Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound Book 3)

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Hers to Keep (Irresistibly Bound Book 3) Page 10

by Anna Stone

  She opened the curtain and joined Faith outside the dressing room.

  “What did you decide on?” Faith asked.

  Lindsey held up a baby blue bra and panty set made of silk and lace. It cost a fortune, but Camilla was paying for it. Camilla hadn’t actually told Lindsey to buy lingerie. Lindsey hoped that Camilla would be pleased by the gesture rather than angry at Lindsey for acting without her Mistress’s express permission.

  Her Mistress. This wasn’t the first time Lindsey had thought of Camilla as ‘her Mistress’ rather than just ‘Camilla.’ It was happening more and more lately, and it did little to help with Lindsey’s confusion about her feelings. It was ironic, really. Lindsey had gone into this faking attraction to Camilla and even faking her sexuality.

  But right now, everything felt very real.

  “Earth to Lindsey,” Faith said.

  “Right,” Lindsey pulled herself together. “Let’s go pay for this.”

  “Hold on. Is something the matter?”

  “I don’t know.” Lindsey sighed. “It’s just that, this whole sugar baby thing was just supposed to be a way to make some money. And then when I met Camilla, we really clicked, and I thought, maybe this could be fun. But now that we’ve gotten closer, and we’re having mind-blowing sex, I’ve started having all these feelings about her. What does that mean?”

  “It doesn’t have to mean anything,” Faith said. “So you’re into Camilla. It’s not like you have to slap a rainbow bumper sticker on your car now.”

  “It’s not that simple. I know it is for you, but it isn’t for me. I’ve never been anything other than straight. And if I do have feelings for Camilla, what does that make me?”

  “Does it matter? Attraction isn’t always black and white. Everyone’s experience is different. Maybe you like women. Maybe you just like sex with women. Maybe you just like sex with Camilla. Or maybe, you just like her, period. You don’t have to put a label on whatever it is you feel.”

  “But I don’t even know what it is I feel toward her. For starters, I can’t figure out whether I’m attracted to her dominant side, or if it’s really her that I’m attracted to.”

  “Aren’t they the same thing?” Faith asked. “Isn’t her dominant side just a part of her?”

  “I guess.” After all, Lindsey’s submissive side was a part of her too. “But I don’t know if my feelings are because we’ve been doing all these intimate things together and I’m mistaking that closeness for something else. And I don’t know whether my attraction to her is romantic, or if I’m just getting caught up in this lie that we’re living together. I’ve never felt anything like this toward another woman before. How am I supposed to know if it’s real or not?”

  “I don’t know,” Faith said. “But maybe it would be easier to figure out the answers to these questions if your feelings for Camilla weren’t all wrapped up in your ideas about yourself. It sounds like you’re trying to come to terms with the fact that maybe your sexuality isn’t what you think it is while trying to work out how you feel toward Camilla at the same time.” She squeezed Lindsey’s arm. “Stop worrying about what you think you should or shouldn’t feel, and just let yourself feel it.”

  Was it really that easy? Could Lindsey just let go of everything she knew about herself and embrace her feelings for Camilla? That undeniable pull she felt whenever she was in her Mistress’s presence? That insatiable need to please her? The electric charge that went through Lindsey’s body whenever Camilla touched her?

  And was there really any point in doing that when everything between them was pretend?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lindsey looked at the time. 10 p.m. Camilla was supposed to have arrived at the manor before dinner, but she’d messaged Lindsey a few hours ago to tell her that her flight was delayed. She was due home any minute now, but it was too late for dinner. Lindsey was a little disappointed. She’d been looking forward to spending the evening with Camilla. It seemed silly how much she missed Camilla, considering she’d only been away for a week or so. But they’d been living together for over a month now. Lindsey had gotten so used to her constant presence.

  She looked out her bedroom window. There were two pinpricks of light in the distance. They had to be the headlights of a car coming up the long driveway. Lindsey rushed to the mirror and looked at herself. She’d put on the knee-length strapless dress she’d bought on the weekend before receiving Camilla’s message. Now, the lightweight fabric was full of wrinkles, and the tie around the waist was loose. Lindsey retied the belt, smoothed out the creases in the skirt, and headed downstairs.

