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Page 103

by K. T. Tomb

  There was little time to analyze things much further as they jumped from the back of the truck and dashed into the trees nearby. It was cooler than it had been, but it was also much quieter and much darker. Were they finally free?

  Two more contacts and two more trucks later, Max finally learned the answer to his question. They had crossed the border into Tibet and were making their way through yet another forest when Min told him that they had finally made it.

  “There is a small village not far from here. We will be able to rest there for a few days before we start on our way.”

  Max drew in a deep breath and allowed himself to relax a little bit inside. He felt a similar response in Min. He wondered if being free would cause her to stop taking a hold of his hand whenever they went somewhere. She hadn’t broken the contact yet, so perhaps his idea that she enjoyed touching him hadn’t been as silly as he had thought.

  He thought that it had been about five days since she had rescued him from the prison, but some of those days seemed to run together and he was unsure about the length of time that had passed a few times while he slept. Whatever the case, they had spoken only a small amount during that time and had enjoyed little opportunity to really speak of deeper thoughts and feelings. The lack of speaking did not detract from a sense of a deeper communication that seemed to pass between them and Max was beginning to wonder if he had actually discovered his soul mate.

  Each time the idea had entered his mind, however, he had dismissed it, assuming that his feelings were nothing more than his gratitude for having been rescued. It was impossible that a woman so incredibly beautiful would want anything to do with a small-town boy from Burlington, Iowa. She could have any man she wanted and could have all that a wealthy man could provide. It was better that he just drop any idea that entered his mind about being with her. It would save him a lot more grief in the long run.

  “We’re here,” she whispered as they approached the outskirts of a small village. They moved quickly to a small cottage and Min tapped lightly on the door. “Grandmother, it’s me.”

  A few moments later, the sound of shuffling feet and a soft tapping moved toward them from inside and then the door slowly moved open, revealing a tiny, ancient woman with a cane. “My child, it is you indeed.”

  Min leaned toward her for a kiss. Once she was kissed and embraced thoroughly, the ancient woman looked up at Max. “And you brought a tree with you.” Her toothless smile revealed the intention of the comment and she reached up and took hold of Max’s hand, pulling him into the house. “I would kiss you too, young man, but I would have to find a ladder first.” Her soft chuckle warmed him. He felt instantly at home as he entered.

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Max replied. “It is good to meet you.”

  “The both of you sit. You need to eat.”

  It was just like the home of his grandmother; once you entered, you were fed. Just like eating at his grandmother’s home, the food they were served was delicious and abundant. Max could hardly take a breath and relax without more being put in his bowl and pushed toward him. Hating to be impolite, he stuffed himself well beyond the point where he would have been comfortable and began to feel like he was going to explode. He hadn’t eaten that way in a very long time. Though it was uncomfortable, it was also very satisfying and when he finally refused to take another bite, Min’s grandmother stopped insisting that he eat more and brought him a cup of spiced tea that, to him tasted a great deal like pumpkin pie.

  As they reclined after the meal, Min’s grandmother asked about their journey. She was well aware of who Max was and why he was with Min and she let her eyes linger on him as she listened to Min’s account of their journey. Though Max felt that his soul was being searched again, much like it had been when the old man had so thoroughly checked him out a few days before, he realized that it wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable to endure the intense scrutiny of the old woman. It was actually peaceful and relaxing even to the point of making his eyelids feel extremely heavy.

  “It sounds as though you’ve had quite an adventure already,” she commented when Min was finished giving the details of their flight from Beijing. She took Max’s hand between both of hers. “You can relax now, my child. Everyone in this village will be a friend. Now, come with me.”

  She towed Max to a small room with a narrow cot filling most of the room. There seemed to be a mountain of blankets on the cot and he smiled, remembering how his grandmother had never spared a blanket in the house to make sure that he was warm enough. Just like home.

  “I had the handyman add on a little bit more length because I suspected that you would be a great deal taller than most around here. He added a half meter, but I’m afraid it still won’t be enough.”

  Min had followed them to the room and stood in the doorway, beaming with joy as she watched her grandmother making a fuss over Max. Max looked up at her and winked.

  The old woman’s eyes caught the wink and turned toward Min. “My child, you be on your way to your own bed. There is no need for you to be looking in on such a handsome man making himself ready for bed. I’ll have enough trouble keeping myself away from him and I’m an old woman.” She laughed and shooed Min away playfully.

  “There should be plenty of blankets there for you Mister Max. Don’t spare them, we’re pretty high up and the nights can be pretty cold. You settle in and get some rest. We’ll set up a bath for you in the morning and then you can be out and about to see the village.”

  Max settled onto the cot and pulled the blankets over him. The old woman added at least three more and he felt as though he would suffocate from the sheer weight. Much to his surprise, the old woman leaned in and kissed his cheek softly and then patted his forehead. He felt like a 9-year-old boy. Without a word, she turned away and pulled the curtain closed over the small doorway behind her.

