Book Read Free

Island Cultural Center

Page 26

by Marilyn Foxworthy

  After that, the man and I nodded and smiled at each other and Cherry and I headed for our suite.

  I said, “That went well.”

  Cherry said, “Did it?”

  I said, “Yeah. We aren’t going to be friends with them. They were pleasant enough, but we don’t have the energy for more people right now. There was nothing important about them right now. They saw you standing on the beach naked. The guy looked away. The woman might have given a thumbs up, I don’t remember. She was just impressed that you would do that. She wanted to get to know you because you intrigued her.”

  Cherry laughed and said, “So they saw that? You know what? I don’t care.”

  I said, “Nor should you. The guy was retired. Moderately successful. In younger days the woman was the cultural center of her neighborhood. She’s the one that hosted the parties. He was the wealthy one on the cul-de-sac. Probably an insurance agent.”

  Cherry looked surprised at me and said, “You read them that quickly?”

  I smiled and said, “No. I just shook his hand. I made all that up. I have no idea who they really are. But I do know that there was no attraction toward them that said that we needed to get to know them. We have business and leisure to attend to and those two aren’t part of either one. I was glad that they aren’t going to be around trying to get to know us. Let’s get changed and go sit down for breakfast. I feel like being in a restaurant this morning.”

  Cherry agreed that it sounded like a good idea. We had things to talk about as a family. We could both feel it.

  Brenda and Lisa were awake and dressed and sitting on the patio when we walked in. I told them the plan and Lisa jumped up to get clothes for Cherry and me. For breakfast by the pool, she wanted me in my jeans and a shirt and the rest of them in sundresses. There was some talk about how nice Cherry looked in the bathing suit that she had on but explanations about where it came from were postponed for the time being.

  The restaurant we were at for breakfast was the same one that we had eaten at for dinner one evening. It was right at the side of the pool. After ordering, we got down to business. I started us off.

  I said, “Girls, we should talk about a few things. For one thing, this case I have with me is a gift from Robby, apparently. It was delivered this morning. Cherry and I haven’t opened it yet.”

  Cherry said, “And yeah, I’d like it if all of you call me Cherry from now on. I like it. Lisa’s daughter Cupcake said that was her legal name. I want mine to be Cherry. OK?”

  Brenda smiled and held Cherry’s hand and said, “Of course. It’s lovely. I like it. Cherry it is.”

  I said, “So, this morning, I’d like to see what Robby sent us, discuss some roles, and think about the next few days.”

  Lisa said, “I’ve been wondering about that. What do you mean by roles, exactly?”

  Brenda smiled and said, “I want beds and housekeeping. Not cooking and budgets. Oh, and laundry. I want laundry. I do want to be part of serving dinner though. And dishes. I want the whole housewife experience. That’s what I want. That’s what feels good to me. But not cooking and budgets.”

  Lisa said, “Oh. Is that what you mean? What do we want to do? Like family responsibilities? Jobs? To take care of our family?”

  I said, “Yep.”

  Lisa said, “How do we decide? Do we make a list of chores?”

  Brenda said, “Nope. We choose. No, not chose. We say who we are. I’m housekeeping. Comfort and joy. I’m in charge of pajamas and cocoa. Tucking in for bed. Keeping the house clean and ready or relaxing. I’ll chop firewood if I need to. I’m the housewife. I just am.”

  Cherry said, “That sounds wonderful. I’m cooking and nutrition and fitness and medical health. Brenda, what if you go take some massage classes?”

  Brenda gasped and said, “Yes! Yes yes yes!”

  Cherry said, “I’ll arrange things like that. I’m logistics and transportation. I make sure that we have what we need. You tell me what you need and I make sure it arrives on time. Tell me where we need to be and I get us there. And big-picture planning. But I’ll also have a lot of responsibilities working with Ronny on projects.”

  Lisa said, “What does that leave me?”

  Brenda said, “Who are you?”

  Lisa said, “I don’t know.”