  By the time Lindsey reached the entrance hall, Camilla was walking through the door, a small suitcase trailing behind her. She spotted Lindsey.

  “Lindsey.” Camilla’s voice echoed through the hall. “I’m so sorry for keeping you waiting.”

  Lindsey’s heart began to pound. Just the sight of Camilla filled her with longing. She remembered what Faith had told her. Stop worrying about what you think you should or shouldn’t feel, and just let yourself feel it.

  Completely unprompted, Lindsey’s feet carried her to the door where her Mistress stood. She threw her arms around Camilla’s neck and kissed her urgently, as if they’d been apart for months, not days.

  Camilla broke away. “What was that for?”

  “I missed you, Mistress,” Lindsey replied.

  “I can tell. I missed you too, darling. Let me look at you.”

  Lindsey took a step back and did a twirl.

  “You look beautiful. I love the dress you picked out.” Camilla looked down at her own wrinkled blouse and slacks. “I wish I weren’t so under-dressed. You went to all this effort, and I missed our dinner.”

  “It’s okay,” Lindsey said. “I’m just glad you’re back.”

  A smile danced on Camilla’s lips. “If it’s not too late for you, we could still have dessert in the playroom.”

  “No, it’s not too late.” Lindsey trailed her fingers up Camilla’s arm. “But how about we skip the dessert part?”

  “That’s a wonderful idea.” Camilla’s voice dropped to a whisper. “My special delivery is waiting for us in the playroom. I can’t wait to try it out.”

  Camilla took Lindsey’s hand and dragged her upstairs. As they passed through the white double doors leading to Camilla’s rooms, June called out Camilla’s name from behind them.

  “You’re back,” she said. “Is there anything you need, Ma’am?”

  “No, June,” Camilla said impatiently. “I appreciate you waiting up for me, but you can go to bed.”

  “All right. Good night, Ma’am. Good night, Lindsey.” June gave Lindsey a polite nod before scurrying off.

  When they finally reached the playroom, Camilla pulled Lindsey inside. Like last time, everything was hidden away in drawers and cabinets. However, there was a small wooden chest sitting in the center of the table.

  Camilla spoke into Lindsey’s ear. “I’m glad you wanted to skip dessert, because I’m going to do all kinds of dirty things to you on that table.”

  Lindsey sucked in a breath. Her Mistress knew exactly which buttons to push. She led Lindsey over to the table and gestured for her to sit on top of it. Lindsey glanced down at the chest on the tabletop next to her. It was made of dark wood, and it was held shut by a small gold padlock. Etched into the lid in gold calligraphy were the letters ‘C.R.’ Camilla’s initials.

  Camilla ran her fingertips over the lid of the chest. “I have a friend who does incredible work with leather. I asked her to make some items for us.” She slid the wooden box to the side, away from Lindsey. “No peeking. It’s a surprise.”

  Camilla unlocked the chest and opened it up, the lid blocking Lindsey’s view. She reached inside and pulled out a set of interconnected straps made of dark blue leather. Before Lindsey could try to work out what they were for, Camilla placed them on the table, reached into the box again, and produced a pair of leather cuffs. They were the same midnight blue
color, with contrasting gold buckles and O-rings. The cuffs were embossed with an intricate design.

  “There’s more, but I’ll save the rest for another time.” Camilla shut the lid. “Hold out your arms.”

  Lindsey presented her wrists. Camilla buckled a cuff around one wrist, then the other.

  “There,” Camilla said. “Do you like them?”

  “I love them.” Lindsey held her hands up in front of her, inspecting the cuffs. “They’re beautiful.”

  “They’re a real work of art. Look at them closely.”

  Lindsey examined the cuffs. The buckles and O-rings looked like they were made of real gold. And hanging from each of the O-rings was a small, round tag engraved with the same letters that were on the lid of the box. Lindsey read them out loud. “C.R.”

  “My initials,” Camilla said. “You’re all mine now. You’ll wear these whenever we’re in here.”

  Lindsey’s stomach fluttered. “Thank you, Mistress.”

