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Dmitri- The Russian's Christmas Baby

Page 5

by T. C. Clark

  “There’s a pizza place down the street. I think its called Marco’s Italian pub. Do you want to meet there around eight o’ clock?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” Dmitri said softly a small smile playing at the corner of his lips.

  Eden smiled and nearly ran away, her quick steps putting some much needed distance between them. That man should come with a warning sign. He was all the way under her skin.

  Dmitri watched Eden go, the smile he’d been forcing to stand down now in full effect. Her dark brown skin continued to turn a deeper shade of red with every moment they were together. Clearly, asking him out had been difficult for her.

  He should have saved her from that and asked her out first. But something in him made him hold back. He knew he wasn’t good enough for her. She deserved a good man with no baggage. He had been trying to figure out if he could just walk away.

  He’d realized this morning he couldn’t. He wanted her on a level that took over his mind and made him throw caution away. He would find a way to keep her safe. But he had to know her. If only to share in the warmth she so easily gave to others.

  She’d yet to see it. He knew that now. She couldn’t see how special she was or how much she mattered to the people around her. He did. She had a rare quality that brought peace to everyone who entered her life.

  He knew he should walk away. She was safe now and he could leave her that way. Yes, she would be hurt if he left…her face showed her emotions easily. She wanted him…she wasn’t sure about what to do about it…but she did want him.

  For once in his life he was going after what he wanted. He dreamed of warm nights at home with Eden. Eventually he would have to tell her everything and give her the choice to stay or leave. He couldn’t hide who he was for long.

  He stood up and repacked his things. He needed to talk to the Librarian and make sure his cover was still good. He wasn’t going to walk away. He hadn’t even tasted her, but he knew she was his. No, he didn’t deserve her and still he was going to have her…..soon.

  * * *

  Eden rechecked her appearance three times. She wished she had the easy confidence of her friends. Her hair looked good thanks to her cantu cream and coconut oil. She’d conditioned and braided it for the evening. Her French plait was a perfect addition to the attitude she’s was trying to pull off.

  Even though she’d asked him out, she was still unsure of exactly what she wanted to happen. Her relationship with Matt had soured her view on men ensuring that her recent years were spent alone in her apartment with a vibrator she’d nicknamed Will Smith.

  Trying to go out again… she took a deep breath as panic threatened to overwhelm her. This was an easy-going date between friends; it didn’t have to go anywhere she didn’t want it to. She had to remember that. She shook her head and picked up her bag. Her height made clothes an issue for her. While sexy clothes clung to other women, they hung loosely on her.

  She’d chosen a brown dress that stopped at her knees. She turned around and examined herself from every angle in her living room mirror. She frowned at the image. She’d lost some weight over the years, but she was still built along the lines of an African Amazon.

  She smiled as she thought of Dmitri. Every time she was around him she felt feminine. His size and strength complemented hers nicely. Facing her reflection she admitted how much she wanted him. At no other time in her life had she ever experienced chemistry this strong. Even though she’d been divorced for a few years, she was finally truly free.

  * * *

  Dmitri sat at the table patiently waiting for her to arrive. They’d settled on the exact time and place through text earlier. He’d been tempted to call her, just to hear her sexy voice on the phone. But he didn’t want to scare her off.

  Even if she did want him, he knew she was nervous. When she walked through the door he paused. He had to force his body to stay still. She’d dressed up for him. He could even see the light effects of makeup dusting her flawless skin.

  Control, he needed control. He was a trained assassin. He could handle his attraction to this woman. He watched her closely as she searched the crowd for his face. She chewed on her plump bottom lip anxiously as she tried to find him.

  He could have stood up to make things easier. But he had an erection and he didn’t want to embarrass her by drawing attention to it. Instead he raised his hand as a signal. Her eyes widened when she found him. For a second it looked as if she would run away and he held his breath.

  He didn’t kid himself. He wouldn’t just let her go. He had a driving need to taste her…to be near her. But if she needed time to adjust he could give her that. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. He smiled as she headed his way; determination and wariness clear on her face.

  “Dmitri, I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” she said huskily.

  He stood then hoping she wouldn’t notice his straining erection. It was a smart choice wearing the Levi’s instead of the slacks. He opened his arms and she leaned in to hug him. Her scent tickled his nose. Lilacs. Reluctantly he released her and they took their seats.

  “I would’ve waited all night. You look beautiful by the way,” he said.

  “Thank you, I’m glad you think so,” she whispered her dark brown eyes staying on the menu. She was obviously nervous and he couldn’t convince her to let her guard down if he couldn’t get her to at least make eye contact with him.

  “Eden, look at me,” he said. He waited until her eyes moved up his body and landed on his face. He smiled at her and she smiled back, some of the wariness seemingly dissipating with that action.

  “Yes, Dmitri,” she said shyly.

  “That’s it. I just wanted your eyes. I’m glad you came,” he said quietly taking a sip of one of the waters he’d ordered for them while waiting.

  “Did you think I would back out?” she asked worriedly.

