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Ancient Origins: Books 4 - 6 (Ancient Origins Boxset Book 2)

Page 152

by Robert Storey

  NEO – Also known as a near-earth object, NEOs are large bodies of matter orbiting our solar system which come close to Earth. NEOs are usually asteroids and are the smaller cousins to PHOs, potentially hazardous objects.

  Darklight – Private security firm operating around the world and utilised by various organisations, corporations and governments. Primary client: Global Meteor Response Council.

  NORAD – North American Aerospace Defense Command. NORAD provides warnings about potential aerial threats originating from the land, air, sea or space. It also controls and protects the airspace for North America and is jointly run by the United States and Canada.

  GMRC Directorate – Executive body ruling over the GMRC. Comprising Directors from the twelve major divisions within the GMRC, the Directorate helps to shape the council’s policies and actions around the world.

  Motto: ‘In Veritate Scientia’ (In Truth, Knowledge).

  U.S.S.B. – United States Subterranean Base

  U.S.S.B. Steadfast – A Class subterranean base

  Footprint: circa 20 sq. miles (52 sq. km)

  Height: 7,500 ft (2.3 km)

  Depth from surface: 3,000 ft (0.91 km)

  Deepest point from surface: 10,500 ft (2 miles / 3.21 km)

  Cubic capacity: 28.7 cubic miles (119.6 km³)

  Year of build: 1996 – 2035

  Population: circa 500,000

  U.S.S.B. Sanctuary – A Class subterranean base

  Footprint: > 314 sq. miles (813 sq. km)

  Height: 21,120 ft (6.4 km)

  Depth from surface: circa 10,000 ft (1.9 miles / 3.1 km)

  Deepest point from surface: 31,120 ft (5.9 miles / 9.5 km)

  Cubic capacity: 1,256 cubic miles (5,203 km³)

  Year of build: 2016 – ongoing

  Population: circa 20 million

  Motto: ‘Protegere Et Conservare, Civilitatem, Humanitas Et Omnes Vitam In Terra’ (‘To protect and preserve civilization, humanity and all life on earth’).

  Sanctuary Proper – Ancient subterranean structure

  Footprint: > 20,000 sq. miles (51,800 sq. km)

  Height: circa 20 to 30 miles (32km to 48km)

  Depth from surface: circa 10,000 ft (1.9 miles / 3.1 km)

  Deepest point from surface: circa 22 to 32 miles

  Cubic capacity: 400,000 to 600,000 cubic miles

  Year of build: circa 900,000 yrs B.C.

  E.U.S.B. – European Union Subterranean Base

  E.U.S.B. Deutschland – A Class subterranean base

  Footprint: circa 40 sq. miles (104 sq. km)

  Height: 8,500 ft (2.6 km)

  Depth from surface: 2,500 ft (0.76 km)

  Deepest point from surface: 11,000 ft (2.1 miles / 3.36 km)

  Cubic capacity: 28.7 cubic miles (270.4 km³)

  Year of build: 2015 – ongoing

  Population: circa 2,250,000

  SOG – CIA’s Special Operations Group

  SFSD – Special Forces Subterranean Detachment

  Division of the United States Army

  Member of Subterranean Command

  Codename: ‘Terra Force’

  Active: 2013 – present

  Type: Infantry / Special Forces Commandos

  Motto: ‘No Depth Too Difficult, No Height Too Great – Honor and Country!’

  Battle cry / affirmation: ‘Ooyah!’

  Deployment: United States Subterranean Bases

  S.E.D. (Sanctuary Exploration Division) – Founded in 1826 by the sixth President of the United States, John Quincy Adams, the SED has a unique position within USSB Sanctuary in that it has a certain amount of autonomy despite its military oversight. The reason for this independence is mainly due to two factors. Fact one, the SED was operational long before the USSB was built or the GMRC ever conceived. Fact two, the SED was also instrumental in helping the United States government and GMRC create USSB Sanctuary, their knowledge of Sanctuary Proper an invaluable resource to the subterranean engineers during the planning, design and development of the enormous multilevel, underground structure / city.

  Types of Team: Mapping, Structural, Archaeological, Scientific and Deep Reach.

