s palace when he was killed; certain Iranians hid several of these helicopters for personal use.”

  “You know a lot of people who hide things, Alexey,” Sulina accused.

  “The war has now begun,” he replied. “It will only take several hours for our air attack to begin. Since our birds of prey have been stagnant for so long, the helicopters must be prepared for combat.”

  Sulina glared at her partner. “I hope this isn’t a stall tactic, Alexey. If you are correct, then we will arrive at Sahand far ahead of your helicopters.”

  “I have more allies now than I ever had before,” he continued. “Sometimes, we cannot pick and choose who we ally ourselves with, as long as they have something that will benefit us. We have worked as a team to accomplish what we have so far, Sulina. Your connections inside of Eden and my connections everywhere else have made this possible.”

  “I’m not sure if that is an attempt to kiss my ass or what it is,” she replied, as she smirked. “Maybe you should also realize that without my help on the inside, you would have to deal with the weapons and defense of the Daughters’ fortress.”

  Alexey was prepared for that statement. He straightened up in his seat and made direct eye contact. “Sulina,” Alexey said, confidently, “from what you informed me about this fortress, I can only assume that it is the only known entrance to Eden. With the electronics shut down, then I would think that we would need some powerful weapons to cut into Sahand. Even the heir of Eden should realize not to bite the hand that supplies the army.”

  Chapter Four

  Evan Knight mentally searched his notes on Eden as the trio stayed on foot and off the main roads to avoid detection by any armed forces. He knew most of his theory, but without his notes, there were holes, and his notes were in the hotel.

  Until he remembered something significant, they would continue to head south toward Sahand. Maybe something along the way would jar his memory. He hoped that Jess would recover before that happened, so he didn’t have to carry the burden of worrying over her on top of remembering what was in his notes. I am the Chosen One, though. Maybe some great and miraculous revelation will come to me.

  He hadn’t asked for the job, but he felt he was up to the task; a task that could end his life. Doubt crept into Evan’s mind. He tried to convince himself that three people and less than twenty female warriors could stop 27 trucks loaded with whatever goodies they had in them and whatever other surprises might be waiting for them.

  What the hell am I doing here?

  Was it for himself or for Jess? He loved Jess; he had ever since he had seen visions of her. Even to him—especially to him—the idea of loving her was a crazy notion and something to put aside until it was all over with. If he didn’t survive, well, then, if he was going out, then at least he would be by the side of the woman he loved.


  At least Jess was still able to walk without incident, but her mind was still caught between Mother Daughter’s telepathic message and her present situation. Visions of the Mountain of God merged with the current scenery, creating a jumble of confusion for the Daughter of Eve.

  She tried using the meditation techniques that Mother Daughter taught her and her sisters, but each time something would interrupt her and prevent Jess from completing her meditation. Something that Mother Daughter warned her would destroy her concentration and could jeopardize everything. That something was emotion and it was overpowering her in spite of her best efforts.

  Jess had always been able to control her emotions when she was within Eden’s walls. The distractions of the outside world and her feelings for Knight had clouded her warrior’s judgment and her instincts. Her only clear thoughts were about Evan Knight; not as the Chosen One, but as her lover. He is my Chosen One. The thought echoed through her head over and over again, even as she tried to dismiss it.

  She had been warned that being led by her emotions would corrupt her reasoning power. She felt it. She felt the confusion as the battle for importance waged between her feelings for Knight and her duty as a Daughter of Eve. She could not—would not—betray her sisters. Knight was the one who was supposed to save Eden. She knew he was the Chosen One. He was also something more; something much more.

  When the time came, Jess would have to make the right decisions, and maybe even have to sacrifice her love and her Chosen One for the greater good. She steeled herself in expectation of that possibility and did her best to concentrate on her meditations.


  Geronimo kept an eye out for any vehicles and anyone who might be on foot. He was more determined than ever not to get caught by the Iranian Army. It was bad enough that they were waltzing into a no-win situation, but being captured before they reached their destination would end the battle before it ever began.

  He wondered how seriously Evan took this mission. Gerry wondered if his emotions would get in the way of his judgment. Geronimo was also concerned about the fact that the bigger this mission became, the more he doubted Jessima IL Eve.

  What does Evan really know about her? he asked himself.

  With the odds against them, there was no room for mistakes. He watched Knight and Jess closely as they walked. He noted some sort of inner turmoil going on within both of them. He was no psychologist, but his training enabled him to determine peoples’ weaknesses by reading their body movements, expressions and, most importantly, their eyes.