  Max intended to pull several of the blankets off as soon as she left the room, but it felt so good to be relaxed, well fed and warm that it was only a moment before his heavy eyelids closed and he was soundly asleep.


  A long time ago, an emperor by the name of Han Wu Ti had become obsessed with the way of the xian, Taoist immortals associated with alchemy. They were not gods in the sense of governing the universe, they were beyond the gods and possessed ultimate freedom. He sacrificed in many high mountains and great lakes in order to find a true xian.

  When she heard of his strange compulsion, Xi Wang Mu sent a messenger riding on a white deer to the emperor. The messenger told the emperor that Xi Wang Mu would visit him. The emperor prepared the Chung Hua Palace to receive her. On the Seventh Hour of the seventh night of the seventh month of the year, Xi Wang Mu rode the Purple Cloud Carriage and landed on the southwest side of the palace. She sat facing the east. On her head she wore the Qi Shen with seven golden peaches hanging from it. Azure vapors hovered above her. There were three blue birds the size of large crows; Xi Wang Mu's followers. They had three legs instead of the usual two possessed by ordinary birds. The three birds sat by Wang Mu's side.

  The Emperor lighted the Chiu Wei Lantern and sat to the east of the palace, facing the west. Wang Mu took the seven peaches from her headdress. She gave five to the Emperor, keeping the remaining two for herself. After the Emperor finished eating them, he took the pits of the peaches and put them in front of his knees. Wang Mu smiled and asked why the Emperor was keeping the pits. The Emperor said that he loved the succulent taste of the fruits and wished to plant the pits. Xi Wang Mu smiled and said, “This species of peach tree will only bear fruit once every three thousand years.”

  At the time, the Emperor and Xi Wang Mu were alone. None of the courtiers and servants were allowed to enter. However, the Emperor’s advisor, Dong Fangshuo was secretly peeking through a window with carvings of red birds located in the southern corner of the palace. Xi Wang Mu discovered him and called him before them. Then she confessed to the Emperor, “This little one who is looking at us has stolen my peaches three times
. What he did with them is still a mystery to me.”

  The Emperor was much amazed. From that day on, the people believed that Dong Fangshuo was indeed the xian that the Emperor had been searching for all along.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Min couldn’t help herself any longer. She had to have a glimpse of Max. She pulled back the curtain enough to peep through at the sleeping figure. Though her grandmother had sternly warned her about looking in on him, she couldn’t help the tiny bit of childish rebellion that always seemed to find its way into her thoughts.

  He was so much at peace. Something she hadn’t seen on his face for the past several days. He was snuggled into the blankets tightly and he looked like a sleeping child, though the large lump that took up the entire length and breadth of the bed was the body of anything but a child.

  What was he dreaming of? Was he dreaming of more peaceful times wherever his home had been before? Was there a woman that kept a grip on his heart? The idea that he might have another woman created a sharp tinge of jealousy within her. Was it possible that he could have another woman and also be a part of the prophesy? The thought had never crossed her mind before.

  “Min,” her grandmother whispered from behind her. “Let him sleep. Come. Help me make breakfast. He will be hungry.”

  Min reluctantly pulled her eyes away from Max and turned to help her grandmother with breakfast.

  “Does he know about the legend?” her grandmother asked as they went to work on the meal.

  “Yes. Master Chin told it to him.”


  “He doesn’t believe it. He denied it completely and nearly refused to come with me at all.”

  “Well, it probably seems a little bit strange to someone who is not used to our ways. He’ll be okay with it when the time comes. A man like Max might fight like the devil to avoid something that is outside his comfort zone, but he’s the kind of man whose honor runs deep. When the time comes, he will do the right thing.”

  “How do you know this?”

  “I did learn a thing or two in my 80 years, my child. You don’t think all of these wrinkles and what’s left of this gray hair came easily do you?”

  “I don’t suppose so.”

  “Does he know about the other part of the legend?”

  “No. Master Chin didn’t tell that part.”

  “That part is a little bit more delicate. He’ll learn of it soon enough.”

  They worked in silence for a while and Min thought of what had suddenly struck her mind about the possibility that Max had another woman. Maybe her grandmother would have a better answer.


  “Yes, my child.”

  “What happens if Max already has a woman?”

  “He doesn’t.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “I can see it in his eyes.”

  “What if you’re wrong?”

  “I’m not, but even if I couldn’t see it, the chosen one for the legend would not belong to another woman.” They worked in silence a little bit longer. “Have you asked him?”

  “No. We have hardly had time to talk about anything.”

  “That will come, now that you have a chance to relax. He’s taken with you.”

  “Grandmother! No, he isn’t. He’s just grateful that I rescued him.”

  “No, my child. That look of confusion is the look of a man who wants more.”


  “Same as you. Neither of you are sure of the intentions of the other. You’re both searching your souls to see if the other one fits somewhere.”

  She could hardly deny that what her grandmother said was true. Since the moment that she laid eyes on him, she had wondered if and how their souls would be joined together. She knew it was part of the legend, but she wasn’t sure how to go about that particular part of it.