  Motto: ‘Into the dark, into the light, pioneers for life.’

  Sancturian – name given to residents of USSB Sanctuary.

  Project ARES – Unacknowledged Special Access Programme, or black project, utilising ancient Anakim technology. A collaborative venture between the GMRC’s R&D Division, United States military and NASA.

  Deep Reach – Special unit working within Sanctuary’s Exploration Division (S.E.D.).

  Team Alpha Six – S.E.D. Deep Reach unit.

  U.S.S.S. Orbiter One – United States Space Ship. Co-funded and managed by NASA and the U.S. military. Small, modular craft designed for orbital observation and scientific research.

  U.S.S.S. Archimedes – United States Space Station. Co-funded and managed by NASA and the U.S. military. Large, modular craft designed for orbital observation, scientific research and classified military applications.

  S.I.L.V.E.R. – A multidisciplinary elite taskforce comprising twenty-two highly skilled individuals, or operatives, available to the highest bidder. Masters of various styles of combat, each member has access to the best military hardware the world has to offer and can function as a lone agent, or as part of a greater whole. S.I.L.V.E.R. is an acronym for: Stealth, Infiltration, Liquidation, Verification, Extraction and Reconnaissance. Their existence is hidden from public eye and they are regarded as mercenaries by some, assassins by others, and necessary by those who employ them.


  Prelate – A word used to describe a member of the clergy, usually high-ranking, such as a cardinal, bishop or abbot.

  Clergy – A body or group of religious leaders.

  Ego sum Rex Gloriae – A Latin phrase translated as: I am king of glory. Used by the leader of the Knights of the Apocalypse in the seventeenth century as he responded to a choir chanting, ‘Quis est iste Rex Gloriae?’, or, ‘Who is that king of glory?’

  A break from the monotony of capitalism’s empty promise – A phrase derived from a well-documented phenomenon of the human condition known to GMRC employees, whereby people find unexpected disaster and upheaval an exciting challenge. Disturbingly, this excitement may include the anticipation of war, which is a damning indictment of the society that spawns it. Unsurprisingly, however, for most people this excitement soon vanishes when a war is experienced first-hand, the sight, smells and sounds of the dead and the dying quickly bringing them to their senses.

  Cruce signatus – Is a Latin phrase meaning ‘one signed by (or with) the cross’, and it is also the phrase that birthed the more infamous word, crusade. A devout Catholic would attach a cloth cross to their clothing and recite a vow, transforming them into a crusader, or, one signed by the cross; Crusaders were also known as ‘cruce signati’.

  Apostle – The original twelve Disciples of Christ were known as the Apostles. The word ‘apostle’ can also refer to an early follower of Christ, and it is also used to describe high-ranking or well-known ecclesiastical officials and missionaries.

  Oort cloud – A theorised gigantic bubble, or cloud, of icy debris / objects that lies beyond the Kuiper belt in the far outer reaches of the solar system, which the Oort cloud encompasses and dwarfs in equal measure.

  Kuiper belt – Is a vast disc of icy debris / objects which encircles our solar system. Akin to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the Kuiper belt is home to Pluto, Haumea and Makemake, three of the solar system’s five recognised dwarf planets. [Author note: Regarding the dwarf planets, some astronomers suspect there might be as many as fifty populating our solar system.]

  Nibiru – Often referred to as Planet X, or the Ninth Planet, Nibiru is a theorised planet located in the far outer reaches of our solar system. In 2017, Nibiru was still to be discovered; however, recent investigations into the orbits of other celestial bodies indicate there might
be something to the theory, which has taken on near mythical status. These heavenly bodies appear to be influenced by something much larger, which remains unseen. Some have suggested Nibiru is a sister star to the Sun, but, unlike the Sun, which burns bright, Nibiru might be a brown dwarf star, or dead star, which produces little to no light, which is why it can’t be seen. Interestingly, some people believe Nibiru might have an unusual elliptical orbit, and that it might be responsible for mass extinctions that occur on our planet at disturbingly regular intervals. This orbit is theorised to bring Nibiru deep into the inner solar system, where it will wreak havoc to the planets that call it home, including Earth. [Author note: Jason has just suggested to me that someone should consider underground bases as a possible solution to our continued survival. Thanks, Jas, why didn’t I think of that?]