  He had mastered the ability to match someone’s body language with their words. He had made it a point to pay a little less attention to what people said, unless it was someone who he had experience with, like Knight, and focus on reading what they did and how they acted. He would watch the subtle actions and gestures of people with whom he wasn’t familiar in order to determine whether or not they were telling the truth and whether they could be trusted. He had prided himself on being right nine times out of ten.

  Words could gush out easily, but if there were no actions backing them up, they were, more or less, meaningless babble. Geronimo had learned that hard lesson all of his life. His parents told him that they would always be there. They were, up until they decided that having children was too much of a burden. It got in the way of enjoying life for them and he was something they could conveniently set aside.

  They had left him with his aunt without so much as a goodbye, or maybe a weak one in which the words had been lost. He had decided from that moment on that he would only surround himself with people who wanted to be in his life. He s
miled as he thought about his wife, Molly.

  She was his miracle. She saw Geronimo for who he was and loved him anyway. She saw past his well-constructed defenses. She didn’t judge him and even understood why he was the way he was. She was his angel. Molly was the reason that he made a promise to himself every day to try and not get killed. He might have been on a suicide mission without her, but that was no longer true.

  He had something to live for.

  Geronimo glanced over at Jess and Knight again. He knew that their emotions were leading their actions. He needed a way to stir them out of their introspection and get things more out in the open; besides, he had enough of the silence.

  “Yo, guys!” His conviction was noted. “I’m sick of this shit, man! Evan, I’ve known you forever and you were always my go-to man for… well, everything. You were always able to keep your head screwed on straight for a mission. Jess comes along and everything goes to shit! You, of all people, ought to know what the hell we’re getting ourselves into and what it’s going to take to walk back out of this alive. And Jess! I don’t know you from Adam…”

  The glare she cast in his direction made him freeze in the middle of his sentence and swallow the thick lump in his throat before he regained his composure and pressed his point forward.

  “You know what I mean! I embraced you as one of my own because of my boy here, but damn it, woman! If your love—or lust, or whatever the two of you have—distracts you from doing what we gotta do, then you’re gonna get us all killed! I don’t know you enough to trust you; hell, I don’t trust you until I see what plays out, but you’re supposed to be a warrior or some shit from Eden. From what Evan told me, you’re supposed to have been trained for centuries. It doesn’t show for shit! I was trained for a couple of decades and I have more control than either of the two of you do!”

  Geronimo had Jess and Knight’s full attention. Initially, the looks on their faces were not pleasant, but they had remained quiet and allowed him to the finish.

  “Jess, I’m real sorry that something bad happened to the Mother Daughter, but isn’t this what you’ve prepared for all of your life? This is your time to shine, girl. And Evan, you’re my brother, but I have never seen you so crazy enough over a woman that you forgot what was going on around you. If we’re going to do this, then we all gotta bring our ‘A game.’ With our massive force of three, if one of us is distracted for even the width of a flea’s whisker, then it’s game over! I got someone I want to go home to as well, so, can we can the lovey dovey eyes and emotional bullshit until we win this thing?”

  “Не перемещать или вам будет снимок!”

  Geronimo, Jess, and Knight slowly turned toward the voice. There were seven men, each armed with PK machine guns and dressed in black jumpsuits. All of the guns were pointed at the trio.

  Knight raised his hands along with his team and leaned toward Geronimo. “They’re Russian,” he said softly.

  “Yeah, you think?” Geronimo responded. He felt the irony in getting caught for being distracted.

  “If it’s any consolation, Geronimo,” Knight added in the same tone, “you were right about distractions.”

  Chapter Five

  The south face of the stratovolcano known as Sahand.

  East Azerbaijan, Iran.

  Fortunately, Alexey and his army had come prepared for the colder temperatures at the base of the mountain. Sulina didn’t need the same kind of protection as the mortals did. She was almost immune to temperature and other environmental factors; one of the benefits of being one of the Fallen.

  Their rogue Iranian military force had set up a temporary camp and was waiting for air support. Alexey wore a thick Iranian military jacket and gloves. He searched the skies with his binoculars, looking for any trace of the helicopters.

  He was beginning to lose his patience as he became more frustrated. Two Zulfiqar tanks were supposed to be there waiting for him. He was infuriated as he approached the driver of the lead truck.

  “Where the hell are they? Where are my tanks and helicopters? They were supposed to be here by now!”

  The driver stared at Alexey with a blank, bored expression as he responded.

  “Forgive me, but it has only been a few hours since you called for the helicopters. They will be here. As for the tanks, I do not know.”

  “Not knowing isn’t going to win wars, comrade,” Alexey hissed through gritted teeth. “Preparation is the key to success!” Alexey was not used to being kept waiting… by anyone.