  “There will probably be a party tonight. The village will want to honor the two of you.”

  “So soon? I thought maybe they would wait a few days.”

  “They’ve been planning it since you left to go get him. Someone has come by nearly every hour for the last three days to ask if I had any news yet.”

  “Why are they so excited?”

  “The people have been waiting for the fulfillment of the legend for a very long time.”

  “Don’t you think it will be a little too much for Max, so quickly?”

  “Sure it will, but he’ll handle it. Mark my words. That man is a real man. He’ll handle anything that comes his way. Not flashy and not in a boastful way, but in a very quiet way.”

  Min did not respond. Was her grandmother right? Was Max everything that she said? He did seem to have a quiet strength about him. Even as he was enduring the numerous changes and circumstances that were thrown at them while fleeing from Beijing, he had been calm and level headed. Perhaps he was the man of the legend. She could not deny that he was attractive and that the touch of his hand sent a thrill through her. Was it only because of the legend or was it something that was really in her heart?

  “Good morning.”

  Min turned to see the rested, smiling face of Max as he stepped past the curtain and into the room. She returned the greeting and then bashfully looked back down at the dish that she was working on.

  “Good morning!” Min’s grandmother chimed in. “Were you warm enough? Did you sleep well?”

  “I slept quite well, thank you. I understand the reason for all of the blankets. My nose got a little chilly in the middle of the night.”

  As much as Min wanted to look up at him, she was afraid that the myriad of thoughts that had been going through her mind would betray her and he would catch her blushing. She could hardly avoid eye contact and not seem rude when he addressed her directly.

  “How did you sleep, Min?” he asked, smiling at her.

  “Very well, thank you.” The only way she knew to keep her composure was to keep the conversation moving. “Are you hungry?”

  “After the huge dinner I had last night, you wouldn’t think so, but I am.” He chuckled softly.

  “Breakfast is ready. I believe that grandmother promised you a bath as well.”

  “I hope so,” he laughed. “I’m afraid that I am about to stink the place up.”

  “It’s not as bad as that.” She smiled. “Besides, it has been nearly as long since I’ve bathed as well.”

  “You’ll both get a bath,” her grandmother cut in. “Though not together, mind you. Sit, eat, both of you.”

  Min was caught by complete surprise when Max reached out and took her hand to lead her to the table. It was something of a twist on what had happened over the past several days, but the thrill was the same, perhaps even more intense.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The party was in full swing and Max was doing his level best to fit in and follow the traditions that were being demonstrated before him.

  He had been in plenty of exotic situations before and therefore knew exactly how to observe and join in when it was appropriate. He could hardly believe how radiant Min had become after bathing and being clothed for the party. He was also confused by something else that was taking place. All of the guests, especially the children, continued to call her Wang Mu. Had he missed something concerning her name? Were they just calling her by a more formal name? It seemed to be a pretty relaxed party, not like some of the stuffy ones that he had attended over the years where people would be called by their formal name, but he was in a different culture, so he had accepted it. He would ask her about it later.

  Politely talking to many of the guests who were eager to have a moment with him, he struggled to speak his best, but found that sometimes he simply did not understand everything they were talking about. Whenever he was unsure, he simply smiled and nodded his head. His responses brought plenty of grins and some outright laughter and he wasn’t certain if they were teasing him or exactly what was taking place, but he very gamely stuck it out, though his eyes often wandered to
ward Min at the other side of the room and wished that she would rescue him.

  He was rescued in a much different way after a while. The floor was cleared and they began a traditional folk dance. At first, one of the older women took him to the floor and showed him the steps and spins, laughing whenever he was a little bit out of step, but encouraging him to continue just the same. He had never been an expert dancer. He had decent rhythm, but his feet seemed to want to go in all sorts of different directions rather than the one in which he was being directed. He was wondering if he would ever catch on when he felt the familiar touch of Min’s hand on his.

  The tingle that went through him when she touched his hand before had been nothing compared to that which went through him as she began to lead him in the dance. Suddenly, the awkwardness that had plagued him before was gone. Where he had been struggling with the other woman, he found himself blending into the graceful movements of Min. It wasn’t a trance, he was fully conscious, but he felt as though he had been transformed into another place and time and perhaps even another body.

  The rhythm and melody of the music continued flowing through him and making him step, spin and turn over and over again as he looked deeply into the eyes of Min and saw deep contentment and perfect joy there. The smile on her face was delicate, formal and enticing all in the same moment. He hardly noticed when everyone else pulled away from the dance and sat in a circle watching them. Had he noticed, it would not have mattered. Nothing in his heart or mind existed in that moment except for Min.

  When the music stopped, Max was suddenly aware of his surroundings. He realized that he and Min were the only ones who had been dancing and that the eyes of all of the others were firmly fixed on the pair. He did not want to be observed and watched, he wanted to slip away with her where they could be alone and discover deeper mysteries. They had not had a great deal of time to talk as they were running. They had made an attempt to talk earlier that day, but there had been so many interruptions that they had finally had to give up.


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