  Exosphere – One of five atmospheric layers that surround the Earth. The exosphere is the uppermost layer, which merges with the vacuum of space. The five layers are as follows: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and the exosphere.

  Exobase – The exobase is the point, or boundary, where the exosphere begins.

  Red Coat – Not to be confused with the phrase once used to describe the British Army, the Red Coats are tour guides within the Capitol Building. However, like the Red Coats of old, controversy surrounds the Capitol’s Red Coats, who have controversially altered the United Sates motto to, Out of Many, One (E Pluribus Unum), instead of the familiar, In God We Trust.

  The Second Coming – Is an event when Jesus Christ returns to Earth during the ‘end times’ prophesied in religious texts. The Second Coming is a belief accepted by many Christians and Muslims, as both Islam and Christianity respect and revere Jesus, albeit in different ways. Islam believes Jesus to be one of the greatest ever prophets of God, while Christianity, depending on the denomination, believes Jesus to be both human and divine – the Son of God and God incarnate.

  Stigmata – A term used to describe a condition whereby a person exhibits marks, pain or sores which match or resemble those suffered by Jesus Christ during the crucifixion.

  Mystic – Someone who possesses the intuition or experience of God. In terms of Christianity, a Christian mystic is someone who is unconcerned with religious dogma, but who embraces God and God’s love, and gives up egotism, pride and materialism in favour of humility and hopeful expectation.

  (Source: and the Internet.)

  [Author note: this is interesting to me, as such a path deeply links to other spiritual pursuits outside of Christianity itself, Buddhism comes to mind, along with any purely spiritual path which operates outside of religion in its entirety. Perhaps it is this spiritual path that binds all religions together, along with all those who practise them: a desire to be one with the Divine.]

  Prophet – A person who delivers messages from a higher power, usually God or a divine being.

  Holy Spirit – Also known as the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit is a force, or essence of God, which resides in all life. A common misconception is that the Holy Spirit is an individual, and part of the Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son (or Word) and the Holy Spirit. [Author note: since God is both male and female, and all, it is fair to say that the Holy Trinity could also be referred to as the Mother, the Daughter and the Holy Spirit, although I imagine many male religious leaders may term such wordage as heresy – although, if they did, this would just serve to highlight the difficulty religion has in shedding the ancient falsehood of a male-denominated society, which views women as lesser beings. An interesting thought on this is that the word ‘woman’ can simply be short for ‘womb-man’, and so all women are men, but all men are not women. Who’s inferior now? The answer: no one.]

  Spiritual gift – A gift bestowed upon an individual by the Holy Spirit, which is God, of God’s force, or perhaps a better description would be God’s will. The gifts of the spirit can be categorised in different ways, although it’s not a case of which way is right, or which is wrong; rather it’s up to the believer how they wish to interpret God’s word. Gifts of knowledge, gifts of speech and gifts of power is one way to separate them. Another is to call them supernatural, aid or working gifts. Yet another is ministry, manifestation and motivational gifts.

  Armageddon – Aside from a large-scale or destructive, final conflict, Armageddon (as referenced in the New Testament of the Bible, the Book of Revelation) is the location of a prophesied final battle between the forces of good and evil.

  (Source: and the Internet)

  Apocalypse – Aside from describing a large-scale disaster, apocalypse literally means ‘an uncovering’, its definition encompassing revelations of knowledge and prophetic revelations, many of which relate to cataclysms, and specifically those when the forces of good triumph over the forces of evil.

  (Source: and the Internet)

  End of Days – A phrase pertaining to the ‘end times’ as prophesied in the Judeo-Christian Bible.

  English Standard Version – Also known as the ESV, the English Standard Version is one of many translations / interpretations of the Bible’s original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek texts.

  Latin Vulgate – Latin translation of the Judeo-Christian Bible, as used officially by the Catholic Church.