  Brenda said softly, “Oh Sweetie, let me help you. You don’t even have to know. You’ll know when I help you. Lisa, you make us look good. And I’d say finances. Char, I mean, Cherry, oops, Cherry is going to get us where we need to go and you are going to get us there in style. Just like this morning. You have a genius for making us feel ‘right’. And it’s not just clothes. You make us look like who we are, even when we have no idea. You tell me who I am. I know what I want because you dressed me the way I felt best.”

  Lisa said hesitantly, “Then you’ll need a sexy maid’s outfit.”

  Brenda said, “Of course I will. That’s wonderful. But you’ll have to find one that’s even more comfortable than it is drool-worthy.”

  Lisa said, “I was kind of kidding.”

  Brenda said, “Were you?”

  Lisa grinned and said, “No. But finances?”

  Cherry said, “Yes. Absolutely. You manage a store. This is a business. We need accounts payable and bills and payroll and real estate and taxes and all of that. If we need professionals, lawyers and accountants and stuff, and you interface with them. You manage budgets and tell us if we can afford what we want. And if we get an allowance or something, you give it to us. Unlike Robby, we probably don’t have unlimited resources. I’ll tell you what we need and you figure out if we can pay for it. If not, I work out a new plan.”

  Lisa said, “I thought maybe Ronny would want to do that.”

  I said, “Why? Not if you can do it for us. I like this new thing where I have little to worry about except for making you happy.”

  Lisa said, “Well, if you want me to, I’d be happy to handle that stuff.”

  Brenda said, “No, Lisa, you have to handle that stuff. Because it’s who you are. It’s why you’re here. To be loved and to love us with who and what you are.”

  Cherry said, “Lisa, Ronny told me that we are a family of planets orbiting a single sun. And each planet has its own place in the system. We could almost think of it as rings. Brenda will orbit closest because she is the warmest. I’m in an outer orbit because I interface with the outside. In a way, I’m the coldest. Not personally, all analogies break down, but in terms of what I do in the family. I’m am the boundary between us and the rest of the universe. Oh, I like this a lot. That’s who I am, isn’t it Brenda? That’s my role.”

  I said, “And Lisa, you take what Brenda gives us emotionally and what Cherry gives us organizationally, and mixes it together to make it all work together. Like an outfit. I think. Um, I don’t know what I’m talking about. Sorry.”

  Lisa frowned and said, “Oh. No, Ronny, that’s alright. Give me a minute.”

  Brenda said, “And Ronny has his role. He is the center.”

  Cherry said, “And he does the projects for the foundation and writes his books.”

  Brenda said, “And takes care of us as a family.”

  Cherry said, “And sets goals and defines the reality of our circumstances.”

  Brenda said, “What does that mean?”

  Cherry said, “They say that the first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. And…”

  Brenda cut her off and said, “Of course! Like when he told me he was going to buy me breakfast and that I was going to eat two hard-boiled eggs. And when Lisa told me what I was going to wear. That was just defining reality. So when He accepted the job with Robby, that defined our reality. Like when he told me that you and Lisa were part of our family. I get it. That’s his role.”

  I said, “Except when it isn’t.”

  Brenda started to speak, but Cherry got here first.

  She said, “Roland, I don’t think that it can ever be ‘when it isn’t’. Even s
ilence implies consent.”

  Lisa said, “Yeah. If I tell Bren not to wear panties and you don’t say otherwise, that defines reality. And if she tells me to wear panties at breakfast, and you accept that as law, then it is law.”

  She paused and then said, “And yes, my role is to take what we have and put together an outfit that looks like us. Our true nature. Not just clothes. It’s the whole package. We have a good working model. I see that. Bren takes care of inner things. Comfort and Joy as she described it. Cherry takes care of outer things. Interfacing to the outside. I arrange the family business, including uniforms and leisure attire. And Ronny defines reality.”

  Cherry said, “He told me to make hard decisions by pretending that I could talk to him and make the decision based on what I honestly and truly believed he would want if he had all the information we had.”

  Lisa said, “Yeah, this works. We have boundaries. Roles. Clear separation of concerns. I like it.”

  I said, “So, you girls are wearing panties? It looks like no bras though.”

  Lisa said, “No! We aren’t wearing panties!”