  “Not really but you never know. You’ve been through a lot lately and with what happened to your ex-husband, I would have understood if you did.”

  “I should feel differently about him being gone.” She looked away from him as she said it and for a minute she seemed lost in thought.

  “No, I think you should feel whatever you are feeling. Eden, you’re a good person. One of the best I’ve ever met. Whatever your emotions they are probably right.”

  “Thank you, Dmitri. You always say the right thing. Honestly, I feel free…like a teenager on vacation. If you don’t mind, I don’t want to talk about him anymore. I want to know more about you. It feels like you already know so much about me.”

  For the second time today Dmitri hesitated. How much should he tell Eden? He couldn’t tell her the complete truth, but he didn’t want to lie to her either. He wanted more than just a brief part of her life.

  The waiter walked up giving him a few moments to think. They placed their orders within minutes and then it was his time to talk.

  “What do you want to know?” he asked quietly.

  “For starters what do you do for a living? Tell me how you can afford so many coffees and croissants?”

  “I own a small IT company that allows me to work from any location and pays me well enough so that I can afford unlimited croissants. I’m really living the dream.” She laughed at him the sound causing his still very present erection to harden even more. At least that was only a half lie.

  “I thought you did IT. Maybe I can get you to look at some of our equipment that has been banished to the, “forget about it,” pile.”

  “As I’m spending so much time there I would be happy to help.”

  “And what your childhood? I know you’re Russian and I assume you are from there. What was that like?” she asked.

  “You noticed it and here I was working so hard to hide my accent,” he said winking at her. He gave himself a moment to think about what he could tell her. He decided on giving her 80% of the truth.

  “Russia is…different. I grew up in an orphanage in Moscow. I was brough
t there when I was three so I can’t really remember my family. That time of my life was difficult. But I’m strong and I figured it out. When I turned eighteen I got recruited into the Federal Security Service. At that point I worked and went to university. Once I had my degree I ran from that place and never looked back. What about you? What was “baby” Eden like?”

  “Baby Eden was a church mouse. I had a single mom who was strict. I mean “old school” strict and she kept me in line by keeping me in church. She was a hard mom, but a good woman. She died of cancer a few years back. I lived a very sheltered life. Which is probably why I fell so easily for Matt. He was the first man to show any real attention to me. After everything with him I lost a lot of my faith.”

  “I’m sorry, Eden. I know this must be hard for you.”

  “It’s really not, Dmitri. I’m alive and well. I have friends and people who love and care for me. I won and Matt lost. That doesn’t happen for everyone when they leave an abusive husband. Even with what happened the other night I feel blessed and lucky to be here with you.”

  “Damn, Eden. Don’t make me fall in love with you. We haven’t even gotten our pizza yet,” he whispered.

  She laughed loudly her body shaking with the force of it. He couldn’t tell if he had embarrassed her with what he said, but he refused to take it back. He could drown in the gentleness of her eyes.

  They ate quietly after that, each one asking questions about the other, completing the mandatory first date ritual that everyone had to go through. The food was good even if they barely tasted it. Dmitri ordered her a dessert to go. He needed to be sure that she had enough to eat.

  He led her out into the parking lot. They walked together drawing the eyes of everyone they passed. Tall people always stood out and he knew they looked like veritable giants next to everyone else.

  He forced down his jealousy as a few other men noticed Eden as well. He was so used to Eden downplaying her looks. He knew he would never get used to another man looking at her. He smirked at the thought. He already thought of her as his.

  When they got to her car, she turned to him, her eyes anxious and vulnerable. Nervously she chewed on her bottom lip. He didn’t give her time to over think it. He just leaned in and took her lips. His mouth devoured hers as he pulled her into the shelter of his body.

  He tried to relax his grip as passion nearly consumed him. He wanted Eden with a need that was unmatched by anything he’d experienced in his life. When her arms went around his neck and her body relaxed against his, he nearly lost it.

  His tongue warred with hers. She was everything he’d thought she would be. Pure sunshine and innocence. He wondered if she knew how much she affected him. When someone whistled at them from across the street he was brought back to reality.

  Reluctantly he lifted his head away. He kept his arms wrapped around Eden holding her tightly to his body. She looked at him and he watched as embarrassment replaced lust. She looked around them and then down at her purse.

  “Would you like to come over for a drink or something?” she whispered still looking at her purse.

  He smiled at how quiet she was.

  “Not tonight,” he said.

  His response hadn’t been what she’d been expecting and her head snapped up. She thought for sure he would agree to that. Now she was confused. She’d felt the heavy evidence of his desire, so she didn’t doubt he wanted her.

  “Okay,” she said and opened her car door. She seemed to be at a loss for words.

  “You’re still upset about your ex-husband and if I go to your house I will make love to you. This thing between us, it’s not just a moment in time or something that will happen quickly and be over. I want more from you, more than I’ve ever wanted from another woman. I will earn our first time together…I won’t take advantage of your mixed up feelings.”

  “You think if you came to my house, it would be easy to seduce me?” she asked.