  PDD 51 (NSPD-51, aka Martial Law) – A U.S. law enabling a serving president to suspend all constitutional rights of Americans in the event of a national emergency declared by the ... president. [Author note: even from an outsider’s perspective this law appears disturbingly similar to Adolf Hitler’s Enabling Act of 1933.]

  Martial law – Military takeover used by governments to enforce their rule over the public in the event of a state of emergency. The only problem comes when a government engineers said emergency in order to oppress the people it supposedly serves.

  Anakim – Ancient and extinct race of Hominids living on Earth circa 1.2 million to 20,000 years before present-day. Scientific name: Homo giganthropsis (unofficial: Homo gigantis). Alternative plural: Anakai.

  Nephilim – The word Nephilim is found in the Hebrew Bible. Its true meaning, as far as I can tell, still seems to be contested to this day. Some suggest it derives from the word, nephal or naphal, which can mean ‘to fall’, which some then interpret as the ‘fallen ones’. Another, and perhaps more reasoned argument, is that Nephilim is derived from the word naphil which means ‘giant’. When researching this, I found that Dr. Mike Heiser gave a well-reasoned argument for the latter hypothesis mentioned above.

  Mesoamerica – A region in Central America in which pre-Columbian cultures thrived between approx. 10,000 B.C. and 1700 A.D. Modern day countries contained (partly or fully) within the Mesoamerican area include: Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. The most well known civilisations/tribes in Mesoamerica include: Inca, Aztecs, Maya, Olmecs, Mixtecs and Zapotecs.

  Ooyah – SFSD commandos’ affirmation / battle cry.

  The Dark Web – Term for the part of the World Wide Web not appearing on regular search engines. Unindexed content not seen by regular Internet users who frequent the Surface Web. This content can take many forms; some is benign while other content can be more sinister in origin and use, resulting from illegal activity by individuals, criminal gangs, corrupt organisations, companies and sovereign nations, although the latter may argue this is just offensive national defence conducted in their country’s best interests. Also known as: Deep Net, Deep Web, Dark Web, Invisible Web, Under Web, Under Net, Hidden Web etc.

  Scheiße – Vulgar German word for shit, faeces or something rubbish / worthless (alternative: Scheisse).

  Intercept missions – Planned missions by the GMRC’s Space Programme to prevent four of six approaching asteroids from impacting planet Earth.

  Caste – Word used by The Committee to distinguish between the hierarchical ranks of its members. There are thirteen castes within The Committee, and only nine people can hold the top, and thirteenth, cast

  Obsidian – Is a volcanic glass which has a shiny black appearance and naturally occurs in nature.

  Das Gespenst – The name used by the computer hacker, Eric Wolf, which translates from German as: ‘The Ghost’.

  Da Muss Ich – One of many names used by, and assigned to, the cyber terrorist, B.I.C., which translates from German as: ‘Because I Must’. Although, the acronym B.I.C. stands for the better known name of: ‘Because I Can’.

  Newsweek – Has been a staple of American media for over 80 years, bringing high-quality journalism to millions of readers around the globe. Newsweek publishes print editions in Japanese, Korean, Polish, Spanish, Arabic, and Turkish, as well as an English language international edition, but is a primarily digital property available across platforms and devices. Newsweek provides in-depth analysis, news and opinion about international issues, technology, business, culture and politics /

  Judeo-Christian Bible – The basic text of Judeo-Christianity is the Bible, as preserved in Jewish and Christian tradition. It consists of two parts: the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament /

  (Source: nciples.htm)


  Sanctuary Proper – Ancient underground structure built by an extinct species of Hominid, Homo giganthropsis. Located beneath the deserts and mountains of central and northern Mexico.

  Dulce – Small town located in Rio Arriba County, New Mexico, United States.

  Ruins of Copán – ancient Mayan city located in the Copán Department of western Honduras.

  City of New York, State of New York, USA – Most populous and arguably the most iconic city in the United States.

  Smithsonian Vaults – Secure facilities used to store ancient Anakim artefacts and remains. The vaults are located inside USSB Sanctuary and beneath the Smithsonian Institution’s sprawling Museum of Sanctuary.

  Military Vaults – As above but with extra security and limited access.


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