  I said, “But I thought you said that there was a rule about wearing panties at mealtimes.”

  Lisa said, “No. That’s the beauty of this model. At breakfast, in the suite, on the patio, in Brenda’s realm, we wear panties if we wear nighties. Brenda, when do we wear undies or bras when we leave the suite?”

  Brenda grinned and said, “How would I know? That’s outside. Not my area of concern.”

  Lisa said, “The house is Brenda’s turf. Outside is my turf. Outside that is Cherry’s turf.”

  Cherry said, “They taught me some martial arts. Enough for self-defense. They talk about five elements. I don’t remember exactly how it works, but you could say that Brenda is the earth. The ground. Lisa is the water. I am the air. Ronny is the fire. It isn’t exactly the way I was taught, but it fits good enough.”

  Lisa said, “Like rings. The ground is closest to us. The water is fluid. The air is above it and moves things. You guys, I don’t know if I have ever been happier. I feel like I really belong and understand life for the first time ever. It’s so simple. Why doesn’t everyone know this?”

  I said, “Because no one else has all of the parts we have. Or the parts that Robby’s family or Tom’s family or Brenda’s nephew Dave’s family has.”

  Brenda said, “Well, I think it’s beautiful.”

  I smiled and said, “I do too. Hey, shall we look and see what our fairy godfather has sent us?”

  We had been eating as we talked and had almost finished our meal.

  Cherry said, “Ronny, we’re almost done here. Since we don’t know what’s in the box, and we saw that my swimsuit was in there, maybe we should go to your cabana office where it will be a little more private.”

  I smiled and said, “Cherry, is that what we should do?”

  Cherry smiled and said, “Ronny, we should wait and open the box in private. We’ll take the girls and go to your office cabana and open it there. Lisa, the bill for breakfast is yours.”

  Lisa grinned and said, “Of course, hand it to me and I’ll sign for it. There we go. Suite number and Lisa Jackson. All done.”

  Cherry said, “Shall we go?” and she stood and waited for the rest of us.

  The cabana was around the west end of the restaurant and doubled back up a small grassy hill. The girls hadn’t seen the cabana that Cherry had arranged for me yet. We pulled chairs in front of the small sofa and sat together.

  I said, “I have no idea what’s in here,” and I opened the clasps of the waterproof case.

  Inside was a collection of items, sealed envelopes, and small boxes. Each had a name it, telling us who should open it. This felt like Christmas. The holiday was only about three weeks away. Opening a few gifts early wouldn’t hurt.

  The first item was a small box with a hinged lid. It looked like a ring box, but four times as big. We already had wedding rings, so I couldn’t imagine what was inside. A small tag directed the package to Charlotte. We would open these one at a time.

  Charlotte looked at the card that went with the box and read for a minute and said, “Oh hell yeah!” and opened the box.

  She said, “Guys, you gotta hear this. It says, Dear Charlotta Nice-Boobies, this is a box of Ear-Fish. Be sure to lick them before use. I’d do it for you but I’m not there and Tommy won’t let me come right now, so you have to do it. We made Car the Sarah. Just say, Car whatever. I love you. Call me if you want to play. Pixie.”

  Brenda said, “What’s that about? Didn’t Tom have some interaction with someone called Pixie when we met him?”

  Cherry said, “Um, maybe. I’m not really going to lick them. Oh hell, yes I am!”

  Cherry quickly took one of the devices from the box, looked at it and then chose a different one. It was a tiny in-ear device that looked like a really advanced hearing aid. With a wicked gleam in her eye, she stuck one end in her mouth and without warning grabbed my head and plunged the wet squishy thing into my ear. I recoiled at the feeling of the sudden wet-Willy and protested.

  I said, “Ew. It feels like I have a tiny fish in my ear!”

  Cherry said, “Yeah. Here, Let me do mine.”

  She looked at the remaining three and found the one she wanted and put it in her own ear.”

  I said, “Hey, you didn’t lick yours!”

  She said, “No. You said it felt weird. Here girls, let me do this. Pull your hair to the side.”

  Cherry inserted ear-fish, first in Lisa and finally in Brenda.