  “Forgive me again,” the driver responded. “Please remember that this is not our war. We are here for the money and the money alone.”

  Alexey growled at the man as he bared his teeth and spoke in a menacing tone.

  “Does that mean your loyalty should be questioned?”

  The driver appeared to take offense to his statement.

  “Our loyalty should never be questioned. We do what we do to take care of our families where the Iran army would not. Maybe you are in this for a different reason altogether, but for us, taking care of our families is our highest honor.”

  “You think you know me, grunt?” Alexey snapped. “You think you understand why I am here?”

  The driver moved in close to Alexey.

  “You represent everything we have fought against. It is purely ironic that we end up working for someone who shares the same ideals of the people who oppressed us in order to gain our liberation. Do not doubt our loyalty, Mr. Konstantin.”

  “Why shouldn’t I doubt your loyalty?” Alexey huffed back.

  “Because,” the driver continued, “we are being paid, and once this is over, we will be dead or free to go our own way. Either way, we will be assured of being away from you forever.”

  Without a good response to the man, Alexey stormed off, pulled out his phone and made a call. It rang several times before it was finally answered by a familiar voice. It was the Iranian in charge of bringing the tanks to Alexey.

  “Yes. I know I am late.”

  “Why are you late?” Alexey barked. “You are slowing down my mission!”

  “I mean no disrespect to your mission,” the Iranian responded. “The tanks… they have had some minor problems.”

  Alexey’s war seemed to be disintegrating before his eyes. Another problem. Another delay.

  “Always problems! There wasn’t a problem with taking my money! Get here now!”

  Before the Iranian could respond, Alexey disconnected the call and shoved the phone back into the pocket of his jacket. The action wasn’t nearly as satisfying as slamming down a receiver or snapping one of the older “flip-phone” versions closed. Lost in his thoughts, he was silent for a moment, then he shook himself dramatically and forced a grim smile to his face as he looked up at those around him. Clearly, these people did not know exactly who they were dealing with. He would have to teach that lesson to them.


  Evan, Jess, and Geronimo had their hands zip-tied behind their backs. They were forced to kneel in a clearing in the desert. Dawn was beginning to break and the Russians who surrounded the trio turned off their flashlights. They remained silent as a non-military jeep approached.

  Knight glanced at Jess, knowing that these Russians presented no true challenge to her. Why hadn’t she let loose on them instead of allowing the three of them to be captured? He could tell that Jess knew his thoughts because she frowned and shook her head slightly. He would have to trust her. Besides, it might be in their best interest to find out why the Russian patrol was where it was and exactly what they wanted from his team.

  A thin and weak looking Russian man exited the vehicle as soon as its screeching brakes brought it to a complete stop. What he lacked in muscle mass, he made up for in confidence. The man approached Knight’s group. His English was thickly accented.

  “Greetings. I believe we have Evan Knight, Geronimo Bismark, and Jessima IL Eve. You are one of the Daughters of Eve, sworn protectors of the Garden o
f Eden and the Tree of Life. Yes?”

  No one was more shocked than Jess.

  “How? How could you have known that information?” she asked in a sharp tone.

  The man crouched down in front of Jess.

  “I mean you and your friends no harm.”

  “Yeah, right,” Geronimo scoffed. “That’s why we’re on our knees and have these zip ties lovingly choking the blood out of our wrists.”

  The Russian laughed. “You Americans amaze me! Even when there appears to be a threat on your life, you joke like in the movies.” He snapped his fingers trying to remember. He then turned to his men.

  “That action movie star. You know! Yippee ki yay—”

  “Retard,” Knight interrupted. “That’s Bruce Willis in the Die Hard movies.”

  “Yes!” the Russian exclaimed, as he jumped up and nodded his head in agreement. “Bruce Willis! Ha ha! I love him! He makes sarcastic statements, even when his life is in danger. The only difference between his situations and yours… is that you will not be killed.”

  “If you will remember right,” Geronimo responded, “Bruce Willis doesn’t get killed either and winds up kicking a whole bunch of ass and blowing everybody up. I’m beginning to like this little scene better and better.”

  “That’s the second time you’ve said that,” Knight pointed out, almost cutting off Geronimo’s response. “If you keep saying it, I might be willing to start believing you. What’s this all about? Why are you in Iran and what does it have to do with us?”

  The Russian laughed again.

  “All these questions and I haven’t had the chance to ask you any yet. Is that any way to treat your host?” He looked questioningly at Knight. “Who do you give your allegiance to?”

  Knight looked around at Geronimo and wondered if he should say the United States. He then looked at Jess and remembered why he was there.


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