  Camilla drew her close and pressed her lips against Lindsey’s. The kiss rippled through Lindsey’s body. Her Mistress pushed herself between Lindsey’s knees and slid a hand up the front of her thigh. Lindsey’s dress bunched up around her hips. She held onto the edge of the table, steadying herself against Camilla’s dizzying passion.

  “These cuffs aren’t just for show,” Camilla said. “We’re going to test them out. But first, let’s get you out of that dress.”

  Camilla pulled Lindsey off the table and untied the belt around her waist. She turned around for Camilla to unzip it at the back. Why had she chosen such a fiddly dress?

  Camilla tugged at the zipper. An irritated growl emerged from her chest.

  Lindsey peered over her shoulder. “Is it stuck?”

  “Yes,” Camilla said. “But it’s an easy problem to solve.”

  Without hesitation, Camilla grabbed the top of the dress with both hands and tore it down the seam next to the zipper. The strapless dress fell down around Lindsey’s hips.

  Lindsey gasped. Camilla had just destroyed the absurdly expensive dress that Lindsey had spent half of Saturday picking out. But Camilla had paid for it after all. It was hers. Lindsey was hers.

  And nothing turned Lindsey on more.

  She spun back around to find her Mistress’s eyes filled with fire. A thrill went through Lindsey’s body. Camilla wanted her. To own her, to possess her, to make Lindsey hers. She tugged Lindsey’s dress all the way down to the floor, then tore off her own blouse and slacks. Then she drew Lindsey in and smothered her with her lips. Her hands traveled up the side of Lindsey’s chest to cradle her breast through her thin silk bra.

  “Wait,” Camilla pulled back and looked Lindsey up and down, her eyes lingering on the pale blue bra and panties Lindsey wore. “Where did you get these?”

  The lingerie. Lindsey had been so caught up in the moment that she’d forgotten all about it. “I bought them for you.”

  “Did you now?” Camilla scrutinized her silently.

  “They’re a gift for you, Mistress,” Lindsey said. “Do you like them?”

  Camilla walked around Lindsey in a circle, inspecting her from every angle. “I do like them. You look good enough to eat.” She backed Lindsey against the table slowly. “It’s a pity I’m going to have to take it all off.”

  Camilla unclipped Lindsey’s bra and tossed it aside, then drew a hand up Lindsey’s bare chest. Her other hand slid down to Lindsey’s silk panties, which were already wet. Lindsey shivered.

  Camilla slipped a finger into the side of Lindsey’s panties, fingering her slit. “Do you want your Mistress to fuck you?”

  “God, yes.” Lindsey hadn’t forgotten that Camilla had forbidden her from cursing, but apparently, the rule didn’t apply to Camilla. Lindsey wasn’t about to argue. Hearing her prim and proper Mistress talk dirty was hot as hell.

  Camilla stepped back. “Bend over the table and raise your arms up to the corners.”

  Lindsey did as her Mistress instructed. The solid wood of the tabletop felt cold against her breasts. Those puzzling leather straps that matched the cuffs on Lindsey’s wrists were still sitting on the table in front of her.

  Camilla walked over to a cabinet and pulled out two short coils of rope. One by one, she looped a length of rope through the gold ring on each of Lindsey’s cuffs and tied them in place. Then she took the other ends of the ropes and tied them around the legs of the table where they met the tabletop.

  Lindsey was left bound to the table, bent at the waist, her ass sticking out. The ropes had some give, but it wasn’t enough for her to stand or change position. All she could do was wait patiently for her Mistress to give her what she desperately needed.

  Camilla picked up the tangle of leather straps from the table and held them up. “Now is the perfect time to test this out.”

  Lindsey stared at the straps. They looked like some kind of harness. And there was a large gold ring at the front of it all.

  Oh. Oh.

  Lindsey was pretty experienced when it came to sex. But this was one thing she’d never tried, for obvious reasons.

  Camilla headed for a set of drawers by the bed, stripping off her bra and panties as she walked. She opened up a drawer and produced a clear glass dildo. With great care, she threaded it through the gold ring, stepped into the straps, and fastened the whole contraption around her hips, before returning to Lindsey’s side.

  Lindsey was surprised by how well Camilla wore the strap-on. It seemed natural, like an extension of her body. With every movement she made, it bobbed and swayed with her.