  She said, “OK, let’s test this out. Car, can you hear me? Great. Connect me and yourself to all of us. To Ronny’s family.”

  I heard Car in my head say, “OK. Hi you guys. Are you having fun and all kinds of wonderful adventures? I hope you are.”

  Cherry said, “Tell ‘em how this works, Babe!”

  Car explained that we could now talk to each other by asking for the person we wanted. Car was listening all the time and would take care of routing calls. We could wear the devices 24 hours a day and everything but scuba diving was fine. No need to take them out to shower or swim or sleep.

  Cherry said, “This is so cool. Now we can just talk to each other whenever we want to. No need to run back to the suite to tell you it’s time for breakfast. Try it out.”

  We took turns talking to Car and each other until it felt comfortable and natural.

  The next item was a sealed envelope for Lisa.

  She read, “Hi, Mom. This is where you go for clothes. This website. But not yet. When you are ready, tell Car to take your measurements and to send them to Alice. She’ll know what to do. Love, Cupcake.”

  Lisa said, “Um, Car, how does that work?”

  Car said, “You come get in and take off your clothes. All at the same time if you want. I use my cameras and figure out exactly what you look like. It’s so easy.”

  Lisa said, “OK. Thank you. We’ll do that soon.”

  I said, “The next thing is for Brenda.”

  I handed her a small wrapped package and a small card.

  Brenda opened the card and read, “Hello, a girl needs polka dots. We shall meet soon at the cafe at Cannes. Do let me know if you need poodles or handbags. Your friend, Miss Tiffany.”

  Brenda frowned and said, “Who is Miss Tiffany?”

  Cherry said, “She works for Robby. I think. I’ve met her. I don’t know. She brought the package and gave me the swimsuit. She has a thing about polka dots.”

  Brenda opened the package and found a swimsuit identical to Cherry’s but in green with yellow dots. There was an identical card and swimsuit for Lisa.

  There was one final card for me.

  It said, “Roland, here are four ID cards. These are all-access passes to all of the properties I own. Charlotte can find out what’s available. You may not need the cards much, but if you show the card, you’ll never be bothered with a bill. The back of the card has information about a special App fo
r your phone that can tell you what’s nearby. Have fun. I mean that. And remember, when you spend my money, it helps whoever it is that you are giving it to. Leave exorbitant tips when you think it’s worthwhile. I’ll see you when I can. Robby.”

  I handed out the cards. And then Cherry collected them and said that she would keep hem safe for us until we needed them and the girls had wallets to put them in.

  Chapter 24 - Agendas

  I said, “OK, that was nice of him. Now, what about the agenda for the next few days? Cherry is concerned that you girls get time with your daughters, and Brenda, that you get time with your sister. I think that’s a great idea. We will have plenty of time together, but you want to get to know them, don’t you?”

  Cherry said, “First, one other thing. I’d like us all to get new phones.”

  I said, “Oh, yeah, I ordered new phone numbers for Lisa and Brenda. The Sim cards will be here soon.”

  Lisa said, “So, that’s a good question. Phones would kind of be like office supplies, but kind of like external interfaces. So, who’s area is that?”

  I said, “When there’s a question of overlap, we work it out. Who wants it?”

  Cherry said, “Lisa, I see it as a matter of logistics and supply.”

  Lisa smiled and said, “Great. Then it’s yours.”

  Cherry said, “So, I would say that Ronny is right. New phone numbers. Except for him. Unless he wants one.”

  I said, “You know what? I’d be happy to change numbers too. We can forget about the one that I ordered. I do have a carrier that I like because the service is good and the rates are great, but four consecutive numbers would be nice.”

  Cherry said, “Then I’ll order new phones and numbers. We’ll go through your contacts and notify anyone that you want to keep in contact with. I’ll do it today. Ronny will be zero, Brenda One, Lisa Two, and me Three. That will be easy to remember.”

  Brenda said, “Cherry, do you ever write anything down? And how is that easy to remember?”

  Cherry smiled and said, “If I want to make sure that you don’t forget what I want, I’ll write it down for you. And it’s easy to remember because that’s the order that we arrived in our orbits.”


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