  “No, I would be that easy. I’m extremely easy when it comes to you. Know this Eden Turner, as you sleep in your bed tonight it won’t be long until I share it with you.”

  “Dmitri, I don’t want you to play games with me. Please don’t say stuff like that unless you mean it,” she said throwing caution to the wind. It was as if the words were pulled from her soul.

  “Don’t worry. I’m serious about us, Eden. Somehow I’ve found the one woman that was meant for me. I don’t plan on letting you go.”

  “So what happens now?” she asked lifting her chin.

  “I court you.”

  “Court me?” she said incredulously.

  “Yep, an old-fashioned term for what is about to go on between us. I spend my days at your shop helping out where I can and working on my business. At night I take you out and we ask all of the questions and give all of the answers to each other.”

  “Dmitri,” she began still unsure of what he was saying.

  “Trust me, by the time I’m done it will feel like I’ve always been here.”


  So this is love...

  On the fourth week of Dmitri’s supposed courtship Eden was warming to having him around. He was right. Enough time together and it felt like this was where he belonged. True to his word he’d set up a faux shop in one of her offices and began going through her pile of misused electronic equipment.

  He was gentle with her and although she appreciated it. She wanted more. She was starting to need him on another level. A more basic level. She ignored the jealous stares of other women and focused on enticing him. But no matter how hard she tried, every night ended the same way with him dropping her off at her door.

  Yes there was a kiss. There was always a kiss, one that would leave her rocking into him and her body aching for more. But he always found the strength to pull away. She could tell it wasn’t easy. Each one lasted longer than the one before.

  She didn’t know how to tell him she was ready for more. She just knew that she was sick of waiting especially after the day she just had. First Aidan had turned up and demanded she help him with their friend Mina.

  Apparently Mina’s cancer had returned and he wanted her to go back to the hospital. Eden had initially agreed with Aidan. He was a prominent neurosurgeon and he had worked on Mina’s case before. So she was shocked to hear that Mina had no intention of doing a much needed surgery until after she had returned from a trip abroad.

  When Mina had shown up to say goodbye, she’d been against it. But hearing her friends need to live a little before she submitted to another tough ordeal of surgery and radiation, she’d been forced to let her go. She couldn’t tell Mina what she should do when it was her life hanging in the balance.

  She could only support her friend and with a heavy heart she let her go. Now she was sitting in her living room two seconds from losing her shit waiting for a man that she wanted above all others.

  She jumped when she heard his knock. She knew he was trying to give her the time to decide about them. She didn’t need to open the door to know that it was him on the other side. He was always on time, always there.

  She walked to the door with shaking hands. She took a deep breath and opened it. It was time for her to push back. She wanted him now, not later when he thought enough time had passed. With a determined smile she opened the door.

  She was surprised to find a solemn Dmitri. He walked in slowly and placed a bag on the ground. There was something different about him today, something different about this moment. She had been prepared to fight for him to stay the night, but she was pretty sure everything was about to change.

  “I tried to give you time,” Dmitri said quietly turning to look at her. His dark blue eyes wicked.


  “I tried to, but seeing you so upset, trying so hard to keep it together. It pulled at something in me, Eden. I need you to understand that what happens next is important. There will be no going back.”

  “Who says I want to go back?” she asked walking closer to him

  “Who I was…who I am now…none of it matters. I can only promise you that you are my future. Will that be enough for you?”

  “It will be enough for now, Dmitri,” she said cautiously. She would ask him about the who he was part later.

  He moved quickly as if making sure she wouldn’t change her mind, his hands rough as he took her into his arms. Eden didn’t resist. She’d seen this coming from the day they’d met. His kiss was as effective as a drug.

  She moaned as his mouth slid down her neck. He used his tongue and teeth to mark each area he traveled. There was something primal about this moment. She closed her eyes as his strong hands found the zipper to the back of her dress.

  Every part of her body felt sensitized and ready. It was like the last few weeks had been foreplay for them. Every part of her rejoiced as he pulled the zipper down. For a second she felt vulnerable, but she couldn’t get the words past her lips to stop him because he wouldn’t let her mouth go.

  By the time he had the dress off of her, she was beyond denial. She was sure he was realizing she was built bigger everywhere, her hips a little wider, her breasts heavier than he imagined. She hid her curves under oversized dresses, a small wound that traveled with her from her marriage.

  With Matt she’d learned to downplay her looks, so she wouldn’t earn his temper later. She’d done so for so long that she felt shame as Dmitri looked her up and down in her dainty lace underwear that Ada had helped her to pick out.

  Her best friend made it clear that no matter what you wore on the outside sexy underwear always gave you a subtle confidence, and for once she was glad she’d listened to that bit of advice.

  Her vulnerability was replaced with pride as she caught the look of undeniable lust on Dmitri’s face. His eyes said he didn’t find her lacking and the erection tenting his pants told her he loved what he saw.

  For once in her life she felt like a powerfully sensual woman. That was an aphrodisiac, intoxicating her senses. She stepped forward and wasn’t surprised when he pulled her up into his strong arms.


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