  “Are you ready for me?” Camilla asked.

  “I’m so ready, Mistress.” The other times they’d had sex had been tender and gentle. But after spending a week apart, Lindsey wanted nothing more than for her Mistress to take her and claim her as her own.

  Camilla rounded the table behind Lindsey, grabbed the waistband of her panties, and pulled them down to the floor. Lindsey pushed them aside with a foot and spread her feet apart. Camilla slid a hand down Lindsey’s slit, stroking her silken folds.

  “You really are ready,” Camilla said. “Have you been dripping wet this whole time, waiting for me?”

  Lindsey’s answer was a moan.

  Camilla wrapped her fingers around Lindsey’s hair, pulling her head up. She leaned down to speak into Lindsey’s ear. “That’s no way to speak to your Mistress.”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Lindsey said. “I’ve been waiting for you.”

  “I’m glad. Because I’ve been waiting to do this to you too.”

  Lindsey spread her legs out wider. She ached for Camilla. Again, she felt Camilla probe between her lips. But this time, it was the solid glass head of the strap-on. Lindsey’s breath quickened.

  Finally, Camilla grabbed onto Lindsey’s waist with one hand and entered her. Lindsey’s mouth fell open in a silent cry. She clutched the sides of the table, holding on as Camilla thrust in and out, sending surges of pleasure through her.

  “Mistress…” Harder, Lindsey wanted to say. Faster. Instead, she closed her eyes and surrendered to her Mistress’s control. Camilla plunged deeper, each stroke nudging that sensitive spot inside. And when Camilla’s fingers laced around Lindsey’s hair again, she lost the ability to form words altogether.

  Moments later, an orgasm hit her hard and fast. Lindsey jerked against her restraints, her body racked with tremors, as Camilla buried herself inside her. Then she slumped down on the table, overcome.

  Camilla rounded the table and kissed Lindsey softly. After removing the strap-on, she untied the ropes binding Lindsey to the table but left the cuffs fastened around her wrists. Together, they made their way over to the bed and collapsed onto it.

  “Mistress?” Lindsey said breathlessly.


  “I really liked that dress.”

  Camilla laughed. “I’ll buy you another. I’ll buy you ten dresses. I’ll buy you anything you want.” She cupped Lindsey’s cheeks and kissed her. />
  As Lindsey lost herself in Camilla’s lips, she realized that it wasn’t pretty dresses, or fancy dinners, or expensive gifts that she wanted. What she wanted was Camilla, in every way she could possibly want another person.

  She and her Mistress had built this irresistible lie together. And Lindsey was starting to find it hard to separate the lie from the truth.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Lindsey dove into the pool and swam to the other end in one breath. She surfaced, pushed her wet hair out of her eyes and looked over at the deck. Camilla was lounging on a chair in sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat. She had a stylish one piece on under her wrap, but it was clear that she had no intention of getting into the pool. Even though it was just after lunch, and Camilla wasn’t supposed to be working, she’d spent the last fifteen minutes sending emails on her phone.

  Lindsey swam over to the edge of the pool. “Mistress?”

  “Yes, Lindsey?” Camilla murmured.

  “Want to join me in here?”

  Camilla peered over her sunglasses, her eyes rolling down Lindsey’s bikini-clad body. The bikini Camilla had bought her, of course. “Why should I get in there, when I have this lovely view from here?”

  “Because this pool would be a lot more fun with you in it.”

  “Believe me, I’m tempted. But we both know what’s going to happen if I get in there with you. And I have far too much to do right now to be distracted.”

  Camilla had seemed busier than usual with work in the past couple of days. And she seemed a little stressed about it.

  Maybe Lindsey could do something to help. “Can I come sit with you, Mistress?”

  “Sure,” Camilla said. “Dry yourself off first. I don’t want water on this wrap.”

  Lindsey swam to the steps and hopped out of the pool. After drying off, she spread her towel out next to Camilla’s chair and sat down on it, resting her head against the side of Camilla’s thigh. She could have just sat in the chair at the other side of Camilla instead of on the ground. But Lindsey’s small gestures of submission always seemed to please her Mistress. Maybe it would help her relax a little.


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